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Messages - kmfkewm

Pages: 1 ... 174 175 [176] 177 178 ... 249
As I say I'm not really fussed about the studies or whatever it's just what I believe and my principles on it.

I'm not really sure why there is a need to try and change my mind as I'm not trying to change yours. Everyone has their own opinion and such we agree to disagree. :)

Do you not pause momentarily after reading yourself say "Fuck the studies, this is what I want to think!" ?

No because I can think what I please. Why is this so hard to digest? What does it matter to you apart from what I can only imagine boils down to a sense of your own superiority. I'm sure you think things I may disagree with however I'm not arrogant enough to assume that just because I make a smart-arsed comment. We can all choose to think/feel how we please, it is after all a free world....although perhaps on reflection of this exchange I am wrong about this and I have to abide by your own incontrovertible insight?

Now, I will go back to my original suggestion of simply agreeing to disagree. :)

Limitless go ahead and continue to think whatever the hell you want to think, but I personally think it is a bit strange to want to continue thinking ANYTHING even when told that there are numerous scientific studies that have been done that disagree with you.

Yeah I realise that my stance is cold but personally when crimes are committed against adults and in particular sex crimes they do have more of an ability to deal with it and move on. Children are by and large defenseless and you have then shaped their whole life for the worst. For me that is just an unforgivable act and IMO those that benefit from it (consumers of CP) are just as to blame because I see it as one feeding of the other.

I wouldn't really see killing someone like that in the same way normal murder. When you do something that predatory and that traumatic someone I think it dehumanises you and all you have left is an uncontrollable animal that acts on it's base urges. What would you do with a rabid dog? Shoot it in the head. Same principle. Takes care of the problem permanently.

You incorrectly see it as one feeding off of the other. You think viewing CP turns people into predatory rabid animals? Shit, we should put all of /b/ down.

I think it's far from incorrect. Most humans naturally seek to act out their fantasies (sexual/non-sexual/whatever) because it can give you all sorts of good feelings. It's a natural starting point. If you look at something that you find titillating in any way but particularly sexually long enough you are going to get the urge to experience the reality. That's why as soon as you make that first step, you are done in my eyes. The transition has been made and you are one of them. You may see things differently but it's just something I don't budge on and don't entertain a liberal attitude on. Would be boring if everyone was the same. I also know it wouldn't phase me to do it either, it's just one of those few things that makes me clear any human emotion for someone.

So do you think that someone who is horribly deformed from an accident, or maybe genetic defect, should be banned from looking at adult pornography, since they have a remote chance of having consensual sex (with anyone other than a hooker I guess)? Will looking at adult pornography then lead them to rape?

As I say I'm not really fussed about the studies or whatever it's just what I believe and my principles on it.

I'm not really sure why there is a need to try and change my mind as I'm not trying to change yours. Everyone has their own opinion and such we agree to disagree. :)

Do you not pause momentarily after reading yourself say "Fuck the studies, this is what I want to think!" ?

Yeah I realise that my stance is cold but personally when crimes are committed against adults and in particular sex crimes they do have more of an ability to deal with it and move on. Children are by and large defenseless and you have then shaped their whole life for the worst. For me that is just an unforgivable act and IMO those that benefit from it (consumers of CP) are just as to blame because I see it as one feeding of the other.

I wouldn't really see killing someone like that in the same way normal murder. When you do something that predatory and that traumatic someone I think it dehumanises you and all you have left is an uncontrollable animal that acts on it's base urges. What would you do with a rabid dog? Shoot it in the head. Same principle. Takes care of the problem permanently.

You incorrectly see it as one feeding off of the other. You think viewing CP turns people into predatory rabid animals? Shit, we should put all of /b/ down.

homo and hetero sexualities differ from pedophilia and bestiality because the relationship is between consensual adults rather than RAPE. Pedophiles do not, however, deserve death because they suffer from a grave mental disorder. Instead, alternative approaches should be researched. Mandatory chemical castration, for example, appears to be a plausible albeit not perfect option for child molesters if they would like to reintegrate into society. And that is drawing a distinction between responsible pedophiles who manage the hand they were dealt and child molesters. Pedophiles do not deserve any punishment; rather society owes them aid. The private sector is not pursuing research for improved solutions to handle child molesters. That is one reason that government spending is necessary. It would directly created jobs while combating child molestation.

