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Messages - kmfkewm

Pages: 1 ... 96 97 [98] 99 100 ... 249
Security / Re: Truecrypt issue
« on: February 21, 2013, 07:00 am »
Also something else that may be of importance is that whilst I can't access my files like spreadsheets and word documents I can still access my GPG key-chain and encrypt things even though GPG is stored on the USB??? Wouldn't this indicate that the data itself isn't fucked but this is just a glitch that can be fixed? I haven't tried to decrypt anything yet but I'll let you know how that goes when I get round to it.

Not sure I understand this. So you can access GPG that is on the USB device? Is it a portable version of GPG or something? So Truecrypt actually does let you mount the device after typing in your password? Is the entire device encrypted or do you have an encrypted file container on it with other things that are not encrypted? If that is the case you need to give the path to the file container instead of the USB device.

I like genetically engineered food, it reduces hunger. All food is genetically engineered anyway, it is just before humans directly influenced natural selection to engineer our food, and now we are more advanced and we use advanced genetic modification techniques to engineer our food.

yuuuuuuup. Just wanna be able to tell my offspring that "I tried".

You tried to limit the amount of food available to the world because you are afraid of science ?

Security / Re: Tor network compromised - cogent isp (dea, cia, nsa)
« on: February 20, 2013, 02:32 pm »
The only people that should care about Tor being unsafe are Vendors and bulk buyers. Small time consumers won't be prosecuted, ever.

Yeah it isn't like the vast majority of people locked up on drug charges are small time consumers. Oh wait actually they are !!

People posting code here:

1. Post all of your code in your original post (posts if it is too big) announcing your program. Sign and timestamp the code. Don't edit your posts in the future, they should not have an edited mark on them.

2. Don't try to bundle other software with yours. If other libraries or programs are required, specify this. People can go and find them and download them themselves.

people auditing code here:

1. Post the sha512 hash of the signed timestamped code you audited.

2. Describe how thoroughly you audited the code and your level of expertise in auditing code

people using programs from here:

1. Make sure you compile from the source, as I said before

2. After seeing enough people have audited the code to feel safe, sha-512 sum the available code to make sure that it is the same thing that has been audited.

potential updates to the program should be posted and signed and audited as well, preferably released as patches to the current code base.

1. If it is not open source don't touch it

2. Compile it yourself, if they provide binaries only don't touch them

3. Wait for people who know the language it is in to go over the code and verify it. Multiple people. Preferably people with high post counts or good reputations.

4. If their code requires that you use external programs or libraries, only use them if you independently download them, not if they are bundled together

5. Download any potentially required additional software anonymously through Tor , from the official source only

6. Make sure that any required additional software is open source and well known, not some shit thrown together by the person offering the original program but presented as separate

7. The code must be posted publicly and available to everyone for auditing purposes. Sorry, no selling closed source programs here, it isn't secure. Sorry, no restricted access to code here, everyone needs to be able to see it to help the community determine if it is safe.

8. Avoid buying preconfigured USB devices or electronics here. There are legitimate open source options like Liberte and Tails. Use those, they are free !

In general you should avoid using programs created by people on silk road. There could be some valid exceptions! If you don't violate any of the stated rules here, and someone offers something really nice and useful, you should be pretty safe. If any of the above rules are violated, don't touch that shit.

Rumor mill / Re: Any drdeepwood/ ron paul succesfull synths?
« on: February 20, 2013, 08:02 am »
Good luck with your 'LSD synthesis for dummies' venture. I never claimed to be a skilled chemist, I am not. I claimed to know people who are pretty bright chemists who have made LSD , which I do. None of them followed instructions from a tutorial they bought off the internet.

Moon Unit, am I mistaken or are you that annoying teenage troll? Aren't you like 16 years old? Do you really think you are qualified to say that you can assure the synthesis instructions provided can get people without independent chemistry knowledge producing white fluff?

Anyway I take it back, maybe he is legit, I have no fucking idea. But it seems to me that people buying a tutorial for how to make LSD, have very likely not got the skills or connections required to successfully make LSD. If it was really so simple to make high grade LSD that a child could do it, then it would be as commonly produced as meth. There is a reason that there are usually no more than a dozen or so LSD chemists active at a time in the entire fucking world.

