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Messages - kmfkewm

Pages: 1 ... 91 92 [93] 94 95 ... 249
Off topic / Re: Anyone else fed up with this world?
« on: March 20, 2013, 11:05 pm »
As a life long advocate of fascism, long term gay basher, strictly fundamentalist christian and advocate of ubiquitous surveillance, I have to say things are going pretty good in the world.

Off topic / Re: Good online source for shroom spores in the EU?
« on: March 20, 2013, 10:01 pm » gives free spore prints you only pay shipping and handling.

Security / Re: Tor video chat, audio chat, or text chat?
« on: March 20, 2013, 08:33 pm »
What makes TorChat so dangerous?

Pardon?  I don't believe it is terribly dangerous.  I mean it isn't 100% safe, but as far as anonymous encrypted conversations go, it's basically the best option I know of.  Everything else either reveals your identity or isn't encrypted at all.  Really what TorChat does is set up a hidden Tor service that people connect to in order to chat with you.  It's about as safe as any hidden Tor service, such as the Silk Road site (or any onion site).  I'm not sure who said it's dangerous...?

I would avoid Torchat unless you want to open yourself up to all the attacks that hidden services are vulnerable to that regular Tor users are not.

Tor doesn't encrypt!
It only hides your ip and with that , the place where you are, nothing more !

You are talking complete bullshit. The Tor network is fully encrypted with PGP/AES encryption. Noone can read the information sent through it.
The only thing that can be read is if you use clearnet sites via tor, because the connection from the last tor node to the actual website is a standard http connection and therefore unencrypted. Connections to hidden services are completely unreadable.

The additional Pgp encryption we use on Silkroad is in case LE or someone else gains control over the physical server.

Tor to clearnet encrypts up to the exit node. Tor to hidden service encrypts up to the hidden service. Tor doesn't really use PGP, it doesn't even use only algorithms that are part of the OpenPGP standard. It uses TLS though.

In a very rough sense, yes.

As a regular Tor user, your client makes requests and open connections to other servers. When you (effectively) become a server, because your client is a hidden service, others can open connections to you. That's where new attacks come in.

It's *kind of* like broadcasting your online status, and allowing strangers to find you.

Yep pretty much this.

I wouldn't be surprised if a good bit of the LSD offered here is 25INBOME, there has been massive drought of LSD for the past year, and it has been pretty difficult to come by even on private forums that are usually awash with it. I obtained some blotters from here that were non-perforated although with perforation marks actually printed on like the sheet was photocopied, on not blotter paper but the flimsy cardboardish paper that pamphlets are sometimes printed on. The effects were pleasant and acidish, but I was left with the clear impression that it may not be LSD. For one I saw overlay patterns on everything in my vision, an effect I have not gotten from LSD. It was more focused on covering everything with a film of transparent patterns than it was with actually enhancing what I was already seeing, as LSD tends to do. I was not really dissatisfied with the high, but at least one other person who tried these blots thought they were definitely not LSD. I don't know if they were 25INBOME or what, I didn't try ever to swallow one without holding it under my tongue, but I wouldn't be very surprised if it wasn't LSD honestly. disclaimer: I am often quite doubtful that what I have taken is really LSD, but in all fairness I think quite a lot of things sold as LSD are various LSD like analogs. I am quite confident I have had real deal LSD on several occasions though, GDF WoW in particular.

Security / Re: LE manuals?
« on: March 18, 2013, 06:36 pm »
you can usually find stuff with the right keywords on google, and throwing in .pdf

the more you search the more interesting things you find. If it is academic read citations, a lot is from LE agencies though.

if you find anything interesting post in in this sub forum with an [intel] tag

has been a while since I last searched for some LE docs, seems they are getting a little bit better at keeping their shit internal but there will always be unintentional leaks when they throw shit on the internet or it is widely disseminated even if it has FOUO stamped on it.

