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Messages - kmfkewm

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Philosophy, Economics and Justice / Re: To catch a predator
« on: June 26, 2013, 12:13 am »
I agree with your point on morality but how is it moral to have sex with an 18 year old but not with a 17 year old ? Or with a 16yo and not with a 15yo? I don't see why it's immoral to have sex with a 14 year old because, according to you, it has a corrupting effect on her. Having sex with a 20 year old would also have a corrupting effect if she's never done it before.
A line has to be drawn somewhere. 

I will give a more in depth reply in a bit, but I would just like to point out that you have just affirmed my original claim that
Your notion of morality in this case is an arbitrary and artificial construct.

Essentially you are falling victim to the is-ought logical fallacy ("A line has to be drawn somewhere, and the line is currently drawn at 18, so the line ought to be drawn at 18").

in other words: A is B so A should be B

Security / Re: Best Elite Proxy Software
« on: June 25, 2013, 10:50 pm »
It is possible to manually control your Tor exit node, and to select one in a country you would like to appear to be in. Of course, Tor exit nodes will be readily identifiable as such, you will probably have more luck with an Elite Proxy if you are trying to hide that you are using an anonymizing service from your destination. Unfortunately I can't suggest any proxy services to you, I have never been very concerned with hiding that I am using an anonymizer from the servers I connect to, and in the rare instances when I am concerned about it (ie: the site blocks them, or it triggers a fraud warning when purchasing a web server anonymously, etc) I simply use Tor to connect to an open web proxy. There are web proxies that come and go on almost a daily basis, and if you use one of those it is very unlikely to be identified as a proxy. Of course one of the stable long term web proxies is about as likely to be on a proxy blocklist as a stable Tor exit node is.

Philosophy, Economics and Justice / Re: To catch a predator
« on: June 25, 2013, 09:41 pm »
A common anecdotal theme I have noticed is that peoples opinions on this matter largely depend on the age they are. People in their late teens, all throughout their twenties and into their early thirties generally seem to be much less rigid about age of consent laws. I can think of at least a dozen people in their twenties off the top of my head who have expressed an opinion indicating that they find underage teenagers to be attractive and sexually desirable, and that they wouldn't mind sleeping with them. The people I hear complaining the loudest about this mentality tend to be in their forties, fifties or older. Now I don't think that we can really generalize to age too much, but it definitely seems to me that ephebephilia is much more accepted in younger generations than it is in older generations. Of course I also believe that all of the older males are ephebephiles as well, they just seem much more concerned about keeping up a facade.

Fake ID's are generally easy to obtain, they sell for about $200 with a secondary document. Passports are much, much harder to obtain and much more expensive. I have seen them offered on a drug forum once and they cost over $10,000.

Security / Re: Best Elite Proxy Software
« on: June 25, 2013, 05:43 pm »

Philosophy, Economics and Justice / Re: To catch a predator
« on: June 25, 2013, 01:41 am »
having sex with a 13 year old girl is bad, even if she consents to it and desires it, because it does not built virtue, but has a corrupting effect on the girl.

I guess before I can debate this further with you, you will need to define what 'virtue' is and what 'corrupting effect' sex has on a person (regardless of their sex, unless you hold males and females to a double standard when it comes to sex).

If person X consents to be killed and eaten alive by person Y, it is still immoral, even if both parties obtain some kind of pleasure from the activity. L

Assuming that person X truly desires to be killed and eaten alive (presumably not in that order), and is not coerced into this activity, and is not suffering from some mental illness causing them to be incapable of consenting to such a thing, I find it to not be immoral if they are killed and eaten alive. The question comes down to capability of consent in either case, and I would argue that most 14 year olds are capable of consenting to sex.

Sure I can accept your points that legality and social norms are irrelevant, indeed I claim that the current social norm of the USA forbidding sexual intercourse with most teenagers, and the fact that such intercourse has been illegal for the past hundred or so years, to be completely irrelevant to morality. Of course, the majority of people claim that it must be immoral because it is socially frowned upon and has been so for their entire lives. I can also agree that what we are biologically programmed to do is irrelevant to morality, after all men are biologically programmed to rape but it doesn't make rape moral.

Philosophy, Economics and Justice / Re: To catch a predator
« on: June 25, 2013, 12:06 am »
Morality trumps libido.

Your notion of morality in this case is an arbitrary and artificial construct that you have been conditioned into believing. Other than the past one hundred years or so, for all of human history it has been legal to engage in sexual intercourse with those who are not prepubescent. In much of the world it is still legal to engage in sexual interaction with those who are 13+ or 14+. We have been evolutionarily programmed to find 14-17 year olds sexually attractive, with the exception of the past one hundred or so years it has always been considered morally acceptable to have sexual relations with 14-17 year olds, and in the majority of the world it is legal to have sexual relationships with at least some segment of the people who fall between the ages of 14-17. Indeed, in several parts of the world it is legal to have sexual relationships with people who are below the age of 14.

