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Messages - kmfkewm

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Off topic / Re: Mining bitcoins with botnets?
« on: June 19, 2012, 01:38 pm »
have you ever mined for bitcoins on your PC? if you released a virus that did that it would be caught in seconds - mining for btc makes the PC heat up to the point where it would give you a sun tan and the CPU is at 100% constantly. it's just not undetectable at all. thats why people build rigs to do it

But it is also detectable when a user is there to detect things like that. But stealing is bad so fuck this.

Security / Re: P.O box with fake info, yay or nay
« on: June 19, 2012, 01:07 pm »
Exactly as others have said before me...and the ongoing debate on that if you ever do get in trouble, this will look very bad, and you loose whatever 'plausible deniability' you might have had before you did this.  The Prosecuting Attorney might have a hell of time explaining bitcoins...but he won't have any problem at all explaing 'fake id' and the simple fact that you lied to obtain a p.o. box.  The srt of thing a jury can get their heads around.  Much of this stuff would be difficult for them to understand, and even a public defender should be able to get an can't prove the shit you got in the mail was ordered by you.   

Stuff like this creates more problems than it solves, and might attract attention you wouldn't normally receive.  Best shot, IMO, use your own address, have shit sent you with a slightly misspelled name...practice 'being surprised' in front of a mirror...don't add to the circumstantial evidence...*especially* stuff that seems kind of sinister...normal nice people don't need a fake p.o. box.   

Odds are, you never will get in trouble...but if you do, do you really think this will help you, or just make you look more suspicious?

I KNOW that it HAS helped at least two major LSD importers!

Security / Re: Tin foil hat required?
« on: June 19, 2012, 12:58 pm »
The lesson to take from this is that if you try to not act suspicious to LE by telling them to fuck off, you may end up giving them your passwords lol. You sound like you have been using ketamine a lot to me ;). If LE knows you and they want you they will just kick your door down.

how do u even browse onion land?

i had this notion that u can only find CP if u deliberately look for it.......

This tends to be the case on darknets (although not so much on clearnet, especially if you go to 4chan), which is why it is so funny to see people who say they have been to CP sites on Tor/I2P/Freenet bitching about other people going to CP sites on Tor/I2P/Freenet. But OMGZ of course it is a special case for them, because they didn't jack off to it and it was only that one time and only for a minute and they only clicked a few links and and and fuck you kmfkewm you are a dirty pedophile and I hope all pedophiles like you die a painful death and burn in hell! These people would be quick to condemn someone to death for doing exactly what they did, if the someone else were ever to be busted and a nice news article posted along the lines of "Pedophile busted visiting CP site on Tor!", and they would laugh at his claims of not jacking off, only doing it one time, etc and call for him to be castrated and shot in the back of the head.  Scary as it is to think that humans would want to do that to someone for looking at a picture, the more scary thing is that they can not see themselves in that situation when the only thing preventing it from happening to them is the network that they are condemning for supporting pedophiles.

Here is a little hint. If you think  "looking at CP is bad and should be illegal" and "child molestation is bad and should be illegal" and also think saying "I went to a CP site, but only once, and I only clicked a few links, and I didn't jack off or enjoy it, and it was only for a minute before I got the fuck out of there!" makes the action of looking at CP morally justifiable, but saying "I molested a child, but only once, and I only touched them a few times, and I didn't cum or enjoy it, and it was only for a minute before I got the fuck out of there!" doesn't make molestation morally justifiable, then maybe you need to reconsider some of your positions (I will let you pick!), because there appears to be some inconsistency in your sense of morality.

Let me guess, you want to compete with SR but have no idea how to program such a site?

The age of the child shouldn't factor in. Each culture and society has a different method of child rearing that makes a kid mindful and mature at separate ages. Furthermore, it makes kids able to handle sexual situations properly at different ages. Maybe cultures with lower ages of consent socialize their children to handle sex earlier. USA always trips about sex so the age of consent is 16 to 18 varying by state. Doesn't mean one standard should be applied to another. If it's right somewhere it doesn't mean it is right in another culture and state. Thank you.

