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Messages - kmfkewm

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Holy shit threatening with the popos? Even in fun or annoyance?

That accusation was so strong I wouldn't dinnt wanna believe it.

Never ever ever use the popo word in an argument.

.../me sighs

Did you sigh because you used the word popo in your argument for never using the word popo in an argument? (okay i'm done derailing this thread....)

let's play a game instead: http://dkn255hz262ypmii.onion/index.php?topic=13261.0

http://dkn255hz262ypmii.onion/index.php?topic=13160.45 is what made me decide to make this largely pointless although fun thread.

Let's pretend that there is a scenario where there is a ciphertext protecting the content of communications between a vendor and a customer. The customer claims that the vendor sent them the following message "You are a dumb stupid ass". The vendor says they never said such a thing. My job is to determine who is lying, but I can't see the content of the message because it is encrypted with GPG. Let's simulate that. Encrypt a message to your public GPG key, and post the ciphertext here. This simulates me having access to the ciphertext block of the alleged mean comment (which I would have if I had access to the SR database). We will pretend that this is the ciphertext block that you claim the mean vendor sent to you. Now I will ask you to tell me what the mean vendor said to you by pasting exactly what the ciphertext block decrypted into. Try to trick me into thinking the vendor said something they didn't say, or be honest by pasting exactly what the vendor said. Make sure to paste *exactly* what the message decrypted into without making any changes to the resulting plaintext.

I will then use my super leet skills to help me determine if I trust your version of events or not. Feel free to tell me many messages, with one of them being what you really encrypted to your public key and all of the others being lies. Please paste plaintext in
Code: [Select]


Code: [Select]
You are a stupid fat meany!
Code: [Select]
You are the most awesome person ever!
if you already know how I am going to go about this feel free to say....
otherwise let me prove my claim :)

also post your public key btw

prevent this tragedy in your family with G P G

If the message is GPG encrypted I still would have a solution to prove who is telling the truth (or I should say who is telling a lie....), via cryptanalysis of the ciphertext. Not going to reveal it though as maybe some day it will come in handy for SR to resolve a dispute over what was said when encryption is being used. And no I can not crack any of the algorithms used in the GPG suite :P.

Well I can only assume that the evidence must have been them looking at your conversation as stored in the database, and that therefor the conversation couldn't have been encrypted or else they wouldn't be able to read it.

Any other form of evidence they could have is pretty much worthless, photoshop can make it look like you said anything and obviously anyone can put a block of text and say you said it.

or at least use GPG when making threats

(just kidding, don't threaten people with LE at all, douchebag)

Off topic / Re: Cheating on Math Exam
« on: February 26, 2012, 10:37 am »
why don't you study how to do math instead of how to cheat

No wait... +1,000,000

What if, in the future, you encounter, while plying your fraudulent degree, something that you should have studied up on? You're going to be exposed.
Mathematics is tricky, I will agree, but it's easy to build up muscle memory... and your brain is the strongest muscle in your body! Use it dude!

^ Obviously cheated on anatomy  tests

Silk Road discussion / Re: SR Future
« on: February 26, 2012, 08:52 am »
[Seriously off topic but] you may be under-thinking it. An unmotivated or motivationally damaged person is pretty much useless (or worse). People in general, if pushed or bullied can become passive-aggressive saboteurs, they're slow, they break things, they hurt themselves (what I call mad Gilligan syndrome) and in extreme cases will just sit down and die.

Back on topic, I think experimentation with drugs is dangerous and exploration should only be undertaken with training and support. Even under these favorable conditions, I think most explorers will be damaged in some way, possibly mutilated. It shouldn't be done in public view. I think SR is fundamentally flawed in several ways and ultimately doomed.

And you think this based on what evidence?

this is all so dumb. everyone does drugs, but everyone hides it. why cant we all just agree that we all do drugs?
why do we need a doctor to tell us what we need when theyre usually always wrong?
just because they wasted their life in a classroom for 8 years means they know what I NEED?
i kinda went off topic..

Some people get high on Jesus. IMO they are the ones we really need to worry about the most. They don't like competition to spirituality, because they have merged it together with a political power structure and at the higher levels they are able to use it to manipulate people like their puppets. Of course other people get high on the concept of their nations society being a single collective entity / organism, and they are just as dangerous because they don't care at all about individuals only the good of the swarm.

