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Messages - kmfkewm

Pages: 1 ... 198 199 [200] 201 202 ... 249
Security / Re: Delete items in Recycle Bin
« on: April 25, 2012, 03:12 pm »
you could try running heidi eraser and setting it to wipe free space , but you are most likely fucked on data destruction unless you wipe the entire drive with ATA secure erase

Off topic / Re: EROWID fundraising lotto!
« on: April 25, 2012, 08:16 am »
I would rather donate to wikipedia, what has Erowid even added in the past ten years? I like Erowid don't get me wrong, but I see very little difference between the Erowid of today and the Erowid of several years ago. They don't even have entries for 90% of the newer research chemicals that Wikipedia has fairly extensive information about. Google has lots of pictures. Bluelight has loads of trip reports. What unique function does Erowid serve anymore other than desperately asking for donations every other month. Seriously they don't even have a page on any of the jwh series, and a large amount of the information they do have is half assed, why does 2c-t-7 list death as a potential effect but not MDMA or any of the other drugs people have overdosed on? It even has contradictory information in some places!

I would think that if Liberte has DNS leaks that it should be pretty trivial to determine this with Wireshark? The Tor people don't much care for Liberte and suggest Tails, but Tails is pretty much an anonymity death trap if you don't take care to keep persistent entry guards.

Off topic / Re: Some lessons from The Farmers Market
« on: April 25, 2012, 06:56 am »
I think LE actually spend far far far far far more resources pwning CP traders than they do on internet drug traders, but that probably has a lot to do with the fact that the internet drug trade is a relative drop in the bucket and the internet CP trade is pretty much 99.99% of the CP trade. They do spend *billions* of dollars to combat internet CP trading though, hardly a month passes without a major CP group (the CP equivalent of the farmers market) being busted.

Also, essentially all of the organized trade groups (ie: not P2P traders) have core members who actually abuse children and share the photos with the rest of the members. In summary, most organized CP trading group members are just a bunch of sickos swapping files, but they rotate around cores that consist of child abusers.

Off topic / Re: How young would you go?
« on: April 25, 2012, 06:20 am »

x>16 when y<26
x=y+10 when y> or = 26

Guess that works....but looking at 16 and 26 I think Im a bit more comfortable with...

1/2 your age +7 (a commonly referenced social equation)

Love the way you express them as formals. and agree totally agree with your sentiments.

I know what you mean. While in an upper level college Calculus class, I started hitting on a girl who I thought was like 19 or 20, but found out she was only 15 and just super smart for her age. It made me feel like a total prev. and couldn't even look at her for the rest of the semester.

Im glad someone enjoyed my math :)
You were in a situation where all the contextual clues said she was an eligible mate. If her appearance says 19-20 and intellectually she was obviously advanced beyond her years.....
youve really no reason to feel like a perv...Just order her a fake ID for plausible deniability j/k

My listing of US age of consent figures, with 31 states approving of 16 year olds,  shows that the powers that be even acknowledge a serious difference between Pedophelia (0-10),  Hebephelia (11-14), and Ephebophelia (15-19).

my theory is that most people here are in their late teens to mid 20s , and people in this age range tend to be okay with going significantly younger than people who are older, who largely seem to be rabidly fixated on 18+

Rabidly fixated....not so sure...culturally indoctrinated perhaps...experienced enough to realize the risks....established enough in our lives to have something real to lose. And additionally, at some point, some of us have daughters of our own....the first time I dated a woman closer in age to my kid then myself it gave me a moment of pause.

As for your demographic assumptions I think youd be surprised at how many older people are here. While I am aware there are quite a few youngsters, as their presence is more obvious due to their lack of discretion, younger enthusiasts of altered states are quite often well networked in the actual world, able to find dealers, and less able to discretely accept packages. and quite often financially less able to indulge in larger purchases when the "quick deal" arrives.

 There are quite a few older members that read an article somewhere....and came here because often times.... As the years pass our lives progress, the risk of losing it all becomes more significant.........we not only loose those connections that in our youth provided us with the tools of our intoxications but also the desire to have connections to them anymore.  SR makes it far easier to find what we desire discreetly.

Almost always when I hear people going batshit about the thought of sex with anyone under 18, they are in their 40s+ (or females), where as I find it quite common for (males) in their teens and twenties to be fairly open about not giving much of a shit (or even endorsing the idea :P ). I haven't held a scientific study or anything though. Also there are probably quite a few older folk here, but there was a poll that showed late teens to mid twenties as the most common age range, and I think this would hold true even if everyone here voted honestly on the poll. Internet drug scene is dominated by this age range, and it makes sense, its the generation that grew up on the internet and its the age range where people use drugs the most.

I do agree that it is cultural indoctrination though, I think this is also reflected in age groups as it seems to me younger people are less influenced by traditional sorts of indoctrination. This can be seen by looking at statistics for drug legalization, the older the group the more they are in favor of criminalization (% wise), and the younger the group the more people are in favor of decriminalization (% wise). There is probably more to it than that though, but it is an observation I have made. Perhaps the fact that younger people are the internet generation comes into play in a serious way, older folk didn't have access to so much information and got most of their information from localized sources and also through traditional media and government channels. It might not be strange to someone to think that 18+ is absolute moral truth if that is what the "authority" figures in their area say, what they see on television and what their friends say they also believe. But it quickly reduces to absurdity when you regularly talk with people from countries with age of consent ranging from 14 to 21, and see that people in some places are being labeled as vicious sexual predators for doing things that are perfectly legal in the country of the normal person you talk to regularly, who lives a thousand miles away from you (or even just a stones throw away).

