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Messages - kmfkewm

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Security / Re: Tor over socks5 with proxifier?
« on: April 02, 2013, 11:24 am »
The idea is to chain tor with a proxy for two reasons:

1. (as you mentioned) to hide that I am using tor and thereby not be seen as using a blacklisted IP.

2. to also appear to be in a specific geographic region (determined by the proxy) for online gambling and other restricted activities.

I am just testing this out and if there is a better provider than vip72 that's fine. I do, however, NEED the ability to use proxies in different locations. It does not appear that these bridges give me that ability. I will look into socks escort and see what's what.

Maybe this is 'dumb' or there are free ways to do it but that is what I am after. I know that it is possible to chain socks5 with tor I have just had no luck getting it to work.

if it is a socks proxy simply go to Torrc and add

Socks5Proxy port-it-listens-on

I think you can replace the 5 with a 4 as well, if it is Socks4.

Shipping / Re: Importing large amounts of cocaine, someone help me
« on: March 31, 2013, 03:57 pm »
There is a lot of good advice on this forum. Also, a lot of the people on this forum are amateurs , what better way to become professional than to listen to the advice of people with more experience?

Shipping / Re: Tacking packages will get your ip-adress?
« on: March 31, 2013, 03:40 pm »
Fact of the matter is that even if we assume that we don't know they flag packages that are checked with Tor, if they start to do so they will likely be able to intercept a ton of drug packages. So it is best to assume that checking a package with Tor flags it, and vendors and customers alike should avoid doing so. If a customer has something being sent right to their house, the only advantage they get from not checking tracking directly is increased plausible deniability. I am not sure if that is going to save the day, but I am sure checking tracking with Tor could ruin the day. Using Tor to access third party tracking sites, and hoping they don't flag packages / pass on that you checked with Tor, is a superior option but may very well fail in itself. Using open WiFi from random locations is a superior option as well, but even this can be flagged (hmm this address has packages going to it and the person checking tracking seems to use a different IP address every time!). Obviously if you are getting things sent to a fake ID box or a place not tied to your identity, checking tracking without Tor or similar anonymity completely ruins the point of doing so. It is a complicated matter, and one that requires a great deal of attention to be paid to it, because tracking is certainly an attack vector that could lead to a large amount of interceptions if we are careless with how we utilize it. On the other hand, tracking can help us prevent being busted in the event of an interception as well (provided they still leave artifacts of interception on tracking, I know for a fact that they have in the past).

I had made three posts previously, although now after having done some research on the matter over the past two hours, I agree with samesamebutdifferent that MBB is the way to go. However, I would also want to make sure that vacuum sealing is still being used. This could be done either via vacuum sealing with a plastic bag and then heat sealing it inside a MBB, or it could be done by using MBB that are also vacuum sealable. Good info samesamebutdifferent :).

Although a very recent (about five minutes ago)  convert to the MBB philosophy, I would strongly suggest that people do not skip the vacuum sealing step. Google searching shows me that there are MBB that are vacuum seal ready as well , and I would strongly suggest this over just throwing stuff in a MBB and heat sealing it or whatever. Vacuum > no vacuum, regardless of the permeability of the bag.

In regard to the metal foil layer, which was my biggest concern, I was just informed by a very smart friend that the layer of metal on these bags is so thin that it is unlikely to trigger a metal detector.

edit: My friend also points out that the metal foil can be an advantage, as packaging in a room with an ionizer present will reduce trace elements of the drug adhering to the outside of the MBB.

The company’s drivers went so far as to drop off drug packages with pharmacy customers in parking lots and along highways, according to a law enforcement letter attached to the agreement.

That's something else.

I've always wished more vendors on SR would ship via UPS, for a couple reasons...

1.  The workers all get paid less than USPS people
2.  A lot of them don't give a fuck (as evidenced in the above article), it's just more business for them (them being a legit company that has shareholders to make happy)
3.  They're in no way government employees who are constantly reminded of law enforcement rules and regulations
4.  It's easier to ship anonymously (in many cases)
5.  Everybody uses USPS, so it wouldn't be expected
6.  Better tracking
7.  Cheaper
8.  MUCH tougher to do a CD
9.  Getting a warrant to open a package or for a CD requires only "reasonable suspicion" in the US.  It's really much easier to get a warrant than most people here would think.  I think a lot of people have a false sense of security with this.

I digress... It's good to see UPS waited until they got caught to do something, they weren't actually reporting this stuff.


UPS packages don't need warrants to open them, USPS packages need warrants to open them. USPS carries much more mail than UPS so far harder to screen all of it. USPS is the way to go , for these and various other reasons. Also it is definitely not MUCH harder  to do a CD with UPS than it is with USPS.

Security / Re: Idea for a new delivery method for bulk orders
« on: March 31, 2013, 01:17 pm »
it is probably safer for the customer than getting via mail anyway, as when getting via mail the customer often gives the vendor their home address and identity. In this case, they get GPS coordinates from the vendor, and can pick up the package after waiting some period of time. It is probably even safer than using a fake ID box, because the drop area will likely be well away from any cameras.

Security / Re: Show your love for LE here!
« on: March 31, 2013, 01:04 pm »
redfunguy, go buy yourself a history book.  The Mongol Conquests (which later established the Silk Road) left 60 million people dead.  The Holocaust left millions dead.  And genocide in Rwanda has left hundreds of thousands dead.

 Or just look around at the present day, take Mexico for example, where the police are para-military in cahoots with narcos.  120,000 dead in six years.

