If you can point to some information online that cannot be picked to pieces by somebody else talking out their arsehole, than please point me in the right direction.
Sure I can point you to any number of things online that cannot be picked to pieces by somebody else talking out of their asshole. I mean, to an uninformed person these things could seem to be picked apart, but professionals regarding the subject would recognize bullshit for bullshit. See, there is such a thing as objectively true information, and it can usually be verified with citations to papers. There is also such aa thing as a disinformation campaign, and it is one of law enforcements inherent strategies, they want to keep targets using as shitty of techniques as possible. There are beyond any doubt what-so-ever at least a few law enforcement accounts here who are giving on purpose bad security suggestions and advice, and spreading general disinformation etc.
You dont know me and I dont know you. The whole anonymity thing all leads to talking out your areshole. He says she says LOL
but you won't get this in an exclusive advanced security sub forum? No no.. nobody will talk out their areshole there.
I don't know you but if you tell me 1 + 1 = 3 I can still verify that you are wrong. And if you say enough wrong things I can start to assume that you don't know what you are talking about. And if you say enough correct things, and prove they are correct by linking to papers or explaining your logic in an intelligent way, I will start to assume that other things you say are correct. I would like an advanced security forum for people who are consistently right, for one so that we can combat fed disinformation campaigns, for two so we can help secure everyone and for three so we can avoid people who think they know things but don't really (this sort of person is the most dangerous because even when they are corrected they rabidly defend themselves, even when evidence against them is presented). Also intelligence forum is for linking to law enforcement training materials, news stories about online drug trafficking (including busts so you can learn where others failed), etc. People on SR have a very limited perception of the scene, in reality there have been private drug forums using similar techniques for many years and there is a lot of history for new people to learn from and there have been operations against online vending operations to learn from and against participants to learn from. Also there is a true wealth of information to be learned by analysis of law enforcement training materials, case studies against cyber crime groups, etc. To not have a sub forum for the community to gather and analyze this information is just intentionally putting your community at a disadvantage. Private forums have had such sections for years now, SR kind of reminds me of a really old source forum with its layout and why are you going to let it evolve naturally when we already have found better ways ourselves? Learn where we were strong so you can be strong there also, SR has many advantages over the older forum model but don't just ignore all the good things about the private scene and OVDB learn from them.
Everybody talks out their arsehole. They key is to filter the shit to suit your needs.
There is perceived quality within this forum that suits my needs and none of your suggestions will make me feel any different.
People who talk out of their asshole should be restricted to a 'talk out of their asshole' security forum. Let's make a sub forum for people who actually know what they are talking about also, it will really be helpful. Maybe have some rules like if you can't back up what you say with a citation then don't say it unless you can demonstrate with clear logic that you are correct. Of course there is some level of subjectivity involved with anything, but I think we can still tell apart people who are clearly talking out of their assholes from people who are expert level but prefer different strategies or techniques than other experts. Argument of this sort is good for the community, argument about if you should use encryption at all or not is a waste of fucking time and it confuses noobs.
What... I am NOT part of some movement against the state and toward freedom??
Um freedom from what? You are free to do as you please already.
You are not but SR is and I am. I am sure others are as well. And if you are so free why do you need to use the same technology that is used by fucking Chinese dissidents to prevent yourself from being thrown into a fucking re-education center or prison if you are caught doing. You are not free, you only have the ability to resist your oppresion to the best of your abilities. My suggestion is to organize this group of people in such a way that we can more readily work as a community to further our abilities to resist our own oppression. SR has more potential than any other drug site has ever had but in many areas it is wasting its potential imo.
SR will evolve in its own time. As do all communities. Good luck pushing it into your little box of "quality"
What the fuck is OVDB?
Yes I have had a few beers.
edit spelt there arseholes instead of THEIR arseholes.. My bad
SR will evolve on its own time, but it would be wise to learn from the online drug sourcing scene that came well before it and evolved for many years before it. I don't say that SR should be like the private scene or OVDB, I just STRONGLY URGE the powers that be here to consider learning from what we did and copying us where we found strength.