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Messages - kmfkewm

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Security / Re: Possibility of imprisonment with Tor Hidden Server
« on: March 07, 2012, 04:36 am »
They can prove what is on the server via traffic analysis without having to actually get info off it when they seize it. Hosting illegal hidden services from home is bad for your health.

Security / Re: Possibility of imprisonment with Tor Hidden Server
« on: March 07, 2012, 04:16 am »
hm heihachi resells for 2X4, they have ties to russian organized crime (probably RBN) and have hosted mucho very illegal shit without taking it down, including everything from botnet CNCs to carder forums to drug forums to child porn to probably everything in between. RBN is tight with the russian intelligence agencies so they can get away with anything. Of course just being on heihachi network essentially means you are doing something illegal so that is something to take into consideration.

Of course since you heard about them on an illegal forum you should assume that they are a federal honeypot and totally avoid them. Oh well at least I don't tell you to use my VPN lol.  Actually the only reason I share them is because they are already widely known / infamous bullet proof hosts. Look up heihachi they have hilarious abuse complaint logs. And also because they are selective scammers and you really shouldn't risk your money with them.


i would like to speak to one of you
Welcome stephen! Your request has been directed to the Technical Support department. Please wait for our operator to answer your call.
Call accepted by operator Live Support | Thomas. Currently in room: Live Support | Thomas, stephen. Guten Tag, wie kann ich Ihnen helfen?
hi there
Live Support | Thomas:
do you speak english
Live Support | Thomas:
Live Support | Thomas:
and german.
ok thanks
english would do me, i am calling from london
could you please tell me if this ip if yours x.x.x.x
Live Support | Thomas:
yes, its our ip.
is this one of you customers?
Live Support | Thomas:
whats the problem with this ip?
ok, your customer is a hacker
he is running an illegal botnet on your ip
x.x.x.x (....)
i have sent email abuse at gigalink
but they haven't replied, i found out that this ip belongs to you.
your customer is hositng on your ip. about 1000 hacked computers, and he is running a sophisticated ircd server on your ip which is listening on port ....
Live Support | Thomas:
[20:51] <[nLh-VNC]cmmakd> [RAGE SCAN:] range: 188.x.x.x/64 threads.
[20:52] <[nLh-VNC]dyywqe> RAGE SCAN: scanning in progress.
[20:52] <[nLh-VNC]opokcb> [RAGE SCAN:] range: 185.x.x.x/64 threads.
[20:52] <[nLh-VNC]rdjlgp> [RAGE SCAN:] range: 185.x.x.x/64 threads.
[20:52] * HTTP1.4 sets mode: +m
[20:52] <mIRC>
[20:55] * HTTP1.4 sets mode: -m
[20:56] <[nLh-VNC]wndgtx> RAGE SCAN: scanning in progress.
[20:56] * HTTP1.4 sets mode: +m
Live Support | Thomas:
[20:11] * Connect retry #39 x.x.x.x (....)
[20:11] -HTTP1.4- *** eh...
[nLh-VNC]zpwcnd Nickname is already in use.
Live Support | Thomas:
he attacks you? with this botnet?
he has
but you shouldn't ask me this question
if he din't attack me? do you allow botnets on your servers?
your company is involved on illegal activities
Live Support | Thomas:
and now?
what do u mean now?
Live Support | Thomas:
we allow botnets.
excusme ?
you must be joking
Live Support | Thomas:
Yes, sure, we allow. Give us money and we host you and we will **** the german police
is ok
have you got a name?
Live Support | Thomas:
Live Support | Thomas:
your name and surname
Live Support | Thomas:
for what?
Live Support | Thomas:
so i can sent to the police
so you can **** them
or i will email
Live Support | Thomas:
russian police

Live Support:
who is that?
Live Support:
who am i speaking 2?
Live Support:
Your mother
Live Support:
**** off
Live Support | Thomas:

where would you like me to post this conversation?
Live Support:
Please make, this is very good ads for us
i mos certanly will
Live Support:
Live Support:
We will this customers which host botnets at us
Live Support:
Live Support:
We never kick you ))))))
Live Support | Thomas:
Live Support:
Live Support | Thomas:
have a nice day

Actually be safe with these fucks they are known to selectively scam their customers. I would go directly through 2X4 but they only speak Russian afaik. Actually I would go with a random provider (and pwn their anti fraud / anti crime identity verification systems) and use a Tor hidden service, it's almost pointless to use a hidden service with these guys just cuz everyone knows 99% of what they host is illegal lol.

Although I would love to know the vendor in question, there is always the possibility that it was an interception and not a undercover operation.

