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Messages - kmfkewm

Pages: 1 ... 188 189 [190] 191 192 ... 249
Off topic / Re: My first ever thread, here goes!
« on: May 18, 2012, 05:59 pm »
That is a very strange coincidence!
Currently me and a friend are having it out on Starcraft 2.  We were literally shocked when we tried online against other players though.  Got our asses kicked big time.
Battlefield 3 is both awesome and very realistic.  I cannot remember the name of the particular mission, but it is set at night time with the use of night vision.  It is probably one of the first few levels.
But honestly you make your way up this hill then you see all the lights streak across the sky.
Really, it feels like you are actually in Afghanistan!

Some people take Starcraft extremely seriously

Off topic / Re: Someone please describe a xanax high for me.
« on: May 18, 2012, 05:27 pm »
It makes you feel like your muscles are melting off of your body into relaxation bliss. You feel light. You have only a dim awareness of what is going on but it is awesome because any problems in your life are completely out of your mind. You could sleep easily and heavily if you wanted to. You are completely relaxed and moderately dulled, mentally physically and emotionally. You are somewhat disassociated, but not to the same extent or in the same way as you would be from, say, ketamine. You may have black outs and amnesia especially on higher doses, and you are also prone to acting like an asshole because your ability to filter your behavior and empathize with others is significantly hindered. Xanax makes you not care about things.

It is pretty much the exact opposite of LSD. LSD enhances senses, abstract thinking, emotions, xanax dulls them. LSD stimulates the body, xanax relaxes it. It is really perfect for the come down of LSD or MDMA or anything like that, it really helps a ton especially if you want to sleep but otherwise would have trouble doing so. It also pretty much terminates all but the visual aspects of many psychedelics, LSD + xanax = LSD visuals - LSD mental effects. You need to get used to the effects and build a bit of a tolerance to it to truly appreciate its recreational value imo, if you take 2mg for your first time and without any tolerance you are likely to black out and not remember shit, and to not be able to appreciate the subtle effects it has. It is also very nice to mix with marijuana, especially if you are prone to paranoia or panic attacks. If you take Xanax prior to smoking weed, you will be able to smoke a fuck ton without any worries about becoming paranoid or having a panic attack.

Don't get hooked though, the withdrawals can kill you and it is hell to get off of it without tapering.

Security / Re: Simple way to make and remember secure passwords
« on: May 18, 2012, 05:18 pm »
The output from a cryptographic hash algorithm has as many bits of entropy in it as the input does, up to the maximum size of the hashing algorithm. A good cryptographic hash aims to distill and evenly distribute entropy. Distilling means the output takes all of the entropy of the input and has it in the output, which is a fixed size, potentially much less size than the input. Evenly distributing means that if the input has 8 bits of entropy in the first character and no bits of entropy in the other characters, the output hash will have 8 bits of randomness equally distributed through out every character. So the hash of "a" is still much less secure than the hash of "uteyvw5i697895t45ytf495w6f4t6t9548t943t34t456iotui4ru5o3u54io9t586y843t654989kfwlejtiueh5i"

Off topic / Re: Is it moral to use afgan heroine?
« on: May 18, 2012, 04:35 am »
Let's just cut to the root of the morality issue. Governments war on drugs results in heroin being used to fund terrorism. Governments war on drugs results in money spent on MDMA going to people involved in human trafficking and other fucked up shit. The moral of the story is that it is immoral to support the government so stop paying taxes to them.

Off topic / Re: Is it moral to use afgan heroine?
« on: May 18, 2012, 04:30 am »
Who gives a fuck if it funds terrorists the only reason you can't buy pure heroin from Smack-Mart is because of governments war on drugs, they fund terrorism you just use heroin. The government can cry me a fucking river about drugs funding terrorism, governments war on drugs is what fucking funds terrorism.

Security / Re: Powerline Backdoor
« on: May 18, 2012, 02:36 am »
TEMPEST doesn't specify that the transient signals are transmitted through any particular medium.

A. Are there transient electromagnetic signals that are leaking information?
B. If so, someone gathering and analyzing those signals is engaged in a TEMPEST attack

TEMPEST is a codename referring to investigations and studies of compromising emission (CE) (see Van Eck phreaking). Compromising emanations are defined as unintentional intelligence-bearing signals which, if intercepted and analyzed, may disclose the information transmitted, received, handled, or otherwise processed by any information-processing equipment. TEMPEST is a codename only and is not an acronym.

Compromising emanations consist of electrical, mechanical, or acoustical energy intentionally or by mishap unintentionally emitted by any number of sources within equipment/systems which process national security information. This energy may relate to the original encrypted message, or information being processed, in such a way that it can lead to recovery of the plaintext. Laboratory and field tests have established that such CE can be propagated through space and along nearby conductors. The interception/propagation ranges and analysis of such emanations are affected by a variety of factors, e.g., the functional design of the information processing equipment; system/equipment installation; and, environmental conditions related to physical security and ambient noise. The term "compromising emanations" rather than "radiation" is used because the compromising signals can, and do, exist in several forms such as magnetic- and/or electric field radiation, line conduction, or acoustic emissions.[1]

Honestly I just glanced at the paper, maybe you are right, but it seemed like they were working with electromagnetic emissions, if it were only power consumption data being used then it wouldn't be TEMPEST but this doesn't seem to be the case from my quick scan of that paper.