Moral relativism is more disgusting than naked teenagers , and boils down to "Enslaving blacks was not immoral when it was culturally acceptable"

this site lists 12 for Chile

but this one lists 16

I find conflicting reports when googling for it, several sources say 12 but the Italian government claims it is the same as Italian law.

Nope it is 12 in the Vatican. Also in Colombia, Panama, Chile and parts of Mexico. 

pretty hot topic!

If someone in the UK had sex with a consenting 15 year old girl then that makes the older party a pedophile and subject to all kinds of rules and regulations in the UK.
If that person were to jump on a plane and fly to many of the other countries in Europe, Germany being the example, then that person could legally have consenting sex with a 14year old, without being labelled a pedophile or being subject to all the sex offender red tape you would in the UK.
Then if our hypothetical pedophile really wanted, they could jump on a flight to Spain where age of consent is only age 13 as long as he does not use deceit to get his wicked ways with the young Spanish senorita.
Or if he really wanted a safe bet he could go hang out in Northern Cyprus, where it is only a misdemeanor to sleep with a girl age between 13 - 16. although if the hypothetical pedophile tried this with a young boy, sodomy laws in northern Cyprus would see our pedophile fucked in the ass(no pun intended) by the legal system, punishable with up to 5 years in jail. Now is that discrimination of the sexes or what!

All this being said, which country is correct?

Or he could go to the Vatican where the age of consent is 12, and actually is right on the cutoff for being considered legalized pedophilia (pedophiles are attracted to children up to 12 years old, oder than that is not considered pedophilia by anyone other than laypeople and law enforcement).

Personally, I think there is absolutely no reason to have an age of consent above 15, but I do recognize that at 14 1/2 sexual maturity is reached so pretty much every normal male would be sexually attracted to people slightly under 15. The appropriate age of consent is pretty much entirely unrelated to the right to view images though.

I think one of the main issues is that everyone thinks that they are somehow special or unique. Several people in this thread say that they have been to CP forums / image boards, many of them use what they saw as the starting point for their tirades about how people who go to CP forums / image boards are sick fucks who deserve death and/or jail. They seemingly fail to recognize that they themselves are members of the set of people that they are condemning to death and/or jail, by virtue of having gone to CP forums / image boards. But they do not see themselves as deserving death and/or jail time for some reason. So immediately we can see that these people are hypocrites who do not really believe that people should go to jail and/or be put to death for viewing CP forums / image boards, or else they would be turning themselves into the police and / or killing themselves.

Perhaps they think that it should be legal to view CP unless you enjoy doing so. This would be an entirely unenforceable law though, unless we get mind reading devices. So, them not enjoying CP would not make them exempt from being punished for viewing CP in a sane world. Also, CP will essentially be legalized if the police need proof that someone jacked off while looking at CP (vinnys argument for why it was okay that he looked at CP, after all he didn't jack off to it !!). I can not conceive of a scenario in which it would be sane to say that everyone other than vinny (or any other individual... or subset of individuals, such as those who do not jack off to CP) should be put to death and or go to jail if they view CP.

If the act of viewing CP causes a magical revictimization to occur, then vinny is guilty of revictimizing the children who he saw naked in a bathtub and should be punished for it, regardless of if he jacked off or enjoyed it or not (after all, it is the act of viewing CP that causes the revictimization to occur. Some argue that revictimization only occurs if the viewer enjoys the CP, to make an exception for law enforcement, but as law enforcement would not be able to determine if vinny or anyone else enjoyed seeing CP or not, they would need to either arrest everyone other than law enforcement who MAY have enjoyed CP or they would need to arrest nobody who views CP as they MAY NOT have enjoyed it).

The same is true for the demand for CP causing supply. Vinny obviously had some demand for CP, or he would not have clicked through the layers of disclaimers on the path to CP, and also he apparently clicked on several links as he says he saw jailbait in addition to children in bathtubs. Thus, vinny caused the bandwidth of a CP server to slightly spike, and made a record of some anonymous person requesting to load a CP site. So if the demand for CP leads to supply, vinnys actions will lead to a child being molested, and he should be punished for this. Also, if we believe the lie that 55% of people who view child pornography go on to molest children, we can conclude that vinny now has a 55% chance of molesting a child himself.

