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Messages - kmfkewm

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Security / Re: How to Choose a Secure/almost Hack-Proof password
« on: November 09, 2012, 12:08 am »
Code: [Select]
The following code implements a slightly modified version of the password entropy estimating
algorithm suggested by Bill Burr in the draft version of the NIST publication 'Estimating Password

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdbool.h>

#include "advstring.h"

static char password[1024];
static double entropy_bits = 0.0;

static int dictionary_test(char*, double*);
static int password_characters_test(char*, double*);

Main is given the users password as input and outputs the estimated amount of entropy
that the password has.

change main to password_check when the time comes

int main()
  fgets(password, sizeof(password), stdin);


  password_characters_test(password, &entropy_bits);
  dictionary_test(password, &entropy_bits);
  printf("%f", entropy_bits);
  return 0;

static int x = 0;
static bool contains_digit, contains_lower, contains_upper, contains_special;

password_characters_test checks the length of the password as well as the
sort of characters it contains, and accordingly adds to the amount of
estimated entropy.

int password_characters_test(char* password, double* entropy_bits)

  while(x != strlen(password))
      if( isdigit(password[x]) && contains_digit == false)
          contains_digit = true;
          *entropy_bits += 1.5;
      else if( islower(password[x]) && contains_lower == false)
          contains_lower = true;
          *entropy_bits += 1.5; 
      else if( isupper(password[x]) && contains_upper == false )
          contains_upper = true;
          *entropy_bits += 1.5;
      else if( ispunct(password[x]) && contains_special == false)
          contains_special = true;
          *entropy_bits += 1.5;
      else if(isspace(password[x]) && contains_special == false)
          contains_special = true;
          *entropy_bits += 1.5;

      if(x == 1)
          *entropy_bits += 4;     
      else if(x > 1 && x < 10)
          *entropy_bits += 2;
      else if(x >= 10 && x <= 20)
          *entropy_bits += 1.5;
          *entropy_bits += 1;

return 0;

static FILE *dictionary_file;
static char dictionary_word[1024];

dictionary_test compares strings from the dictionary file named 'dictionary'
and adds estimated entropy if the user provided password does not include
and of the words in the dictionary file.

static int dictionary_test(char* password, double* entropy_bits)

  dictionary_file = fopen("dictionary", "r");
  if(strlen(password) > 6)
    *entropy_bits += 6;

  while(fgets(dictionary_word, sizeof(dictionary_word), dictionary_file) != NULL)
      if(strcasestr(password, dictionary_word))
          *entropy_bits -= 6;

  return 0;

Security / Re: How to Choose a Secure/almost Hack-Proof password
« on: November 08, 2012, 11:29 pm »
kmfkewn, I have to respectfully disagree with you here.

Somebody who is a native speaker of the English language knows somewhere between 5000 (Joe average) and 12000 words (if you're a very highly educated person). Let's really stretch it and say there are 20000 words, which is about the contents of a pocket size dictionary.

Then, if you choose a password consisting of 3 English words (ex. stonedskittleleprechaun), then there are 20,000 to the power 3 possibilities (8x10^12). To calculate the bits of entropy, you have to take the 2 base logarithm of that number. That gives 42.9 bits of entropy, which isn't even close to the 80 we wanted.

And then I'm stretching it; in reality it's going to be even weaker. When you ask people to choose a random word, they tend to choose nouns (like you chose "reptile"). And if it's a cluster of words, then people tend to put adjectives before the nouns. Both "correct horse battery staple" and "stoned skittle leprechaun" follow this pattern.

A person's vocabulary isn't that big, and the type and order of the words you choose isn't all that random. So In the calculations I used above, I made some pretty optimistic assumptions for the number of possibilities.

However, if you make a password that consists of random characters, then for each character there are roughly 70 possibilities (26 lower case letters, 26 upper case, 10 numbers and 8 special characters). That means that for each random character, you get the 2Log70 = 6.1 bits of entropy.

This means that a password like:
8wF+2Gzb (7 random characters)
contains 42.7 bits of entropy, and which is just as strong as "stonedskittleleprechaun" (if not stronger).

If you have a password of 15 random characters, then you get 91.5 bits of entropy, which is reasonable. TrueCrypt recommends 20 characters, which gives you 122 bits of entropy in my calculations (it may be slightly more because there are more than 8 special characters). Then you are getting in the range of 128 bits of entropy, which is desirable.

