Who cares, we are making money this way.
Ahhhh, the old Slave Driver, Human Trafficker, Pimp excuse.
I don't give a fuck, I'm not here to start a revolution or change the world. I want to make a lot of money and then retire and go legit.
And KMF you need to suffer because you fuck kids. Also I don't know your friends in prison so I don't give a shiny shite about them either (if they aren't imaginary which I suspect they are). Why would I give a monkey's nut about people who I have NEVER even met and NEVER will? Why should I care about you, your hopeless cause (because your anarchistic wet dream is about as likely to happen as you deciding to want to have sex with fully developed women overnight). And yeah, actually, I fully accept the potential consequences of my activities. If I get nicked, that's my ass but that's the decision you make when you decide to do that first line, smoke that first spliff and think "Shit, might be a few quid in this". The problem is you want your cake and eat it and also, I sense that if you got done over in the street or your house was burgled or your wife attacked I know the first thing you'd do and it wouldn't be rally the revolutionaries, it'd be call 911 because you are all chat and no balls.
Like I said on another thread, if you're such a bad mother fucker, go out and shoot a pig and YouTube the mother fucker. Oh shit......that isn't gunna happen is it? Because you're just another autistic computer geek who has big ideas but has fuck all knowledge of how the real world works. What you also fail to understand is that most people do not take drugs recreationally and why should the minority impose it's will on the majority. Don't get me wrong I think it's fucking ridiculous that a powder is made illegal but would I want it being done in places where children could see it in open view? Fuck no. Would I wrap a brick round someones head if they offered it to my children (if I have any at all). Yes. Am I glad this thread makes KMF sick? Certainly.
Spoken like a true psychopath! Also love being dissed for being just another autistic computer geek. Considering autistic computer geeks are the entire reason why you can sell your drugs on the internet, getting paid in bitcoin, using Tor to hide your location, etc. You sure love to bite the hands that feed you, considering your technical skills are probably about on par with my cats. As for my friends in jail who you don't think are real, well plenty of people here can verify that I have friends in prison facing lots of years for drug trafficking that is a lot bigger time than what your cute little self does with your mephedrone lol. Additionally, why would I shoot a pig when that would be about the worst way possible to attack government officials? See a dumb brute such as yourself may think that is a good way to go about things, but if I wanted to attack them I would use my superior intelligence to construct a remote controlled flying bomb. Also my house has been burglarized and I didn't call the police because I refuse to associate myself with the police. Furthermore I have no interest in fucking kids, but for what it is worth a large amount of people in my country think that your country has legalized the fucking of children, so perhaps you shouldn't throw stones if you live in a glass house?
Also Limetless what exactly are you if not all chat and no balls? I don't see you doing jack shit either except acting like a tough baller on the internet. How have your military vehicle sales been going brah? How about we get some pics of your armored hummer? Oh you don't really have one because you just like to look like a big shot on silk road but really the extent of your balling is selling mephedrone whoooaaaaa you are one fucking bad ass dude.