Off topic / Re: Which drug would you NEVER do again?
« on: March 17, 2013, 05:05 am »
and the thing is too that I felt fine while I was binging, but during/after the come down it all caught up with me suddenly. It is like a delayed effect set of bad effects and caught me totally off guard and unexpectedly, usually I am used to things happening during the peak and if they do not then I can continue going for it. Not a delayed effect whoop ass like that. Even though I do feel pretty much entirely over it now, as much as I will ever be I am sure, I still question if I did some damage to my circulatory system or something. The only things I am really concerned about regarding my drug use, is the effect my dissociative use may have had on my brain, and the effects mephedrone may have had on me in general. Although I also do regret smoking some research chemicals now, which in hindsight and now that I am not so young I see was fucking stupid, although it had no apparent negative effect on me.

But all and all I would say I don't really regret using anything to the point that I would not use it at all, although some shit I would certainly have used more responsibly and to a lesser extent and starting at a later age. Mephedrone is only exception, I wish I never touched it. And I have used:

DXM (highly doubt I ever use it again as ketamine pwns the shit out of it)
cocaine (may do again but not a fan of it at all)
crack (would never do this again either)
ketamine (yum yum I use this a ton in binges that are separated with decent chunks of time, one of my favorite drugs)
mephedrone (never again, ever)
LSD (one of the only things I still enjoy using a ton of)
salvia (is okay. Kind of weird. Would definitely use it again)
nitrous oxide
various pills, pharmaceutical and "MDMA", although I have never been much into opiates or street ecstasy (have used a ton of benzos though)

just off the top of my head I always forget shit though

Off topic / Re: Which drug would you NEVER do again?
« on: March 17, 2013, 04:53 am »

I am curious to kow why...

Because it caused me all kinds of problems and felt like I poisoned myself and had bad after effects for months. I did binge on it though. No other drug has felt so fucking toxic to me, and there is research coming out that points to it being nasty shit, although I don't know how much faith I put in any recreational drug research given that they are all government funded and lying fuckwads. Not to mention mephedrone is both vasioconstrictive (sp?) and inhibitory to the part of the brain that counters that, and it increases heart rate to boot, so it must be fucking horrible for the circulatory system and heart. And it is until recently almost completely unresearched, and has given some people negative health effects mimicking autoimmune disorders, caused peoples knees to turn purple. It made the entire inside of my mouth get blisters in it and all kinds of nasty shit. If there is one drug I wish I never used in my life it is beyond any doubt mephedrone. I also wish I didn't use so many/much disassociatives at such a young age. And I wish I didn't go research chemical crazy for a period of my life where I was tripping like three times a week for months. But that is just some regret over using way too much drugs, I still love to disassociate a lot, and still enjoy research chemicals in general. But mephedrone I wish I never even heard of honestly.

Security / Re: Foreign country hosting of clearnet website
« on: March 17, 2013, 01:53 am »
Panama, Russia, Malaysia. Three countries who have some hosts that allow drug forum hosting and ignore complaints about them anyway. They probably will not tolerate a full fledged massive drug marketplace like SR though, cept maybe some of the Russians might.

Off topic / Re: Who else likes child pornography?
« on: March 16, 2013, 08:00 pm »
just a quick FYI:

Ephebophilia is the primary or exclusive adult sexual interest in mid-to-late adolescents, generally ages 15 to 19.

Hebephilia is one of several types of chronophilia (a preference for a sexual partner who appears to be of a specific age), in this case a primary or exclusive sexual interest in pubescent individuals approximately 11–14 years old

Pedophilia is characterized by a primary or exclusive sexual interest toward prepubescent children (generally age 11 years or younger, though specific diagnosis criteria for the disorder extends the cut-off point for prepubescence to age 13

They have been increasing the cut off age for pedophilia slowly but surely I have noticed. First it was 11, then 12, now 13. There is actually a movement right now trying to get it brought up to 14 but so far the majority of psychologists have rejected that attraction to 14+ is a mental disorder.

