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Messages - kmfkewm

Pages: 1 ... 152 153 [154] 155 156 ... 249
Off topic / Re: I hate drug users
« on: August 18, 2012, 01:01 am »
You're just pissed off lim locked your nonce thread. This is a drug forum - you don't like it fuck off. Simples

this is a drug thread please stop talking about numbers used once. I think you are just being so sharp towards me because you are a junkie trying to shift the focus onto me to avoid facing the facts that you get your jollies off sniffing drugs that fund cocaine cartels that decapitate hundreds of people. Get off the dope bro it kills you and everyone around you. I can't even imagine what would lead someone to want to pay to poison themselves to support narcoterrorists massacring everyone, you clearly have a very bad disease and are better just put out of your misery before you spread it.

Off topic / I hate drug users
« on: August 18, 2012, 12:48 am »
Always thinking about their own selfish needs, not seeing that drug use causes so many problems in society. Think of all of the innocent people who have been victimized by drugs, their otherwise hopeful lives turned into a cycle of madness, always after the next fix. Drugs turn people into shallow shells of beings, destroy families, lead to violence and cause damage all around them. You think that your hedonistic coke and heroin habit is a victimless crime, there are thousands of people being killed every day just so you can get your jollies off slowly poisoning yourselves , your communities and everyone around you. I think drug users should be marked for death honestly, once you cross that line there is no coming back from it. I think society as a whole has rightfully condemned such abhorrent practices in the name of protecting families and children, there is simply no place for drugs in a civilized world.

Off topic / Re: SR is the least of our Troubles
« on: August 18, 2012, 12:36 am »
its this thread again.....

Yeah, almost makes ya wish the subject of CP was banned from the forum sometimes.  :-\

Just fucking lock it. There was a thread the other day about how LE could use the classic "divide and conquer" technique to destroy a community and you all jumped in that thread like "ho ho ho we are too close-knit fuck you LE say what you want". Now look at this thread.......

I agree, censorship is always the answer

Off topic / Re: SR is the least of our Troubles
« on: August 17, 2012, 10:55 pm »
believe we really can't (in any productive way) stop them.

Just for the record, you can't do shit to stop the free access of people to CP images or anything else. Freedom of information has won on the internet, the police agencies of the world can not stop people who use secured darknets.

Off topic / Re: SR is the least of our Troubles
« on: August 17, 2012, 10:01 pm »
  Looking at CP intentionally, repeatedly, makes you a pedophile.  Period.

actually pedophiles are a minority of people who offend with CP, the stereotypical offender profile should be someone who has become progressively desensitized to legal pornography and requires more and more risqué  material to become stimulated. Pornography addicts overwhelmingly outnumber pedophiles as far as CP possession is concerned. If you disagree with me I can dig up some offender taxonomies from law enforcement, amazingly some of them seem to have accurate understanding of the sociology of the CP market.

There is pretty ample evidence that pornography addicts very rarely cross over from fantasy to actually acting out the fantasies in porn, so although the porn they view will likely become increasingly more depraved over time (or eventually hitting a stable level somewhere), they are no more threats to society than if they never became desensitized past looking at softcore adult porn. There is actually ample evidence that pedophiles are not as likely to be involved with CP as you would think, they are more involved with actually molesting children. Certainly even the largest producers of CP  were motivated out of financial desire more so than out of pedophile tendencies. I never claim that it should be okay to pay for children to be molested, simply that it should not be illegal to look at images, however even thinking that payment for CP images might be immoral is less a libertarian view than the ACLU takes on CP, and less than most anarchists would take as well, who would be more likely to say that there is a difference between paying for a child to be molested and paying for an image of a molested child. I have more trouble to see that distinction.

Off topic / Re: the next dpr
« on: August 17, 2012, 09:33 pm »
one minute you're telling us that nobody in the online drug scene, you included, has the skillz to pull it off, the next minute you're dickteasing us :|

Well I do not have the skills to design such a system but thankfully there are specs around for various components that can be fashioned into such a thing :P. Without that , I could not have found a way to make it work, trust me I tried. I had hoped to separate it from any ties to myself or illegal activity , but at the end of the day I started out wanting such a system for the drug scene and it is pretty impossible to separate myself from it at this point. I am confident that it will be used by enough people who need such a system, that it will not be restricted to the drug scene that uses it, and thus it will hopefully not have such a limited crowd with which to gain more benefits from mixing/PIR than Tor already can provide (after all if only drug scene uses it, it is suspicious in itself if it is used). Currently I have figured out how to fashion it together and I am satisfied that it will scale to forums and be secure if properly implemented, now I am just pounding away at it trying to get it finished and ready for auditing, the design is stable and extremely unlikely to change further (and is not related to any attempts I had before at this, or made by me for that matter, because I do not have such leet skills :(   , thankfully I do not have to ) .

Off topic / Re: the next dpr
« on: August 17, 2012, 09:25 pm »
Sounds great, does it work over Tor or how do you hide its comms?

Are there plans to integrate SR into it?

Will it have escrow service, will it have actual SR`style listings?
Or is it just a chat thing?

Do you have a name for it yet?

Will the source be released?