Security / Re: IRC and security (or lack therof)
« on: February 20, 2013, 07:55 am »
IRC is as as secure as the client you use pretty much. I would use Pidgin with OTR, although Pidgin is not the most secure choice it is the most user friendly imo. Most IRC servers ban Tor exit nodes, you will need to find some that don't I suppose. I am on a few that don't but I think they are few and far between :(.

Security / Re: Law enforcement disguised as vendors?
« on: February 20, 2013, 03:32 am »
I would avoid buying bulk of most drugs on SR, possibly weed being an exception. Also possibly exceptions for people who are highly vouched for. Anyone can be a vendor here. Dealers buy from bulk vendors. If the police want to bust dealers, it makes sense that they would set up as bulk vendors. I think it is not unreasonable to assume that they may even set up as vendors to bust smaller time buyers, although perhaps there is less concern for this. It doesn't look like they are doing this so far anyway, considering the low number of busts we are aware of regarding buyers, which is pretty much in line with what we would expect from interceptions. Of course if the police intercept $50,000 worth of heroin they are going to raid the address it was shipped to, that much is obvious. That said there have been successful and legitimate bulk online dealers, and people have even shipped millions of dollars worth of drugs through the mail (although not online vendors afaik, although there have been plenty of hundred thousand dollar + shipments). There are private forums for bulk deals, where vendors get in contact with big suppliers. These forums are invitation only and you cannot vend on them unless you have been vouched for by a lot of people who have multi-year reputations and have just as many people willing to vouch for them. That is the environment for bulk dealing imo, SR is perfect for dealing to end consumers and small time dealers though.

Rumor mill / Re: Any drdeepwood/ ron paul succesfull synths?
« on: February 20, 2013, 03:08 am »
I don't think anyone is going to learn how to synth LSD from a guide they bought on the internet. I know people who have synthed LSD. In general, successful LSD chemists tend to either have a Ph.D or at least a masters degree in chemistry. Some successful LSD chemists do not have so much formal chemistry knowledge, but they still have significant chemistry knowledge and have observed people cooking LSD in an apprentice type position. And the LSD the second group of people makes tends to end up being brown and tarry instead of white and fluffy. Plus you need to have access to a highly controlled laboratory environment as well as access to many highly watched and dangerous chemicals. Anyone who is selling a guide to be an LSD cook overnight is most certainly being dishonest.

Who cares if it looks suspicious, it isn't illegal to look suspicious and you can't go to jail for having an encrypted hard drive. If you ever go to court and they ask why you wont give up your encryption keys, after consulting with your lawyer, tell them that you plead the fifth. That cannot be used to determin

What operating system are you on? Are you using a HDD or a SSD? have you ever had sensitive things unencrypted on your drives?

If you are on windows you could just do FDE with Truecrypt, it overwrites what is on your drive with an encrypted version of it, possibly/probably not as safe as doing Secure Erase of the entire drive and encrypting it first thing, but it is most likely fine. If you have a SSD and it has ever had sensitive information on it in a non-encrypted format, you are fucked because of wear leveling. SSD need to be encrypted first thing or else they are insecure as soon as they have anything sensitive on them that is not encrypted. Same goes for your USB drive as well, if it is fresh or never has had anything sensitive on it you should just encrypt it with Truecrypt, otherwise you should probably toss it honestly. If you are on Linux it is much easier to encrypt at install time than later on, but you can still configure FDE from in an already installed OS. I have never done it except at install time , but I can probably find a tutorial and walk you through it if it is a requirement of yours.

Security / Re: Truecrypt issue
« on: February 20, 2013, 02:17 am »
if he tries to mount it with

cd /Applications/
./TrueCrypt -m headerbak /dev/usb_device_name

I don't think he needs to worry about anything. That mounts it with the embedded recovery header, but it doesn't replace the potentially corrupted header. I suppose it cannot hurt to back it up before trying

./TrueCrypt --restore-headers /path/to/the/usb/device

as that replaces the potentially corrupted header with the embedded backup header, however I wouldn't be extremely worried about it simply because it would only cause a problem if the embedded backup header is corrupted but the original header isn't. Still good advice to make a back up though.

Security / Re: Truecrypt issue
« on: February 19, 2013, 02:01 pm »
(make sure you cd to the right directory first though)

Security / Re: Truecrypt issue
« on: February 19, 2013, 01:59 pm »
doh I am tired

./TrueCrypt --restore-headers /path/to/the/usb/device

Security / Re: Truecrypt issue
« on: February 19, 2013, 01:45 pm »
what happens if you just type TrueCrypt ??

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