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Messages - kmfkewm

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I can't believe people ever thought it was a better idea to get packages to their houses than to get packages to locations that can be dropped and can't be tied to them.

i have an issue with this i'd like to address, and i hope kmfkewm gives me his take on this.

if they intercept a package heading to a p.o box/similar service, i'd assume they could do a stakeout. if nailed, you'd then get charged with fraud and what kind of plausible deniability would you have against the alleged drug charges? assuming he is from the USA, he's innocent until proven guilty if that package just gets left on his doorstep and he makes no claims or actions to signify his acceptance or expectance of the contraband. how would using a p.o box be any safer?

If you would rather have your name and address on a list of felony drug importers and get threatening letters from the DEA than risk getting an additional mail fraud charge when you are busted for drug importation, be my guest.

Yep this is a very good point!! Also some PO box do not allow for mail that needs to be signed for...Obviously its best if you can use another location for your drop but like mentioned, believe it or not even if you get caught signing for illegal goods its not enough in court ;) need to be busted reselling the drugs which is a huge operation and better be a large amount of product!! Also when using your own name and location depends where you live.. same mailman everyday, etc.. many factors but bottom line is.... Only you know what is the envelope so why sweat it??? I mean I do sweat it lol if packs don't show after super extended periods of time but like I said, in the long run not too worried cause I have a good lawyer and knowledge to lay low and clear house if case ever be!!

FALSE. As soon as you accept the package you will be arrested. They don't need to wait for you to resell anything. They probably don't even need to wait for you to accept the package, but they tend to try and get you to sign for it and open it.

you could use the street address of an apartment complex without specifying the apartment number, it will check out as valid and mail to it will not be deliverable to anyone.

you can use out of state ID to get a box, although it may make you somewhat more susceptible to intelligence gathering operations

I actually didn't see your post as the slightest bit provocative and was scratching my head as to why some people seemed to take it that way

Silk Road discussion / Re: Is Silk Road a Honeypot(yet)?
« on: October 20, 2012, 11:51 pm »
I think I don't care if the feds run SR as long as they don't close registration for new vendors. If I were DPR I would want SR to be using Tor via Tor. I would also keep an almost entirely clean house and use a laptop without a hard drive, with my GPG keys and such stored on some remote servers so I can have remote persistence. Good luck getting him then. 

Security / Re: Help received letter in mail from DEA
« on: October 20, 2012, 10:34 pm »
Another thing we should do is try to find out if there are any common ordering patterns with people who received these letters, we can probably narrow in on what happened (ie: which vendors talked / had piss poor security and didn't wipe addresses, or if the server itself was seized with plaintext addresses still stored on it).

Security / Re: Help received letter in mail from DEA
« on: October 20, 2012, 10:31 pm »
There are three things to take from this.

1. Encrypt your address with GPG. It is very possible that the people getting letters were identified because their addresses were sitting in plaintext on the TFM server, or plaintext on the computers of vendors.

2. Vendors, it is vitally important for you to wipe all traces of address information when you are done with it.

3. Get shit sent to boxes that are not connected to you. Fake ID and private mail box is one strategy. People have discussed abandoned buildings, homeless shelters. Less scrupulous people will do a bit of surveillance on a random house to see if the owners are home when the mail comes, get shit shipped to them and intercept the pack before they check their mail. There are a lot of techniques and all have advantages and disadvantages, but here we can see one of the biggest benefits: if shit hits the fan and the feds get an address it will not be your address. The only way they will get you at this point is doing surveillance on the box and watching you pick up. History has shown us time and time again that this doesn't always happen in the case of interceptions, sometimes you get a love letter, sometimes you get a warning letter like this, sometimes the pack just never arrives and a postal inspector knocks on your door a few weeks later, sometimes it says right on the tracking that the feds intercepted your shit! Having an anonymous shipping location is your last layer of defense and in this case we can clearly see that it worked to the advantage of the people doing it, and that not using anonymous shipping locations worked to the disadvantage of the people who didn't use them.

Security / Re: Help received letter in mail from DEA
« on: October 20, 2012, 10:13 pm »
If they wanted you they wouldn't send you a letter first most likely. You are definitely on a list though, and it isn't entirely unreasonable to assume that you may get a visit eventually.

I can't believe people ever thought it was a better idea to get packages to their houses than to get packages to locations that can be dropped and can't be tied to them.

Security / Re: Help received letter in mail from DEA
« on: October 20, 2012, 10:03 pm »
I know that hindsight is 20/20 and it will not help you much now, but what you should have done is ordered drugs to fake ID boxes or other places not connected with yourself. I would never order substances right to my home address. I know people from TFM who ordered shit to boxes they got with fake ID and similar types of anonymous locations, and they are laughing that their long since abandoned shipping locations probably have received the same warning letters.

Security / farmers market customers getting cease and desist letters
« on: October 20, 2012, 03:48 am »
Just heard that at least some people who ordered drugs from the farmers market have gotten cease and desist letters from the DEA informing them that if they continue to order scheduled substances they will be arrested. In a way that is a good sign for them, it means they probably are not going to be arrested for having ordered substances from the farmers market. I bet they wish they used fake ID boxes, it is a safe bet that their mail is going to be watched if anyone has their mail watched. This clearly highlights one of the advantages of using fake ID boxes...none of them had DEA visit them but clearly the boxes they used are known to DEA and thus if they used real boxes they are now known to the DEA as illegal drug buyers.

Security / Re: Forum Results Visible in Google
« on: October 18, 2012, 11:05 pm »
You are right actually, I was thinking if the domain is that it would check but it takes the subdomain into consideration so it would load /me embarrassed

Security / Re: Forum Results Visible in Google
« on: October 18, 2012, 10:39 pm »
Doxing bypasses your personal discretion and safety measures.

Doxing has shit all to do with this

Security / Re: Forum Results Visible in Google
« on: October 18, 2012, 06:15 am »
omg stop the panic, admins can just set a robots.txt that forbids google to crawl.
LE can crawl the forum regardless of google and it comes with a built in search function anyway.

The more concerning question is how much tor bandwidth is used up by clearnet search engines crawling onionland.
On the other hand this might get a lot of people aware of Tor if they accidently stumble upon a page and wonder about the strange url...

Admin can't do that because the robots are not crawling SR they are crawling web based proxies that let people (insecurely) view .onion sites without Tor. The admin of those sites would need to add the robots.txt file , and this is why I say the issue is not fixable. Making it members only for login would not really fix the issue in the sense I was thinking (ie: I was thinking a robots.txt type of fix the situation) but it would make it so the robots get stuck on the login page instead of spider the forum.

That said, who gives a fuck. Loose lips sink ships hahahaha. This site has been all over the news of the entire god damn world and I don't keep track of the number of users but it must be over one hundred thousand by now. You guys sound fucking retarded to be tripping out about google having links to this thirty some thousand member public forum. Oh noez SR is fucked for sure now!!!1111

Security / Re: Forum Results Visible in Google
« on: October 18, 2012, 03:07 am »
it isn't possible to fix it

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