For a service like Silk Road, where the amount of login attempts are limited, these things are not a concern. But if you choose a password for an encrypted volume, you need to take it into consideration.


CoolGrey's golden rule: for a good password, avoid anything that looks like English.

Cool Grey, I can give sources backing my claims, can you give sources backing your claims:

well actually I just did part of your job for you as this link says this

Good passphrases are 10-30 characters long, are not
     simple sentences or otherwise easily guessable (English prose has only
     1-2 bits of entropy per character, and provides very bad passphrases),
     and contain a mix of upper and lowercase letters, numbers, and non-
     alphanumeric characters.  The passphrase can be changed later by using
     the -p option.

1-2 bits of entropy per character in English prose, although they suggest not using it.

here is another source that estimates the entropy per bit of English (from wikipedia)
The entropy rate of English text is between 1.0 and 1.5 bits per letter,[6] or as low as 0.6 to 1.3 bits per letter, according to estimates by Shannon based on human experiments.[7]

Shannon, Claude E.: Prediction and entropy of printed English, The Bell System Technical Journal, 30:50–64, January 1951.

I believe that english only levels out to ~1 bit of entropy per character after several characters are used. According to this NIST (draft, although I used to have a non draft copy which was nearly the same if I recall correctly) paper on password strength estimation:

password length :: bits of entropy +=

1 - 4
2 - 6
3 - 8
4 - 10
5 - 12
6 - 14
7 - 16
8 - 18
10 - 21
12 - 24
14 - 27
16 - 30
18 - 33
20 - 36
30 - 46

1- 10 character passwords consistent with
curves in Fig. 4 of paper
♦ 10 – 20 character passwords assume that
entropy grows at 1.5 bits of entropy per
♦ Over 20 character passwords assume that
entropy grows at 1 bit per character

as you can see the first character gives more entropy than subsequent characters. Their estimator only adds += 2 bits of estimated entropy for having a number, += 2 bits for having a capital and += 2 bits for having a special character. So the difference between abc and A*8 is the second is 6 bits stronger, but between abcd and A##9 the difference is still 6 bits. This isn't the best entropy estimation system in the world, but I have compared outputs using this algorithm with outputs from more algorithms I have been told are more accurate, and really the difference between the outputs is minimal. Thus I consider this to be a good entropy ESTIMATOR whereas the other more complex algorithms are actually entropy calculators I suppose.

with this algorithm, the estimated strengths of the passwords:

8wF+2Gzb :: 36.0
stonedskittleleprechaun :: 41.0
So many things to remember and do I will just make up a sentence then reptile7*  :: 101.5

for an FDE or GPG key you will want to have at least 80 bits of entropy in your password, so only the long sentence would be suggested. For a web based password to a site like SR, you don't really need 80 bits of entropy imo. That NIST paper gives various suggestions of when to use which strength of password.

Off topic / Re: You are all WHITE aren't you?!
« on: November 08, 2012, 06:44 am »

they established a clear causative relationship between genetics and performance on standardized IQ tests.

In an intriguing twist, Project ENIGMA investigators also discovered genes that explain individual differences in intelligence. They found that a variant in a gene called HMGA2 affected brain size as well as a person’s intelligence.

DNA is comprised of four bases: A, C, T and G. People whose HMGA2 gene held a letter “C” instead of “T” on that location of the gene possessed larger brains and scored more highly on standardized IQ tests.

“This is a really exciting discovery: that a single letter change leads to a bigger brain,” said Thompson. “We found fairly unequivocal proof supporting a genetic link to brain function and intelligence. For the first time, we have watertight evidence of how these genes affect the brain. This supplies us with new leads on how to mediate their impact.”

To say that all races have perfectly equal IQ bell curves is a pretty big claim. There are so many genetic differences that influence a persons intelligence that the only way different races would have the same exact bell curves would be if these genetic variables are either equally distributed or balanced (ie: Alice has one gene that leads to higher verbal intelligence, Bob has a gene that leads to higher visual intelligence, and in the end their GIQ is equal yet for different reasons) throughout the various races. The probability of this being the case is essentially zero, and actually studies have shown that this disparity between the IQ bell curves of various races exists and is strongly linked to genetics.

