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Messages - kmfkewm

Pages: 1 ... 83 84 [85] 86 87 ... 249
Off topic / Re: The TRUTH: Does LSD hurt the people around you?
« on: April 18, 2013, 07:25 am »
I believe there is actually evidence that demonstrates LSD specifically causes coincidental occurrences to seem to carry greater significance. 

Philosophy, Economics and Justice / Re: Eyecontact
« on: April 18, 2013, 03:50 am »
I find eye contact to be rather awkward. I mean, I make eye contact, but to me it seems almost like a foreign language. People look at my eyes, then they look away, then around then back at my eyes for a while. It is like wtf. What is the point of that? Is it trying to convey some information to me? How long should I look at their eyes for, I don't fucking know. Normally I just mimic the person I am talking with. If they look at my eyes I look at theirs, if they look away I look away. However, I realized that this would give the impression that I am looking at their eyes too much, as I will always be looking at their eyes when they are looking at me, and they wont be looking at me to see I am looking away, so now I sort of time how long and frequently they look away from my eyes and try to match the frequency and duration without being perfectly synched. I don't have any idea why I do this though, simply because for some reason it is expected of me I guess. I much prefer text based communication, it is to the point and avoids bizarre rituals such as this.

Off topic / Re: Tor and BitTorrent
« on: April 17, 2013, 07:10 pm »
Seems to me that you don't even need a VM. Just setup your torrenting program, find a tracker that uses UDP (my brief searching reveals these torrents include lines such as : udp:// ) , configure the torrent program to use Tor and take a screenshot of this configuration, now run wireshark , filter for UDP connections to the port from the torrent file, filter for connections to your Tor entry guards (and take a screenshot showing your entry guards and their IP addresses, or of you selecting to use strict guards in torrc), then when UDP connections are made to the tracker they will by pass Tor and you can see this in the Wireshark logs filtering for connections to the tracker, meanwhile you can see that some of the traffic goes over Tor as well from filtering for connections to the entry guards and taking a screenshot of vidalia with circuits open. It really isn't that hard at all and if you need to ask for help figuring this out it is a strong sign of not having done any real research into it yourself.

Philosophy, Economics and Justice / Re: Would Anarchy work?
« on: April 16, 2013, 08:16 pm »
There is no employment under anarchism and there is no private property. Because of this it is impossible for any form of corporation to exist other than a workers co-operative. These institutions would be run by the workers for the benefit of the workers and not focused entirely on profit. Libertarianism, minarchism, and anarchocapitalism are all misguided because so long as there is a state, it will exist solely to enforce private property. No state, no property, no employment. It is impossible to extract capital from the labour of workers under anarchism, any system that facilitates this is just a bastardized version.
Also please regard the difference between personal and private property in socialist terms, they mean very different things, no anarchists are ever going to take your home.

The type of "anarchist" the above poster is talking about is more correctly called a "socialist" or maybe "communist" even. The arguments from so-called "Socialist Anarchists" tend to baffle the mind. For example, if you have two cars, they are prone to think that you are stealing the second by having it when some have none. I find it hard to believe the above poster would not advocate stealing a home from someone if they have several, to give to someone who has none, although of course in their minds they are reclaiming it from the home hoarder who stole it from society by having extra.

Off topic / age poll
« on: April 14, 2013, 06:58 pm »
Just curious, feel free to not say if you prefer not to.

Security / Re: TAILS suspicious popup
« on: April 14, 2013, 02:33 am »
He probably hit print screen on his keyboard by mistake.

Drug safety / Re: WTF are LSZ and LSB?
« on: April 14, 2013, 01:25 am »
Although come to think of it I am sure they were LSD analogs because they were lab tested as such.

Drug safety / Re: WTF are LSZ and LSB?
« on: April 14, 2013, 01:23 am »
Then again after reading the effects on nbomes , it does sound quite similar. I also see dystonia listed, and this was a reported effect from those blotters. Maybe the smart European acid groups were using nbomes before they were in mainstream public awareness, I know they were using jwh-018 as spice long before the general public knew what jwh-018 was, but I had known about that over a year before Spice was mainstream.

Drug safety / Re: WTF are LSZ and LSB?
« on: April 14, 2013, 01:20 am »
The LSM tabs were also incredibly bitter (one person even gagged and puked up a bit just trying to swallow one, they tasted like total shit). Effect wise they felt a bit more speedy than LSD, lacking in the deeper psychedelic effects to some extent, but with a much more club drug, rushy, euphoric feeling to them. It felt like a close cousin of LSD, notably different but obviously related. My favorite part about it was that I could take it multiple days in a row and still get good effects, something that is next to impossible with LSD.
lol, are you sure you didnt get an nbome?

