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Messages - kmfkewm

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Security / Re: FBI Taps Hacker Tactics to Spy on Suspects
« on: August 03, 2013, 04:18 am »
Moral of the story: Don't be dumb. Don't share your 'business' laptop, don't download anything 'unknown'. don't leave your computer unattended, etc etc. The whole Tails usb setup would seem to counteract against the possibilities outline in the article.

Tails does little to stop this sort of attack. You really need things like isolation, memory randomization and highly audited or better yet formally verified software to counteract the risk of hacking techniques. Tails doesn't use any of these things really. Qubes uses sophisticated isolation techniques, OpenBSD has full memory address space randomization and there are a few formally verified kernels but I think none of them are available to the public. LE with hacking tools is actually really bad news.

Security / Re: anonymous membership query
« on: August 03, 2013, 03:41 am »
Automatically encrypted with ECDH-384 + AES-256 + signed with ECDSA-384 mixed outgoing messages and padding + padded private keyword search for getting messages , should be pretty good security and anonymity for forum communications. I will probably add blind Bitcoin mixing and integrate Bitcoin as well, for one click payment of pseudonyms (or maybe somebody will fork Bitcoin and integrate Zerocoin already). Time to get back to work :D.

Security / Re: anonymous membership query
« on: August 03, 2013, 03:20 am »
Actually found a solution in the advanced crypto archives. I can break messages down into single packets and have the packets tagged with iteratively hashed contact strings. So after doing a key exchange with you we both generate two random strings associated with ourselves for each other, for example:

My Public Contact String: a4244aa43ddd6e3ef9e64bb80f4ee952f68232aa008d3da9c78e3b627e5675c8
My Shared Private String: ac8406ff09a4e60a031a2db5340ba1a6e8154773c39b6b797e5b76dc00e41433

Your Public Contact String: 20b2ba0d04afc53a0e448e084286168e9e7b310dcc3c9d5895ece72208f457f6
Your Shared Private String: 31b78669a324805ea5d0d8593fce14cc6631b36b1bdd3105afadd6d83359fe3f

Now assuming all message packets are 1kb, let's say you send me a 2 KB message. So the first packet is tagged with your original public contact string


and the next packet is tagged with the hash value of your original public contact string concatenated with your private contact string:


etc for every message. When I receive messages I use this system:

Suppose a client sends some search keywords to a server. The server checks some documents against the keywords and eventually sends back all the documents that matched. But the catch is that the client wants all this to take place without the server being able to learn what keywords they are interested in or which documents they end up with. These programs let you do that.

and first I search for the first hash that I know will be concatenated to any messages from you, and I set my limit to be 1 returned packet (this protocol lets you set the maximum number of documents, in my case packets, to be returned by the search). After I get your first packet it has information letting me know there is a second packet, so now I do the keyword search for the next contact string, etc, until I have all of the packets you have sent to me so far. I do this for all of my contacts or until I hit a predefined amount of packets for a given cycle (period of time), and if the number of packets I receive so far does not equal the maximum number of packets I receive per cycle, I search for and receive padding packets up to my maximum.

It still might be more efficient if I have an anonymous membership query system so I only search for messages that are actually waiting for me though, depending on how efficient I can make the anonymous membership query versus how efficient it is to search for keywords that do not map to anything in particular. This is actually pretty neat I can probably make it work for static content websites as well, and possibly even specialized interactive hidden services. This encrypted keyword search algorithm has really good bandwidth properties, the bandwidth required is the size of the message received plus a small bit of metadata, so to receive 1kb packet only costs a little over 1kb, and with this I can let the clients get messages part by part from throughout the database instead of having to get a sequential bucket like I would need to do with block PIR (which means there is no need for a semi-trusted nymserver that can tell who is communicating with who, in order to block all messages to a single user together so they can be received with block PIR).

