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Messages - kmfkewm

Pages: 1 ... 125 126 [127] 128 129 ... 249
if nitrous at recreational doses caused brain damage I doubt it would be used at anesthetic doses by dentists

Security / Re: Dear Everyone
« on: October 18, 2012, 12:30 am »

TOR  connection  to a VPN = > OK

VPN  connection to TOR = > GO TO JAIL

That said, there are uses for VPN's but if you aren't smart or don't follow do your research you going to get busted..

As stupid as it is to assume that VPN connection to Tor = go to jail, it is even more stupid to think that Tor connection to VPN = ok, because in reality vpn to Tor is much safer.

Philosophy, Economics and Justice / Re: Victims of the war on drugs
« on: October 16, 2012, 07:53 am »
Your biggest problem is that you think we control the police. The truth is that, had it not been for intense government propaganda, the average citizen wouldn't give two shits about drug users. Here is the cycle:

Government makes propaganda demonizing a subset of the population -> society is conditioned by this propaganda, it is taught in the government schools it is distributed by the mainstream media (and indeed the church is a key player in this conspiracy) -> government creates laws to address the hysteria they have created -> society accepts these laws because of their conditioning -> police enforce the laws

you see it this way:

Society determines that something is bad -> Society has government make laws against it -> Police enforce these laws

In your model, changing the mind of society leads to government removing laws and this to police not enforcing them.In reality the mind of society was set by the government in the first place. It is in the U.S. governments best interests for drugs to remain illegal, they will never decriminalize them. Police are a part of the government. In the end we can simplify this to:

Government determines and enforces what is right and wrong , society is largely passive. 

And guess what when the government says it is required for the police to rape children I will not laugh and be friends with the child rapists after society gets things to change. They still need to be punished. They do not get such an easy out as saying 'government said to do this!!'.

Security / Re: Australian LE Report on BC/SR
« on: October 16, 2012, 07:28 am »
I am pretty sure it is all x-rayed but that people are not viewing it 24/7

Regarding a bomb if you were going to do that then you would want the bomb to go off in the plane and you either need to remotely set it off or set a timer meaning you would have to know when the package is in the air.

Or you could rig it up with an altimeter

seriously even a simple word filter that replaces links to the scam site with SCAM would do a lot to deter the scammer. I appreciate that mods are deleting the spam, but it just seems like a completely stupid way of preventing spam. Because it isn't preventing it. It is cleaning up after the fact.

edit: also I would like to add that I am not bothered by the spam, but I find it strange that a captcha has not been enabled for people without a hundred posts or so

shroom, evidently they have looked into more ways of automatically preventing it, without much success

someone more tech savvy than myself mentioned for some reason even a captcha wont work to stop it. i dont understand. and its not for the admins i do it, its for all the members of the community - stopping trying to remove it will mostly hurt the members more than anything imo

unless everyone stopped buying on SR cause of the spam but i dont think even that would happen. it will just stop people leaving reviews and resulting in more scams

Of course captcha can be defeated but the thing is that takes work and unless you take simple countermeasures you will never know if the spammer will go to the complicated steps required to get by them. There is about a 99% chance that a captcha will be enough to defeat this attacker.

geez thanks for the appreciation, you dont realize the work it takes to remove them all and how much effort moksha and i put into keeping the forums clear of spam while i am awake

they are constantly posted by a freaking bot and i have to go through and delete them one by one

sorry i have to sleep and cant be on 24 hours a day making sure no spam appears, try being grateful that there arent 1000 posts everyday and there are large periods of time the forum is clear of them

I don't get why you don't simply add a captcha it seems like the mods are wasting their time deleting post after post when the simplest countermeasure would stop the spammer.

