Do you guys seriously think that LE is going to spend the time and money to get fingerprints off of a package? Do you have any idea how backed up forensic labs are in every major city?
Yeah of course they are going to fingerprint intercepted packages you fucking retard, there is an entire USPI lab for fingerprinting and otherwise analyzing intercepted packages.
It annoys me how stupid some statements are and noobs reading this take it as fact. Its their job, of course LE are going to at a very minimum fingerprint an intercepted package and try and match against their criminal database. What do you think they are going to do?
The small customer says "They won't bust me, they are after my dealer!"
The police man says "I will bust his ass , I'm sure he is a squealer!"
The smaller dealer says "They won't bust me, I only move a couple ounces..."
The police man says "But that's my job!" and then he straight up pounces
the mid dealer says "They won't bust me I only sell to a couple of friends!"
The task force says "But they got apprehended and now your friendship endssssss....."
the big dealer says "They won't bust me, they only want the cartelsssss"
The DEA laughs and then they say "We will get the cartel connect after busting you and making you wear a microphone during a sellllllllll"
The cartel connect says "They won't get me, they only want my bosssssessssss"
Then Interpol laughs and then they say "Infiltration leads to all cartel lossesssssssssss"
The cartel boss says "They won't catch me, I am not a terrorist!"
Then the intelligence community laughs and then they say "Militant Islam is funded by opiateeeesssss"
The terrorists say "They wont catch me , I am not Osama Bin Laden"
and then they get stormed, intelligence formed, and snipers come and kill everybody else toooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
it's the somebody else song, the somebody else song, they only bust somebody elseeeeeeeee
I haven't done anything wrong (but broke the law!) so they will get somebody elseeeeeeeeeee
its the someone else song, it's the someone else song, I know they will not get meeeeeeeee
because I am not Osama Bin Laden ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh
and that is what 100% of LE want sooooooooooooo
it's the somebody else song for me!