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Messages - kmfkewm

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Off topic / Re: Tor exit node operator raided by Austrian LE
« on: November 30, 2012, 11:10 am »
Disgusting, fucking pedophiles! They will ruin it for us! >:(

People being anonymous will ruin anonymity for us when the police crack down on anonymity networks ?

Nice glad to see a captcha was implemented, I imagine we will see substantial improvements now.

Hm I wonder if getting it will now flag me as someone who read your post :/

Not to mention the fact that Unity doesn't even feel like it was designed with desktops in mind. It feels like a tablet GUI. My firefox always wanted to be full screen and  didn't want to let me have multiple windows up at once. The navigation toolbar is on the side and pops up on mouse over, you need to search for applications by name instead of through menus, it just totally fucking sucks. When something is minimized it is a pain in the ass to get back to it. I like being able to switch between viewing the website in my browser and the downloads currently active, this turned out to be a challenge to say the least. I don't remember if they stuck to the 'let's for no reason put minimize maximize and close buttons on the LEFT side of windows' philosophy, because I only tried using Unity for about two seconds prior to completely ditching Ubuntu. Switching to Unity was the final fail I could tolerate from Canonical, but really Ubuntu has been spiraling down the drain for two or so years now. There is a reason they went from being the number one Linux distro to Mint pwning them after they switched to Unity, people don't want to use a tablet interface on their desktops and laptops.

At the end of the day they tried to fix something that wasn't broken and in doing so they broke it, and what they didn't break they changed for no apparent reason.

Just use the browser bundle for Linux, you are not supposed to use packages from repositories for Tor anymore anyway.

Ubuntu used to be good but now I think it sort of sucks. Even if you don't use Unity, if you use Unity it is just absolutely fucking awful. I suggest Mint for linux noobs.

DPR has always said he is an Agorist. Who cares what anyone else thinks about Agorism or Libertarianism. Oh no these people who want to put me in prison don't want to be part of the SR movement! Now they think even less of my ideology ! Fuck them with a ten foot dick.

Security / Re: Is Trustable?
« on: November 21, 2012, 01:46 pm »
Do legit companies spam their services?

Philosophy, Economics and Justice / Re: Murder!?
« on: November 19, 2012, 12:36 pm »

wiped down, modified to carry a low recoil gun (to escape after delivering the shot, alternatively packed with plastic explosives with great care taken to avoid any trace evidence), controlled via cellular network and via several high bandwidth low latency proxies

guided missiles that can travel fairly substantial distances are cheap.

So I don't have the time right now (well I do but I am tripping and already spent a good hour replying to one half of your enormous reply) but here are replies to some of your 'points'. Also I see that I was likely incorrect about reefer madness being funded by the US government, although I can find sources that claim this (even reliable ones like ACLU sources) I can find other sources confirming that it was funded by a private church group. Well actually I can find about a dozen different claims of who funded it, but the most credible one appears to be a church group as you claimed. So I made a mistake on a specific piece of propaganda, there are government propaganda snippets I can find that are straight from the horses mouth that pretty much verbatim say all the points from reefer madness anyway.

So those that can't afford private schooling must be subject to statist indoctrination at a public school entirely funded by gun toting IRS agents extorting money from people, for the sole purpose of indoctrinating kids who can't afford an education otherwise into statism and exposing them early to government propaganda (D.A.R.E immediately comes to mind!) ? That sounds like an awful idea!

I know you must put a lot of effort into coming up with these distorted and absurd analogies, but they’re so poorly thought through that I personally would be embarrassed to use them even if you’re not. Because when it comes down to it, it’s strictly your opinion that your libertarian anarchist worldview is the “right” one and therefore “statism” is indoctrination at all.

And it is strictly your opinion that a religious charity school will indoctrinate children, maybe God is real and they picked the right religion :rolls eyes:

The difference is that in your society everyone is FORCED to pay for a public education system that instills ANY values into children, and in my world the people in society are FREE to pay for whatever schooling they want, and if they cannot afford to pay for the schooling they want they will very likely still be able to pick between a host of charity education providers. It is really so simple.

