Well last I checked Silk Road admin self identifies as an Agorist, and has essentially called Silk Road an Agorist venture. Now I am not sure how much you know about Agorism, but Wikipedia says So I think my political ramblings are at least somewhat at home here. I know not all Agorists think the state should be violently overthrown, but the sentiment does seem to be at least fairly common in such circles, with the main argument against it being closer to 'it isn't an effective method' rather than 'it is morally wrong to overthrow slave owners and gain freedom'. I know such systems as Jim Bells assassination politics are from people with strong agorist views, and Assassination Politics is a system that would be similar to SR but for the anonymous funding of assassination of political figures: https://secure.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/wiki/Assassination_politics https://secure.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/wiki/Jim_Bell but that aside, I stand by my viewpoint that federal and other agents who enforce drug laws are terrorists. They may not be VNSA's (violent non-state actors), the term that military and intelligence people use to describe what lay people consider to be terrorists (in reality terrorism is a propaganda term with no agreed upon definition, in fact one mans terrorist is anothers freedom fighter). However, they certainly are violent state actors, but since I do not recognize the authority of the state I see no difference between them and what is traditionally considered to be terrorists. There is little argument against the fact that the war on drugs has led to thousands of people becoming infected with HIV and other diseases, largely due to needle exchanges being illegal. This is force being used on the part of these assholes that directly results in biological hazards, if islamic terrorists infected thousands of people with HIV we would consider it a devestating attack. Additionally, the DEA has enforced laws that have caused many many thousands of people to overdose from impure and misadvertised substances, this would not happen in a market that could self regulate against such things, so in fact the DEA is responsible for the chemically induced deaths of thousands of innocent people. If islamic terrorists used violent force that resulted in thousands of people being killed by chemical agents we would consider it to be a horrible terrorist attack and scream for them to be brought to justice. Additionally the DEA steals billions of dollars from people in seized money and other property, they are a mafia, terrorists, extortion agents. They lock up millions of people for victimless crimes, ruining countless lives, ripping apart communites, spreading disease and death everywhere they go. They are a clear and present danger to freedom and to liberty and to happiness and to the very well being of the United States and the entire fucking world. They spread lies and disinformation via propaganda and keep people stupid, they are enemies to science to logic and to honesty itself. The DEA exists to lock up innocent people. They do this so that they can continue to divert billions of dollars of tax money to themselves, tax money that is stolen at gun point by equally evil IRS agents. They do this so they can fill prison beds and keep money flowing to the private prison industry and state and federal prisons can keep increasing their budgets. It is clearly a modern form of slavery, the freedom of everyone is limited and the freedom of particular minority groups (drug users) is stolen from them, for the profit of private industry. Of course all of the rehab and drug testing companies are equally guilty. Of course the most guilty are the corrupt politicians who are pretty much elected and kept in power by the prison industrial complex. We are all slaves to these asshole terrorists. I am very pro freedom and I think as long as we have terrorists running around we should do everything we can to stop them. DEA agents DESERVE to die. They are soldiers in a war where THEY are the bad people, and to win a war you need to fucking kill the enemy soldiers not be an apologist or try to justify the evil fucked up things they do. Innocent people are dying and if killing guilty people is the only way to stop it then god damn it that is what needs to be done, try to see past your intensive government indoctrination they are trying to keep you as passive indoctrinated sheep, you do not need government government needs you because they are fucking parasites they give you nothing. Now