Off topic / Re: You are all WHITE aren't you?!
« on: November 08, 2012, 06:36 am »
intellectual superiority of any race over another honestly cant be proven. There are too many variables. A black person could counter your opinion and say they're actually smarter considering the late start they had involving education(slavery), which would also be a good argument. People believe Asians are the smartest, one could simply counter saying that in many of their origin countries they take schooling more serious than alot of Americans, which would extend through family values to Asian families in America. Someone could call many racists southerns shallow minded but once again that's due to an environmental variable. At the end of the day unless you have at least 1200 people of each race that have all of the possible variables the EXACT same, we'll never truly know.

Can height superiority of one race over another be proven? I am pretty sure that black people are the tallest of all people. What is different about intelligence that makes it so that it is the one variable trait of  individual humans that is uniformly distributed across all races? It really isn't a far leap from 'not all races average the same height' to 'not all races perform equally well on IQ tests', and indeed science has shown that both of these claims are true and that the root cause of this is primarily although not exclusively genetics.

Off topic / Re: You are all WHITE aren't you?!
« on: November 08, 2012, 03:40 am »
And an example of a question testing your long term verbal memory may be something like:

scrambled eggs are to chicken as ice cream is to ???

to correctly solve that, you will need to remember what the words scrambled eggs, chicken, ice cream and cow mean and you will also need to know the relation between chicken and scrambled eggs and be able to determine what word has the same relationship with ice cream.

And an example of a long term visual memory test would be to show you a picture for a brief period of time and then ask you questions about the picture an hour later and see how many you can correctly answer. Perhaps I briefly show you a picture of a house and ask you how many windows were on it an hour later.

Off topic / Re: You are all WHITE aren't you?!
« on: November 08, 2012, 03:24 am »
Apparently blacks do tend to score above whites on working memory tests though, I see someone cited this claim as originating in Nijenhuis et al., 2004  , however I do not feel like downloading and digging through that pdf to verify the claim. I know that blacks tend to score closer to whites on visuospatial tests though, and these are thought to be much less culturally biased than tests of verbal intelligence. IQ tests are generally based on four criteria, short and long term verbal and visual memory. The scores from each of the subtest categories influences the overall giq (general IQ) to various degrees. Some people might not be able to remember a sentence they just heard, others could remember it enough to repeat it forwards (a test of verbal short term memory) and others enough to repeat it backwards (which would likely test visual short term memory as an efficient strategy would be to visualize the sentence mentally and then read it backwards orally). Some people are able to remember larger sentences than others , others are able to remember smaller sentences than others but for longer, etc. The overall performance on tests like this is used to determine the persons general IQ score.

The point I am trying to make is that it is naive as hell to think that genetics could cause a person to be taller or shorter than another, but that it is entirely culturally determined how many digits from a series a person can repeat backwards before they start to make mistakes or forget, or how well a person can find consistent patterns in series of shapes or numbers.

Off topic / Re: You are all WHITE aren't you?!
« on: November 08, 2012, 03:09 am »
Kmfkewm, I have no idea where you're getting your facts... Conditioning over generations changes genetic factors such as IQ, pre-existing mental conditions, health risks, and dominant usage of the different parts of the brain.

Here is the first thing I can find:

A 60-page review of the scientific evidence, some based on state-of-the-art magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of brain size, has concluded that race differences in average IQ are largely genetic.

There is a picture of the IQ curves for various races somewhere, I can't find it right now though. It isn't the same picture for every race.

I am not sure exactly which facts you question though? Genetic components have been well established for various mental illnesses, disease susceptibilities etc. Of course over time new combinations of genes are expressed in humans as people mate and reproduce, and even random mutations happen and sometimes they even have beneficial effects. I am not sure exactly what you mean by conditioning, it is simply evolution.

Actually that's not true. You have a choice right now as to who defends you. If you find the agencies of the US government too overbearing you have the option of immigrating to the country with the protection agencies, freedoms,  foreign policies, and tax policies you find most appealing. There are 195 others to choose from. If you don't find any of them uniquely suited for you guess what? That's the free market. There aren't an infinite set of items to choose from in the free market and never were.