Security / Re: Powerline Backdoor
« on: May 18, 2012, 02:25 am »
That paper discusses a type of TEMPEST attack

my point is that they don't even need access to power lines to do this sort of attack, enough leaks through the air.


image of a TEMPEST attack carried out against a monitor, ten meters away and through two walls

image of the way the military protects from such attacks


turn your monitor into a radio broadcast

causes monitor to leak signals that your radio then picks up and plays as music :P

Security / Re: Powerline Backdoor
« on: May 18, 2012, 02:05 am »
TEMPEST attacks don't even require access to power lines, transient electromagnetic emanations leak through the air. Displays can be reconstructed from significant distance, even through multiple walls, even with no connection to the power grid. The simple fact of the matter is that once you are physically located you are totally fucked if you have a competent attacker, unless you are inside of a shielded room or using shielded equipment. All of the encryption in the world isn't going to save you, your plaintexts will be pulled from the signals that your monitor leaks, what you type will be determined from the noise of your keystrokes. Local police don't even know what TEMPEST is, DEA may or may not, FBI counterintelligence have used this sort of attack against spies though so they certainly know about TEMPEST and have the equipment required to carry out such attacks.

Seems they can monitor individual keystrokes from up to 50 feet away. I wouldn't be worrying too much about this. Unless you are very paranoid.

They can monitor individual key strokes if they can get audio intelligence of typing, considering laser microphones can get audio from (something like) a mile away if they can target vibrating glass windows, I think 50 feet is a major underestimate of how far keystrokes potentially leak. Especially if they have the laser microphone hovering up in the sky on a mini UAV. Or maybe they have a dozen laser microphones on a mini UAV all targeting different windows as it goes from neighborhood to neighborhood hoping to catch something interesting ;)

don't underestimate spies and spy catchers. Then again I have not heard of this sort of attack being carried out by police other than FBI in cases of counter espionage and counter terrorism, so it isn't standard operating procedure yet.

Security / Re: So how safe is SR?
« on: May 17, 2012, 09:36 pm »
Don't let your own beliefs cloud your perception of your enemies beliefs, this is called mirror imaging and it is bad for security. The vibe I get from your post is that you think because you think that the dealers on SR are not anywhere near as what you see as bad as the average street dealer, that LE will focus their resources on the average street dealers. You assume that law enforcement shares two similar beliefs. the definition of what is bad (although all of the evidence shows that they do not agree with your definition of bad), and the extent to which various activities differ in their 'badness'. You also have the premise that the government has the primary desire of ending what they see as bad things from happening, and this is pretty iffy as a lot of them are undoubtedly primarily concerned with obtaining and maintaining power and wealth. Merely by being seen by many as being outside the power of government, SR becomes a target of government, for reasons that have nothing to do with drugs or morality.

Silk Road discussion / Re: If prohibition is lifted
« on: May 17, 2012, 08:40 pm »
The most depressing thing is that most of the antidepressants from pharmaceutical companies are as effective as placebos and more dangerous than many of the more effective illegal drugs. Life becomes more bearable when you learn to fully accept that you live in the twilight zone.

Security / Re: Truecrypt info
« on: May 16, 2012, 04:13 pm »
you wouldn't like to say how = you don't have a clue how

there are some ways to make a good guess though,1000000189,39448526,00.htm

poor mans deniable encryption may be the best after all...boot loader on a USB full drive encrypted and argue that you shredded it so there is nothing to decrypt and the keys you have up don't work anymore but are the most recent keys...

In a pure cryptanalysis sense Truecrypts deniability may be near perfect, but when you add an OS and applications etc on top of that you have issues that start to come up.

Off topic / Re: how do you sell software on SR?
« on: May 16, 2012, 04:08 pm »
First you need to find someone stupid enough to pay for software

Off topic / Re: What do Americans think of Great Britain?
« on: May 16, 2012, 04:06 pm »
True most watched state in Europe. But we do have the one thing the USA want, History.

And quite a violent and bloody one too.

that just makes USA want it even more

Both of these mixes are the same type, the only (potential) difference is who runs them. I would go with the one that gets more traffic since that will increase your anonymity.

Off topic / Re: What do Americans think of Great Britain?
« on: May 16, 2012, 02:24 pm »
I see GB as a modern era fascist police state and the USA as a modernized, slightly watered down Christian version of radical Islamic countries.

Lol...if you like mate. Clearly you haven't spent much time here.

And yeah we are the most watched state in the E.U but to be fair we do have the most bastards in the E.U so whilst it is a stupid reaction it's to be expected from the politicians that capitalize on fighting crime.

And Joeyjojojr you are forgetting the English Breakfast and the Beef Wellington. :)

I don't need to spend much time there, there are an order of magnitude more surveillance cameras than there are citizens, GB courts even sentence people to have surveillance cameras installed inside of their homes. Also you must hand over encryption passwords at the demand of a law enforcement official. Also isn't it illegal to photograph police there despite having essentially every square inch of the country under surveillance? I read that they even have spy microphones all over the place and are starting to put up speaker systems so people who watch the cameras / listen to the microphones can remotely issue orders to people. Plus GCHQ has British internet traffic watched to just as much an extent as NSA has US internet traffic watched. The bias in British media is even more blatantly obvious than in US media and it seems ultra-sensationalism is the in thing there amazingly to even a greater extent than in the USA. GB appears to be a lot like USA but with out even having pretend restrictions on government power. Not to mention data retention is required by law for between six months and two years. Not to mention you are behind the great firewall of Britain, which blocks access to the pirate bay among other things. I could probably go on and on about examples of how Great Britain is a police state, but I think this list is enough.

Also I shouldn't forget to mention how everything there is ultra-government-regulated in the stupidest ways, GB is like the love child of Orwell and Kafka.

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