ya we know we are relatively safe. So are the sick pedos that look at hardcore child porn...
kinda shitty that Tor harbors things that are harmful to society as well as harm-reducing sites like silk road.
its a double edged sword i guess
Do you have any proof that child porn being accessible is bad for society? I haven't found any yet.
Do you really think that is the case?
I like reading ya posts mate as you always have something good to say but I can't say I agree with ya on this at all. Do you really see this from that perspective?
I think that although it is very unfortunate that children are sexually abused, that child porn being accessible online is not a problem that is anywhere near as bad as the majority of people seem to think it to be. I think that someone privately accessing a sequence of ones and zeros is causing absolutely no harm to any children in doing so, in fact even the children in the pictures are entirely incapable of knowing that someone is viewing the pictures. I think that the 'war against child pornography' is largely irrational, and that the people fighting it are generally either letting their emotions or their greed (finding people who download CP is a multi billion dollar a year industry, far more money is at stake than the entire economic value of all commercial CP) think for them. I know that a great deal of information about child pornography is not true and is quite frankly government and special interest propaganda, (http://libertus.net/censor/resources/statistics-laundering.html presents a short summary of this), and I think people who make up lies generally have little truth on which to stand.
I think that CP being illegal has certainly led to child molesters being arrested who would otherwise not have been arrested as quickly. It has probably also led to would be child molesters being arrested before they progressed to actual molestation. I think it has also led to the arrests of a great many people who would never have molested children, and who I do not see as bad people at all. What is bad about data transfer, who am I to judge people for their fantasies instead of their actions? And I am personally against sacrificing this later group of people in the pursuit of attacking the former group. Information, like people, should be free
I think it is pretty well proven that viewing child pornography will lead some people to molest and will lead others who would molest to 'settle' for CP, and will have no effect on the majority of people in this regard. There is a huge distinction between production and consumption. The idea that consumption fuels production is highly flawed, especially in modern times when commercial child pornography is essentially extinct.