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Messages - kmfkewm

Pages: 1 ... 231 232 [233] 234 235 ... 249
Shipping / Re: controlled delivery question
« on: February 15, 2012, 12:29 am »
That would be a great idea.  If there was a device that could trigger when a package was opened, the buyer would know if the package had been intercepted.  If no signal, the package is safe.  If prior to the buyer receiving the package the alarm sounded, refuse delivery. 

I wonder how much a device like that would cost and how effective it would be.

It would only cost a few dollars but it requires custom programming work that has not been done yet. It would be very effective. Battery powered RFID can transmit pretty far. The device can trigger with a photovoltaic cell (solar panel), since when the package is opened it is exposed to light. It should trigger the wipe of volatile memory that holds the seed for a PRNG. The current state of the PRNG should transmit once every minute or something, after a certain time delay has passed (so it only starts to transmit after it is in the box, not on its route to the box). You can then just use an RFID wand near the box (100 meter radius?) to see the broadcast, and compare the PRNG state to what it should be that number of minutes after the device was set. Keep taking measurements and the more that it matches up the more certain you can be that it wasn't intercepted. If customs opens the package the seed is wiped from the memory so customs can not reverse engineer the device or determine what the state of the PRNG should be. If the device doesn't transmit or the transmission doesn't match up to what it should be, you can assume the photovoltaic cell was triggered and thus the pack was opened.

Enelysion is the one who introduced this idea, although I am pretty sure he already knew gem smugglers who were using it. My idea was for moving bulk drugs nationally via third party moving companies, with hidden drugs in some of the things being moved. Also with hidden cameras that transmit via cellular network, so you can remotely monitor the shipment for interceptions in that way. Even if there isn't constant coverage on the moving trucks route, you could have it store video and transmit when there is coverage. You don't even need to transmit everything, you can have it so it only transmits when the video changes (like if there is light entering into the truck after it is opened..if there is no change detected it doesn't need to transmit the same image over and over). Enelysions technique is more practical though, and works for international orders.

Shipping / Re: controlled delivery question
« on: February 15, 2012, 12:07 am »
I have only heard of them using tracking devices hidden in the pack if

A. It is a huge order (with a tracking device implanted into a kilo of coke or something)

B. They have reason to believe the pack was sent to a fake ID box or other location that doesn't have a direct connection to the person picking up the package

edit: Oh, just noticed you didn't say tracking device but device to determine if the package has been opened. I have never heard of them using a device to determine when the pack is opened, although I do think it is a good idea for vendors to include such devices in packages they send to customers. Then customers can remotely detect if the package has been opened in transit, prior to picking it up...of course this assumes that the pack is shipped to a box with no tie to the person picking it up. We really need to get these devices implemented, they should be very cheap and very effective at detecting interceptions.

Shipping / Re: controlled delivery question
« on: February 14, 2012, 10:26 pm »
One person I know in Australia never even saw the package until he was in court, he got an early morning raid while he was still waiting for it to be delivered.

On behalf of all Aussies here is there any more information you can give on this situation?

Was it related to SR? What drug was involved? Was it personal quantities? Was it a local or international delivery? Who did the raid (local or feds)?

And most of all what was the outcome of it all?

We could all learn a lot from situations such as these.

It was on a private forum about six years ago. It was near personal use amounts, I can't remember exactly what the order was but something like half a sheet of acid 5 grams of MDMA and 5 grams of ketamine. It was shipped in a DVD container. I am pretty sure it was feds who raided him, at least it was not the normal local Australian police. It was from Netherlands. The outcome was a several year sentence but he had it all on probation since he had a clean record (and a well paying job, and a family to take care of). He also had to pay some hefty fines and follow some terms of probation like going to out patient rehab. I don't think he ever went to jail, even after the initial raid. Of course they searched his entire house and all of his cars too, they found weed and pipes and maybe other things also I can't remember for sure. He woke up next to his (extremely freaked out wife) with agents pointing guns at them. Didn't see the pack until he got to court, they didn't really do a CD just raided him.

I think the charge was 'importation of a controlled substance' one for each of the drugs, but don't quote me on the charge name it has been a while. They also charged him with having weed at his house and a few other charges for small amounts of illegal things they found at his house, but I am pretty sure all of those were dropped in a plea agreement.

Off topic / Re: Very off topic, where do you buy your groceries?
« on: February 14, 2012, 07:27 am »
keep in mind saying where you buy your groceries could very well leak your rough geolocation

Security / Re: LE posing as a vendor
« on: February 13, 2012, 11:27 pm »
As a buyer you shouldn't have to worry about buying from LE as it would be a text book case of entrapment.

Maybe in some European countries this is true but it certainly is not in the U.S.A.
I know in some Western EU nations LE are not legally allowed to pose as vendors
to bust buyers. But in the U.S.A. entrapment almost never works as a defence. If it
did there would never be reverse stings, but in reality there are reverse stings all the
time. To prove entrapment you need to show that LE *pressured* you into doing
something that you otherwise *wouldn't do*. Sending the order request to LE
shows that they certainly didn't pressure you into ordering from them, and
participating on a site like SR shows that you normally would order drugs online
even if not from that particular vendor, especially if you have ever left feed back on other


LE: "Are you low on money? Need to make some money to keep your house? Here move these kilos of coke for us and we will give you twenty thousand dollars!"

Random Non Drug Dealer: "I dunno, moving coke is illegal.....I probably shouldn't"

LE: "But think about your kids! You are about to lose your house! Come on you wont get caught!"

Random Non Drug Dealer: "I really would rather not....I have never transported drugs in anywhere near those amounts before! Just hooked up friends with weed on occasion...."

LE: "Come on it is totally safe and you really need the money!"

