Would you support violence against law enforcement, or would you still say they are just doing their jobs and don't deserve to die? also, check out these pictures http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2069844/Chinese-execution-pictures-Women-executed-drug-smuggling.html I love the comments the most These are the people we are up against in USA. I think we should start killing them before they kill us. Is there much difference between spending a lifetime in prison versus being killed? I bet enelysion wishes they would execute him. I can't wait until we make it illegal to do some harmless thing that Eric does with a death penalty. I really hope I live to see the day the tables are turned on these fuckers. I don't even want the war on drugs to end peacefully, I want the people who support it to be fucking gassed. Of course we need to pass a law saying they can be executed for supporting the war on drugs first, I wonder how fast their "The law is the law" attitude will change. Fucking stupid brainless zombies are not even living beings now.