First of all, it is not so simple to just pack up and move to a new country. I would love to be in the Czech Republic as they have much laxer laws than the USA does, but that would entail me learning to speak their language and lots of other things. It is not trivial to change your citizenship. In a free libertarian society you do not need to pick any protection agency! Your comparison of this situation to a free market is incorrect, if it were a free market I would opt out of funding the DEA immediately. I would opt out of funding any agency that enforces drug laws! No nations protection agencies have a package that I would spend money on. I am forced to select one thus I am not in a free market where I could select none. And within the nations there is not a free market or even the option to select from various agencies, there is a single monopoly protected by the federal government, and all of us are forced to fund these agencies and receive even "protections" that we do not desire. Your claim that this is equivalent to a free market shows that you haven't the slightest clue what a free market actually is.

You’re not going to get any argument from me nor probably anyone else in these forums about the futility of the war on drugs. But I recognize that there are trade offs in a representative democracy since not everyone is going to agree with me hence my tax dollars aren’t always going to be spent on things I agree with.

Indeed, and wouldn't you rather spend your money only on the things that you agree with? Why would you desire to be forced into funding things that you disagree with? Are you incapable of making choices on your own? The trade off is your freedom for slavery to the collective! When your money is forcibly taken from you and spent on things you disagree with, even on your own oppression, you are not a free person anymore.

You don’t seem to recognize that in your “free world” you’re going to inevitably run into the same issues. There would still exist a state, be it on a much smaller scale like your neighborhood. There would still be public goods in your neighborhood-state, like common defense, where you’ll disagree with your neighbor on how much needs to be spent and what it should be spent on. If he doesn’t agree with your budget idea and “opts out” on principle of voluntaryism what are you going to do? Force him to pay for something he doesn’t want, but will get as a residual benefit anyway because the rest of you will? But then you’d be doing precisely what you decry the government is doing.

My neighbor can spend what he wants to spend and I will spend what I want to spend. I don't care about neighborhood defense, I care about defense of my own life and property. If other neighbors would like to pool resources so that we can afford more comprehensive neighborhood security, than those who pool money will obtain the services paid for. I will not force my neighbor to pay for defense and I will not pay for his.

Within the system, I have no reason not to believe that once a critical mass of the populace comes to recognize the futility of the WoD that the laws will change ... as they did for prohibition. And again, saying your belief you’re being forced to pay for it in contravention of a free market is just not true. You can move to a country that doesn’t spend tax dollars on wars in the Middle East or has decriminalized drug use. That’s the free market.

Indeed and Jews could have moved from Nazi Germany prior to the holocaust so their extermination is to be blamed only on them. They were free! You understanding of what a free market is is extremely incorrect. Guess what, a critical mass of the population didn't give two shits about drug use until the United States federal government pushed out a bunch of propaganda and conditioned them into accepting that the war on drugs was a good thing and drugs were bad. Look at things like reefer madness ,  do you think the people who made that propaganda thought that it was honest truth? No, people who make propaganda at the highest levels understand that it is false and lies. The government lied to the people to justify imprisoning and enslaving millions of its own citizens for the profit of private interests. They have literally sold us into prison industrial slavery, and no our neighbors did not decide to do this on their own, they were conditioned into it by a group of powerful elites who would profit from our slavery. Democracy is a flawed system, the masses are too easily manipulated for it to be meaningful in the slightest. We will what end the war on drugs when people wake up from decades or centuries of propaganda and lies? And this is your victory of democracy?! So then they can move on to the next behavior that will be demonized and prosecuted, and the new masses will be conditioned by the new generation of propaganda and lies?! Slaves are too valuable for them to simply free us all. Government and democracy ensures an endless cycle of slavery with only details of the slaves backgrounds changing.

No one’s disputing the merits of the efficiencies of the private sector in many areas of industry. What makes you look naive is your anarcho-libertarian infatuation that private enterprise is somehow superior and preferable in ALL instances. Private enterprise on its own has never proven effective in providing for public goods. I’m also surprised to see your use of private vs public education as proof of private sector superiority when that canard was debunked six years ago in a landmark study that found no appreciable differences. While raw scores from private schools were higher they proved a mirage after factoring in socio-economic factors like race, gender, and the wealth and education of the parents.

