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Messages - kmfkewm

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Security / Re: Stingrays aka IMSI-catchers
« on: January 22, 2013, 01:38 am »
I suggest against using phones. XMPP or IRC are nice, use your own private hidden service if you want, OTR + can even do all of these things from your phone if you really need the portability a phone offers. Then you will have encrypted and untraceable text communications, although if you use a phone your movements can still be tracked (then again they can probably be tracked pretty well if you use a laptop too, unless you make sure to very frequently spoof your MAC address).

Security / Re: MY OWN .ONION SITE
« on: January 21, 2013, 10:51 pm »
I have extensive knowledge regarding encryption and Tor, have administered dozens of hidden services, have programming experience in multiple languages, have administered security critical servers running Linux BSD and Windows (lol), etc. With all of this said, the question on my mind is why would I do all of these things for you when I could do them all myself? Will you pay me fifty thousand dollars for an SR clone?

Security / Re: MY OWN .ONION SITE
« on: January 21, 2013, 10:46 pm »
I always have to LOL when people want to have their own online drug trading platform, but want a partner to do all the hardest parts for them.

Security / Re: How to wipe your CPU ?
« on: January 21, 2013, 10:45 pm »
SSD is safe to use as long as you encrypt it before you do anything sensitive with it. Some SSD had secure erase implemented properly and can have data wiped from them, others not though. There is some research paper where they tested a dozen or so and a few of them could be completely wiped and others could not be.

Security / Re: Does anybody know of a secure chat solution?
« on: January 19, 2013, 07:35 am »
Applebaum still doesn't seem super thrilled. You link had this quote from him:

"Sad discovery of the day: Pidgin leaks DNS when you use a SOCKS5 proxy and jabber accounts"

Do you have a recommendation on which service to use with Pidgin?

That is fixed, now Pidgin lets you select a special proxy option called 'Tor' instead of 'SOCKS5', and this takes care of the DNS leaks. That said I still doubt he is very fond of Pidgin, none of the ultra l33t hackers seem to be. But it has been steadily improving. Conservatively speaking I guess I would suggest against it, or at least suggest isolating it (I do), but as far as user friendliness goes it really isn't beat by any other IM/chat program IMO. I use too many chat protocols to want to bother with anything else (pidgin supports everything I use), and I don't want to fuck around with doing IRC from a command line like the big boys do (even though I probably should).

Security / Re: Does anybody know of a secure chat solution?
« on: January 19, 2013, 02:40 am »
I hear a lot of negative things about the security of the pidgin code base. However, I like it and with OTR + Tor it is quite nice. I notice that IRSSI with OTR and Tor is a more popular choice with the the l33t haxx0r and cypherpunk crowds, however I have never been a big fan of the more traditional IRC clients simply from a usability point of view. Pidgin has a much less steep learning curve than other IRC clients imo, although it has been several years since I tried anything else and Pidgin was the first program I used for IRC so if you are old school in regards to IRC you may have better luck with less noob friendly and probably more securely coded alternatives.

DMT: The Spirit Molecule was imo complete trash

Philosophy, Economics and Justice / Re: In a 'free' society...
« on: January 18, 2013, 11:40 pm »
Of course your neighbor has the right to kill his own puppies. Of course that also means he is extremely fucked up by western cultural standards, and you should probably refuse to trade with him or offer him any assistance at all if you wish to discourage his behavior. You have some cultural conditioning that has made you put dogs on a higher level than animals such as cows, however in many Asian countries dogs are routinely raised for slaughter, just as in your country it is quite likely that cows and chickens are raised for slaughter. If your neighbor is a farmer and raises cows because he enjoys killing them and eating them, do you think you have any right to stop him? How about pigs? Pigs are actually quite intelligent as far as non-human animals go, I have heard them compared to dogs in this regard although I am by no means an expert on animal cognition. In India they find it extremely offensive (and I believe it may even be illegal) to raise a cow for slaughter, in much of the western world we place dogs and cats on such a level, however in much of the oriental world they raise dogs and cats for slaughter just as westerners do pigs and cows. In a free society you can kill your cows, chickens, dogs and cats.

