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Messages - kmfkewm

Pages: 1 ... 127 128 [129] 130 131 ... 249
you don't understand what we have been trying to explain.  Your thoughts, and words reflect those of the Nazi, it reflects the ideology of the KKK, it resembles the belief of the Hutu,  and the desires of the VRS,  in Bosnia.

No, actually my thoughts and words do not reflect the Nazis the KKK the Hutu or the VRS. The groups you have named have caused harm against innocents. The people they hate have done nothing against them, they are merely the wrong religion, the wrong race or the wrong ethnicity. People are born into their race and ethnicity, and largely people are born into their religion but regardless people should be free to practice the religion of their choosing. People practicing Judaism did not hurt the German people. Someone being black does not hurt white people. None of the examples you have given are proper analogies for our situation. Do you believe that someone wanting to put all child molesters to death has thoughts that reflect those of the Hutu? No, a child molester has done serious damage to a person. They have created a victim. By their own free will and actions they have unjustly brought harm onto another being. It is disgraceful to claim that someone who wants to put a child molester / rapist / murderer to death is similar to wanting to exterminate the Jews.

Drug law enforcement officers create victims. Innocent people are harmed by them. They are not born into their positions. They choose to become drug law enforcement officers. They do this for a variety of reasons, getting a paycheck is certainly their highest priority. For them to get their paycheck, innocent people are restricted. We are made so that we can not legally use drugs. They hunt us down like animals and throw us into cages. This is not different from slavery. Our oppression is what leads to them putting food on their families tables. They have other options. They select to do what they do. They kidnap innocents, they commit home invasions brandishing automatic weapons and ski masks, they steal millions of dollars in cash and drugs, they falsely imprison hundreds of thousands of people ruining countless lives, they murder innocents, they lead to the spread of disease and death. They create misery in vast amounts of innocents so that they can get a paycheck and feel like they are big shots. This makes them the worst sort of criminal. Criminals must be punished, both for justice and to serve as a deterrent to other criminals. Thinking that child molesters should be punished and DEA agents should be punished is very different from thinking that the Jews should be exterminated. Only a fool or someone who is blinded by statism could possibly think differently.

Additionally, the groups you have named are actually far closer to drug law enforcement than to me. One thing to note is that all of the leaders and core members of the groups you named have been brought to justice, and many of them have been executed for their crimes. 

From Wikipedia:  "Stockholm syndrome, or capture-bonding, is a psychological phenomenon in which hostages express empathy and have positive feelings towards their captors, sometimes to the point of defending them. These feelings are generally considered irrational in light of the danger or risk endured by the victims, who essentially mistake a lack of abuse from their captors for an act of kindness.[1][2] The FBI’s Hostage Barricade Database System shows that roughly 27% of victims show evidence of Stockholm Syndrome.[3]"

Your logic is idiot.

If you are arrested by drug enforcement agents, you are a hostage. You are constantly at risk of being arrested by drug enforcement agents if you are a drug user. In a sense, you are being held hostage by them currently, as you are not free to enjoy drug use without worrying about being detained by them. If you are a drug user and express empathy and/or positive towards drug law enforcement agents ('We need to think about their families, they are just putting food on their families tables, it is just a job, they don't need to be held accountable for their crimes!') then you meet the criteria for Stockholm syndrome. You are a hostage, you are expressing empathy and or positive feelings towards your captors. Several people in this thread have Stockholm syndrome to such an extent that they are even defending the actions of drug enforcement agents.

So essentially you just proved my point, I am confused on how you can read that and think that my logic is "idiot". 

Security / Re: "Potentially Dangerous Connection" question ...
« on: October 12, 2012, 07:48 pm »
If you were loading a hidden service and it actually loaded that is a pretty good sign that you didn't actually have a DNS leak.

Security / Re: "Potentially Dangerous Connection" question ...
« on: October 12, 2012, 06:37 pm »
It means that you could have had a DNS leak

Security / Re: Computer Forensics Investigator here - any questions?
« on: October 12, 2012, 06:35 pm »
Okay so it has been expressed quite a few times that the best way to protect yourself would be to run a laptop with no hard drive and run liberte linux off of a liveCD. It has been further suggested that enabling a bios password and disabling "quick" boot could be beneficial as well.