You will need to clarify for me what exactly public good are in your opinion. In my vision all goods are private, so there is no need to provide public goods and thus your dubious claim that private industry can not provide them is entirely irrelevant. I have attended private and public schools in a similar socioeconomic setting, I can say that in my opinion private education is superior. According to this time article they still found that children who attended Catholic private schools performed better, even when those variables were controlled for:,8599,1670063,00.html

additionally that study looks dubious and political at first glance, although I have not read it.

So those that can’t afford private schooling must be subject to religious indoctrination at a religious school subsidized by religious charities for the sole purpose of indoctrinating kids into their religion who can’t afford an education otherwise? What a fucked up idea.

So those that can't afford private schooling must be subject to statist indoctrination at a public school entirely funded by gun toting IRS agents extorting money from people, for the sole purpose of indoctrinating kids who can't afford an education otherwise into statism and exposing them early to government propaganda (D.A.R.E immediately comes to mind!) ? That sounds like an awful idea!

Well I guess it’s a great idea unless you or your kid had to go to one. Or until religious institutions empowered by  swelling ranks from the impoverished masses decide to overtake your neighborhood-state and force you to go to one.

Religious people already force me to fund the neighborhood public school, so once again in your nightmare 'free market' society nothing has changed except the name Government and the people in charge.

And this is where I get to say, with good justification, that you are “blinded by your idealistic image”.  Just hoping won’t make these alternatives appear out of thin air when there’s far more incentive for them not to.  Just look at history to see how that shit doesn’t work.

Look where you are typing this!! You are telling me this on a privately owned forum that is dedicated to drug traffickers who participate in the privately owned for profit drug trading market named silk road! This is illegal in every nation state on earth and yet we are still here. Look no further than here to see that even when there are overwhelmingly powerful oppressors, the free market will stand and private providers of security and defense will successfully stand up to them! We have our private security agency right here, and indeed we are successfully protected by it from the unjust laws of society. And now I say that we must also have private law, and the law must be that those who have oppressed us will be brought to justice for their crimes against us.

No reason for private security agencies to compete for your business when they can just collude with the others on where to divide up their territorial monopolies, and then FORCE you to use their business. If they can’t agree they’ll go to war over who gets to enslave you. But to think they’re going to get into a nice and orderly “free market” price war to compete for the chance to sell you their protection services? Pfffft ... dude.

And you describe the situation as it is today. Your biggest criticism of libertarian anarchy is that you are afraid it will become what you have today! And yet you cling to what we have today like a frightened child afraid to leave the perceived safety of his mothers embrace.

That only happens now because there’s a government backed legal framework that deters them from forcing their services on you.

There is only a government backed legal framework preventing other criminals from forcing their services onto us because the government is a criminal organization forcing their services onto us and they do not want any competition to their monopoly!

Worst case? Hardly. I find your idealistic blind faith here so over the top for a minute there I thought you were clowning me. In several thousand years of recorded history there has never once been an even temporarily successful libertarian anarchy.  Yet here you are not only saying it’s possible in spite of a total lack of evidence,  but that only in the “worst case scenario” or IOW, the libertarian anarchic dystopian nightmare, things would look no different than what we have now. Seriously dude? I kind of hope you were high when you said.

In the nightmare scenario that you proposed there is no difference to the scenario of today. Your view of the downfall of anarchy is that it decomposes into the government of today, and you see the government of today as good yet what anarchy will in your opinion turn into as bad. You suffer from cognitive dissonance.

What we have now is not mob rule and to suggest that it is is just ludicrous. The essence of mob rule is arbitrary and unchecked force in complete disregard of individual rights. Our form of government, however imperfect, was designed to protect individual liberty from mob rule.

Non-constitutional democracy is synonymous with mob rule and the constitution of the United States and any government will be interpreted away by the government. We do live in a totalitarian state. I am forced to fund government programs. I am forced to fund the government program that has the purpose of locating and arresting me for having caused harm to nobody. This is oppression! I will be sent to a prison, possibly exploited for labor but certainly will fund the paycheck of prison guards and similar slave holders, thus this is SLAVERY. I am EXTORTED to pay for my own OPPRESSION and I am ENSLAVED by my government and thus my government is a totalitarian state. Ostensibly my government is controlled by the mob, and indeed democracy is mob rule, however there are groups of elites who have mastered the art of manipulating the masses. They can influence the mob to such a high degree that the mob is only a proxy for their own control of the state, it masks the true power holders and tames the people who actually believe they have power over their own lives. These elites are the ones who gain the most from our slavery, they are the reason we are enslaved.