Not. It’s hard to be insulted when I’m perfectly comfortable with the meaning of the label and more overwhelmed with pity for that person and the narrow, self righteous prism through which they view the world. So when you try to bring up the evils of “statist indoctrination” as comparative to religious indoctrination to someone you would deem a statist, you can’t expect that person is going to find your argument compelling or that your use of it would make you look like anything more than certifiably insane. There might be a propaganda program like DARE reflective of the broader societal values of the state that I don’t agree with. But there’s nothing that specifically makes DARE a necessary component of what you would call “statism”.

Yes I am aware that you are a raging statist and proud of it; it is the reason why you think freely chosen religious charity schools indoctrinate children but also think that it is only my opinion that funded via force statist fascist schools indoctrinate children. The fact remains that in your society you are forced to fund a propaganda campaign that targets children ostensibly as 'health education' , and in my world I am free to give my money to the school that I want to, or no school at all. In my system education is reflective of the individuals desires; in your system the education system is funded via force, mandatory, and although it provides education its mixes it in with the propaganda of the government. Let the people who want to teach lies to children fund the DARE programs and leave my money to me, I will put it toward doing things like real drug research so that we can learn more about drugs and harm reduction.

There are a lot of people who think you’re totally off your rocker for thinking a purely privatized society would function any better than feudalisms and despotisms of the past, and wouldn’t see any value in the anarcho indoctrination you espouse. But it wouldn’t mean anything to you if a person told you about the hypothetical evils of a private schools providing kids anarcho-indoctrination, in fact you would probably commend it.

Indeed I would commend it and likely would voluntarily put funding into an anarcho-capitalist schooling system (I mean, I do like to learn things, I just don't like to learn bullshit, or be forced to pay for the government to indoctrinate more children to their agenda). If you would like to continue wasting your money on teaching kids propaganda, feel free to do so I will not stop you or make you fund what I want either :).

Likewise, you’re so sucked into your “I am right, everyone else is wrong” mentality that you can’t discern how preposterous you sound when deeming statist indoctrination an evil to statists.  And your self righteous sanctimony couldn’t be more overbearing than your description of public schools “entirely funded by gun toting IRS agents extorting money from people”.  Again, this is strictly your opinion as many people paying taxes would disagree and find your characterization obscene and recognize the many benefits of government that you don’t believe exist.

Of course everyone indoctrinates children to some extent, it is largely impossible to avoid. The difference is that in your system the propaganda is paid for via force and it is essentially forced onto everyone! I have no choice but to fund D.A.R.E, I have no choice but to fund the D.E.A, I don't like either of these establishments! I do not want to fund these establishments or programs! People with guns in the IRS demand that I do, if I do not they will throw me into a fucking prison. There is no analogy being made between the IRS and a band of gun waving extortionists, that is what the IRS is! Let the many people paying taxes who want to continue paying taxes continue paying them! I imagine when they are not threatened by men waving guns they will see no reason to throw their money away into programs and establishments that they don't support and that they are against! Let those who agree with me be free , and otherwise it is clear who the aggressor is and it is clear who wants to claim ownership of us. I say we own ourselves, in your world we are owned by the collective and it is bullshit. I will not accept that that is righteous as it clearly is not. 

Wow. You really are clueless that you do in fact get reciprocal benefit from funding education even if you or your family member aren’t attending publicly funded schools. You see, educating people benefits our entire society. It greases the skids of capitalism having an educated labor force that can build upon, rather than reinvent the wheel. You benefit living in a more enlightened and educated society even if there might be aspects, like the war on drugs, that you don’t agree with. These are the sorts of things I would expect to explain to a child with an instinctively limited, short sighted vision of the world ... not an adult.

Of course I know that it is better for us all if we are all educated. Perhaps I will donate charitably to a school that provides education freely. I will NOT fund such a school if they teach D.A.R.E , I will not fund such a school if they teach intelligent design either. Now I am EMPOWERED to support what I WANT instead of FORCED TO SUPPORT THOSE WHO WISH TO OPPRESS ME. See the difference? It is not that hard to understand, I am sure if you put a little bit of effort into it you can free yourself from your mental slavery.

So fucking what? I have a hard time believing you could possibly be that naive to think there aren’t differences between the virtual and real world. Your willingness to just dismiss the pervasive state of tyranny throughout the history of private states and private law is just mind boggling.  At the same time I also can’t help but note the irony and hypocrisy in your “look where you’re typing this” comment. Yeah look. The OSI model and related tech on which the internet is based was originally developed by GOVERNMENT, more specifically the US Department of Defense, would not exist if not for government. The TOR anonymizing tech was originally developed by the US NAVY. These key technologies from which you now base your livelihood were not conceived of by private companies but by GOVERNMENT. So yeah, look at where you’re typing this.