Got to agree with wavelength. That sounds exactly like one of the nbomes. They are visually similar to LSD while being less introspective and speedier. They are also very, very bitter and just taste downright awful.

This was like five years ago, I suppose it could have been an nbome but I rather doubt it as those were not popular at the time. I had not even heard of them back then. Also they were active swallowed without holding under tongue, and nobody held them under tongue lol.

Security / Re: Using hotmail or yahoo mail on TOR - traceable?
« on: April 13, 2013, 11:29 pm »
because they are dumbasses is my first guess. My second guess is because they think we might be.

Philosophy, Economics and Justice / Re: Would Anarchy work?
« on: April 13, 2013, 03:42 pm »
Illegal immigration is an incoherent term if we are still talking about anarchy :)

You're a sharp one. But why stop there really? Immigration altogether is incoherent in anarchy. :)

Pretty true. In pure Anarchy there are not even recognized states, so there is no such thing as immigration, in the traditional sense of moving from under the authority of one government to under the authority of another government. Most Libertarians in the US are not full blown anarchists though, and still support the concept of a state. A lot of them even support the idea of taxation, but to a much more limited extent than is currently done, primarily for funding the police and the military, and little else.

However, even these borderline Anarchists (I believe they are more correctly called Minarchists) tend to be for open borders. Just like Liberals and Conservatives, Libertarians have a spectrum of members. The pure free market Anarchists are at one extreme, and at the other extreme you have someone that looks a lot more like a conservative, although who isn't influenced by religion (so they hold conservative financial beliefs, support small government and light taxation, but they also tend to hold more mainstream liberal beliefs on social issues like gay marriage etc).

Anarchist libertarians are beyond ultra conservatism with their financial beliefs (keep 100% of your money, zero taxation, zero government services, zero government regulations), and beyond ultra liberalism with their social beliefs (bare minimum laws, pretty much only don't steal kill or rape and derivatives of these things). The average libertarian is pretty similar to a mainstream conservative from a financial perspective (small government, little tax, few services, few regulations), and a mainstream liberal from a social perspective (few laws, relaxed laws, tolerance). And some of the particularly mild people who call themselves libertarians are closer to traditional conservatives than anything (low taxation, no socialized healthcare or foodstamp type programs but still things like police, military and even public schools), they are just less influenced by religion than the neoconservatives (gay marriage is fine, drugs are not such a big deal, laws can be relaxed a bit). A lot of the more mild libertarians probably used to be Republicans before fundamentalist Christians took the party over.

Off topic / Re: God, how come and i cant cum in ur kidz!@
« on: April 12, 2013, 01:47 pm »
This whole argument is about consent. Traditionally, marriage can take place as young as 14 in many US states. That's called the "age of consent". Some states make it 15 or 16. If the parents do not agree, and there is sex out of wedlock, then it is an issue of statutory rape... even if there is consent. This matches the label of "nanny state" or "police state"... as in totalitarianism. Tyranny. Despots. Warlords....

Traditionally the age of consent in the US was 10. Now federal law says it is 16 for US citizens, regardless of where they are, meaning even if a US citizen is in a country with an age of consent of 15 they cannot legally have sex with someone under 16. Individual states can set the age of consent over 16, but they cannot over ride federal law, setting it lower would only be ceremonial. States have ages of consent set at 16, 17 and 18. Most of the world has age of consent set below 18, Canada in 2000 had the age of consent set at 14. I think 14 is a good number, it protects young children but doesn't needlessly demonize people for screwing fully self aware teenagers.

Shipping / Re: fingerprints ?
« on: April 12, 2013, 12:14 pm »
Do you guys seriously think that LE is going to spend the time and money to get fingerprints off of a package?  Do you have any idea how backed up forensic labs are in every major city?

Yeah of course they are going to fingerprint intercepted packages you fucking retard, there is an entire USPI lab for fingerprinting and otherwise analyzing intercepted packages.

It annoys me how stupid some statements are and noobs reading this take it as fact. Its their job, of course LE are going to at a very minimum fingerprint an intercepted package and try and match against their criminal database. What do you think they are going to do?

The small customer says "They won't bust me, they are after my dealer!"

The police man says "I will bust his ass , I'm sure he is a squealer!"

The smaller dealer says "They won't bust me, I only move a couple ounces..."