Ranom Non Drug Dealer: "Okay fine I guess I will just this once since I am in really hard times"


that is pretty much what it takes to prove entrapment in USA. LE needs to pressure you into doing something that you have no history of doing and otherwise would not do.

Silk Road discussion / Re: Silk Road on BBC R5 Live program on now...
« on: February 13, 2012, 11:18 pm »
why would anyone from this site want to help you guys after you air a bunch of propaganda bullshit? I thought reporters jobs were to inform the public, not to push government propaganda and scare tactics. Go fuck off.

Off topic / Re: what drug made you the happiest/best feeling EVAR
« on: February 13, 2012, 04:01 am »
For pure euphoria it is MDMA for me also, but for best feeling / happiest ever it is LSD. MDMA is less and less effective over time too.

Silk Road discussion / Re: Hey GAWKER Guy!!!
« on: February 13, 2012, 03:47 am »
Why do you have a hate hard-on for Silk Road? I have only read the latest article, and didn't feel the need to read your 1st one. But, I am still curious why you hate Silk Road so much?
The last article was in complete contempt that guns were being offered for sale. So fucking what? There are guns for sale all over the planet. Haven't you seen The Vice Guide To Everything? In one episode, they go to Khyber Pass, and show you how 1,000,000 guns a year are made there, and sold dirt cheap. That's just one small village in the Afghan mountains.....1,000,000 guns per year. For 60 years. And you're worried about 10 guns being sold online??? Fucking SERIOUSLY???
Why aren't you writing articles on contract killers? http://iacgq6y2j2nfudy7.onion/ & http://2v3o2fpukdlpk5nf.onion/
Maybe because those are obvious scams??

How about BABY KILLERS??!!?? Interested in stopping that, Mr. Gawker? Why haven't you done an extensive article, calling for global police force to stop this insane shit?!? http://xqz3u5drneuzhaeo.onion/users/experiments/
They apparently murder everyone, but seem to take joy from injecting bleach into the bellies of pregnant women. Where's the Gawker article calling for the quick intervention by some law agency????

There are a slew of other such atrocities, such as CP, and shit. Why do you give such a fuck about a bunch of nerdy drug users?
Seriously. I want your full modus operandi on this. You're one man crusade against Silk Road must have an underlying origin? Or is it right on top? Do you write articles about the drug dealers in your neighborhood? Oh, they're me.

I'm really extremely surprised that someone has not attacked Gawker....say, like Anonymous....or even a group with a 10th of their knowledge. Why hasn't anyone fucked back with these  people??
I'll tell you why....peace. That's right. 98% of SR travelers, even those on  "hard" drugs, are mostly about peace. That's why they are here. Many of them have to brave ghettos, gangs, WARZONES, & military, just to catch a nice buzz, and end the day with a smile.
I didn't even know what gawker was until all these threads a couple weeks back. and I hope it gets attacked. Anonymous shut down multiple police agencies a few days ago...and even sent nasty texts through their cell phones.....quite entertaining. Would be entertaining to see asswads like you get the same treatment.
I'm even tempted to start a pool, to get a drug induced nerd to DDoS you guys.

What's your motivation?
Why Silk Road, and not the slew of other drug sites?
Why not murderers?
Anonymous is just a bunch of 14 year old kids that like breaking things. Leave them out of this, they have no direction.
Woah, those are guys you really don't want to fuck with... Just sayin...


Why will they DDOS us lol

Off topic / Re: what drug made you the happiest/best feeling EVAR
« on: February 12, 2012, 02:33 pm »

Silk Road discussion / Re: Research about SR?
« on: February 12, 2012, 12:45 pm »
what a charming young fellow...................................

I do think when i am paying 4%+ commission on every sale i make that i should at least get my withdrawls with out having to wait 72hrs(dicking my suppliers around) and PM sr admins several times.

edit: Oh yeah, i know no one makes me use SR, hence why i am no longer selling on the market! my 5-6 months with this social experiment are done.

tell the government that your X years with their social experiment are done, and you will quickly see the difference between a tax and paying for a service

Silk Road discussion / Re: Research about SR?
« on: February 12, 2012, 12:43 pm »
i'm not the one crying about having to pay for a service. You have plenty of valid points but when you start saying 'OMG I NEED TO PAY FOR THIS' it makes you just sound like a whiner. Plus it irritates me to see you use the word tax in the way you are, SR isn't forcing you to use SR.

most of your points are valid actually, but you are risking operation from the feds if you sell here or even on a private forum.

ok you have a vaild point there. However who cares if feds order from you you should always assume all of your customers are feds anyway. That is what makes anonymity so awesome, the feds can send me money all day for all I care they still can't trace me lol.

Silk Road discussion / Re: Research about SR?
« on: February 12, 2012, 12:33 pm »
I do understand that many people have reported problems with pyapal, i have yet to experience them though, that is all i was meaning.

I'd gone from around august lat year until x-mas time without having a problem with SR, since then it just seems to be one thing after another.

With most of my items averaging at $100, SR is making 8.5% tax on the majority of my sales & then another 4% off the amount i receive. So have done 180 transactions at roughly 100, so thats $18,000 + 12.5% in tax = $2250 tax earned from my sales in roughly the last 5 months. Considering i have had sales with tax of around $40 before those numbers really are estimates.

boo fucking hoo SR doesn't make you use SR so it really isn't a tax at all, although maybe you are just using common terminology but you make it seem like you are somehow OWED this service for free, do you have any idea how much goes into running a server and forum let alone a massive e-commerce site let alone doing it when its all illegal as fuck and you have tons of federal agencies trying to fuck up everything you do and send you to jail? Get the fuck over yourself and don't let the door hit your ass on the way out is my advice to you, go make a better site

yeah cuz feds never do stuff irl

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