Security / Re: Best VPN???
« on: August 03, 2013, 12:42 am »
Damn sorry guys i didnt know it was such a big fuckin deal!!!  I apologize, as i just wanted some info from people that have similar experiences.....  didnt mean to get everyone hacked...  :o
It's fine. Tinfoil hat is is a little tight on these posters. Not that that's really a bad thing.

A side effect of having technical knowledge related to the matter at hand.

Security / Re: Using Other Peoples Wifi From Long Distances
« on: August 03, 2013, 12:00 am »
Could someone explain to me the advantage of grabbing someones wifi? If you are roaming in different locations it is an obvious plus, but if you are in the same location when grabbing the wifi I don't see it adding anything.

It could even be worse, there is the very small chance someone notices someone using their wifi who they do not know and decide to investigate it.

I am just not seeing what it adds

If you always use from the same location it really doesn't add much other than possible retroactive unlinkability if you move or notice you leaked your IP address. If you move to a new location and then the police show up at your neighbors house a month later, they might not be able to link the interesting session to you. If you notice you accidentally fucked up and leaked your IP address, you can stop using your neighbors WiFi and then when the police show up they might not be able to link the session to you. I think on a scale of 0-10, using WiFi from a neighbors house gives you +1 to anonymity, whereas using WiFi from random locations gives you probably +3.

Security / Re: Can You Encrypt the Tor End Node?
« on: August 02, 2013, 10:04 pm »
But isn't the connection from the exit node to SR unencrypted?
I assume that is why it is a good idea to use PGP when sending any sensitive info to SR.

When you are searching the darkweb (.onion sites) you are not using end nodes. End nodes are only used, when you are using Tor to enter clearweb (The ordinary internet).

Or at least that's how I understand it, but if I am mistaken, I'm sure someone wiser will correct me soon  ::)

You can still use exit nodes when connecting to a hidden service, but they are not used in an exit node capacity. Hidden service connections are end to end encrypted.

not too many years back, the FBI were outed re having an ongoing program called Carnivore, to capture every email - never heard anything more after congress raised a stink about it. But, point is, having demonstrated their appetite for their own direct access, i would assume FBI, if they don't have their own facility,  has their own people at NSA, accessing what they want

Carnivore was for targeted tapping of suspects, the difference between Carnivore and the NSA program is that the NSA is doing drag net tapping.

Security / Re: Freedom Hosting down?
« on: August 02, 2013, 09:57 pm »
Yep, Freedom Hosting has been down all day, along with the thousands of sites hosted on it.

Security / Re: Freedom Hosting down?
« on: August 02, 2013, 09:56 pm »
Yep, Freedom Hosting has been down all day, along with the thousands of sites hosted on it.

Security / Re: Freedom Hosting down?
« on: August 02, 2013, 09:55 pm »
Yep, Freedom Hosting has been down all day, along with the thousands of sites hosted on it.

Since it is a four hour video I will paraphrase for you. He said something like 'In the past I would tell people that yeah the NSA can trace Tor, but the NSA is not your adversary. I would imagine some FBI agent calling a friend in the NSA and asking for information on a certain event, and the NSA saying we don't know anything about that and hanging up. With the recent relevations about the NSA I am more worried that when the FBI agent calls their friend in the NSA, their friend will say yeah uh look at this person here but don't tell anyone how you found out to look at this, and then the FBI will target that person with a wiretap, or whatever. So yeah, this does worry me more now'

not an exact quote but paraphrase, to find exact quote watch the four hour long talk :).

And you know what they will do if everyone starts using TOR? Make it such that popular websites that the common person uses is not TOR accessible.

Moreover, they will always provide an incentive to NOT use any sort of anonymity. No force necessary.

I think the NSA has pretty good luck with tracing Tor. So does Dingledine, watch the talk he gave at Munich with Jacob Appelbaum.

So from a libertarian perspective this is a step in the right direction, right? Instead of power being concentrated in the hands of governments which maintain their position through a monopoly on the use of force, and Mafia style protection money (or 'taxes' as they prefer to call it), power is slowly passing to private companies who maintain their position through economic competition in a free market?

