« on: January 03, 2013, 04:08 pm »
Not that I want to take this thread further off topic than it already is starting to go, but I feel as if I should weigh in my opinion regarding the last two posts. First of all, I do not think that rape pornography causes people to desire to rape. People who are not sexually aroused by the thought of rape are going to find rape pornography extremely disgusting, people who are aroused by the thought of rape are going to find rape pornography arousing. My opinions on rape pornography are pretty much the same as they are on child pornography, both are sought out because of an already existing desire and neither cause new desires. In the case of child pornography, numerous studies have shown that its availability negatively correlates with the prevalence of child molestation. Other studies show that the availability of abusive pornography has a negative correlative relationship with sexual abuse. I do not at all think it is an honest analogy to compare rape pornography : rape with firing a shotgun at someone point blank : murder. Firing a shotgun at someone point blank has a clear causative link to murder, there is a negative correlative relationship between the availability of rape pornography and sexual assault.
Second I agree that there is a clear distinction between fantasy and reality. Studies have shown that > 1/3rd of males have fantasized about raping someone and additionally the fantasy of being raped is quite common for females. If your claim that fantasy is evidence of intention was true it would mean that a large percentage of females have the desire to be forced to engage in sexual intercourse without their consent and against their will. Just food for thought. There is also ample evidence that a desire to rape has been genetically encoded into large percentages of males, even more than 1/3rd. It is called the evolutionary theory for rape and I believe it is the theory that makes by far the most sense, although it is quite controversial due to its implications. Essentially, for most of human existence rapists were very difficult to catch, and mothers life preserving abortions and contraceptives were unheard of. This meant that rapists produced far more offspring than non-rapists. The implication of this is that if there is any genetic component that predisposes someone to desire rape, it is going to be a very common gene. Of course, as the proponents of the evolutionary theory of rape (ie: scientists) are quick to point out, this does not excuse rape at all. Humans are intelligent and self controlling beings, not slaves to their primal desires.
Third of all, you act as if someones viewing of images is equal to perpetrating the acts they see in those images. This is extremely nonsensical. The poster you reply to has said that he does not think images of rape should be illegal, not that he thinks it should be legal for him to rape whoever he wants. Additionally you claim that you don't watch rape unless you want to do that yourself, however a substantial percentage of the market for rape fantasy pornography consists of females, whom as I already mentioned quite commonly fantasize about being raped. I do agree though that a person who fantasizes about rape is statistically much more likely to rape someone than a person who does not have such fantasies, after all a great many rapists fantasize about rape prior to actually raping anyone. However taking this claim at face value is misleading yourself, someone who has been sexually abused is statistically far more likely to sexually abuse another person than someone who has not been sexually abused is, however only a minority of those who have been sexually abused go on to sexually abuse others.
I agree with you entirely that it is absolutely not okay for anyone to force another person to have sex with them against their will. However I see that you are blurring two entirely different issues together into one issue: rape fantasy and actual rape. This is most likely some emotional response and it is not doing you any good actually. I see that people do the same exact thing when it comes to child pornography actually, they equate child pornography possession as being the same thing as child molestation for some reason. To a rational mind there is a clear difference between these things though.