There are three other age related philias as well. Generally it is something like this with () used to show there are varying definitions, and ~ to show that the starting age has some variance as it is mostly based on sexual development rather than actual age.

infantophilia: ~3 years or younger ~(tanner stage 1, infantile)
pedophilia: ~3 years to (11, 12, 13) ~(tanner stage 1-2)
hebephilia: ~11 - 14                             ~(tanner stage 2-4)
ephebephilia: ~14 - (16, 17, 18, 19) ~(tanner stage 4-5)
teliophilia: ~17 - (various)                 ~(tanner stage 5)
gerontophilia: ~65+                            ~(tanner stage 5 , advanced age)

Ostensibly most men are teliophiles, although only pedophilia and infantophilia are clinically considered to be mental disorders (although by some definitions of pedophilia it overlaps with hebephilia almost entirely, making hebephilia a mental disorder as well, not sure the cut off ages used in the DSM for pedophilia but they do not include hebephilia as a specific disorder). My own personal theory is that most men are probably ephebephiles though.

Off topic / Re: Who else likes child pornography?
« on: March 16, 2013, 08:31 am »
Also it is worth noting that you have previously advocated for making ALL forms of pornography illegal.

Off topic / Re: Who else likes child pornography?
« on: March 16, 2013, 08:30 am »
Yeah that is how the rings with producers operate. I suppose there is an argument for making it illegal to request somebody molests a child. It is already illegal to ask for somebody to kill a person, and I do not have a problem with this law. So I am okay to keep it illegal to ask another person to molest a child, but I am still entirely against making it illegal for a person to view the images of the molestation if they did not ask for them to be produced or produce them themselves.
Even without requesting it, viewers can still reward the producer of child pornography by heightening his status in the community (by giving him rep points, karma, thanking him, complimenting him, or donating bitcoins to him).

I am more concerned about protecting the victims of child pornography than the consumers of it. The freedom to view child pornography is not a freedom worth protecting in view of the damage that it indirectly causes to children (not to mention the viewers themselves, who are corrupted by viewing such material). Freedom is not an end in itself; it should be subordinate to the fulfillment of one's primary responsibilities to humanity, which include protecting children from abuse.

So should we make it illegal to compliment someone who has done anything illegal? If a person kills someone you hate, but you had no say in them doing so, should it be illegal to thank them? Should it be illegal to compliment someone who has done a skillful heist and robbed a store of jewelry?

Off topic / Re: Who else likes child pornography?
« on: March 16, 2013, 08:13 am »
Allowing child pornography encourages abuse. It may be free, but abusers are encouraged to produce pornographic material by the respect they earn from other pedophiles in the forums in which they distribute their material.

For example, a pedophile might start start a thread entitled 'My 5 Year Old Daughter'. Other posters will respond by posting 'requests' in which they ask the original poster to perform a specified sexual activity upon the child and post photographs of this activity. After posting the requested photographs, the original poster will then receive a higher status in the community (indicated by positive reputation points or 'karma'). Some members may even donate bitcoins to him.

This isn't just speculation. This is how internet pedophile rings actually operate.

Yeah that is how the rings with producers operate. I suppose there is an argument for making it illegal to request somebody molests a child. It is already illegal to ask for somebody to kill a person, and I do not have a problem with this law. So I am okay to keep it illegal to ask another person to molest a child, but I am still entirely against making it illegal for a person to view the images of the molestation if they did not ask for them to be produced or produce them themselves.

Off topic / Re: Who else likes child pornography?
« on: March 16, 2013, 07:45 am »
really? The majority of Tor hard-candy sites seem to be paid ones. And what about like third-world porn studios that charge for reuests? Is what Im describing even a thing?

To the best of my knowledge NONE of the Tor hard candy sites are for profit, though I don't follow them closely or really at all. With the popularity of Bitcoin it is possible some are starting to charge for access, but honestly I doubt it. Yes what you describe is a thing, but most CP is distributed freely on public P2P networks, Tor Hidden Services and of course Freenet is probably the biggest cache of CP in the world from what I gather (though I have heard Lolita City on freedom hosting may actually have more. I really don't know, not interested in real CP myself so have not done an in depth comparison between Tor and Freenet hidden services).