Also when you communicate with your local friends you will be much less likely to be bluntly honest about your beliefs, versus talking on the internet, which most perceive as anonymous even without taking any measures. Interacting with 'the masses' online probably gives a better view of what the masses truly believe, versus interacting with them in meat space. Of course this may not be the case anymore now that government is flooding pseudonyms into every nook and cranny of the internet (using fairly sophisticated software at that!) to distort the perception of public opinion (they are starting to become more modernized with their propaganda, but it did take them a while to catch up, as always)

Off topic / Re: How young would you go?
« on: April 24, 2012, 11:06 am »
I'm guessing people have nothing to hide here or something?
I have some other theories but people would hate me for sharing them.

my theory is that most people here are in their late teens to mid 20s , and people in this age range tend to be okay with going significantly younger than people who are older, who largely seem to be rabidly fixated on 18+ (or at least on pretending to be in public, so your theory of having nothing to hide probably contributes as well)

Off topic / Re: How young would you go?
« on: April 24, 2012, 10:50 am »
I love how out of 20 votes only 10% say 18+

Off topic / Re: WTF IS THIS SHIT!!!!!!!!!
« on: April 24, 2012, 08:48 am »
pip2 was a private forum

looks like the DEA is really starting to crack down hard on the online drug scene, thats three forums pwnt this month (tfm, ek, pip2)

Off topic / Re: How young would you go?
« on: April 24, 2012, 08:46 am »
not so much

of course as with drugs, everyone is different

Off topic / Re: How young would you go?
« on: April 24, 2012, 08:31 am »
well 14.5 year olds sexual development can not be differentiated from 18 year olds, but I have heard that 15 is where mental development reaches the point where there is not as much 'yielding to elders', so from a physical attraction point of view anyone who says 18 but not 14.5 is a liar, but 15 seems to be the best overall age to allow consent, if you take both participants perspectives into consideration (which of course you should).

Security / Re: question about tor cloud
« on: April 23, 2012, 11:57 pm »
Tor cloud is for adding cheap bridges to the network

Off topic / Re: CONTRACTING
« on: April 22, 2012, 05:13 pm »
  I am all for taking away a police officer's job for arresting someone for a non-violent "crime", or having a DA disbarred for attempting to prosecute a non-violent "crime".

I am also all for this, but I do not think that the current law calls for this to happen, unlike soverign citizens who think that under the law they can kill police in self defense if they attempt to arrest them for victimless crimes. I think its fine if they do kill them, and I think that the law should not be how it is, but I think it is quite clear that the law is not the way sovereign citizens claim it is.

Off topic / Re: CONTRACTING
« on: April 22, 2012, 04:11 pm »
BHN is a soverign citizen apparently. They are a very strange breed of people, who think that they know the real law and that all the police and judges have it wrong. They think that their perception of the law is in any way tied to reality, so must be fairly delusional. I do give them props though, they have killed enough law enforcement officers to be classified as a domestic terror threat.

I actually am highly sympathetic to their cause, the main difference between me and them is that I don't think there is a secret version of the law, and have not become preoccupied with holding mock trials and 'convicting' judges/police officers. There are probably some other differences too. They are very close to libertarian / anarchist and can often be found in the same circles, however they have become obsessive compulsive in regards to certain beliefs that have no real ties to reality, and that nobody really cares about except them (ie: ranting on about how the law "really is" to exhaustive detail, despite all indications showing that they are completely incorrect) 

Anarchists / Libertarians: Think that taxation is morally wrong and don't like it
Sovereign Citizens: Think that taxation is actually illegal under the real law and that they will not get arrested if they don't pay it provided they follow the procedures in their made up laws that they think are real

Anarchists / Libertarians: Think that things like the roads and drivers licenses should be handled by the free market, not the government 
Sovereign Citizens: Think that it is not illegal for them to drive without a license under the real law, and sometimes shoot police officers when they are pulled over

I think most of them also believe that the federal government owes everyone a hundred thousand dollars or something like that and keeps it hidden in a secret bank from us because they don't want to pay up.

etc etc. Sovereign citizens take libertarianism and anarchy to their insane extremes (which doesn't mean that they are radical anarchists or libertarians, but means that they are insane people with libertarian and anarchist beliefs. The reason they are insane is because they both think and act like we live in an anarchist society, so they think doing things like shooting police, will not get them arrested, because if the police arrest them for say drug possession, they are convinced that this is actually kidnapping UNDER THE LAW instead of just in reality) 

Off topic / Re: CONTRACTING
« on: April 22, 2012, 03:54 pm »
No, you don;t know the truth about anything, you're just another nutbag. It's amazing how these people can write paragraph after paragraph of ignorance. I think it;s called the Dunning-Kruger effect. Try looking that one up.

The Dunning Kruger effect is also why so many people talk out their ass about computer security totally convinced about every word they say
Unfortunately the reverse is also true, people who are highly skilled often assume that everyone else is just as skilled and that they are about average
and people who are not skilled often think that they are about average as well.

Security / Re: Start a thread for Tor bridges or relays to avoid?!
« on: April 22, 2012, 07:44 am »
Echelon is a real system but it is outdated, they use Narusinsight supercomputers for most of their stuff now. 

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