A. Pedophiles who don't abuse children have not RAPED anyone
B. If sticking a knife in a cow isn't murder then sticking your dick in a cows ass isn't rape

Why are you surprised, I am quite openly Anarchistic in my ideology and even Libertarians (Anarchist lites) think child pornography should be legal to possess, receive, pay for and upload, only not to produce.

There is not an inherent cause and effect relationship between child pornography consumption and increased production rates. Do you really think the only reason people molest children is because they think others will look at the pictures they take of the molestation? That seems absolutely insane to me.

To clarify I don't argue that they can be treated, sexuality is by and large a fixed part of your personality. I just feel the only solution is death or complete isolation.

So you think people should be killed or completely isolated because they have the potential to do something bad? I bet a higher percentage of criminals use drugs than the general public, do you think that drug users should all be killed or isolated because they have the potential to do something bad, and are statistically more likely to do something bad than average? That sounds like precrime to me, pre-thought-crime in some cases (as CP possession crimes are essentially thought crimes)! What a scary concept! The concept of people taking pre-thought-crime seriously is far more scary to me than the idea of someone who has no plans to molest children anonymously looking at pictures on Tor.

I think that although it is very unfortunate that children are sexually abused, that child porn being accessible online is not a problem that is anywhere near as bad as the majority of people seem to think it to be. I think that someone privately accessing a sequence of ones and zeros is causing absolutely no harm to any children in doing so, in fact even the children in the pictures are entirely incapable of knowing that someone was viewing the pictures. I think that the 'war against child pornography' is largely irrational,  and that the people fighting it are generally either letting their emotions or their greed (finding people who download CP is a multi billion dollar a year industry, far more money is at stake than the entire economic value of all commercial CP) think for them. I know that a great deal of information about child pornography is not true and is quite frankly government and special interest propaganda, ( presents a short summary of this), and I think people who make up lies generally have little truth on which to stand.

I think that CP being illegal has certainly led to child molesters being arrested who would otherwise not have been arrested as quickly. It has probably also led to would be child molesters being arrested before they progressed to actual molestation. I think it has also led to the arrests of a great many people who would never have molested children, and who I do not see as bad people at all. What is bad about data transfer, who am I to judge people for their fantasies instead of their actions? And I am personally against sacrificing this later group of people in the pursuit of attacking the former group.  Information, like people, should be free :).   

why are you defending pedophiles. they have a mental disorder and should seek treatment BEFORE they seriously harm a child
i'm not talking about 14-17 year olds. there is some SICK fucking CP out there... it pops up on /b/ every now and again. that shit will fuck a human up for life
viewing cp only makes more people MAKE more cp. why can't more pedos make digital porn?

It is as impossible to treat pedophilia as it is to treat homosexuality or heterosexuality. People are largely incapable of influencing their own sexual preferences. Pedophiles are entirely capable of not molesting children though. So if they cause no harm what is the point of demonizing and persecuting them? It is some primitive biological response wired into most humans brains I think, because it is certainly not at all rational to want to cause great damage to people who are entirely harmless. Child molesters deserve to be demonized and persecuted greatly, they have a choice and they choose to cause harm to others. Pedophiles are born pedophiles, and if they don't harm others I don't have anything against them. It is very bad to produce child pornography obviously, but I am entirely unconvinced that viewing it is bad, and I don't blame them for looking at things they find sexually arousing especially since I see it as causing no harm. There is no inherent cause and effect relationship between the act of people viewing child porn and increased rates of production. There are some distribution structures that lead to increased rates of production though. People who argue to keep these structures illegal have a bit more ground to stand on, although from a strict libertarian point of view even paying for child pornography or uploading child pornography should not be illegal, only production.

ya we know we are relatively safe. So are the sick pedos that look at hardcore child porn...
kinda shitty that Tor harbors things that are harmful to society as well as harm-reducing sites like silk road.
its a double edged sword i guess

Do you have any proof that child porn being accessible is bad for society? I haven't found any yet.