I personally think that vinny, and the other various posters who talked about how the pedophiles on the disgusting CP sites that they were browsing should be put to death, should not be punished for what they did. So I establish here that not everybody should be punished for viewing CP. Now, I think that rules should apply equal to pretty much everyone. If Vinny and the others should not be punished for what they did it strongly implies that what they did did not violate the rights of anyone. After all, we punish people who violate the rights of others, for example thieves. Now, we do not make a distinction between a thief who steals for no particular reason and a thief who steals for personal gain. We recognize that stealing is bad, regardless of the reasons for it. Life is almost always this way, things that are bad are generally always bad and things that are not bad are generally never bad. So if it is not bad for Vinny to have looked at CP, and he did not violate anyones rights in doing so, then it is this way regardless of his motivation for looking at CP. Thus, I must conclude that even if a pedophile enjoys looking at CP, it is no more wrong for them to look at CP than it is for Vinny to. After all, if a thief steals for no reason he is no less guilty of theft than a thief who steals for personal gain. Thus, I conclude that nobody should be punished for viewing child pornography, and if vinny disagrees with me then it is only logical for him to admit that he should be punished for viewing CP.

Security / Re: Extreme Secure Anonymous Setup (ESAS)
« on: June 19, 2012, 02:19 am »

VPNs, privoxy, etc..

VPNs are pretty much worthless imo, I prefer obfsproxy bridges for membership concealment and Tor is better than any VPN. Privoxy is not needed, use tor browser bundle. Avoid polipo entirely.

I would argue using a VPN to connect to Tor would be very beneficial in protecting your IP from the Tor entry node which is the most vulnerable to sniffers to obtain origin IP's, as well as hiding the fact you are even using Tor from your ISP.

Basically my understanding and thinking is Tor is very secure with it's weakest points being the entry and exit nodes. Securing these is of the most importance - whether that's by using a VPN with Tor and then an encrypted proxy to hide the exit node as well or any other method.

Tor is so innovative in that out of the box it can provide novice users with such powerful anonymity that avid hackers a decade ago would have seen as a godsend. The problem is when you're trying to secure Tor's vulnerable entry/exit nodes, by whichever method, it's important to both understand and keep up to date on these methods or you're going to end up more vulnerable than you were without using them at all.

but adding a VPN before Tor just changes the entry point. It all low latency systems, entry and exit are vulnerable points.

He seemed rather coherent in the beginning, but now the anger and repressed pederastic rage is setting in. This is obviously some sick person trying to rationalize their own behavior, and in a way it is sad. I hope you find the strength to stop looking at pictures of little kids taking shits KM. Maybe you need to find Jesus?

Says the person who clicked on links that took him to sites with pedobear logos , pictures of naked children in bathtubs, and jailbait. I am frustrated at how hard it is turning out to be to convince you that you should not be ass raped in prison Vinny :-/

PS: We should maybe not talk about such controversial groups as the ACLU (American Civil Liberties Union) on SR, because that secret pedophile organization is strongly in favor of decriminalizing child porn possession and distribution.

Fuck all of you, have fun knowing that in a hundred years more civilized people will look back at people with your mindset wondering how humans could be so barbaric as to want to imprison people for viewing images. I don't care what new people to SR think about my opinions, or old people on SR, I will not hold my tongue although I agree I have said everything that really needs to be said. I'm amazed nobody has locked or deleted this thread honestly, it seems anything controversial is immediately shut down. Oscar, eat a fat dick for manipulating my words go troll somewhere else. I said I am pretty okay with the fact that she gets court ordered compensation from people, not that it is okay she was molested because she was paid for it. It is just worth noting that one of the loudest proponents of the re-victimization theory for keeping CP possession illegal, is making a substantial amount of money off of people being arrested for viewing CP, and it is also worth noting that she obviously values this income more than she values not knowing how many people are downloading CP she is in. Those are simply facts, interpret them however you like.