So when you say there’s “very little” that prevents government from arbitrarily raising taxes I’m sorry but that’s just ignorant. There are a confluence of democratic forces that prevent a tax hike that starts with WE THE PUBLIC DON’T WANT TO BE FUCKING TAXED MORE. It’s why the highest income tax rates have dropped from a peak of 92% in 1953 (which sounds a lot closer to your “worst case scenario” of “enormous protection fees”) to the 35% it is right now.

35% a financial slave is still a slave. There are degrees of slavery but freedom is only total.

Because a militia is not a military just like a warlord is not a general. There’s a difference between private and public remember?

The only difference you seem to believe exists between private and public is that public things cannot be bad and private things often are.

But with no legal framework backed by the force of government the CEO of a private security agency might as well be a warlord because there are no commercial laws to govern him.

There are other security agencies to govern him. If he violates the rights of other people who are offered security services through other private services, he will find himself dead.

The DEA is not a band of gun waving robbers. They are an agency of government that is controlled by we the people. It continues to exist because the majority condones and sees value in its existence even if you or I do not ... and their ability to coerce is still regulated by our laws. A band of home invading robbers and kidnappers are not controlled by anyone but are instead laws onto themselves.

The DEA is indeed a band of gun waving robbers, kidnappers, murderers and slave traders. They are protected by a criminal government that is controlled by a group of elite slave traders. It exists in the first place because this elite group of slave traders created propaganda and lies for the purposes of convinced the masses to allow for the slavery of certain minority groups. It continues to exist today because total indoctrination takes huge amounts of time to overcome. The DEA is part of the government and in practice the government is a law unto itself, only in your imagination does your idealistic statist utopia actually exist.

You have been totally conditioned to the point that you see the governments behavior through a distortion, but when you remove the title government you see any organized defense as necessarily being what the government already is and without the distortion!

I think you have a fundamental misunderstanding of what our government is and how it works

What a coincidence I think the same exact thing about you!

If we lived in a totalitarian state governed essentially by mob rule I could see your point

We live in a totalitarian state ostensibly governed by mod rule but actually governed by small elite groups who have mastered the art of controlling large mobs.

that a law enforcement agency that kicks in your door and takes your drugs and throws you in jail are nothing more than paramilitary thugs and thieves.

No intellectually honest person can differentiate in any meaningful way between two different people who kick in a door and take drugs and prisoners. If you can differentiate between two such people, something is very wrong with your thought process.

But we don’t. We live in a representative democracy of a constitutional republic and are therefore responsible for governing ourselves. Government behavior (guided by the laws on the books) is a reflection of our values as a society.

Our values as a society are a reflection of government and religious propaganda.

They might be a distortion because as our societal attitudes evolve it takes a while for the laws to catch up. It’s in this respect that I believe the DEA an antiquated agency and it’s just a matter of time before the majority recognizes its uselessness since we come armed with the facts and empirical evidence on our side.
But for you to advocate that when that day does come that DEA should just be lined up and shot is just insane. You sound like a wild eyed Marxist guerilla during the time of Pol Pot who went on to massacre 2.5 million bourgeois because they just HAD to know they were exploiting the landless proletariat through wage slavery and if they didn’t, well they needed to be made an example of anyway so future generations would know that ignorance was no excuse. So explain to me the difference between you and Pol Pot again?

The DEA agents should be treated as any other robbers and kidnappers would be. To think differently is to say that crimes committed in the name of a state are excusable. So explain to me how you are different from a Nazi war criminal?

Off topic / Re: You are all WHITE aren't you?!
« on: November 08, 2012, 01:07 am »
I will  repeat, race is a cultural construct not a biological fact. IQ testing is more correlated to factors that have nothing to do with this "race". This isn't opinion this is fact >.>  Believe what you want, I am providing actual information not narrow observation.

Race is real, people who pretend otherwise are only fooling themselves. I cringe every time I hear someone say 'The human race!'. Human is a species it is not a race. It is a species with several races. There are differences between the races. Race is tied to genetics. There are genetic differences that make some groups of people better at playing sports, some groups of people better at taking IQ tests, some groups of people naturally resist certain diseases, some people naturally resist damage from the sun, the list could go on forever and it is very largely based on genetics. Nurture is not all the matters. I could have been raised by billionaires and attended the best private schools in the world, and today I would still be incapable of becoming a theoretical physicist because genetics did not give me an IQ of ~150+.