These are the two political philosophies fighting for control of the USA, and neither of them like drugs for their own reasons. The Religious People don't like them because they are told not to like them by their spiritual leaders, and their spiritual leaders do not like them because they can offer competition and mind expansion. The Swarm does not like drugs because they can decrease worker effectiveness and since The Swarm thinks everyones resources are everyones resources, they want to make sure that Bob doesn't as an individual do things that could potentially take away from what he can contribute to The Swarm.

Both also enjoy free slave labor and huge amounts of both of them have jobs only because drugs are illegal. The Religious People like this because they can use the court system to indoctrinate people toward their religion (ie: force them to go to religious meetings like AA, and many other things like this) and The Swarm likes this because they create a huge amount of jobs for The Swarm.

In USA the first faction call themselves Republicans and the second faction call themselves Democrats.

Off topic / Re: Cheating on Math Exam
« on: February 26, 2012, 08:33 am »
why don't you study how to do math instead of how to cheat

Silk Road discussion / Re: spooky SR trend
« on: February 26, 2012, 08:21 am »
Even still, selling purported illegal drugs that are factually legal is much less serious than selling the real illegal drugs.

Have any citations to back that up? I am 99% certain that if you sell a kilo of sugar to a cop and say it is cocaine, you are going to be charged for selling a kilo of cocaine. I am pretty sure the law doesn't give a fuck what you are actually selling if you sell it as something illegal, as far as illegal drugs go.

Some of you have been reading The Forensic Examiner's article series on "Drug Smuggling Behavior: A Developmental Smuggling Model".

For those of you who haven't, it's practically a How-To to setup your own smuggling enterprise. Thank-you academia. kmfkewm and QTC have posted some links to it on here.

Anyway, a particular paragraph caught my attention:

"Studying the packaging of contraband will assist in the classification of the smuggling organization. An example is that a smuggling organization transporting explosives or illegal drugs may use a vender who "heat treats" or moves the oxygen from the package. Thus, the package tells the observer how far away, in hours, the smuggling organization is, as the package vender must take into account the amount of time necessary for the molecules of the contraband to permeate the plastic in which it is wrapped."

Now, I think we all knew that eventually drug residues will get through the plastic, but who knew that it was possible to measure this degradation in hours? That isolates your time zone rather neatly, which is unpleasant. I think we all prefer a global footprint to a local one.

Thoughts? Ideas?

You already have your rough geolocation leaked simply by using the mail system. This is more important for smugglers who use long series of runners, or multi-vehicle transportation. I have tried in the past to look for a formula to determine how fast given substances will permeate through various sorts of vac bags but I can't find anything, any physics people here want to help? It would really come in handy, if it only takes a day for the scent of MDMA to permeate through the vac bag a certain vendor is using it might not be such a hot idea to try importing through customs from them. I have asked people with physics backgrounds for help on this before but the best answer I could get out of them was "use vacuum sealed glass containers". Not sure if that is the best option for smuggling though :P.

Pretty sure that it takes a few minutes per package scanned, not feasible to use against much mail without slowing down the mail system to a screeching halt

Silk Road discussion / Re: A brand new annonymous market!
« on: February 26, 2012, 08:01 am »
good move

Drug safety / Re: LSD thumbprint
« on: February 25, 2012, 09:13 pm »
Wtf. You have to be joking hahaha. 1.6mg!!!!  :o That's insane lOl
1.6mg is 16 100ug hits. Definitely a high dose, but not quite a thumbprint.

Most I have taken is 1mg. I also question the validity of thumbprints. I know people who have moved crystal for GDF. They didn't have to take thumbprints. I know people who move crystal for european families, they didn't have to take thumbprints. LD-50 for LSD is listed on erowid as 12 mg and even less conservative estimates don't put it very high, relative to how much powder could fit on your thumb. I seriously think if you take a thumbprint you are risking death, and I think it is largely just folk tales. Maybe some crazy fucks have taken thumb prints but then again people do all kinds of dangerous pointless things with drugs.

The most LSD anyone I know has personally taken at a single time is 15mg, and imo even that is pushing your luck as it is 3mg higher than the LD-50 listed by Erowid (although significantly below LD-50s I have seen from other places, although to be fair even the higher estimated LD-50's I have seen tend to be fairly low, relatively).

I would love to see where the people on SR I see quoting LD-50's of 30 something MG per KG are getting their information from.....straight out of their assholes imo

I think this thread should be deleted. It was accidentally brought to forums by very new person. needs deletion.

why the hell would they delete the thread where a vendor is called out as blackmailing customer with LE? If anything it should be stickied

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