I'm not convinced.
Are you saying that in a free society there would be a mechanism whereby I am prevented from interfering in the actions of my neighbour? If so how would this be enforced?
Or are you arguing from a moral perspective i.e. that it would just be immoral for me to interfere in the actions of my neighbour, but there would be no enforcement mechanism?

In addition to it being immoral for you to interfere, it will be enforced by your neighbors private defense agency.

I think there is a lot to be said for the observation that 'when you die, you die permanently'.

Obviously we have observed people dying, and there seems to be no sound mechanism for information to be transmitted at that moment. Nor is there any evidence that information its transmitter when, for example, cremating the body, which is a process that surely destroys all information contained in the brain.

In order to have an afterlife, the information that defines who you are has to be transmitted somewhere outside the body before it is destroyed. Lacking any evidence of such a process, I support the concept that death as we define it is truly the end of our existence.

For religious people this may be something that is hard to accept. On the other hand, if you go somewhere after you die. would it not be equally feasible that you came from somewhere when you were born? And if so, you have a lifetime to find the answer to that question. Despite that, noone has been able to provide any proof of a life before life as we know it, nor for an afterlife.

As an atheist i have no problem with this observation. I actually think this scientific approach makes things much easier. I never have to wonder what will happen after i die, since i will not be around to see it, let alone experience any consequences of what i do during my lifetime manifesting after death.

I do not fear death, but i fear the proces of death in case its slow and i an aware of it. Perhaps that makes a sudden and possibly violent death a desirable thing ;)

See I make a distinction between my ego, my memories, etc , and my stream of consciousness. I am quite convinced that upon death, my memories, ego and all functions that arose from my brain will no longer exist. However, I am not convinced that there is no feasible mechanism by which a body that I control will once again arise out of the universe. For example, imagine that we are in a deterministic cyclic universe (even though we probably are not). When I die, I am gone for good. However, eventually the universe will collapse into a singularity and then it will expand again. Since it is deterministic, the expansion will happen in the same way, and thus I will once again arise out of the universe. The nth time around I will be no less in control of my mind, body etc than any of the other cycles, however as time has essentially restarted there will be none of my previous memories or my previous ego established until time cycles to the point that the memories are formed etc. This is just one of many mechanisms I can see in which I could have life after death, I do not think that this mechanism is very likely but it is just an easy example.

« on: January 18, 2013, 08:17 am »
Back in the day on the private forums when we first mandated GPG, probably a good 2 or 3 percent of people put their real names and/or email addresses on them.

Lots of places do RC synthesis but almost all of them get their precursor chemicals from China, with India a distant second. China also does a huge amount of bulk research chemical synthesis. A lot of Benzos and Ketamine come from India, and India has been the number one supplier of bulk ketamine for ages although China has started to do clandestine ketamine synthesis more recently. Pharmacy robberies account for a small percentage of pills on the market I imagine, a lot of them are high quality counterfeits pressed with bulk powder clandestinely synthesized in India usually, and a lot of them are from pill mill operations where doctors write scripts to accomplices (Florida is a hot spot for this). You would be surprised how many pills on the illicit market were pressed in some garage by some dude with bulk powder connects.

So you think he believes strongly in social freedoms, but does not believe in economic freedom?

Yes Its largely based on this post here

a good example of a more extreme liberal wish is for time dollars, where regardless of the sort of work you do you are paid in units of money named after the amount of time you have worked. Thus, a doctor who works for eight hours receives the same eight 'hour dollars' that a janitor receives for sweeping up floors for eight hours.

Essentially he is proposing that the state take away a persons right to set their own wage which is a huge infringement upon economic freedom.

Dude essentially you get an F- on reading comprehension and vocabulary.

a good example of a more extreme liberal wish is for time dollars, where regardless of the sort of work you do you are paid in units of money named after the amount of time you have worked. Thus, a doctor who works for eight hours receives the same eight 'hour dollars' that a janitor receives for sweeping up floors for eight hours.

