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Messages - kmfkewm

Pages: 1 ... 65 66 [67] 68 69 ... 249
Drug safety / Re: How I snort my ketamine
« on: June 13, 2013, 09:34 am »
I think the trick with ketamine is not so much limiting how much you use in a single day, but rather in not using for many consecutive days in a row. In a study using monkeys, cell death in the brain was noted in monkeys administered injections daily over a period of six months, but not in monkeys administered equal dosages over a period of one month. This indicates that a dosage of ketamine that will not cause permanent brain damage after a single administration could still lead to permanent brain damage if it is repeatedly administered over a prolonged period. I don't think that using a gram in a single day (that is k holing about 5 times for somebody who weighs 200 pounds) is going to cause any long term damage, but maybe if you use a gram a day for 6 months in a row it will.

Drug safety / Re: How I snort my ketamine
« on: June 13, 2013, 09:20 am »
Beware that taking too much K can cause harm to your body (the use of 0.5 gram in 24h gives you a statistical chance of 1 on 5 or so to cause permanent harm; the use of 1g in 24h gives you a statistical chance of almost 100% to cause permanent harm (those are not my numbers so if I'm mistaking do PM me about it please so that I can adapt it).

Citations needed. I have used multiple grams of ketamine in a single day and I don't think that it caused me any permanent harm. I have gotten K-pains and they are god damn horrible and feel like being shot in the gut or having an ice pick shoved up your dick, but they go away with no recognizable lasting harm. I know a lot of ketamine users who easily go through a few grams a day and none of them are likely to report that they have suffered from permanent harm. There is some evidence that some people can possibly have bladder damage caused by ketamine binges, although it isn't clear if this is directly related to ketamine or to impurities in clandestinely synthesized batches. Of course there is the risk of Olneys lesions as well but those are inconclusive in humans. Ketamine certainly greatly impairs all forms of memory, particularly it massively impairs visual-spatial memory due to inhibition of the hippocampus, but I have never seen any evidence that this is permanent. In some cases ketamine induced memory impairment is long lasting, but I don't believe I have ever heard of it lasting longer than one year.

The first large-scale, longitudinal study of ketamine users found that frequent ketamine users (at least 4 days/week, averaging 20 days/month) had increased depression and impaired memory by several measures, including verbal, short-term memory and visual memory. However, infrequent (1–4 days/month, averaging 3.25 days/month) ketamine users and former ketamine users were not found to differ from controls in memory, attention and psychological well-being tests. This suggests the infrequent use of ketamine does not cause cognitive deficits, and that any deficits that might occur may be reversible when ketamine use is discontinued. However, abstinent, frequent, and infrequent users all scored higher than controls on a test of delusional symptoms.[32]

Drug safety / Re: How I snort my ketamine
« on: June 13, 2013, 09:04 am »
I have always sniffed k and never had any trouble to k hole. I usually just start with a small line and work my way up. I am definitely a binge user of ketamine, by the end of a binge I am snorting half foot long lines and coughing out clouds of powder. K holing is definitely the goal to aim for IMO. Crushing ketamine is super super super important if you don't want to seriously fuck up your nose. Ketamine was the first drug I regularly sniffed and the first time I got it I didn't realize the importance of crushing it. It doesn't really hurt to sniff it when it is not crushed, but trust me it doesn't take long for it to royally fuck up your nose and if it does it takes ages to heal.

Wow astor some really useful information. +1.
I wish i could understand it all properly however i do get the jist of it all and it is very fascinating. thanks for posting it though im sure this knowledge needs to be widely recognized by a lot of people.

I wonder how many top grade computer experts and hackers knew about this and were taking advantage of it before it was widely published.

Probably a lot of them. The Tor developers certainly knew about it a long time ago.

Security / Re: Zerocoins
« on: June 13, 2013, 12:31 am »
The specification is here, the link is on the first page of posts

I don't think they released the code publicly yet but they already have it all implemented.

Security / Re: Zerocoins
« on: June 13, 2013, 12:29 am »
I bet zerocoin is some scandal to track bitcoins more easily.

I bet you didn't read the zerocoin specification. Or the Bitcoin specification, for that matter.

Security / Re: Zerocoins
« on: June 12, 2013, 10:42 am »
4. Knowing how to program isn't going to be enough to implement Zerocoin anyway, you will most likely need to find somebody with education in cryptography. It is possible to implement some cryptographic systems with hard work, even if you lack formal education in the matter, but Zerocoin looks pretty advanced to me. It needs a specific sort of cryptographic accumulator and cryptographic zero knowledge proof of knowledge algorithm, in addition to some other things.

Security / Re: Zerocoins
« on: June 12, 2013, 10:33 am »
A contact of ours said he knew a programer who could program it & customize it for 100BTC and he needs 2 months time ..

as soon as the whitepaper is released it could be started...

lets kickstart that for real !


will talk to my boss about this...maybe we will finance it ..

all we want is  our nym in the credits and the help of you guys to perfect it and get the code checked by  large audience .. 8)

1. The white paper has already been released
2. The people who released the whitepaper already implemented it
3. It is worthless unless it is integrated into a network like Bitcoin (or a separate network is made for it, a fork of the Bitcoin software would do)

Philosophy, Economics and Justice / Re: Home School!
« on: June 12, 2013, 02:29 am »
It is probably a lot easier going from regular school for elementary and middle school to home school for high school, than it is to go from home school in elementary and middle school to regular school for high school. I have heard of alternative forms of school (at least for high school) that involve a classroom of peers but which are carried out in a different way than regular or home school educations often are. These alternative schools allow the students to do pretty much whatever they want, but they make resources available to them. For example, they staff mathematicians, sociologists, historians, etc. Additionally they have a large selection of literature and such made available. The children are allowed to work on whatever they want to, and they can ask for assistance from the staff when required. I don't know the extent of freedom provided by such schools, but from what I can gather the students are essentially free to do as they please and work on learning whatever they find interesting. The end result is that the students are largely self taught and self directed, but that they have professional assistance available to them if they ever get stuck on anything or need direction provided.

