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Messages - kmfkewm

Pages: 1 ... 222 223 [224] 225 226 ... 249
Silk Road discussion / Re: Why The Armory Is A Bad Idea
« on: February 28, 2012, 12:35 pm »
this dude molested a child and got a 6 year sentence

from a time served perspective he prob be out sooner than someone busted trafficking 100 grams of MDMA

even in the really fucked up cases of hardcore child rape the people convicted generally get sentences that they could have gotten for trafficking drugs in the amounts many of my friends do , enelysion could of prob molested a baby and gotten out of jail faster than he will

Silk Road discussion / Re: Why The Armory Is A Bad Idea
« on: February 28, 2012, 12:33 pm »
yeah actual child rapists tend to get sentences that are equal only to what mid level - high level drug dealers get. of course they also get raped with broom sticks for the duration of that sentence.

Off topic / Re: What do you make of discussions like this?
« on: February 28, 2012, 12:00 pm »
Believing false things about reality is actually the key to happiness


Security / [intel] Honeytraps, A Network Forensic Tool
« on: February 28, 2012, 11:40 am »

of course if you are the military and the attacker knows you are going to transmit the name of a place to bomb (either "here" or "there"), then you should make sure to use padding :P

Just thinking out loud here;

What if there was a standard macro or ASCII that preceded and followed things like addresses for orders, to merely add disposable dummy text to the encrypted block, broadcasting a misleading amount of info.


that is generally called padding (or morphing, which is a more sophisticated way to apply padding). Really don't need to pad GPG messages though. Do you care if the attacker can determine how many characters your message is, as long as they can not determine what they are?

Tor already uses basic padding to protect some from some sorts of website fingerprinting (which makes it much nicer than VPNs which almost never have any features like this) .... 

Silk Road discussion / Re: Why The Armory Is A Bad Idea
« on: February 28, 2012, 10:15 am »
« as it just makes SR that much more of a target, »

Target for what?
This network have loads of pedo site, 25 to life in most states, loads of drugs, loads of weapons, assassin's markets and "you name it". Don't you think that if any LEA can do something about it wouldn't be doing already instead of let the show carrying on?
SR is a target already... just stands over an invisible place.

from a 'time spent in prison' perspective you might almost wish you got caught downloading CP instead of getting drugs off SR. Of course from a "not being raped to death in prison" or "not being labeled a sex offender" perspective you should def stick to SR.

you are probably better off stealing a ton of credit card numbers than buying drugs too, even people who steal credit card data in massive amounts get trivial sentences compared to people busted with even small amounts of drugs. Why do you think carder forums tend to think drugs are so sketchy? They don't want that sort of attention on their forums!

in summary, I agree with the point you try to make entirely (although you are way off on the sentences for CP)

Security / Re: WTF is wrong with SR?
« on: February 28, 2012, 09:57 am »
I think that's not what he meant, maybe a wrong choice of words, but this site also shows that runs Apache 2.2.14 under Ubuntu with display_errors = 1 and that nothing is actually being deleted from DB when you order it to do so...
This means a poorly hardened server for Tor environment, unless you have no concern for your data, that is.

Let me put this to the worse scenario; let's put to option that an exploit is found for Apache 2.2.14 which allows an attacker to inject and use it as proxy, so he could make SR to fetch, Apache would go fetch that file out of Tor dropping SR's real IP Address and, therefore, location.
Also I do prefer to be sure that when an order is put in transit my address is blanked out of the DB rather than just a fag switch saying "deleted = 1" or when or if this goes down we go along.

So yes, DPR has to take some shit and fix these potential holes before shit gets serious, don't you think?

I would hope that the web server is in some sort of jail and doesn't have any ability to send data outside of Tor (or to know any external IP addresses associated with the server).....but I doubt that this is the case ;)

anyway your paranoia alert was stupid because it pretty much boils down to

"let's say a vulnerability is found and somebody exploits it!!!"

well no shit sherlock ;P

lets say that the earth blows up suddenly oh noez we r all ded
SR really should be changing server location frequently though. I think that is the single biggest thing that he could do for the security of this site and the people that use it. Feds gon trace a hidden service eventually if they have not yet figured out how to do it (which kind of amazes me), but the process is going to take the best thing is to constantly be changing servers location in the hopes that you change server location faster than the feds can trace a hidden service. But everyone knows if you just leave a Tor hidden server in one spot that eventually it is going to be traced.

Security / Re: WTF is wrong with SR?
« on: February 28, 2012, 09:48 am »
I think it is really apparent even before this that SR doesn't know that much about running a hardened server or writing security critical code. Thing is people should be managing their own security and not care if the server is compromised, so does it really matter? Also he knows enough to configure a tor hidden service and he is using linux, so it probably isn't a horrible failure security wise.

Security / Re: WTF is wrong with SR?
« on: February 28, 2012, 09:43 am »
Interesting switch: «AND `deleted` = 0»
So... SR never actually deletes anything from DB and uses a switch instead to hide it? Nice to know...

not nice to know that SR didn't know to not leave error reporting on :(

I personally refuse to order from vendors who don't use vac seals for substances that dogs can smell, but feel free to order shit that has absolutely no measures taken against dog hitting on it if you think it isn't helpful to vac seal. Funny thing is that all the literature I can find on drug smuggling organizations lists "vacuum seal shipments" as something that the most sophisticated smuggling operations do, with less sophisticated operations taking no countermeasures or ineffective measures like cover scents.

edit: maybe I should have read your full post instead of just the first sentence before I made a reply to it ;)

Security / Re: WTF is wrong with SR?
« on: February 28, 2012, 04:19 am »
A Database Error Occurred

Error Number: 1146

Table 'market.favorites' doesn't exist

SELECT COUNT(*) AS `numrows` FROM (`favorites`) WHERE `type` = 'user' AND `object_id` = '1444' AND `deleted` = 0

Filename: /var/www/libraries/Extras.php

Line Number: 1842

My guess would be that the table market.favorites doesn't exist, and this is causing problems with the code on line number 1,842 in the Extras.php file

Rumor mill / Re: 'envious' Discussion
« on: February 28, 2012, 02:50 am »
Hit size is not really a reliable way to determine potency.

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