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Messages - kmfkewm

Pages: 1 ... 155 156 [157] 158 159 ... 249
Off topic / Re: Dear LE, I have hacked SR; i'll show you how.
« on: August 15, 2012, 11:41 am »
you must be really dedicated to ascii art to make it to scale

Off topic / Re: SR is the least of our Troubles
« on: August 15, 2012, 08:48 am »
one could stumble across it by accident like the guy earlier in the thread

he shouldn't go to prison for that, but under the laws of most countries he can be

btw when you say "nonce" i think of this :P

I am amazed people stumble on CP so much on these networks, it has always seemed to be pretty well sequestered to me

Off topic / Re: SR is the least of our Troubles
« on: August 15, 2012, 08:45 am »
Why do you need to look at CP if you aren't a nonce? What need would there be for it?

What does being a number used once have to do with CP? Anyway, I don't have to look at CP, and I actually refrain from doing so as I find it to either be extremely pointless to look at even if it is not disgusting and doesn't strike me as particularly offensive, or in many cases entirely disgusting and upsetting. That said, I really couldn't give a fuck less what other people look at and I find it to be rather troubling that so many people give so much of a fuck about what others look at. There is clearly no magic re-victimization process, nobody who is victimized in the making of CP would necessarily even know that people were looking at it if the police didn't tell them every time they bust someone, if you believe the highly dubious claim that people looking at CP fuels the CP market through demand then there are PIR systems that can cryptographically hide the demand, etc. It just doesn't strike me as a big deal if someone looks at a picture of anything, I am much more worried by peoples desire to do horrible things to people who do something as completely neutral as looking at an arrangement of colored pixels. Additionally, I think that if jailbait porn was legal that a fucking lot of people who claim to be against CP would be watching it all the time.

Off topic / Re: SR is the least of our Troubles
« on: August 15, 2012, 08:28 am »
The first time I saw cp was on Freenet, and I remember how it made me feel. My heart was pumped, my body was shaking and I felt sick. For the first time I felt real disgust towards someone else and their values. It still makes me feel that way, even here on Tor.

But it's a hard line to draw. So it's ok for us to buy drugs, but not ok to buy weapons? Or it's ok to buy weapons just not ok to use them to hurt others? Or it's ok to hurt others, just not children? Who the fuck even knows...

I would be hesitant to put a filter or a censor on Tor, even though some things really do sicken me. But those same things might seem fine to someone else, just like buying these drugs seems ok to us, and might make someone else sick... I dunno it's a fine line i guess :/

The thing to keep in mind is that by looking at CP on Freenet you committed a crime equal to that of a pedophile who looks at CP on Freenet.

As well it should be.

Yes of course, I think we all know that looking at how a certain software program causes the pixels on your monitor to color themselves when it is presented with a large number leads to child rape when the numbers are bad immoral numbers.

Off topic / Re: SR is the least of our Troubles
« on: August 15, 2012, 08:25 am »
like those lovely crypto-anarchists helping us all with security

I think that you may be shocked and appalled to learn that the large majority of crypto anarchists are in favor of no censorship what-so-ever

Off topic / Re: SR is the least of our Troubles
« on: August 15, 2012, 08:21 am »
The first time I saw cp was on Freenet, and I remember how it made me feel. My heart was pumped, my body was shaking and I felt sick. For the first time I felt real disgust towards someone else and their values. It still makes me feel that way, even here on Tor.

But it's a hard line to draw. So it's ok for us to buy drugs, but not ok to buy weapons? Or it's ok to buy weapons just not ok to use them to hurt others? Or it's ok to hurt others, just not children? Who the fuck even knows...

I would be hesitant to put a filter or a censor on Tor, even though some things really do sicken me. But those same things might seem fine to someone else, just like buying these drugs seems ok to us, and might make someone else sick... I dunno it's a fine line i guess :/

The thing to keep in mind is that by looking at CP on Freenet you committed a crime equal to that of a pedophile who looks at CP on Freenet. 

Nope, Tor is not centralized over anyone. If it was the FEDs would already arrest (not pay) its creators and seized the servers.
So, the creators are just that, the programmers, nothing else.

Tor is actually centralized in that ~five servers tell you about every other node to use, and they have the ability to tell you to use whatever nodes they want to...if at least three of them are malicious and colluding. The ability to do that without a massive botnet is of limited use though, and it would be noticed pretty quickly if the directory authority nodes suddenly started to say the Tor network consisted of an entirely different set of nodes than it did five minutes ago.