Or, I was fucking around on the hidden wiki, looking at hitman for hire sites, and other fucked up shit, and clicked on a few links.

hey president chomo, replace hidden wiki with limewire, hitman sites with music/movies and  few links with a few files and you perfectly fit the description of half of the people who are arrested with CP you fucking idiot. There is absolutely no difference between you and half of the 'sex offenders' that you want to do such horrible things to, the ONLY DIFFERENCE BETWEEN YOU IS THAT YOU USED TOR. So please go rush to turn your pedophile ass into the fucking police for viewing CP, they do not care how many links you clicked on. God are you fucking retarded or something? You are calling for death to people who do the same exact shit that you just did. Go fucking kill yourself then!

I can't believe so many people who would otherwise claim they are pro freedom or libertarian or anarchist would actually want to lock people up for looking at pictures, it is fucking barbaric and I have no doubt what-so-ever that in the future people will look back and wonder how humans could be so fucking stupid and cruel.

Life Sentence for Possession of Child Pornography Spurs Debate Over Severity
Published: November 4, 2011

Does downloading child pornography from the Internet deserve the same criminal punishment as first-degree murder?

A circuit court judge in Florida clearly thinks so: On Thursday, he sentenced Daniel Enrique Guevara Vilca, a 26-year-old stockroom worker whose home computer was found to contain hundreds of pornographic images of children, to life in prison without the possibility of parole.

But the severity of the justice meted out to Mr. Vilca, who had no previous criminal record, has led some criminal justice experts to question whether increasingly harsh penalties delivered in cases involving the viewing of pornography really fit the crime. Had Mr. Vilca actually molested a child, they note, he might well have received a lighter sentence.

“To me, a failure to distinguish between people who look at these dirty pictures and people who commit contact offenses lacks the nuance and proportionality I think our law demands,” said Douglas Berman, a law professor at Ohio State University, who highlighted Mr. Vilca’s case on his blog, Sentencing and Law Policy.

Sexual offenses involving children enrage most Americans, and lawmakers have not hesitated to impose lengthy prison terms for offenders. In Florida, possession of child pornography is a third-degree felony, punishable by up to five years in prison. Mr. Vilca was charged with 454 counts of possession, each count representing one image found on the computer.

Steve Maresca, the assistant state attorney in the case, said that in his view, Mr. Vilca “received a sentence pursuant to the sentencing guidelines.”

“Too many people just look at this as a victimless crime, and that’s not true,” he said. “These children are victimized, and when the images are shown over and over again, they’re victimized over and over again.”

But Lee Hollander, Mr. Vilca’s lawyer, called the sentence ridiculous.

“Daniel had nothing to do with the original victimization of these people; there is no evidence that he’s ever touched anybody improperly, adult or minor; and life in prison for looking at images, even child images, is beyond comprehension,” he said.

Mr. Hollander said Mr. Vilca had consistently said he did not know the images were on his computer. He refused a plea bargain of 20 years in prison, after which the state attorney increased the charges. The sentence will be appealed, Mr. Hollander said.

Troy K. Stabenow, an assistant federal public defender in Missouri’s Western District, noted that most people assume that someone who looks at child pornography is also a child molester or will become a child molester, a view often mirrored by judges.

But a growing body of scientific research shows that this is not the case, he said. Many passive viewers of child pornography never molest children, and not all child molesters have a penchant for pornography.

“I’m not suggesting that someone who looks at child pornography should just walk,” he said. “But we ought to punish people for what they do, not for our fear.”

State and federal laws, which generally increase penalties based on the number of pornographic images, reflect the idea that acquiring child pornography requires extensive time and effort and thus is a measure of a defendant’s involvement and interest. But with the rise of the Internet, it is possible to download hundreds of images in a matter of minutes, making the size of a stash a less than reliable indicator, Mr. Stabenow and other criminal justice experts said. It is now a rare case that does not involve the possession of hundreds, or even thousands, of images.

As a result, many federal judges have issued sentences lower than those called for by federal guidelines, which add months for multiple images and other aggravating factors. And even when such sentencing enhancements are enforced, the sentences — which can sometimes be 18 or 20 years — are often well below what Mr. Vilca received. The federal guidelines, for example, recommend a minimum of 57 to 71 months in prison for possession of 600 or more images of very young children.