Philosophy, Economics and Justice / Re: Home School!
« on: June 11, 2013, 11:36 pm »
I was homeschooled for a large part of my life. When I went to private and public schools, I was significantly above the grade level, to the point that the course work was actually very boring. I remember one of my teachers thought that I must have plagiarized one of the essays I wrote because she didn't believe somebody the age I was could have written it. I was shocked that she didn't think I should know the words she thought I didn't know. On the other hand, I also was quite socially awkward and had a lot of trouble fitting in at first. I wouldn't suggest homeschooling personally. In my experience it is a great benefit for your academic education but it comes at great expense to your social education. The South Park episode on homeschooling is pretty accurate.


Is it Possible? I think so. I look around and see all sorts of living entities and they do perform all sorts of activities and they must think in order to do it. But when I look at myself I just cannot think without any language. Strange!!!

How do the babies think?

How human being used to think before the development of language?


On occasion I notice that I am thinking without language, although these moments tend to be brief and the thoughts tend to be not complex and often they are things I have pretty much rote memorized. It is also possible that the language is not as 'loud' in my mind as it usually is, so I don't even notice it.I find that if I repeat a phrase in my mind that I can already know what I am going to think prior to thinking it. Or if I think about a phrase that I already know, there is no reason for me to say the entire thing in my mind. Also I obviously think some without language, it is not like I use language to tell myself I am hungry prior to getting some food, and I do not use language to control my hands as they type on the keyboard. Clearly at some level I have decided to type on the keyboard, but I am not verbally telling myself to do so.

Of course it is also possible to think in pictures, although I rarely do this I am able to think much more complex things than I can by thinking without either language or images. Repeat a phrase in your mind over and over to block your ability to think in language, and visualize something happening. You can think without language in such a way, unless you consider the visual images to be a form of language. I imagine that people who are born deaf very commonly think without language, either that or they visualize sign language or writing. They definitely don't think in verbal language though, because they have no idea what it sounds like.

Psychologists are learning to test for intelligence without the bias towards language. A big discussion in the psych world at the moment is why African communities score highly below the average on intelligence test batteries. It is because they are bias towards Western culture which place emphasise on language. So they are now devising tests without the use of language (a difficult thing to do when you think about it; you cannot interview a subject or ask them questions with words only maths and abstracts).

There are already ways to test for visual intelligence. Any persons IQ is the composite of their verbal and visual sub IQ scores. The IQ score we usually discuss is technically called GIQ, general intelligence quotient. When somebody has their IQ tested there are usually at least four sub scores that are taken into account, working visual memory and long term visual memory, working verbal memory and long term verbal memory.  The average person has verbal and visual intelligence near 100 for each, and the average composite score is 100.

I read everything in my own voice. I essentially never think in any other voice.

Off topic / Re: Most Profitable Substance?
« on: June 11, 2013, 10:56 pm »
Ketamine can be extremely profitable and it also has the lowest risk. Any amount of ketamine cannot get you more than 10 years in prison. People importing kilos from India pay like $8-$12 a gram, I am not sure what it sells for here but I have seen it go for anywhere between $20 and $100 a gram, depending on the area. Best case scenario you make $92,000 for every kilo you sell, worst case scenario you make $8,000. I think average price for end users is somewhere around $50 a gram, so most people probably make about $40,000 for each kilo they sell. Not that bad for risking only 10 years in prison, especially since dogs cannot smell it. The demand is also very large and people go through it fast.

It's schedule 1 in Canada.  Worse than many other drugs and can get you more than 10 years.

I went off the DEA schedule chart. I'm sure in Singapore you can be executed for having it lol.

Off topic / Re: Most Profitable Substance?
« on: June 11, 2013, 10:55 pm »
I know somebody who made a total killing on pressing counterfeit xanax tabs. $5 a gram for pure powder means $5 per 500 2mg bars , sell the bars for $2 a pop. That is a pretty steep price markup, a bit over half a cent to make a tab (taking binder into account) and $2 to sell a tab = 400X markup.

Off topic / Re: Most Profitable Substance?
« on: June 11, 2013, 10:48 pm »
Ketamine can be extremely profitable and it also has the lowest risk. Any amount of ketamine cannot get you more than 10 years in prison. People importing kilos from India pay like $8-$12 a gram, I am not sure what it sells for here but I have seen it go for anywhere between $20 and $100 a gram, depending on the area. Best case scenario you make $92,000 for every kilo you sell, worst case scenario you make $8,000. I think average price for end users is somewhere around $50 a gram, so most people probably make about $40,000 for each kilo they sell. Not that bad for risking only 10 years in prison, especially since dogs cannot smell it. The demand is also very large and people go through it fast.

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