I have tried crack meth and heroin. I absolutely did not like crack. It was an overwhelming flight or fight rush and it lingered with me through out the day. I do not see it as recreational or even enjoyable, so certainly did not become addicted after one use. Heroin was fun and I think I handled myself quite well on it, I didn't get addicted etc but I have seen heroin fuck peoples lives up and it is bad news. Meth is highly addictive and I would suggest against it, I still get cravings for it to this day many years after trying it last and after never having been a heavy user.

I agree with in that strong should be willing to fight for what they believe in, but only half-baked idiots will resort to violence when there so many other avenues to take first. A real man with conviction and courage would use the political system first.

soap box, ballot box, ammo box

we will be lucky to get weed legal for medical use in the USA. Ballot box has failed. Look at how easy it was for them to start the war on drugs, and then how hard it is for us to get even to smoke weed? Where was the vote for drug criminalization? When did society decide to make drugs illegal? More like when did the state decide to push out propaganda and brainwash everyone. Fuck them and their system. I hope they die painfully , they should have never even been born. You will never convince me otherwise.

Philosophy, Economics and Justice / Re: Victims of the war on drugs
« on: October 15, 2012, 10:11 pm »
philter3 - you're trolling me aren't you bro?

Keep in mind that impressionable people do read these posts. How would you feel if some stoned kid decided to make a stand and got his ass shot off

Hopefully any kids reading this are intelligent enough to know that they cannot survive in a rambo war against the state. Our biggest strategic asset is that we are anonymous and our enemies are not. If you act non anonymously, the state will crush you.

« on: October 15, 2012, 09:24 pm »
sounds like tor2web

Off topic / Re: The zombie drug
« on: October 14, 2012, 05:38 pm »
Although I have never been lucky enough to get any and try it, I hear that PCP is similar to a multi hour K-hole.

Off topic / Re: ......and another one bites the dust........
« on: October 14, 2012, 05:37 pm » always worked for pecunix and they sell bitcoin too

The issue is that however unjust, the DEA works within the confines of the law.

Indeed as did the Nazis. The law you speak of is a construct of the state, used to justify atrocities. It has already been well established by several war crimes courts that following orders and acting within the laws of the state is not an excuse for crimes.

1. Are the actions taken done with malice
2. Are the actions taken to support the current "law" and what many people believe to be right
3. Do the actions taken cause direct harm to another human
4. Do the actions taken have follow the non aggression principle

Do we excuse child molesters if their actions are not taken with malice? There is an argument that can be made for malice being used to increase a criminals punishment, but the lack of malice is not an excuse for crime. Many people think that child molestation is right. Does that excuse those who commit the crime? Of course not. It doesn't matter how many people think something is right. Additionally, see my above reply for my thoughts on the law. As for three and four (the only points I agree with in regards to the assessment of criminality), drug enforcement agents are guilty of actions which fall under both (causing direct harm to innocents, not following the non-aggression principle).

Security / Re: Computer Forensics Investigator here - any questions?
« on: October 14, 2012, 04:41 pm »

Because 1000-1500 degree temperatures won't destroy hard drives!!!

Actually you are right if you heat the drive that much it will probably wipe it. Initially I was thinking the melting point for aluminum is 1220F and for glass it can be much higher, but in reality the drive only needs to be heated until the magnetic substrate reaches its curie temperature, at which point it should be equivalent to having randomly wiped it magnetically. But 1000-1500 might not be enough to melt a given platter, I know aluminum has a melting point of 1220F not sure the melting point of the glass sometimes used for drive platters but a quick search shows glass melting points as ranging from about 1500F-4200F depending on the specific type.

I just did a bit of research on this though, and it doesn't matter if the platter melts because once something magnetic reaches its curie temperature it is randomized. Wikipedia claims that '; the effect is reversible' but doesn't appear to detail how. So I guess my final answer is that perhaps raising the drive to that temperature will be enough to wipe it, I did a little research and found the curie points of the magnetic substrates on platters as being a bit under 1000F so unless that randomization can indeed be reversed somehow it seems like it would be secure.

Personally I would just use ATA secure erase or dban though.

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