Paul Cassell, a former federal judge who is now a law professor at the University of Utah, said there was no question that “consumers of child pornography drive the market for the production of child pornography, and without people to consume this stuff there wouldn’t be nearly as many children being sexually abused.”

Mr. Cassell is involved in efforts to get restitution for victims of child pornography, and has filed a petition in one case with the Supreme Court. But he said that while he was not familiar with Mr. Vilca’s case and did not know what other facts might be involved, “in the abstract, a life sentence for the crime of solely possessing child pornography would seem to be excessive.”

“A life sentence is what we give first-degree murderers,” he said, “and possession of child pornography is not the equivalent of first-degree murder.”
A version of this article appeared in print on November 5, 2011, on page A9 of the New York edition with the headline: Life Sentence for Possession of Child Pornography Spurs Debate Over Severity.


Wow hundreds of images he is lucky to have gotten so many a lot of people are busted after only downloading a dozen images from public P2P networks. Some are even raided after a single image! Life sentence for CP is pretty easy to get in some places, since every image is a completely different charge if the prosecutor wants it to be. Even if you only get one year per image you are pretty fucked if they charge you with 100 counts of possession of CP for loading a single page with 100 images on it. Seems sort of strange that just clicking on one link one time can give you a life sentence, I wonder how many links vinny clicked on, it sounds like at least two.

These law enforcement / 'justice' people live in their own world of propaganda that they inflict upon themselves. They are just as disconnected from reality as pedophiles who think it is good for children to have sex. They live in a fantasy.

Fuck all of you, have fun knowing that in a hundred years more civilized people will look back at people with your mindset wondering how humans could be so barbaric as to want to imprison people for viewing images. I don't care what new people to SR think about my opinions, or old people on SR, I will not hold my tongue although I agree I have said everything that really needs to be said. I amazed nobody has locked or deleted this thread honestly, it seems anything controversial is immediately shut down. Oscar, eat a fat dick for manipulating my words go troll somewhere else. I said I am pretty okay with the fact that she gets court ordered compensation from people, not that it is okay she was molested because she was paid for it. It is just worth noting that one of the loudest proponents of the re-victimization theory for keeping CP possession illegal, is making a substantial amount of money off of people being arrested for viewing CP, and it is also worth noting that she obviously values this income more than she values not knowing how many people are downloading CP she is in. Those are simply facts, interpret them however you like.

Or, I was fucking around on the hidden wiki, looking at hitman for hire sites, and other fucked up shit, and clicked on a few links.

hey president chomo, replace hidden wiki with limewire, hitman sites with music/movies and  few links with a few files and you perfectly fit the description of half of the people who are arrested with CP you fucking idiot. There is absolutely no difference between you and half of the 'sex offenders' that you want to do such horrible things to, the ONLY DIFFERENCE BETWEEN YOU IS THAT YOU USED TOR. So please go rush to turn your pedophile ass into the fucking police for viewing CP, they do not care how many links you clicked on. God are you fucking retarded or something? You are calling for death to people who do the same exact shit that you just did. Go fucking kill yourself then!

I can't believe so many people who would otherwise claim they are pro freedom or libertarian or anarchist would actually want to lock people up for looking at pictures, it is fucking barbaric and I have no doubt what-so-ever that in the future people will look back and wonder how humans could be so fucking stupid and cruel.

You need to go study philosophy to learn how to argue coherently, I never said:
it is okay she was molested because she was paid for it.

I said: "You just said that money is valid compensation for emotional distress."

Which means that money is clearly not valid compensation for individual personal emotional distress. It has nothing to do with it being socially "OK" or not, which is a whole different matter.

The core of the issue is that looking at images of children under the age of 18 naked or in explicit situations is morally wrong because of the same reasons most houses have curtains and most women wear bra's.

If I secretly made an exact genetic clone of you with no brain so no potential in life, then murdered it, would it be murder since noone including yourself ever knew it existed? Ought you feel personally offended by that, or not?

It isn't even illegal to fuck 16 year olds in the majority of the USA, so why is it wrong to look at pictures they take of themselves flashing a mirror? Where do you even get the number 18 from? To me, as an external observer, it seems like your government has planted this number into your brain.

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