Different races tend to have different cultures, but it is entirely ignorant to say that race is not a biological fact. Children inherit the racial genetics of their parents. Why do you think almost only black people get sickle cell anemia? It sure as hell has nothing to do with black culture. The same genetic information that causes a person to have one color of skin or another, or to be taller or shorter, or to have susceptibility to one sort of disease or another, also largely influences the range in which their intelligence will fall.

You are not providing actual information. You are providing ultra liberal pseudoscience.

Off topic / Re: You are all WHITE aren't you?!
« on: November 07, 2012, 11:01 am »
Most racist shit I've heard all week >.> Intellect is more correlated with socio-economic factors and has nothing to do with color. The melanin content of an individual is nothing more than a DNA switch, biologically "race" isn't real and that is just a construct to differentiate cultures perpetuated by the ignorant.

Intellect clearly has a genetic component to it, race and genetics are also correlated. Nature or nurture ? Certainly both come into play. There are many different types of intelligence as well. On standardized tests of verbal and visuospatial problem solving abilities there are distinctions to be made between the bell curves of different races. On tests of athleticism there are also different race based bell curves. There is really no real argument against racial differences, they clearly exist and are well documented. I personally think people are different yet they are equal. From what I have seen, there is a lot of overlap between the bell curves of various racial groups on IQ tests, I believe Asians have the highest average intelligence, Caucasians  have the second highest average intelligence but have more individual extremely intelligent geniuses than any other race, and black people average somewhat lower but still with large numbers of very smart people (although they have very few extremely intelligent geniuses). This isn't a racist thought, it is the data collected from IQ testing. It is somewhat controversial though, many claim that blacks are at an unfair advantage when it comes to IQ tests because the IQ tests may not be entirely culturally neutral. I believe this cultural bias is especially true for tests of verbal intelligence, and indeed blacks tend to do better on visuospatial tests.

Off topic / Re: You are all WHITE aren't you?!
« on: November 07, 2012, 10:37 am »
What a silly thread.

Of course it's easy to deduce that the majority here are white simply because the SR markets, both buyers and sellers, are primarily concentrated in North America and Europe including a shitload of buyers in Australia. That and the site is in English where prices can be fixed to the US Dollar.

The assumption doesn't require heavy lifting.

America alone has a nearly 13% black population, yet I would be willing to bet that less than 1% of the American users here are black. This isn't the type of place to beat around the bush so I will just come right out and say; a majority of blacks do not possess the intellect to find their way to silk road, nor complete a transaction here. Most black dealers and users would be far more comfortable making risky street corner deals. This should be no surprise, as  several studies which have shown blacks to score, on average, 15 IQ points lower than whites.

Unless you put the instructions in a biggie smalls song, I don't think we will see a influx of jigs

Ayo, whatcha' know about that Tor shit mane?
we got more drugs than a mothafuckin drugstore chain
and we always on the grind just like an O.G. be
feds can wiretap us playa we got GPG
and we leet, OTR to raise the bar plus that FDE hey
they straight beat, now we bitcoin ballin' like wild
from this reviled ciphernet crawlin' lifestyle

Security / Re: How to Choose a Secure/almost Hack-Proof password
« on: November 07, 2012, 08:17 am »
I just make up and remember a random sentence and then a random word and number.

So many things to remember and do I will just make up a sentence then reptile7*

that is a good password.

stonedskittleleprechaun is also a good password though.

A stronger password is harder to remember, but it's well worth the effort.

That isn't actually true, you should read the previously linked XKCD for an explanation of why. I have read several times that English prose contains approximately one bit of entropy per character. That means the passphrase "So many things to remember and do I will just make up a sentence then reptile7*" contains at least 78 bits of entropy. Since it has a number and special character it is probably contains even more entropy. 2^78 isn't the best you can do (likely either 2^128 or 2^256 depending on the encryption algorithm being used), but it is strong enough that it can be considered as secure enough (I think 2^80 is the minimum suggested bit strength for a strong password to have though).

