I imagine it probably is located in a data center or other remote hosting scenario, although it is possible that SR is dumb enough to host a server he has in his physical possession. This would be very bad for him though because Tor hidden services are much more likely to be traced than clients. The memory freezing technique is actually straight out of any basic computer forensics manual published in the past few years. Even before flash freezing they were dumping RAM into forensic laptops. Of course this implies above average law enforcement, many of them have out dated training and still power down machines, but particularly against CP people they have started doing flash freezing and live RAM dumps on targets. It is not in the realm of advanced LE only anymore. Later when I have more time i will link you to several cases where LE used attacks like this. So in short what I am trying to say is welcome to the talk out of your ass about shit you don't know a fucking thing about club. I am not some fucking retard talking about things I have absolutely no experience with, so think about your own credentials before you open your mouth and spew bullshit at me because chances are high you will just be helping me in wasting my time otherwise. Also, although SWAT teams have in many cases barged in and dumped RAM to forensic laptops, sometimes using flash freezing, if the server is stored in a data center none of the physical security measures are going to do shit against a warrant unless SR has a tamper resistant case with chasis intrusion detection hardware configured to go into a memory wipe when the case is penetrated. I don't know how much luck LE will have against those systems, but the military will likely have little trouble with them. BTW I have contact with multiple people who have worked for real intelligence and military agencies, I don't need to tell you shit from movies Speaking of which you clearly fail to see the distinction between evidence and intelligence Intelligence narrows in on evidence, in a criminal intelligence context. The feds may never even use the seized SR server in a court of law, or let it be known that it was seized and taken over. They will use it as a honeypot if enough people send unencrypted addresses. The way the address was targeted never needs to be shown in court, the fact that a package with drugs heading to it was intercepted and a CD took place is enough to fuck the target. The drug package is evidence, the addresses to target gained from the server compromise are intelligence. Usually smart players don't like to compromise their intelligence source by revealing it. I wonder how many of the retards arguing with me in security threads are federal agents engaging in a disinformation campaign (afraid of SR peeps becoming as secure as OVDB peeps ?) and how many of them are stupid kids who think they know know everything. Try to learn instead of act like you already know shit, you guys are massively degrading the quality of information on this forum and causing confusion, either intentionally or unintentionally.