Only a tiny fraction of the men arrested on To Catch A Predator would have broken any laws if they lived in Spain, even living in Eastern Europe or much of Western Europe would have spared many of the men. In some parts of the USA men are labeled as sexual predators for engaging in behavior that is legal in other parts of the USA!

Philosophy, Economics and Justice / Re: To catch a predator
« on: June 24, 2013, 09:06 pm »
The simple undeniable fact of the matter is that people reach peak sexual maturity, on average, sometime around their 14th year of life. Men who say they are not attracted to people 14-17 years old are saying that they are not attracted to fully sexually matured people, leading me to conclude that they must be pedophiles or asexuals.

1. Men are attracted to potential sexual partners primarily based on physical appearance, primarily signs of fertility and sexual maturity
2. Men are typically attracted to signs of youth, as these are biological signals of fertility
3. People reach full sexual maturity (and females reach peak fertility), and appear to be sexually mature, on average, sometime around 14 years old
4. People who are 14 years old display many physical signs of youth, as they are young

All of these facts can be backed up with hundreds of different citations, and the only conclusion we can form when taking these facts together is that neurotypical males are sexually attracted to underage teenagers.

If most men are attracted to sexual partners based primarily on their physical appearance of sexual maturity and signs of fertility, and most people reach peak fertility and appear to be fully sexually mature when they are 14, then most men are attracted to 14 year olds.

If the majority of A's are attracted to B's that are also C's, and the majority of D's are B's that are also C's, then the majority of A's are attracted to the majority of D's.

If the majority of A's are attracted to B's that are also C's, and some D's are B's that are also C's, then the majority of A's are attracted to some D's.

If the majority of A's are attracted to B's that are also C's, and all D's are B's but no D's are C's, then the majority of A's are not attracted to any D's.

It is simple and obvious logic. And when we plug the variables with A = men, B's = people who appear youthful and C's = people who appear sexually mature, then you can see that plugging '14-17 year olds' for D reveals that most men are attracted to most people who are 14-17, plugging 'post pubescents that are not 14' for D reveals that most men are attracted to some people who are pubescent but not 14, and plugging 'pre pubescent' for D reveals that most men are not attracted to pre pubescent.

The only way anybody can disprove what I have said is if they can prove one of the following

1. Men are NOT primarily attracted to potential sexual partners based on physical appearance indicating fertility and sexual maturity
2. Men are NOT attracted to signs of youth
3. People do NOT reach full sexual maturity, on average, around 14 years of age
4. People who are below the age of 18 do NOT display many signs of youth
5. No people who are below the age of 14 have reached full sexual maturity
6. Some people who are pre pubescent have reached full sexual maturity

So I suggest anybody wanting to argue with me runs off and finds a citation proving one of these points, because failure to do so essentially ensures that you will be arguing from an incorrect position.

According to Democrats, guns are part of the problem and the solution to the problem is sending government agents with guns to confiscate them.

Nobody knows what happened. If they made a vendor account then the customer must have finalized early.

Off topic / NSA thread continued
« on: June 24, 2013, 12:42 am »
Well it appears the NSA thread was deleted for whatever reason. I will assume it was deleted by the OP and not a moderator. However, I was in a nice back and forth with herp99 (I think?) and would like to continue it.

I don't think you see my point. My point is that they obviously haven't because in these cases nobody has even gone to court sometimes. There are people out there right now doing these things. There are people who went to court after being hunted down for a year, if the NSA targeted them don't you think they would have traced them faster? Nothing ever will prevent the powerful agencies of the world from doing whatever the fuck they want to do, thinking otherwise is simply naivety. My point is not that they cannot do these things, it is simply that they are not interested in doing these things.

We'll have to disagree on this one. I'll just say that I'm only interested in what we do know for sure, not what we do not know for sure.

The only thing we know for sure is that they can do these things. We don't know at all that they are interested in doing these things, that they are doing these things, etc. We can infer that they are not operating as a criminal intelligence agency due to the fact that people get away with criminal acts committed using the internet, for prolonged periods of time, without getting busted. Either the NSA is incapable of locating these people quickly, the NSA is not interested in giving the intelligence they have on these people to the FBI, or the NSA simply doesn't care about the crimes these people are committing. Your argument seems to be that because the NSA *can* do these things that they *must* be doing them.

My claims are based on the documents we have. The fact that some people get away with crimes doesn't really inform us of much. What does the existence of SR tell us, with certainty, about the capabilities of the NSA? Nothing much, for certain. The most we can infer is that some people haven't been busted yet for reasons we don't know. It's fun to think about, but this is way outside my area of concern, since I'm only interested in what we know - for sure.