Therefore, we can conclude that if you are not running the configuration listed above then you are not protecting yourself as much as you could possibly be. (With the exception for those confident in computer security who are qualified to make decisions that may impact their freedom in the future).

That is a pretty big jump you just made to that conclusion. There are all kinds of secure configurations. I feel confident enough in cryptography and my ability to deny knowing a passphrase. Shortly after the power is cut a fully encrypted hard disk with a live CD in the drive  is just as good as a hard disk that has been wiped with randomness with a live CD in the drive.

It is very easy to have empathy for other humans and to value life when one is human.  To be totally apathetic and devoid of compassion or mercy,  and full of hatred; one would indeed be a true monster. 

Do you think that they have empathy, compassion or mercy for you? How can you be so quick to show them mercy when they are so quick to attack us and treat us as wild animals? You give them far more than they give you.

Not empathy, intelligence, wanting the deaths of people for being human and surviving by joining the "winning" side is not good. Change them :)

So it is bad to want the death of Nazis if Germany is winning the war? Actually, that is an excellent summary of the attitudes we see in this thread, I guess humans have a tendency to side with those in power. Undoubtedly when the criminal gangs fall from power and those who acted criminally on their behalf are hunted down like the wild animals they act as, many here will change their minds. We can see that many here are quick to dismiss the crimes of violent organized gangs so long as the gangs are in power. When the gangs fall from power these people will be just as quick to support those who they now claim to oppose.

Security / Re: Dear Everyone
« on: October 12, 2012, 04:28 pm »
I am sick of seeing people saying that 'using a VPN from someone on this forum cannot get me busted , it isn't illegal!" and "who cares about anonymity with Bitcoin, buying bitcoin is legal!". I see people saying these things here on a daily basis.

Security / Re: Is PGP encryption necessarry to remain anonymous?
« on: October 12, 2012, 02:00 pm »
Using PGP only helps you so much. Yeah, if the server is busted, you personal details are safe. However, what if your vendor gets busted? How do you know he hasnt just saved your unencrypted details on his computer? Unfortunately, there is no way to mitigate the latter threat.

Except getting packs to fake ID boxes and switching them up every now and then, or in the event that you learn of a vendor you have used being compromised.

Security / Dear Everyone
« on: October 12, 2012, 01:31 pm »
It is not illegal to make a video confession that you traffick in drugs and it is also not illegal to send said video to the DEA with your fingerprints and signature included. Keep this in mind.

Security / Re: VPN
« on: October 12, 2012, 12:59 pm »
This is great info for LE. Now they can subpoena the company for all info (IP addresses, at least) associated with the account that gets paid through that code. How much do you trust that they don't really keep logs?

Use your head, man

They pay in BTC it gets sent to btc address no name required only log on through VPN or Proxies. Find me HOW?  Tormail for contact

Also as far as I know using a VPN is not illegal is it?

Signing up for kewm VPN is not illegal, plz send me your address and full name and I will get you signed right up! Or just pay me with bitcoins, I will still get your real IP address when you join :).

In fact I actually made a thread so that we can discuss how we should determine if a government agent deserves punishment or not, so we can clear up issues such as 'not killing the DEA janitor'. And also to discuss the appropriate penalties.

WTF?????  senile dementia Stockholm syndrome, Downs  syndrome.  You really ought not be throwing out arbitrary misdiagnoses when you obviously don't have a clue. You take serious and severe illnesses and try to use them as insults?  Actually, I was just ignoring your insignificant posts until you decided to jump on board with mini Adolf.

Certainly Stockholm syndrome is an accurate diagnosis for any drug user who does not wish to punish drug law enforcement officers for their crimes. It is actually a textbook case of Stockholm syndrome if the drug users have ever been imprisoned. You are imprisoned and held hostage by criminals and yet you have become empathetic towards them, this is indeed Stockholm syndrome.