Thats a fundamentally socialist idea, its certainly not a liberal concept.

Liberals do not want the state to dictate the value of their work.

From what you just wrote, I think you are more of a socialist than a liberal.  You may be a liberal socialist but I think the bias is towards socialism and not liberalism.

There is nothing wrong with that its just this thread is about liberalism and not socialism or liberal socialism.

I think where YOU are confused is that you are using the words liberalism and liberTARIANISM interchangeably even though they are very different things. Liberals are quite fond of the state because they think it has a role is distribution wealth, at the more moderate end of liberalism they think taxation should be used to provide social safety nets and at the more extreme end they think that all wealth should be evenly distributed by the state. Liberalism and Libertarianism do have some things in common, a lot of liberals are against the war on drugs (although not usually to as much of a degree as libertarians: liberals tend to be particularly in favor of marijuana being legalized but they don't have as strong of feelings about other drugs, whereas libertarians are in favor of complete drug legalization, liberals want any legalized drugs to be regulated by the government and taxed whereas libertarians want the free market to regulate itself and are generally against taxation (particularly anarchists who are entirely against any taxation, some libertarians think that nation states can exist and tax for national security though). Pretty much all liberals and libertarians are in favor of gay marriage being legalized. Liberals think that guns should be illegal or extremely regulated by the state, libertarians think that guns should be readily available with very little to no state regulation.

I am not a socialist or a liberal, I am a libertarian, which seems to be a new word for you so I suggest you look it up instead of confusing it with liberalism. Liberals are all socialists, a defining characteristic of the liberal philosophy is that society should be forced to provide a financial safety net for everyone else in society, although only extreme liberals are actually communists in that they think all wealth should be evenly distributed.

Im sorry but this is nonsense.

Communism and anarchism are at opposite ends of the scale.

Anarchism involves the complete removal of any state mechanism, whereas Communism seeks to have a very large state mechanism with numerous social programs and agendas.

If you take liberalism to its extreme, logically it cannot be both reducing and increasing the state mechanism.

I think where you are confused is that you are not making the distinction between pure liberalism (liberalism), and something like liberal socialism.

Pure liberalism, when taken to the nth degree becomes anarchism.

Liberal socialism is a merger between liberalism and socialism.  What you have to understand is that when two ideologies are merged together like this, there are conflicts within the merger as fundamentally liberal philosophy and the social philosophy are different.

True liberalists would disagree with liberal socialism as they are being forced to pay for state programs that they simply don't agree with.  In essence a liberal wants to pick and choose what services  they pay for, which directly conflicts with a socialist agenda.

Indeed communism and anarchism are pretty much complete opposites. On the political chart I would go by, which is a bit different from the Nolan chart, it is a four point diamond, the highest point is totalitarianism  the lowest point is libertarianism the left most point is liberalism and the right most point is conservatism. Liberalism is signified by being to the left, if it is upper left it tends toward communism, if it is lower left it tends toward liberal libertarianism. Libertarianism is defined by being down, at the furthest point down it is Anarchism.

Communist Liberals: Are against gun rights, are against drug legalization as it translates into higher health care costs which none drug users must pay and also can lead to lower productivity which means there are less resources available to the collective, are against any private industry and want everything to be run by the state, are less concerned with legalizing gay marriage but are not as opposed to it as conservatives, are very nationalistic, generally are pro science but in favor of information censorship, largely against immigration as it puts stress on the collective finances and infrastructure, largely against ex-patriotism  (leaving is banned)

Libertarian Liberals: Are against gun rights, are moderately in favor of drug legalization although they want it taxed and regulated, are strongly in favor of legalizing gay marriage, are in favor of social safety nets such as socialized healthcare but are not in favor of total wealth redistribution, are in favor of government regulations on industry for things such as environmentalism but are against government running all industry, they tend to be pro science in general although there are some exceptions, generally are against censorship with a few exceptions, generally are AGAINST intellectual property rights, largely in favor of immigration being easy and leaning towards neutral on ex-patriotism (changing citizenship is not banned, but should be highly taxed)