Security / Re: Possibility of imprisonment with Tor Hidden Server
« on: March 07, 2012, 03:38 am »
Get it at a data center. Even if they require payment in non anonymous ways you can use exchangers to anonymously fund them after washing the money securely. Just fill out bullshit information on their registration forms but try to make it seem legit / be legit info largely to get by any automated fraud detection. You might even need to get burner phone or pay somebody to do it, if you need a dedicated server. Dedicated servers are the hardest to get anonymously, they might even want scans of identification docs. Lots of anti fraud systems and such are in place when it comes to dedicated, but I have yet to find a hosting provider who had unpwnable anti fraud / anti crime systems in place it just is a huge pain in the ass.

VPS are generally much easier to get.

This way even if the hidden service is traced they hit a dead end. Of course always use Tor. If the hosting provider wont let you purchase with a Tor exit you might need to find an open proxy that isn't on their block list for registration. You probably will need to use an exit node that is in the country you pretend to be in, and you might even need to be able to get a text message or verification phone call to a cell phone registered in that country / produce scans of ID for that country (this is all for dedicated).

There are also some bulletproof / anonymous specialty hosts that don't make you jump through a billion hoops, and most of them are in favorable geographic areas. But expect to pay out the ass for a bullet proof anonymous hosting plan.

Drug safety / Re: Honestly, would it be a good idea to try heroin?
« on: March 07, 2012, 03:28 am »
I ended up trying heroin and thought it was okay. I didn't get hooked on it. Used for about two weeks and then quit. Just set a limit for yourself of the total number of times you will try it or the total number of grams you will use in your life and if you stick to that you will be fine. I found it to be less addictive feeling than meth. But from experience with seeing others I can tell you that it is a sneaky drug. Nobody thinks they will get addicted to it until they do. And then it is all down hill. So just make sure not to use enough to get addicted. I think it would take pretty regular use for several (more than two) weeks for this to happen though.

I sniffed and smoked though. IV seems to get people hooked a lot faster.

Feature requests / Re: SR Captchas UN-safety
« on: March 07, 2012, 03:08 am »
Speed of Silk Road + reasonably good password + need to bypass captcha = time needed to brute force password is greater then time needed to make all drugs legally available to adults.

^ This :)

Point: Captcha is pretty durn effective when combined with a good password. If you want to be the white hat hacker who proves otherwise I think that would be awesome to see. . .

Captcha is actually pretty easy to largely by pass. People will just hire indians or chinese people to do them all day. Or they will make pop up spam that requests people fill in the captcha to see pr0n. Or they will make their botnet with a million windows users on it replace the screen lock with a screen that makes them type in five different captchas before they can get back to their desktop. Captcha are good for stopping the average spammer / whatever, but if you ask a security pro about using captcha for any critical security system they will lol at it. They would probably lol at using passwords too though, and suggest that zero knowledge authentication be used instead.

Off topic / Re: Is the US dead
« on: March 07, 2012, 02:39 am »
Hi I am a republican, worship my God and follow my moral standards that were created by a bunch of sheep herders 2,000 years ago and then bastardized entirely through out the generations.

Hi I am a liberal, give me your money I know how to spend it better than you do, and give me your business because I know how to manage it better than you

You are going to need to ask more specific questions to get a good reply :P

Security / Re: Encryption help!!!!
« on: March 07, 2012, 02:07 am »
In fact your point is validated.

Security / Re: Encryption help!!!!
« on: March 07, 2012, 02:04 am »
The address isn't stored on SR encrypted its stored in plaintext on a mounted encrypted drive, which has a remote chance of being helpful, if LE decide to power down the machine after seizing it without first dumping the RAM into a forensics laptop.

Security / Re: Who can see PM's
« on: March 07, 2012, 12:43 am »
PGP is used because it is possible for LE to get access to the PMs/Orders if they compromise the server or someone who has access to it. If the seller goes bad PGP isn't going to help you.

Security / Re: Different approach for plausible deniability.
« on: March 07, 2012, 12:33 am »
is a good technique

Decentralized system with no hierarchy at all. You should be the admin of only your own perspective of the forum. Want to delete a thread? You delete it from your own view. Don't like a poster? Block them. Everyone should be free to do whatever they want and the only possible censorship should be of your own perception. The entire thing should be distributed over a network of volunteer servers, encryption operations should take place entirely client side so servers only store ciphertext. Throw in multi-latency mixing, so people can opt for fast load times or high anonymity using the same set of nodes. Should also have built in bitcoin support with mixing, webs of trust and easy compartmentalization of communications. It should also be entirely independent of browsers, and all encryption operations should be automated and transparent to the user.

are those mutually exclusive?

Security / Re: Importance of privoxy?
« on: March 06, 2012, 10:47 pm »
The guides are out of date

Using privoxy isn't as bad as using polipo. But right now the official suggestion of the Tor project is to use nothing and just point firefox at Tor.

Actually the official suggest of the Tor project is to *only* use the tor browser bundle, and failing that you should be using firefox with the TBB patches (not going to bother digging them up right now sorry), and failing that using a live CD distro that applies the TBB firefox patches (tails does, not sure about liberte).

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