It must be so easy to to throw out words like massacre or petty insults when you sit behind a computer screen in you nice and comfy homes under the safe umbrella of your parents.  Never really knowing or even being in the vicinity of true hardships.  Never having any true responsibility.  Or having the weight of those responsibilities burden you.

It is very easy for me to say that the criminals in the DEA and other drug enforcement agencies must be punished for their crimes. How can you have such an easy time to accept that they commit crimes against us and yet think that we should forgive them and not punish them? Or do you think that we are the criminals and they are the ones bringing justice to us? To think in this way means that you are a brainwashed statist, which actually wouldn't surprise me considering that you want to pardon people who have committed a long list of serious crimes.

Up to this point you all have been vague in your threats,  inconsistent in your arguments, and even deleted your own posts. So you obviously haven't really considered who it is you will be massacring.  whose lives and families you will destroy.  You haven't taken into account that you will be committing the same heinous crimes that you claim have been perpetrated.  Which literally makes you hypocrites. If you become a monster to destroy monster.  You have solved nothing because a monster that thinks they are virtuous still exists.

I have given it some consideration. People who are members of agencies with the sole purpose of drug law enforcement all should be sentenced to death. People who are members of law enforcement agencies that are not strictly focused towards drug law enforcement should be given penalties appropriate for the crimes they have committed. Of course IRS agents must also be tried for extortion, and ICE agents must also be tried for their crimes. Politicians must also be tried for their crimes. Essentially we need to purge the ranks of law enforcement and politicians, not all of them will be sentenced to death but large percentages of them will be penalized. A few hundred thousand people will likely need to be punished, with several thousands executed.

These type of positions exist in one form or another within various LE Agencies and you would murder them?  You are pathetic.  And  before you try to sate you didn't mean these people.  In one of  post that has been deleted,  it was stated anyone associated with LE...

Janitorial Staff
Food Service Personnel
Delivery Drivers
Shipping and Receiving
Human Resources
Emergency responders (medical)
social workers
IT (computers)
Physical Trainers
Social Workers

Furthermore at least there due process under the current system were people have a chance and judgement is weighted and considered.  In what you propose, there is death to anyone you disagree with.

No not all of them must be punished, and I never deleted any post claiming that we should kill the DEA janitor. Oh wow we should really be grateful that they will determine if we are Jewish before they gas us! God bless the USA.

Security / Re: Encryption... Suggestions or Recommendations?
« on: October 12, 2012, 08:58 am »
Definitely. Here's a very quick and dirty introduction.

There are basically two types of encryption.

There is 'regular' symmetric encryption. You use this to encrypt a piece of data with a secret password. To get the data back, you have to use that password again.

A nice program to (symmetrically) encrypt files is TrueCrypt. You can download it for free from the truecrypt foundation website. There are a few good youtube tutorials out there on how to use it.

Then there also is asymmetric encryption. This is also called: public key cryptography. Asymmetric encryption is used in PGP to encrypt email. The sender encrypts a piece of text with the recipients public key, and then sends it to him. Then the recipient can decrypt the encrypted text with his private key.
This one might be a bit more complicated, but nothing overly complicated. There is good material out there.

So those will be your research assignments for today: TrueCrypt and PGP (Also called GPG). Learn to use those two pieces of software and you'll have a good start.

Good luck and if you have questions, do not hesitate to ask them.

You don't actually encrypt or decrypt emails with asymmetric cryptography. You encrypt and decrypt session keys with asymmetric cryptography. The session keys are used to symmetrically decrypt the communication payload.

Security / Re: VPN
« on: October 11, 2012, 05:13 pm »
VPN's are mostly a waste of money and you sure as hell shouldn't use a VPN someone here suggests to you.

I will not compromise in thinking that criminals must be held accountable for their crimes.

If you truly believed this and it is part of your core beliefs.  Then you should turn yourself in for every crime you have ever committed.  Or are you the ultimate authority? So whatever you do or say is okay because you believe what you do is ultimately good. 

How very fascist of you.

I'm done.  I truly hope one day you grow up or grow a conscious.

I only commit "crimes" against the state

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