After a dab, it was a big much to digest in one sitting but, i agree with many of KMFKEWM's points.
-I feel that I get too complacent, even though I do a good job at keeping my real identity and activities unknown. For example, drop spots to me are a must. No matter what anyone says, ordering illegal drugs in your own name, to your own address is never the best idea. I don't care what type of plausible deny-ability you have, if it never comes to your address and the location cant be traced to you, I feel safer.
-I think of everyone as a cop. Until proven otherwise, then I still suspect. Every post made, every comment or review is being read by officers who would think nothing of taking you away from your family, job, and current lifestyle. It might just be a little blow to you but, its a felony and a notch on the belt to a cop. I'm often surprised there isn't a sticky reading "EVERYTHING YOU SAY ON THIS FORUM IS BEING COLLECTED AS EVIDENCE BY THE FEDS "
-I've often wondered if SR has any form of counter surveillance. Just the other night I spent a while mind mapping what counter surveillance for a place like SR could look like. More than 2,500 years ago an old wise China Man wrote about the need for Spy's. I agree. *They have spies amongst us, we probably don't have spies amongst them. That's an issue.
-I agree, software sales on the road bring a huge security risk. As KMFKEWM said, "Windows 7 Darknet Edition" could really be well paid federal agents attempt at infecting and infiltrating the road. Risk outweighs reward I feel.
-A team of "Experts" should be assembled. However, being anonymous in this case can be a bad thing as we should fall back to point #1 and assume everyone is a cop!
-I'm very interested in the photosensitive package tampering device. Agreed it would need to be open source. I don't think it would be too difficult. I don't know what parts are available but, I assume it could done using any SoC and basic radio-shack parts. Biggest thing would be tampering. If its open source, it would be easy to reproduce and replace if the package was nabbed by LEO. This aspect would need to be hashed out more thoroughly as I can already think of a few solutions to this. This is pretty basic stuff, no offense but, until you start thinking about tamper proofing, this is basic Hardware Engineering 101.
I assume (or hope) there is already some process thought through in the event of infiltration, server takeovers, etc. Maybe I'm wrong.
2nd that ! thanks OP ! great comments are here!
The tampering issue is already solved.
One time rfid key which is sent and which only the receiver knows ..device is a cmos which deletes itself upon light way to reproduce that...fuck the FEDS!
I could put something in a package to see if its been tampered with?? do you have a link to more onto on this?
It is fairly simple in theory. The device would consist of a small amount of volatile memory which holds a PRNG seed. A PRNG seed is some initial entropy that deterministically influences the output of a pseudo random number generator. The device would also have an RFID tag capable of transmitting, battery powered RFID can transmit significant enough distances. The volatile memory is hooked to a photovoltaic ('light sensing') cell. After making the package, you would put the device in it and then close it up. Then wirelessly activate the device and load a seed to it. Now when the package is opened light will enter it triggering the photovoltaic cell causing the seed to be wiped from the memory. This makes it impossible for LE to analyze the device to reset it to a non-compromised state. When the package arrives at a fake ID box, the recipient could use an RFID wand to scan for a pattern that they could know because they have shared knowledge of the seed. If they detect this signal, then light never hit the photovoltaic cell, if they do not then either there was a malfunction or an interception. Since they know there was an interception, they can just avoid going to the box store, and since the box is obtained with a fake ID it can not be linked back to them.
There are more fine details that would need to be worked out, but that is it in a nutshell. it may even be possible to have it broadcast its interception status after some predetermined time delay, through the cellular network and to a burner phone.
We have most of the theory figured out, now the trick is to translate that into a step by step list of instructions on how to create these devices with easily obtained materials, and perhaps to program an open source controller for it.