Off topic / anonymous grassroots anti prohibitionist activism and organization
« on: May 30, 2013, 08:23 am »
I think that we should use the member base we have here to actively promote drug legalization. Pretty much there are several strategies that drug users can use in an attempt to fight prohibitionists. On the one hand we have things like SR, an Agorist approach; defensive protection of drug users and dealers. The goal is to allow users and dealers to ignore the current laws, not to change the current laws. Another tactic is violent action against prohibitionists, as enjoyable as this would be I highly doubt we can rally the troops. We cannot convince people that detonating a suicide vest in a police station will result in them going to heaven and getting 72 sheets of acid, and nobody really gives such a fuck about the drug war that they would put their life at serious risk for free in order to fight it. Perhaps an assassination market model would work, but I don't want to spend this entire post talking about how we can bring about the deaths of prohibitionists. Another strategy is passive education, this is what Erowid is doing. People interested in learning the truth about drugs can visit Erowid and get mostly accurate information on pretty much any drug they are likely to encounter. This is great for people who want to pull drug information, but it doesn't really help push out the ideology of legalization. Most people going to Erowid are either medical professionals or those already in favor of legalization. An additional strategy is pushing information out to people who are not even particularly interested in it. It doesn't even need to be information about specific drugs, rather it needs to be information that influences the way people perceive drugs and the way people perceive the war on drugs. I certainly see this happening in some cases, for example the television show Weeds is a great example of pro legalization propaganda: people who are not particularly interested in marijuana watch it and it paints a perception of marijuana users and legalization in their minds. Weeds is not delivering the facts about marijuana but it is certainly influencing people towards legalization.
Now the people on SR cannot really make something like Weeds, but I think we can still all participate in actively creating and spreading propaganda. I always see people on internet forums, news sites that allow comments, etc, commenting on drug threads/stories. A lot of them are against legalization, even more of them don't particularly give a shit either way. These are the groups that we need to target, not people who are already interested in drugs or who already support legalization. I think we should have an entire sub-forum or separate community even that is dedicated to creating and disseminating targeted content to these groups. They are not going to pull the content from us, but we can use our man power to push the content to them through the internet. We can think of effective ways to influence their opinions, collaborate on creating content to expose them to, etc.
SR is great in itself but it is only taking advantage of one of the strategies that we can use to fight the war on drugs.
Now the people on SR cannot really make something like Weeds, but I think we can still all participate in actively creating and spreading propaganda. I always see people on internet forums, news sites that allow comments, etc, commenting on drug threads/stories. A lot of them are against legalization, even more of them don't particularly give a shit either way. These are the groups that we need to target, not people who are already interested in drugs or who already support legalization. I think we should have an entire sub-forum or separate community even that is dedicated to creating and disseminating targeted content to these groups. They are not going to pull the content from us, but we can use our man power to push the content to them through the internet. We can think of effective ways to influence their opinions, collaborate on creating content to expose them to, etc.
SR is great in itself but it is only taking advantage of one of the strategies that we can use to fight the war on drugs.