Do you really think that is the case?

I like reading ya posts mate as you always have something good to say but I can't say I agree with ya on this at all. Do you really see this from that perspective?

I think that although it is very unfortunate that children are sexually abused, that child porn being accessible online is not a problem that is anywhere near as bad as the majority of people seem to think it to be. I think that someone privately accessing a sequence of ones and zeros is causing absolutely no harm to any children in doing so, in fact even the children in the pictures are entirely incapable of knowing that someone is viewing the pictures. I think that the 'war against child pornography' is largely irrational,  and that the people fighting it are generally either letting their emotions or their greed (finding people who download CP is a multi billion dollar a year industry, far more money is at stake than the entire economic value of all commercial CP) think for them. I know that a great deal of information about child pornography is not true and is quite frankly government and special interest propaganda, ( presents a short summary of this), and I think people who make up lies generally have little truth on which to stand.

I think that CP being illegal has certainly led to child molesters being arrested who would otherwise not have been arrested as quickly. It has probably also led to would be child molesters being arrested before they progressed to actual molestation. I think it has also led to the arrests of a great many people who would never have molested children, and who I do not see as bad people at all. What is bad about data transfer, who am I to judge people for their fantasies instead of their actions? And I am personally against sacrificing this later group of people in the pursuit of attacking the former group.  Information, like people, should be free :).     

I think it is pretty well proven that viewing child pornography will lead some people to molest and will lead others who would molest to 'settle' for CP, and will have no effect on the majority of people in this regard. There is a huge distinction between production and consumption. The idea that consumption fuels production is highly flawed, especially in modern times when commercial child pornography is essentially extinct.

Off topic / Re: VPN advice
« on: June 14, 2012, 01:54 am »
Much better off using obfsproxy than a VPN

ya we know we are relatively safe. So are the sick pedos that look at hardcore child porn...
kinda shitty that Tor harbors things that are harmful to society as well as harm-reducing sites like silk road.
its a double edged sword i guess

Do you have any proof that child porn being accessible is bad for society? I haven't found any yet.

Off topic / Re: Goin out for a fag...
« on: June 13, 2012, 04:00 am »
they must have a gay bar open somewhere at that hour

Off topic / Re: Why was my post deleted
« on: June 13, 2012, 03:52 am »
threads here get deleted all the time, they probably thought it would be bad for PR, those threads get locked or in some cases disappeared pretty quickly. So far you are at least certainly not allowed to talk about overthrowing the government or what the age of consent should be, but those are only two examples that come to mind.

Silk Road discussion / Re: Silk Road has an FBI Informant
« on: June 13, 2012, 03:09 am »
Looks like trollin to me.

The news article that says freedom of information act didn't require the FBI to release its information on SR due to the fact that it would compromise their undercover agent and confidential informations, plus reveal the intelligence they have gathered, is trolling?

Silk Road discussion / Re: Silk Road has an FBI Informant
« on: June 13, 2012, 02:55 am »
I find it hard to believe that the FBI can't trace Tor hidden services when there are technical documents on how to do it. that either says a lot about how completely unskilled they are from a technical point of view, or is intentionally misleading information being fed to the media. It is true that they probably can not quickly trace most clients though.

Silk Road discussion / Re: Silk Road has an FBI Informant
« on: June 13, 2012, 02:53 am »
It's pointless, you close Silk Road, 10 more open. It's a very simple site and easy to emulate. They would need to take out bitcoins if they really wanted to mess things up.

The US & Norwegian armies invented Tor....

It is only pointless if you view it from the stance of them wanting to stopping it.

It is not pointless if you want to scare people away by some high profile busts...or for political advantage.

Several other high profile sites have been taken down, and more people are using SR than ever. It's just free advertising.

Thats apples and oranges son.

No one that we know of has been busted on SR and through SR yet.

It will happen though.

People are stupid.

Hell, I still have over 70% of my buyers sending me their addresses unencrypted.

It isn't so much apples and oranges as it is different sorts of apple. You want to make sure the sort of apple you eat can keep worms out, including new evolutions of worm :).

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