FIrst of all you and novocaine don't speak for SR so fuck off with your stupid propaganda spewing. Second of all, I don't care if there are underage people here or not, but I know at least two people who were running major underground drug forums before they were 18 so I think it is funny everytime I see people freak out about not being able to know buyers ages online. I also tried hard drugs a few times at a young age and didn't have any problems with them or get addicted. I don't particularly think that kids should use drugs (particularly hard drugs) and would suggest against it in the majority of cases, but in reality kids use drugs and if they want to get them online it is probably much better for them in the long run anyway. The reason kids who use drugs end up retards in prison is because of the people they associate themselves with, and the main reason they start to associate themselves with those sorts of people is because drug use is illegal.