The police man says "But that's my job!" and then he straight up pounces

the mid dealer says "They won't bust me I only sell to a couple of friends!"

The task force says "But they got apprehended and now your friendship endssssss....."

the big dealer says "They won't bust me, they only want the cartelsssss"

The DEA laughs and then they say "We will get the cartel connect after busting you and making you wear a microphone during a sellllllllll"

The cartel connect says "They won't get me, they only want my bosssssessssss"

Then Interpol laughs and then they say "Infiltration leads to all cartel lossesssssssssss"

The cartel boss says "They won't catch me, I am not a terrorist!"

Then the intelligence community laughs and then they say "Militant Islam is funded by opiateeeesssss"

The terrorists say "They wont catch me , I am not Osama Bin Laden"

and then they get stormed, intelligence formed, and snipers come and kill everybody else toooooooooooooooooooooooooooo


it's the somebody else song, the somebody else song, they only bust somebody elseeeeeeeee
I haven't done anything wrong (but broke the law!) so they will get somebody elseeeeeeeeeee
its the someone else song, it's the someone else song, I know they will not get meeeeeeeee
because I am not Osama Bin Laden ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh
and that is what 100% of LE want sooooooooooooo
it's the somebody else song for me!

Shipping / Re: fingerprints ?
« on: April 12, 2013, 12:04 pm »
Although the word latent means hidden or invisible, in modern usage for forensic science the term latent prints means any chance or accidental impression left by friction ridge skin on a surface, regardless of whether it is visible or invisible at the time of deposition. Electronic, chemical and physical processing techniques permit visualization of invisible latent print residues whether they are from natural sweat on the skin or from a contaminant such as motor oil, blood, ink, paint or some other form of dirt. The different types of fingerprint patterns, such as arch, loop and whorl, will be described below.

Latent prints may exhibit only a small portion of the surface of a finger and this may be smudged, distorted, overlapped by other prints from the same or from different individuals, or any or all of these in combination. For this reason, latent prints usually present an “inevitable source of error in making comparisons,” as they generally “contain less clarity, less content, and less undistorted information than a fingerprint taken under controlled conditions, and much, much less detail compared to the actual patterns of ridges and grooves of a finger.”[6]

Of course a latent print is less useful than a print obtained by coating your fingers in fucking ink and rolling them on fingerprinting paper, but latent fingerprints are enough to ID people in many cases. If you want to risk being busted over a preventable insecurity be my fucking guest, I just thought I would point out to you that you are a total idiot.

Shipping / Re: fingerprints ?
« on: April 12, 2013, 12:01 pm »
I wanna reiterate this thing about common sense and also add that people need to read my full post before they make themselves look stupid trying to make me look stupid.   Your example defines someone who is sending repeated drugs to LE.  That person is already flagged, the prints may, may help, but he is already fucked.   I never said don't wear gloves, take every precaution at your disposal, but use your damn head while you do it!  I'll be awaiting your numbers on those prints and convictions,  If the number is significant and the players in that circle were not already fucked to begin with then I will concede your point.  Until then cut your 101 bullshit.  Fact is unless you are completely sterile in your methods, your DNA evidence from say a hair are much more likely to sink u then a fingerprint!

You are the last person who should be talking about common sense considering you clearly have none. Common sense is to wear gloves when committing a crime that could leave fingerprints behind. Only a total idiot would try to argue otherwise. Any vendor on this site could send drugs to LE over and over again. Vendors on SR sell to anybody. LE could easily get a box and order packages from vendors over and over again. If you read the leaked report from the Australian feds it said that they did just that, trying to gather fingerprints and other forensic evidence, but that they failed to identify anybody because nobody was leaving trace evidence behind. If they pull that shit on you your ass is going to be in jail in no time, because you think that mail will not be fingerprinted, and that you cannot even leave fingerprints in the first place for some reason. I am not going to compile statistics for the number of people busted by fingerprints for fucks sake, you are the one who is putting yourself at risk do your own fucking research.

Fingerprints are way more likely to sink you than hair, but you should of course try to avoid leaving ANY trace evidence. Wear a fucking hair net too! But unless you become a suspect in a rape case or fuck a minor chances are you will die without ever having your DNA stored by the state. On the other hand, if you get arrested for a DUI or any other minor crime, or get any job that requires a security clearance, your fingerprints are going to be on record with the state. Assuming neither are already on record, given the choice between the feds having my fingerprints tied to an illegal crime, and the feds having my DNA tied to an illegal crime, I would go DNA all day.

I am not sure if you are really an idiot or just trolling me....

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