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Messages - kmfkewm

Pages: 1 ... 56 57 [58] 59 60 ... 249
^ Pretty much this. I find that the feeling of disgust that the thought of somebody having sex with somebody else invokes in me is a good indicator of the appropriateness of the sexual interaction, although it is largely subjective and not based on logic (although I find that the two things are correlated pretty much exactly). The thought of a 40 year old fucking a baby makes me feel pretty damn disgusted. The thought of a 40 year old fucking an 11 year old makes me feel nauseous as well, although not as much so. The thought of a 40 year old fucking a willing 14 year old makes me.....not disgusted anyway.

Because you are meditating

Off topic / Re: Hosting a Tor hidden service website/forum
« on: June 29, 2013, 07:05 am »
Which leads me to my question - what are people's thoughts on hosting a reliable .onion website? Would a VPS in Rackspace be sufficient/ok?
Not now that you mentioned it.

Are you guys really that paranoid?

They have over 200,000 customers, and 4800 staff, and I'm discussing a concept that would arguably not even be illegal.

200,000 customers and one that uses Tor :).

Shipping / Re: To burn PO box or not?
« on: June 28, 2013, 10:52 pm »
Question -- in your best recollection, was the box indeed to large to fit in the PO box? If it was then maybe it's not something to be too worried about? If it would have fit in the box no problem, well then that is a little bit more strange.

If the package is too large to fit inside the box sometimes they do ask you to sign for it if they need to keep it behind the counter. Usually they will ask for your ID as well.

In the state im in iv seen a few guys go to prison for fucking with a 16 year old girl.

Well you must live in either Colorado, Illinois, Louisiana, Missouri, Nebraska, New Mexico, New York, Texas, Wyoming, Arizona, California, Delaware, Florida, Idaho, North Dakota, Oregon, Tennessee, Utah, Virginia or Wisconsin then.

is there any benefit to using a vpn paid by bitcoin as an extra layer before using obfs3 bridges? would that be considered paranoid mode or standard practise?

There isn't really any advantage, and in fact it kind of destroys the purpose of using and obfsproxy bridge as now your ISP can still detect that you are connecting to an anonymizer, just not to Tor. People shouldn't be saying the VPN they are using, you are all allowing LE to start tracing you past Tor.

Security / Re: Obfproxy help
« on: June 28, 2013, 09:43 pm »
the only OP I remember is Ruby123

Philosophy, Economics and Justice / Re: To catch a predator
« on: June 28, 2013, 09:34 pm »
Consent, by definition, is voluntary. Additionally, billionaires have more power over poor people than poor people have over billionaires. I take it that we should break apart consensual abilities based on gross income as well? Strong people have more power over weak people, and most men are stronger than most females, so maybe our species should die out. What about politicians, they have more power than the average person, should they also be restricted to having sex only with other politicians? There are power discrepancies all over the place, saying that power discrepancy is the basis of why 16 year olds can sleep with 20 year olds, but 14 year olds cannot, is essentially saying that we need a much, much, much more complex consent system.

Rich people, politicians, rock stars can certainly take advantage of their power to exploit people, but the vast majority of people fucking them want to do it. I mean, who doesn't want to fuck someone famous?

I simply doubt that the vast majority of 14 year olds fucking 30 year olds are doing so because they want to. I believe the vast majority of those cases are exploitative.

I mean, I don't think there are going to be hordes of 14 year olds running out looking for 30 year olds to fuck, but when such a case arises without coercion I don't think it should be illegal. And when I was younger (14-16) I did know some girls who fucked guys in their 20's and in some cases even older, and they sure were not coerced into doing so. Of course the vast majority of the girls I knew didn't , but some did.

I also vote for 14 (you should make this a poll by the way)

I have to disagree with the OP about the age. Also a child has to be taught an grow and develop over the youth an teen years so that can make the right decisions when older.
I think (18) is the right age , I think 18 is the legal age in most places,country's etc.

I believe the only country that has a higher age of consent than 18 is Madagascar (21), the VAST majority of the world has an age of consent below 18, including a large part of the USA (where the age of consent federally is 16, with some states setting it one or two years higher). The average age of consent world wide is 16, and it ranges from less than 12 up to 21.

The biggest cluster of land where the age of consent is 18+ is in the western United States and central Africa, with sprinkles elsewhere through out the world. Despite this fact most Americans seem to think that the age of consent is 18+, possibly because that is the age of consent to appear in pornography (and the age which you can legally own pornography of somebody), or possibly because the people in this area (of the US) are the loudest ones screaming that anything less than 18 is rape (of course they need to scream loud since they are a drop in the bucket).

Drug safety / Re: How I snort my ketamine
« on: June 28, 2013, 04:42 am »
There was a study with mice that showed "permanent" damage starting after about one month of daily dosing and getting consistently worse after 6 months of daily dosing. Of course by "permanent" damage, they mean that immediately after 6 months of daily injections of ketamine they gave them a few hours to metabolize the last dose given, and then the mice performed worse than control mice. They did not reevaluate the mice after some time had passed after the cessation of injections, but rather killed them and counted the neurons present in their brains, which revealed that no physical brain damage had taken place (ketamine group and control group had no statistically significant difference in the amount of neurons). They also noted significant weakening of the bladder walls in the ketamine group.

Philosophy, Economics and Justice / Re: To catch a predator
« on: June 28, 2013, 04:15 am »
You can be capable of giving consent without giving voluntary consent, as demonstrated by the boss-employee example, which is the issue that large age differences raise, especially between adults and non-adults, since adults have more power over non-adults.

Consent, by definition, is voluntary. Additionally, billionaires have more power over poor people than poor people have over billionaires. I take it that we should break apart consensual abilities based on gross income as well? Strong people have more power over weak people, and most men are stronger than most females, so maybe our species should die out. What about politicians, they have more power than the average person, should they also be restricted to having sex only with other politicians? There are power discrepancies all over the place, saying that power discrepancy is the basis of why 16 year olds can sleep with 20 year olds, but 14 year olds cannot, is essentially saying that we need a much, much, much more complex consent system.

There is a huge power differential between a billionaire adult male and a poor adult female, should we forbid them from sleeping together as well?

In the spectrum from intimidation to fear to terror, at some point it does become rape.

Sure, and when it does become rape it should be illegal. But when it becomes rape that means there is not consent.

Philosophy, Economics and Justice / Re: To catch a predator
« on: June 28, 2013, 01:35 am »
In many places the law takes this into account by forbidding teachers from sleeping with their students, or bosses from sleeping with their employees of a certain age, even though somebody who is not the teacher or boss of the person can still legally sleep with them. If power difference is your main concern it would seem that this is a better solution than arbitrary age restrictions. There is a huge power differential between a billionaire adult male and a poor adult female, should we forbid them from sleeping together as well? The issue boils down entirely to consent, and if a 14 year old can consent to sleep with a 14 year old then a 14 year old can consent to sleep with a 30 year old.

lol I am just fucking around ;). Although I am pretty pissed off somebody owes me a ton of cash right now and they are fucking around with me, I have no intention of killing them.

I've been stressin' , cuz motherfuckers ain't got my presidents
I'm runnin low on evidence, so fuck being benevolent
excuses, that's what they always got - they useless -
games ruthless, I thought these motherfuckers knew this
they clueless - actin foolish - will getcha bluish  -
and I ain't playin, it's simple and plain, no need to explain how,
best keep it in brain now,  it's hard to retain while, you're stretched out layin idle
know what i'm sayin?

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