Philosophy, Economics and Justice / Re: how should we bring justice to those who participated in the drug war?
« on: November 04, 2012, 05:29 am »Quote
But you can't expect most people would find such a society appealing or desirable. Just like you can't expect everyone in your neighborhood to want to, or even be good at, participating in your neighborhood's defense.
The only difference between my proposed society and the society of today is that in my society you have choice in the agency that defends you, and how they go about doing it. If you want defense from being robbed it will be in your best interests to purchase this service from a private company that can offer it. If you do not want "defense" from drug users smoking marijuana, then you will not pay for this from the security agency or obtain services from such a security agency. In the society of today, you must get security from a selection of approved agencies. They protect you in a uniform fashion, and you fund all of this. If you don't support the war in the Middle East it doesn't matter you are still going to fund it (ie: you are funding the agencies that are fighting a war there). This is the exact opposite of voluntaryism and it is the exact opposite of a free market. Of course we have atrocities like the war on drugs, we are forced to fund it! That money goes somewhere, it goes into the paychecks of the DEA agents and it makes the private owners of prisons very rich. There doesn't need to be a reason for the war on drugs other than the fact that it makes them rich, and the propaganda makes it seem like what they do is okay and for a good cause so they will take that paycheck. In a free world you would not be forced to pay for your own oppression and you are free to pay for your own defense from what you see as oppression. How could anyone not want that?
Sounds like the significant portion of your income you save in taxes would now go towards paying these "security agencies" to defend your neighborhood.
Yes some amount of the money you save from not being forced to pay a wide variety of government security and "security" agencies would need to be spent on private security agencies to replace them, provided you want to have the same level of security. Of course when you stop funding agencies that bust drug users and agencies that forcibly extort money from you, the total cost of defense will automatically be cheaper. Additionally private services are very frequently proven as being more efficient and effective than government provided services, just look at the difference in education provided by a privates schools versus public schools. And private schools would be more affordable for people if they were not forced into funding a public school system. And for people who still couldn't afford private schooling, there will be plenty of public school opportunities offered by various religious charities and especially internet classrooms. Likewise, private defense agencies will be more efficient and more effective than government run defense agencies. So in addition to saving money, you can put the money you saved towards more effectively and efficiently protecting yourself at a lower price!
And there would be nothing preventing the private security agency you hire from being abusive, corrupt, or incompetent on levels much more intolerable than your current government. What's preventing all the private security agencies from not being mafia rackets and colluding themselves while raising your "protection fees" through the roof? Nothing.
The private security agency works for you. In order for them to keep getting your business, it will be in their best interest to treat you as courteously as possible. If they work against you, for example by stealing your money or arresting you for drug possession, then they are no longer private defense agencies but rather they are armed criminals and oppressors. At this point you will be where we are now, and hopefully alternative market sources of defense and law will be made available to us, and we can fund them to the point that they overthrow our new oppressors. The worst case scenario you predict is exactly what we have right now, you are forced to provide funding to colluding government agencies via their mafiaesque defense rackets. Very little stops them from raising your already enormous protection fees even higher.
In fact, in a world without government why even bother using a euphemism like "CEO" for those that own and lead these "security agencies"? They'd be nothing more than warlords wrecking havoc with their private militias for fun and profit. Might as well call a spade a spade.
Why do you not call the people using their public militias to wreack havoc warlords? Instead they are Generals? Why not call the head of the D.E.A. such, or the other paramilitary government police agencies? The D.E.A. is essentially a band of gun waving armed robbers and kidnappers who target drug dealers. You have been totally conditioned to the point that you see the governments behavior through a distortion, but when you remove the title government you see any organized defense as necessarily being what the government already is and without the distortion!
What's most puzzling about the libertarian utopia that I've yet to learn from a libertarian anarchist is how and why corporate tyranny would be so much better than government tyranny. Maybe you can be the first to offer a coherent explanation.
Anarchist Libertarianism does not envision corporate tyranny, it envisions a free market where you are empowered to select your own products and services instead of having them selected for you by the state. It also views far more things as products and services than most people generally do, for example the roads and indeed even what the laws are and who enforces them.