You are naive if you cannot see how the virtual world is changing the real world.

Although I can appreciate the irony of the fact that we are on an internet that was originally created by the US government, and that even the Tor of today (The military made the concept not the implementation) has some level of connection to the US government (not that there are not privately funded solutions from libertarians and anarchists, like I2P and Freenet), it is naive to assume that similar solutions would not have arrived through the free market (and indeed there are plenty of anarcho-libertarian  / cryptoanarchist created technologies and networks). The US government does still give large amounts of funding to Tor, this is of course our stolen tax dollars at work. I would continue to support Tor financially even if I were not obligated to do so by the government, because I believe in what Tor stands for and I recognize that it is one of the better low latency anonymity solutions. D.E.A I would not fund because I am very against them and I hope that their field agents are lined up and executed by firing squads.

Wow. Talk about pie in the sky. If you seriously think there’s no difference between the society you live in now and the feudalistic, monarchistic, despotistic, fiefdoms of the purely private states of the past then you are literally so far gone in your anarachic fantasia land that I honestly don’t see a redeemable pathway back for you.  So if you say I suffer from cognitive dissonance when I’m using history as my empirical guide as to why your utopia wouldn’t work, what would that make you when you have absolutely no real world empirical model for which your utopian society has ever worked? Think about that for a while.

"We have been slaves and thus we shall remain slaves" . That is what you just said essentially, and unfortunately it is hard to argue against it but I see everyday that we are making progress. I see that we are protecting our people from oppressive agencies like the D.E.A. , and it gives me hope that someday we will do even better. They have trillions of dollars and paramilitary armies to enslave us, and still I have friends stacking up millions of dollars selling drugs to willing customers. Still I am using LSD even right now I am tripping balls :). Unfortunately we still take our losses, Enelysion for example is a good friend of mine who got pinched by the department of homeland security for selling drugs online. He will probably spend most of his life in prison now, I guess joot too although I didn't know him as well. Nice to know that I am forced to pay for the agencies that are locking up my innocent friends huh? That is really freedom in your broken mind. But I know that we are just getting better and better and bigger and bigger and you know what not shit is going to stop the online drug scene. And we wont always be the victims either, someday those fuckers will see that they can be touched, and I feel no pity for them when that day comes, and there will be no excuses for them when that day comes.

And it’s this where I pretty much throw up my hands at a zealot whose mind appears far gone into a bizarre and unfathomable religion that you can’t discern reality from fantasy. To claim we live in a totalitarian state is not reality. You should speak to some people who actually have lived in a totalitarian state. You should study history to learn what it’s actually like living in a totalitarian state. We don’t live in one, no matter how much you think you’re nothing more than a forced slave. I bet if you lived in a real totalitarian state you would think differently. 

I live in a state that censors information and sends people who access censored information to die in prisons. I live in a state where I am forced to fund the imprisonment of my friends. I live in a state where I must hide from the police. I live in a state where my friends don't even know who they can trust because the person you thought was your best friend was an undercover DEA agent. I live in a totalitarian state, beyond any doubt in my mind. The details are all that differs when comparing my state with any other totalitarian state you can name.

Degrees of slavery huh? Why not say there are degrees of freedom instead and that slavery is only absolute?

More pie in the sky idealism on your part. You think all security agencies would have an equal amount of power? Of course not. You think they’re all going to battle against each other and risk death when they could just collaborate, divide up the territorial pie, and violate your rights at will? And please spare me the bullshit about how that’s essentially what we have now when we have constitutional protections against arbitrary violation of our rights that private law has never shown it could duplicate because private law solely serves the owners of private law. It’s funny how you rail against constitutional democracy as being pwned by private interests and the elite and advocate instead that we dive headfirst into a system purely pwned and controlled by private interests and the elite. Talk about fucking insanity, what you’re promoting is it. 

Thinking that we have constitutional rights is pie in the sky idealism. We are given the right to free speech and freedom of the press, and millions are in prisons for possessing the wrong pictures. We have the promise that religions will not be favored and religions are granted exceptions to the controlled substance act and can possess mescaline, dmt. We are told that we are free from slavery, what about the draft do you think the people who died in Vietnam were not mostly government slaves?