Honestly even 80 bits is a conservative estimate of the bit strength of that passphrase. One passphrase strength estimation algorithm that is regarded as being  accurate starts out with the initial characters adding more bits of estimated entropy to the overall passphrase than subsequent characters do, only leveling out to 1 extra bit per additional character after 20 or so characters. There are also math formulas for determining the amount of entropy in a given amount of data. I can only imagine that the highly mathematical algorithms for entropy estimation are more accurate than even the good password strength estimation algorithms (which may for example compare your passphrase to a dictionary as one of its criteria for strength estimation, a technique that I don't think would be used with the pure mathematical approach). I think somewhere on the XKCD site he describes the method he used to estimate the entropy of the presented passwords though.

Security / Re: The danger of turning off new vendor registration
« on: November 05, 2012, 11:18 pm »
I don't access the SR market ...

You don't get on SR? Can you explain? No offense, I appreciate your high-quality posts. I'm just surprised and curious.

I have friends who sell bulk amounts of all the drugs I use, and I can get better prices on personal use amounts from them than I could get at SR. Additionally  I have done business with them for quite a few years, so I am not worried about having to trust them anymore. In addition to this, I am not currently vending and even if I decide to in the future I wouldn't bother working with anyone new considering I have friends who buy and sell in bulk. So I have no reason to browse through the market area. On the other hand, I have been participating on drug forums for many years and am rather addicted to them, and SR is the most active drug forum.

Security / Re: The danger of turning off new vendor registration
« on: November 05, 2012, 08:15 am »
I don't think vendor accounts only would make much of a difference. Picture completely new potential vendor that have never entered SR without knowing and checking nothing by himself, just rumors. Would he pay and Register as a Vendor? He would if he already knew the site and entered or ordered before, or maybe had a friend recommendation, but would he do it blind? Also, I guess that is a band-aid solution. I think the team is trying for figure out a core solution, vendor only is like plan "C" or something.

It is like "Plan that is secure and accomplishes the end goal"

Security / Re: The danger of turning off new vendor registration
« on: November 04, 2012, 08:32 am »
Of course no one outside the SR team knows how the site is being held and protected, we just have an idea. But I'm sure that this methods had a traffic limit before they become unsafe for them and for us. The bigger, the harder is to hide. You may think this is hurting us, I think this is actually protecting us, the only way to keep the site up and secure right now is to close registrations temporarily. I'm sure the team is figuring out a way to fix the presented/discovered issue to open the site again, I'm sure they will find a solution. Be patient and save this type of SR apocalypse paranoia after some time of no solutions found. Be certain that the limit bar will raise but will still be there.

The best bet would be to limit new customer registration but not to limit new vendor registration. Perhaps charge a small fee for customer registration for a while and turn off unlimited free registration. That makes more sense to me than turning off new vendor registration, and it doesn't have decreased security as a result. Plus then you can make some more bitcoins DPR ;).

It is true that the size of SR has hurt the anonymity of the clients connecting to it a bit. This is because its introduction points are being DDOSed by its clients. After they go down the hidden service eventually changes to new introduction points. Then clients can access the site for a bit again , until the new introduction points go down. When they go down clients cycle through a huge list of circuits that all fail in an attempt to build a circuit to an introduction point. This causes clients to build a lot more circuits than they would if introduction points didn't go down so frequently. This is also why it appears down for some people while it is up for others, people who have already established a connection to the hidden service prior to its introduction nodes going down remain connected but clients trying to establish a connection cannot. At least this was the theory on why very popular hidden services were having connectivity issues, I think this specific issue was fixed in a version of Tor a few releases back, so if you have not updated Tor recently that would be the first step. There are probably other issues as well and perhaps now you are running into another problem, but keeping Tor up to date is important to keep it so your hidden service can scale to larger numbers of clients.

I don't access the SR market so I have no idea what the connectivity issues look like. Can some people connect while others cannot? That would indicate you are still running into the problem I just described. Or is it down for everyone simultaneously? Perhaps its entry guards recently rotated and it got three low bandwidth ones that cannot handle the number of people who surf SR. The bandwidth of a hidden services entry guards is one of the bottlenecks for how much traffic the hidden service can handle at a given time. Forcing early rotation could solve that, but rotating entry guards speeds up deanonymization of hidden services. You could even manually select some high bandwidth entry guards, but it also isn't really a good idea to override the entry guard selection algorithm of Tor.

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