The only thing that we know for sure is that a leaked document says that the NSA can spy on Americans and turn over the intercepted information to the FBI if it pertains to a criminal investigation. If we find some documents saying that NASA is technically and legally allowed to construct a spaceship filled with cheese and blast it into the sun, do you think that means NASA therefor must be in the process of doing so? The fact that major targets using the internet to commit major crimes are not busted in short periods of time tells us that either the NSA is not capable of locating them in a short period of time or the NSA doesn't give a fuck about them. (or perhaps the NSA thinks busting such people will reveal their abilities and therefor they choose not to).

Again, another inference which tells us nothing about the scope of the capabilities of the NSA. It's an interesting data-point, but not informative for anyone concerned with certainty. What would tell us something is if we had internal documents leaked describing exactly why they can't trace SR users.

You seem to be pretty certain that the NSA is operating as a criminal intelligence agency despite the fact that all we know is that they are capable of doing so.

Facts aren't speculation by definition. For the facts I'm referencing, look up Bill Binney, the NSA whistleblower who built the NSA system to spy outside the US then left when they turned it on US citizens. Specifically watch the interview with Applebaum and Binney from Wikileaks. It's on youtube. The devices they use are called Narus boxes. They suck up all traffic metadata in the country for analysis. I can't address your reference to "financial networks" because I don't know what you mean specifically.

I am very familiar with Narusinsight super computers, they are not for monitoring financial networks or physical mail but rather are for performing communications interception (wiretapping) and traffic analysis (metadata analysis) on internet traffic on a massive scale.

While I agree with the spirit of what you say, technically, at the moment, what they're doing is legal.

I don't think unconstitutional things can ever be legal.

You do not understand what the legal term "standing" means. Plus, until the Supreme Court declares it illegal, it's legal. I get what you're saying, but the fact that we both feel it's illegal isn't the same thing as it being illegal technically.

Something that is unconstitutional is inherently illegal.

This is simply false.  There's no way you read what I asked you to earlier about standing or what a court of limited jurisdiction means. With all due respect, it's getting annoying addressing assertions you're making about things you're obviously unfamiliar with. Get it together man!

With all due respect it is getting annoying to be told to read a book or watch a video for a citation. If you want me to become aware of some particular bit of information, a direct link to it (preferably in text format) is your best bet. I did look up a court of limited jurisdiction and I read the entire paragraph wikipedia has on it, and it seems entirely irrelevant to what you are saying.

We also do not know, with certainty, that they can't, until we see internal documents saying so. It's plausible that they don't have the time or resources or it isn't a priority. There's more than one possible explanation we can infer. We don't know what they can't do for certain.

I am not making claims about what they can or cannot do. I know that the NSA can perform massive traffic analysis and intercept huge amounts of communications. I am making claims about what they will or will not do, and my only claim really is that they will not operate as a criminal intelligence agency, which means they are not going to focus on intercepting the communications of criminals and forwarding them to the FBI. If they feel that doing so will be beneficial to one of their objectives they will do so, but if some random vendor on SR gets busted or not is of no concern to the NSA. If the vendor happens to be a politician who has taken actions that upset the NSA, then it is a different story though.

Philosophy, Economics and Justice / Re: To catch a predator
« on: June 23, 2013, 05:21 pm »
One day I'll see a thread remotely related to underage sex or pedophilia without kmfkewm posting in it, but not today.

I mean, I have never started a thread related to 'underage' (whatever that age happens to be where you live) sex or pedophilia, but if people want to talk about it I might as well educate them so they don't sound like brainwashed retarded liars, right?
Sorry, I don't speak fluent pedophile.

Sorry let me rephrase it in a way you might have a chance of comprehending

Durrrhhhhhhhhhhhhh I ain't never done started no thread on these here internets bout no gat dam sick fucks who THINK ABOUT THE CHILLRUNS wrong, durrrrrr but cuz some other folk done did it and they done did it wrong I reckon I oughts ta edumacate em bout wut they says wrong cuz ain't a lotta it right cuz they ain't sharper than no tacks and they been listen to too many o them tee-vee talkin heads n it done gots em believin in all sorts o witchcrafts n black magics n voodoos  n gots em tellin tall tales like they ain't wanna fuck them teenagers, no sireeeee, n such n such

Philosophy, Economics and Justice / Re: To catch a predator
« on: June 23, 2013, 04:29 pm »
One day I'll see a thread remotely related to underage sex or pedophilia without kmfkewm posting in it, but not today.

I mean, I have never started a thread related to 'underage' (whatever that age happens to be where you live) sex or pedophilia, but if people want to talk about it I might as well educate them so they don't sound like brainwashed retarded liars, right?

Philosophy, Economics and Justice / Re: To catch a predator
« on: June 23, 2013, 04:13 pm »
God, I wanna watch a show called "Underage Predator" where 14-17 try and fuck adults.  8)

I bet it would get better ratings than to catch a predator did.

You can't really disprove the theory that a magical invisible pink unicorn ate a bunch of flying spaghetti and shit out the answer in such a way that humans perceived it as a quantum computer solving the problem.

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