Again I will say, your fear of anarchy appears to be that it will turn into government. Indeed a scary prospect, we should do our best to make sure this does not happen, while understanding that nothing in life is promised to anyone.

I’ve debated a lot of anarcho-libertarians and only the most hardcore partisan zealots, usually the most ignorant, would try and claim that what we have now is mob rule.

A purely democratic system is synonymous with mob rule. I know that U.S.A is not a pure democracy, but it is close enough to democratic that it essentially is mob rule. But when mobs rule the real rulers are those who have mastered the art of mass manipulation.

Ah yes, so says the zealot lecturing anyone else about intellectual honesty? ROTFL.
If you can’t understand that one group has the backing of the rest of society while the other does not then I’m not going to be able to convince you otherwise. If you’re literally too dense to recognize that you do have legal and criminal recourse against the outlaw group, maybe not in recovering your drugs, but in kidnapping and destruction of your property, then what can I say? Zealotry is what it is.

The outlaw DEA has not broken the government laws, any recourse against them will need to be provided by private industry. Please let me know when a D.E.A. offensive defense agency starts up, I would love to take the funding that I am currently forced to provide to the D.E.A. and instead provide it to them. I also am strongly in favor of death penalties to those who are guilty of armed home invasions leading to kidnappings and prolonged false imprisonments.

Philosophy, Economics and Justice / Re: Murder!?
« on: November 19, 2012, 10:40 am »
In fact big police agencies already have their own such mini UAVs, they are a way of doing surveillance on targets that look for traditional ground surveillance but are not sophisticated enough to counter covert aerial surveillance. Those same mini helicopters can be weaponized trivially.

Philosophy, Economics and Justice / Re: Murder!?
« on: November 19, 2012, 10:26 am »
threads like these really get to me. this is not the place to get advice on how to murder someone. you honestly believe this cop treated you inhumanely enough to warrant his death? if so, you are delusional and in need of some serious mental help. if being an asshole was grounds for getting murdered, most of this country would be dead. think about this some more. not only will you end his life, but your own as well. you can't possibly think there's any chance of you getting away with killing a cop. relax, smoke a bowl, eat some mushrooms, and reflect on the interconnectivity of all life. resolve all the hatred you have in your heart, for it is misplaced and only exists to burden you.

If you think you can't get away with killing a cop, you're equally delusional ;)

Anyone can kill anyone and get away with it, there are literally affordable remote controlled helicopters that can be modified to carry weapons or explosive charges. Getting away with murder effectively becomes keeping yourself unlinkable to the control of the UAV, which can also be done if you have enough know how. Nothing stops you from controlling a mini helicopter half way around the world from the comfort of your home and behind a few low latency high bandwidth proxies. It becomes a game of not being traced to your helicopter, and not being identified as a target worthy of being gunned down. Of course there are defense mechanisms against such attacks as well, but only very rich and important individuals will have anti UAV security, and only an agency like the NSA would have much luck tracing the controllers.

Security / Re: Getting paranoid....
« on: November 16, 2012, 10:04 am »
Sometimes they let it be delivered normally and then raid, sometimes they dress as postmen, sometimes they pretend to be a neighbor who had the package delivered to them by mistake, there are a few ways they have done controlled deliveries in the past.

Security / Re: Exit Nodes and TorRC
« on: November 16, 2012, 07:00 am »
It is not a good idea to block any exit nodes. Also it is strange that you would want to block US exit nodes, ISP's in USA log less than most other countries. Most countries have laws requiring ISPs to log information, in the US there are no such laws.

Drug safety / Re: special k side effects
« on: November 15, 2012, 09:32 am »
However I have gotten severe K pains to the point I felt as if I had been shot in the stomach, puked all over myself from the pain, destroyed my nose, and became temporarily similar to a schizophrenic hearing voices and having delusions. That is from heavy ketamine abuse though. Things don't start to go downhill until around gram five in a binge, so if you are at one gram a month I think you will be fine. Be grateful that you don't feel a compulsion to use what you have until it is gone, I wish I could keep twenty grams of k and use it over a year or two but unfortunately every time I try that I end up using it until it is gone. However, after some weeks all the damage heals up and I am back to normal, at least it seems that way to me :P.

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