Cops have a place in society.  Perhaps you disagree with some of the laws they enforce, but I believe they do more good than harm.


I don't know much at all about the Mongol conquests, but the holocaust was perpetrated by....a government, included the police of the government. The genocide in Rwanda was perpetrated by....a government, including the police of the government. You seem to clearly admit that the police in Mexico work for the drug cartels. So really I don't understand your post. I mean, clearly redfunguy is wrong to think that there have not been people roughly equivalent to police for much of human history, but all of the examples you gave were examples of out of control government and police agencies (Heard of Gestapo? Heard of Stasi?) murdering their own citizens. So really I think you just gave some good examples that show "just doing a job" is not a fucking excuse for the behavior of the police, or are you a Nazi apologist ?

Security / Re: Show your love for LE here!
« on: March 31, 2013, 12:58 pm »
Although this is kinda off topic.. but back in college once I was at a buddies place and we were all drinking. Now his older brother (few years older then us) was a cop. A rookie/newbie cop, but he was always chill and had gone to highschool with us. So we were all getting shitfaced, and there was some blow going out discreetly. To my surprise, the friends brother (reminder: was absolutely a cop) actually took a bump infront of me. He was fucking drunk as shit and just did it. I'm not sure if it was a lapse in judgement or if he routinely partied like that, but I thought that was cool. Odd, but cool. Dunno if he stayed a cop or what.. but I had always thought that even though cops will sometimes take peoples drugs and resell to friends/family, I had never heard of a cop casually USING. Especially coke.
I always thought they get piss tested all the time and even 1 strike they're fucked.

Wow that is so cool cops are just like us and they party and take drugs too , so that makes them totally cool and we should totally forgive them and embrace them. Except your friends fuckwad brother probably has arrested hundreds of people for doing the same shit he was doing, and that is the reason why he needs to have his back throw up against a wall and filled up with fucking bullets.

Security / Re: Show your love for LE here!
« on: March 31, 2013, 12:55 pm »
Dude grow the fk up there just doing a job like the rest of us someone has to control our society or we would be in complete chaos.

If I hire someone to rape babies they will just be doing a job like the rest of us. Does that excuse them as well? People who argue "they are just doing a job" really absolutely must have some ulterior motive for being police apologists, because your logic falls apart as soon as I say I will hire someone to rape babies or murder innocent people. So either you are okay with ANY behavior so long as it is the result of a paid job, or else you are making an exception for the police that has absolutely nothing to do with the fact that they are "just" doing a job.

Also I imagine you excuse the Gestapo and Stasi as well, because after all "someone has to control society" and so if some group controls society therefor all of their crimes against humanity are excused? I think you are the one who needs to grow the fuck up, and open your eyes to the fucking retarded logic you use in apologizing for the atrocities committed by these vicious slave traders.

if it is domestic and not bulk USPI, if it is domestic and bulk either USPI or DEA or possibly also FBI although that is less likely. if it is international, ICE, USPI or DEA and possibly FBI as well.   

Security / Re: do not open clearnet links outside of Tor
« on: March 30, 2013, 05:27 pm »
Also I suppose it is possible that Gnash or some other flash plugin has the feature of using the proxy settings of the browser, I am not sure which if any do. I just know that flash not respecting browser proxy settings was such a widespread problem at one point that Tor Project officially said that it is not secure to use Flash plugins with browsers configured to use Tor, unless transparent proxying or similar techniques are used to ensure it doesn't by pass Tor. I have also heard them say that even with such configurations, it is best practice to avoid using flash plugins anyway, as they are likely to be insecure in other ways as well.

Security / Re: do not open clearnet links outside of Tor
« on: March 30, 2013, 05:20 pm »
It isn't a feature or a bug, it is a design choice that overlooks anonymity. So I suppose it is the lack of a feature, but not a bug.

Security / Re: Idea for a new delivery method for bulk orders
« on: March 30, 2013, 04:28 pm »
LE use aerial drones for surveillance all the time. Remote controlled mini helicopters that can carry high quality video cameras are actually relatively inexpensive, you can buy really nice ones for only a few thousand dollars and most major police forces have several.

If the buyer tells the transporter the drop off location, the transporter will be arrested by law enforcement posing as customer. That breaks anonymity for the transporter and is impossible to do securely. The only way it would have any chance of working is if the drop is made before the customer knows the exact location of the drop.

I think that there is future for dead drop transportation as well, but I think it will be for local regions and not using networks of anonymous transporters. I suppose it is possible that it could use anonymous transporters as well, but I think at least it will start with vendors in major cities doing dead drops around their own city for more localized customer bases. For long distance transportation of bulk I still think that mail is likely a better choice, same for small amounts as well although for a totally different reason.

Security / Re: do not open clearnet links outside of Tor
« on: March 30, 2013, 04:21 pm »
When the Flash plugin is installed, it allows direct TCP connections back to the originating host. These connections may bypass the proxy server, leaking the real external address of the user's workstation.

The rest applies only to Java.

I think the problem is actually that Adobe Flash Player is not open source. Perhaps Gnash would be a safer option?

On Linux, you can set up user-specific rules in iptables to route all traffic through Tor, and run Firefox from the command line like this, completely avoiding the issue above:

Code: [Select]
sudo -u <username> ./start-tor-browser

The problem is exactly what you quoted, not that the plugin is not open source. Flash can be used for proxy by pass attacks. Using firewall rules and other techniques can make flash safer to use with Tor (and java as well), but with a vanilla configuration of Tor it is dangerous and can easily lead to deanonymization.

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