Security / Re: Anonymizer a Honey Pot and more....
« on: August 15, 2012, 06:14 am »
I think a judge would have absolutely no problem with feds exploiting Tor or GPG to get to their targets. As far as backdoors go, that is why things should be open source. You can simply have a hash value of the code and then everyone who audits it can confirm they audited the files that hashed to so and so value, and people who use it can hash it to verify its integrity prior to using it. The closest thing to bulletproof way to prevent exploits would be formal verification I imagine, but not even the bitcoin clients themselves have such a high degree of security.

I think you over estimate the amount of
code complexity required for a blind mix, particularly if you consider so much of it is already done in crypto libraries.

here is one blind mint protocol (I tried to fix up the formatting)

Creating the Mint

The mint chooses a prime, p, with (p − 1)/2 also prime, a generator, g, s.t.

g 2 = 1 (mod p)


g (p−1)/2 = 1 (mod p)

 and a random number, k,
k ∈ [0, (p − 1)/2)

Let G be the group generated by g.
The mint publishes
(g, p, g k (mod p))

Withdrawing a Coin
To withdraw a coin Alice picks a random x, the coin ID, from a sufficiently large
set that two equal values are unlikely to ever be generated2 , and calculates,
y = oneway(x)

 y should be in G; check that
1<y <p−1

We should avoid the trivial values 1 and -1, because their signatures are in-
dependent of k. Note that many one-way coin functions (including the one
presented here) provably never produce 1 or -1, but we include this condition
for completeness.

y (p−1)/2 = 1 (mod p)

If it is not, a new coin should be chosen. Note that great care must be take
if you want to choose a one-way function that guarantees membership of G -
certainly one attempt  led to disaster.

Alice chooses a random blinding factor b ∈ [0, (p − 1)/2) and sends yg b (the coin
request) to the mint. The mint debits Alice’s account and returns the blinded

m = (yg b )k (mod p)

Alice unblinds m, calculating the signature,

z = m(g k )−b = (yg b )k g −kb = y k g bk g −kb = y k (mod p)

The coin is then
c = (x, z)

Spending a Coin

To spend a coin, Alice simply gives the coin, c, to Bob. Bob then sends it to the
mint to be checked. The mint first ensures that x has not already been spent,
and that oneway(x) is in G and is not 1 or -1, then checks that z is a signature
for x (i.e. z = oneway(x)k (mod p)). The mint then records x as spent and
credits Bob’s account.

Unfortunately an attack on the anonymity of this protocol is possible. The mint
can mark a coin in a way that only it can detect, by signing it with k instead
of k. Then the unblinded “signature” is

z = (yg b )k g −bk = y k g b(k −k) (mod p)

When Bob submits c to the mint, then the mint calculates
y(zy −k )1/(k −k) = y(g b(k −k) )1/(k −k) = yg b (mod p)

The mint can then simply look up who sent yg b to it and thus learn Alice’s

One defence against this attack is to make the mint prove that it has signed
with k and not some other number. Since the mint must not reveal k, this proof
must be a zero-knowledge proof. Two possible zero-knowledge proofs are known
to me.

Given a coin request, yg b , the mint chooses a random number r s.t.

r ∈ [1, p − 1)

s.t. r is invertible modulo p − 1 (i.e. gcd(r, p − 1) = 1) and calculates
t = k/r (mod p − 1)

(p − 1 rather than p because r and t will be used as exponents modulo p). The
mint then sends Alice

Q = (yg b )r (mod p)
A = g r (mod p)

Alice then randomly demands one of r or t.
If Alice chose r, she verifies that

Q = (yg b )r (mod p)
A = g r (mod p)

If Alice chose t, she verifies that

At = g rt = g k (mod p)
Qt = (yg b )rt = (yg b )k = z (mod p)

Note that a mint that wants to cheat has a .5 chance of getting away with it each
time (by guessing whether the challenger will choose r or t and lying about Q
and A appropriately). Naturally, it is increasingly unlikely to get away with this
with each repetition. A suspicious challenger could always repeat the protocol
until the probability of cheating is low enough to make them happy.

A lot of these pieces are done, just need hooked together.

All the code would consist of, would be these math formulas for the client and server (many parts of which are in crypto libraries), a tiny bit of networking code so the client and server can communicate with each other, and maybe a wrapper for a bitcoin client (although that isn't even required).

Security / Re: Anonymizer a Honey Pot and more....
« on: August 15, 2012, 02:17 am »
Also open transactions is nice but it includes a LOT more than blind mixing and I think that it may be rather overkill for people who simply want the ability to mix their bitcoins with a proof of unlinkability.