Conservatives: Are pro gun rights, are against drug legalization, are against gay marriage, are against social safety nets and in favor of significantly reduced taxation, are against government regulations on industry or much government involvement in the market, and additionally they tend to be quite religious and in favor of government and church mixing, for example they make up the vast majority of people who are in favor of teaching creationism in government schools, generally they are pro censorship and quite nationalistic, generally are in favor of intellectual property rights, largely against immigration, leaning towards neutral on ex-patriotism (changing citizenship is not banned or taxed, but is seen as bad)

Fascist Conservatives: Are generally against gun rights for the masses, against drug legalization, against gay marriage, against social safety nets for the people but in favor of providing safety nets to industry/corporations, quite religious and often in favor of government and church mixing, pro censorship, in favor of strong police presence within society, quite fascinated with military building, extremely nationalistic, sometimes in favor of eugenics, generally are in favor of intellectual property rights although generally for corporations more so than individuals, largely against immigration and ex-patriotism (leaving is banned)

Libertarian Conservatives: Pro gun rights, pro gay marriage legalization, pro drug legalization especially for marijuana but unlike liberal libertarians they are against its taxation and strict regulation, against social safety nets, against taxation in the vast majority of cases although they may support it for infrastructure or national defense, less religious than other conservatives, against censorship in most cases, have no opinion on teaching creationism in public schools as they think there should be no public schools, less nationalistic than other conservatives, generally are in favor of intellectual property rights, neutral on ex-patriotism (leaving is not banned or seen as bad) immigration is not banned but is strictly regulated

And then at the very extreme end of libertarianism it becomes less a matter of left or right, and is better defined as simply Anarchy imo

Anarchy: Pro gun rights, pro gay marriage legalization (as there should be no state to sanction marriages in the first place), pro drug legalization (and it shouldn't be regulated or taxed by the state as the state should not exist), a bit of a mixed bag regarding intellectual property rights but quite a lot view pay walls to information as a form of censorship and they tend to be against intellectual property rights as they are against all forms of censorship, against any form of taxation, no opinion on teaching creationism in public schools as they are against public schools, do not believe in national borders or in the concept of illegal immigrants (however they do believe in individuals having control over who enters their own land), extremely relaxed views regarding what should be considered criminal (essentially it boils down to: If it does not initiate force against another person, it should be legal, and this includes controversial things such as child pornography distribution), there should be private defense agencies and infrastructure should be handled by the free market, essentially government should be seen as banditry and outlawed.

a good example of a more extreme liberal wish is for time dollars, where regardless of the sort of work you do you are paid in units of money named after the amount of time you have worked. Thus, a doctor who works for eight hours receives the same eight 'hour dollars' that a janitor receives for sweeping up floors for eight hours.


On another point, before I started reading these forums my feelings about libertarianism were mainly indifferent. DPR's posts made me curious to find out more. As I read more I came to believe it to be a fundamentally flawed political philosophy (just my opinion, I'm no expert). And when people start in with their militant rhetoric, I become cynical in the extreme.

Pure liberalism is somewhat fundamentally flawed as a large part of liberalism is to do with the reduction of the state mechanism. If this is  taken to its extreme it becomes anarchism and anarchism can only exist temporarily as eventually a new state mechanism will emerge.

This is why liberalism tends to get merged with other ideologies which can exist on a more permanent basis, i.e. liberal socialism or liberal conservatism.

Liberalism taken to its extreme is communism.
No its anarchism

Communism has the biggest state mechanism of all political ideologies, whereas liberalism seeks to reduce the power of the state and increase the power of the individual.

The purest form of libertarianism is anarchistic because the existence of a state requires the involuntary submission to pay for the monopoly services of that state, which is an obvious violation of liberty.

The most extreme form of libertarianism is anarchism, the most extreme form of liberalism is communism. Liberals are in favor of redistributing wealth, more mild liberals only want some social programs but at the most extreme end they want state enforced complete equal distribution of resources and this is communism.

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