I dont know if it's just about youth and fertility, or maybe something more. I dont really know, but I often find a picture of a 14-year old more attractive than of an 18 year-old. Almost as if theres an appeal to a girl that is sensitive, and not quite, but mostly fully sexually developed. though maybe it might just be because Im 16, or maybe that most of the underage pornography I'm exposed to is of girls I personally know

I don't know. I found 14 year old girls attractive when I was 14 and guess I just never stopped. I rather not say my age, but am still considered fairly young myself, although a good bit older than you. Why would my perception of who is attractive change, nothing about them has changed. I didn't find ten year old girls attractive when I was ten and still to this day do not. Seems pretty normal to me. I don't feel exclusively attracted to teenagers by any means, although I do find them particularly attractive. Like a 20 year old girl I would rate an 8 I would probably have a 10 if she was a handful of years younger, but that isn't to say I don't find any 20 year old to rate as highly. There is just some extra beauty in youth (not youth as in 12 year old, fwiw) that fades away pretty quickly after 17, but it is only something extra not beauty in itself.

Apparently, the self-driven enterprises of self-employed cam whores is also one of the results of teen nudity that is considered negative. But if youre a girl who decides that youre going to make some money by cam-whoring, you take the initiative to  get that set up, and youre smart enough to have jumped through all the necessary hoops(like all the .onion teen camwoheres, who had to have been tech-savvy and enterprising enough to have set up both Tor and Bitcoin), then youre probably also fairly secure about your sexuality, have a moderately high self-esteem, and have a certain degree of mental stability.

Was not aware of such things on Tor but I suppose I am not surprised considering the amount of such things that happen without any profit model.

This wouldnt excuse people who were to extort girls, but extortion of below 18 girls is a lot more common than for adults. If an adult woman's Facbeook gets hacked and filled with nude pics of that woman, it's not going to be nearly as devestating to her social life as it would be if she was 16. Underage sexuality has largely been painted as something to be ashamed of. The shame of being a slut applies a lot less to adults. Thus, underage-nude-picture extortion wouldnt soon fail to carry a lot of it's impact, if sexuality of 15+ girls was accepted.

Yeah agree with that, but in either case extortion should be illegal.

1 bit of entropy, where do you get that?

If the attacker knows it's only upper or lower case characters, then it's 270 log2 52, or 1539 bits.

If the attacker knows that it's composed of English words, then it's 53 log2 80000, or 836 bits, for 53 words and assuming a standard dictionary of 80,000 words.

I suppose an attacker could use statistics on word patterns in English sentences to lower the overall entropy, since some words are more likely to follow other words, and some words never follow each other, but I imagine it would still be in the hundreds of bits. Maybe in that sense it would be 200-500 bits.

Different estimates will put it at different amounts, but as a general rule of thumb it is safe to say an English sentence has one bit of entropy per character. One NIST estimator only levels out to 1 additional bit per additional character after twenty character + special/lower/numeric/upper , with more more entropy credited to characters prior to twenty and with a bonus for each additional character type. zxcvbn takes a lot of things into consideration, for example zxcvbn would have less entropy than i29fks because it is a spatial pattern on the keyboard, I think it also takes into account syntactic structure of English sentences as well.

this paper ( suggests an upper bound of 1.75 bits per character in English

We present an estimate of an upper bound of 1.75 bits for the entropy of characters in printed
English, obtained by constructing a word trigram model and then computing the cross-entropy
between this model and a balanced sample of English text. We suggest the well-known and widely
available Brown Corpus of printed English as a standard against which to measure progress in
language modeling and offer our bound as the first of what we hope will be a series of steadily
decreasing bounds.

although it does mention that they think improvements are possible

We do not doubt that one can reduce the cross-entropy below 1.75 bits per charac-
ter. A simple way to do this is to find more reliable estimates of the parameters of the
model by using a larger collection of English text for training.

this site puts it at 1-2 bits per character:
(English prose has only
     1-2 bits of entropy per character, and provides very bad passphrases),

I guess with all sources considered, it is probably the most accurate bet to say that English contains slightly over 1 bit per character, but a conservative estimate and best rule of thumb is to not attribute more than one bit of entropy per byte of English IMO, even though in reality the entropy is probably slightly more than that.

Off topic / Re: drug chemistry analogy puzzle
« on: March 16, 2013, 06:23 am »
well that didn't take long

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