ETA I am not sure I work a lot on it and have about five thousand lines of code completed with probably just as many left to go.

works over Tor and additionally provides forward message anonymity via mixing and receiving via PIR. Has nothing to do with SR really. Will probably include blind mixing for bitcoins and an integrated way to send bitcoins / blinded tokens simply by selecting your buddy you wish to send them to, or a nice GUI widget such that every post of a person has a button that lets you click and send an amount of bitcoins / blinded tokens to the poster... escrow could easily be added to that but I will not be doing much work on that. I will probably run a blind mix for free provided people who find the system useful donate towards it, otherwise I will charge a percentage for blind mixing. SR could easily run his own blind mix as well. Of course it will be open source and I expect and hope that every line of code will be throughly analyzed. My goal is not to make an e-commerce platform but rather a decentralized encrypted mix/PIR forum and messaging system

Off topic / Re: the next dpr
« on: August 17, 2012, 06:47 pm »
You could continue to use GPG with it, although it uses ECDH and ECDSA from OpenSSL and is equal in strength to RSA-7,680

ETA I am not sure I work a lot on it and have about five thousand lines of code completed with probably just as many left to go.

Off topic / Re: the next dpr
« on: August 17, 2012, 05:59 pm »
i don't think i'd want you to run sr since you shut down almost every board you started as soon as it really got going :P

The next forum I start will not be possible for me to take down ;)

It will probably be a CP forum of some sort.

Hm I have no experience hosting CP although I imagine I could be more secure about it than most of them, although freedom hosting seems to be pretty solid. I really just am not interested in hosting a CP forum simply because I have absolutely no interest in CP , although it would be nice if someone made a jailbait site that didn't intermix photos of highschool girls flashing mirrors for their camera phones with toddlers being ass raped and otherwise tortured

Off topic / Re: the next dpr
« on: August 17, 2012, 05:48 pm »
Why would you have a forum that you can't take down?

If the feds got a hold of it and you couldn't take it down that would be a huge honeypot.

Imagine an application with a UI somewhere between pidgin and phpbb, where you can add buddies to a buddy list. You can then arrange the buddies into groups however you like. If you want to make a post you can signal which of the people/groups on your buddy list should be able to view it, and include a 'suggested sub-forum' to aide in organization. You can then select any subset of your buddy list and communicate with them as if it were a forum. When your correspondents get the message from you, they can send the reply to the same group of people you sent the original message to, or  any subset of the original group , provided your buddy lists are synched (otherwise you can send replies only to people who you actually know about who are also members of the group of people the original message was sent to, or subsets of it). Encryption of all communications is of course managed by the application, forward messages mixed through a distributed mix net and then received through distributed private information retrieval in fixed 'refresh' intervals.

Off topic / Re: the next dpr
« on: August 17, 2012, 05:29 pm »
i don't think i'd want you to run sr since you shut down almost every board you started as soon as it really got going :P

The next forum I start will not be possible for me to take down ;)

Off topic / Re: the next dpr
« on: August 17, 2012, 05:11 pm »
however I do think that I would have an impressive resume considering I did hosting for pretty much half of the private drug forums to exist over the past decade

Off topic / Re: the next dpr
« on: August 17, 2012, 05:07 pm »
However I feel that kfmewkm -snip- would be more suitable potential inheritors.
The guy advocated bombing federal agents. There isn't anyone less suitable.

Yes and his other qualities make him less than adequate.

I was offered to manage the SR server from very early on, and have repeatedly been given chances to code for it , but I was at the time too busy running my own forum (OVDB) and am currently too busy doing other shit as well :D

Off topic / Re: SR is the least of our Troubles
« on: August 17, 2012, 11:24 am »
Oh my days.....You clearly have interest in CP otherwise you wouldn't defend it would you.....You are a fucking nonse cunt. I'm not gonna start with any intellectual crap chat, it's plain for everyone here to see you are a piece of shit kmf.......I'm sure you will try to come back with some pithy, 'I'm smarter than you', sarcastic come back but we all know you're a cunt and would clearly get murked if you ever left your bedroom chattin like that!  ;)

Yes I think that it is plain to see who is right and who is wrong , it is too bad that those who can see right from wrong are in the minority. Also I highly doubt I would get murked leaving my bedroom talking like this very many random people in my general social experiences seem to have quite similar opinions as mine. Maybe we are just in different demographics

Off topic / Re: SR is the least of our Troubles
« on: August 17, 2012, 11:07 am »
i said i wouldn't bother you on the subject again but seeing as your feeble twisted little brain has attempted to insult me for my views while trying to justify your own twisted views...

my logic is as consistent as it can be - the only tough stance i have on anything is hurting others - if you do not hurt others do what the fuck you like. CP is hurting others, viewing CP is hurting others - if no one wanted to see it, no one would get hurt in the making of it. no childrens lives would be ruined for some sick fucks cheap thrills. which part of that logic is your warped brain having trouble understanding?

there is no middle ground for CP - you either condone it or condemn it in its entirety, and i don't think there is anyone on this entire forum that has a different view on this. apart from you of course. and seeing as you've freely admitted you don't think there's anything wrong with looking at it, you clearly are a nonce.

i don't wish death upon you, i just hope someone rapes you and take pictures of it to upload, so other sick cunts on the internet can get their kicks from watching you getting raped.

yes if only there was not a demand for pictures of poverty we would all be rich. It is too bad that cameras or photography were invented in the first place, I think they may just be the source of humanities problems.

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