Security / Re: Anonymizer a Honey Pot and more....
« on: August 15, 2012, 02:11 am »
No, I am more worried about one of us working for a LEA and installing an exploit into such a software on the client OR betraying data on transactions via the server by using a bait and switch. That is not an accusation, simply that this would clearly be an extremely affective way at undermining the black market using B$. Temptation beckons! A poisoned chalice it would surely be too for any such subscriber.

If the software is open source then it is only vulnerable to people installing exploits in it if nobody audits it. People will always be able to steal bitcoins in their possession so I don't see how having a secure mix is any different from having a less secure mix in that respect.

Perhaps I am spoiled with cryptographically assured trust systems like signed PGP, but it seems to me a real solution has not been yet purposed that doesn't depend on a lack of corruption among the developers. Not arguing for perfection here, just think it should be conceptualized differently to the way things are normally done. Blind mixes are fantastic idea, but only if they work as advertised without 'features'. How can one guarantee such a thing?

They guarantee it based on the way the math works, the client gets an IOU saying that they are owed 1 bitcoin for every bitcoin they send to the server, and then they can do a mathematic proof that shows the server can not identify the signature on the IOU it just sent them. However, the server can still verify the signature on the IOU when presented with it, and then it knows that it actually owes the person with the IOU 1 bitcoin. However, it can not link the person taking the bitcoin out to the person who put the bitcoin in. If the client software is open source and people audit it, there is not much risk of a backdoor being put fact blind mixing software is pretty simple to make and wouldn't entail very much code at all.

Please let me know when you do better than mathematically ensured unlinkability of signatures to clients.

Security / Re: Virtual machine without having to boot into it?
« on: August 14, 2012, 06:17 am »
that is how most virtual machines work in the first place dude

Security / Re: Anonymizer a Honey Pot and more....
« on: August 14, 2012, 12:27 am »
Chaum invented the first blind mix. The client software can verify that the signature is blind, so you really are not trusting anything other than the implementation of the client. Oh yeah, blind mix would need specialized client side software.

Must think further thoughts on this, I think it's going to get important ASAP to hold up the B$ system when LE openly starts to run operations to shut down or spy using the exchanges. It'll happen anyway, but it might as well be done right, obviously people would be super leery of installing software onto their computers that explicitly implicates them as blackmarket users of B$.

They could encrypt it when they are not using it ?? Then hide it in a video file with stego ?


Security / Re: Anonymizer a Honey Pot and more....
« on: August 13, 2012, 09:40 pm »
My biggest fear is that services that mix bitcoins turn out to be honey pots. Really hope there comes a way to mix them with security by design without needing to hope that the service is not a honey pot.

Blind mixing allows coins to be mixed without the mix operator being able to gain any information even if they are malicious. I think I am going to implement a blind mix right now actually, maybe I will charge a bit to use it or maybe I will give it to SR to run and hope he compensates me a little.

Thing is. How to prove to somebody who has just arrived at your service that this is indeed a blind signature mix, and not just a regular bitcoin laundry service? Somebody with no programming knowledge to audit open source code? Otherwise there's no comparative advantage for a blind sig over a normal mix, because you're back to trusting 'authority' i.e. other SR people or the mix owner that it all works according to plan. Maybe I haven't read the work on blind signature mixers properly, but if I'm right, then this is serious problem for anybody implementing a mix.

Also, it would need to be tested per mix cycle in case a LE agent was doing a bait 'n switch with a blind signature mixer and a normal mix. Block chain looks the same, but you're potentially linkable to a transaction if your anonymity is compromised.

Surely somebody like Chaum already came up with a solution to this?

Chaum invented the first blind mix. The client software can verify that the signature is blind, so you really are not trusting anything other than the implementation of the client. Oh yeah, blind mix would need specialized client side software.

Security / Re: Anonymizer a Honey Pot and more....
« on: August 13, 2012, 08:51 pm »
My biggest fear is that services that mix bitcoins turn out to be honey pots. Really hope there comes a way to mix them with security by design without needing to hope that the service is not a honey pot.

Blind mixing allows coins to be mixed without the mix operator being able to gain any information even if they are malicious. I think I am going to implement a blind mix right now actually, maybe I will charge a bit to use it or maybe I will give it to SR to run and hope he compensates me a little.

Security / Re: Double VPN connection?
« on: August 13, 2012, 06:56 am »
Use a firewall ?

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