        I am of course playing that well known game Devils Advocate.
Meet the new boss......same as the old boss.

Actually in a libertarian world this would be much less likely to happen. Libertarians are more in favor of gold standard, and most are very against fiat money. One of the main things the banks do is fractional reserve banking, where they can loan out more money than they actually have. This is only made possible because of the government, and the only reason fiat currency has any value at all is because the government demands that taxes are paid in it. Libertarians are generally against the idea of taxation, which means they generally view fiat currency as being inherently worthless. In a libertarian society, a bank that loaned out more gold than it has would be considered to be engaging in fraud, and all of the fiat currencies in the world would be seen as about as valuable as toilet paper. Your biggest mistake is in thinking that these banks etc are operating in a free market, they certainly are not. In a free market Bitcoin would be able to compete with the Dollar much more so than it is now, there would not be regulations on money exchangers etc (ie: no know your customer), etc. So really you are not playing devils advocate against libertarians, because the only reason that these things are happening is because of the government and the lack of a free market.

Security / Re: Using Other Peoples Wifi From Long Distances
« on: August 02, 2013, 08:46 pm »
So say you're in a neighborhood with like 5 networks you can see regularly.  You hook up your big ass omni directional antennae adn amplify it.  Now you see like 40.  Woot, right?  Nope. According to the science I learned - just imagine that by seeing so many more networks there's ALOT more disturbance in the signal you're trying to get cause wifi waves are bouncing around everywhere off everything and you're collecting it all with your super sensitive instruments -  you'll see - bad performance.

Switch to a smaller antennae and things are much better again - you'll notice improved performance because you antennae isn't getting all that interference and distortions too.

Good amplified wireless adapters have noise filtering as well, should help with that some.

The directinoal antennaes were A PAIN THE FUCKING ASS to use unless you like spending hours trying to tweak shit.  Don't worry though, I'll explain how you should really do this.  Directional antennaes are only going tobe useful if you're REALLY far away from a poin, there is nothing inbetween.  Like you're in the middle of the desert.  The problem with directional antennaes is alot of the waves bounce around especially in more city like areas...they'll parially and completely bounce off all sorts of materials in so many different ways. 

I have also had some trouble with directional antennas, you really do need to position them just right. They are better for long distance though. Generally I hear that you use Omni directional for the hotspot and then directional to connect to it. Directional definitely works better for direct line of sight, that is why you would rarely want to use a directional antenna for the hotspot, because it needs to provide WiFi to a radius around it not a narrow line from it. But if you point a directional antenna right at the hotspot I think it would still be better than omni directional at cutting through walls and other objects than a comparable omni directional antenna would be. But omni directional is better at getting signal that takes an erratic path, so if you have an omni directional antenna in a room with an open door, signal will go out the open door, whereas with a directional antenna it will only go where you point it.

Because of this, the directional antennae is going to miss alot of the waves that came the direction of your target wifi network because some with hit it from behind and all these different angles. - this is why we liked omnidirectional more cause it catches eveything the network gives.  There's alot less packet loss - which isif you employed some of the strategies here without my advice you'd be scratching your head over for way too long like we did.

I am not sure. If your neighbor has a wireless router that is in a straight line through four walls away from you, I think that directional antenna stands more chance of getting signal through the walls, but it needs to be pointed right at the wireless router. On the other hand, if they have a wireless access point in the same place but a window is open, an omni directional antenna will pick up signal coming out of the open window better. I can definitely see that omni directional are superior in some cases, in most cases they will definitely pick up more signals at the same time, but directional antenna is more likely to be able to pick up more signals at different times depending on how you have it positioned. The first directional antenna I got was a big let down for me but I think it is because I did not amplify it at all. The second directional antenna I got worked great when it was amplified but it needed to be pointed just right for optimal performance. Omni directional are certainly better if you don't want to have to reposition your antenna all the time, but I think directional are better for busting through walls (whereas omni directional are better for going around walls, if there is any way to go around the walls).

You use special types of cables that split up where your connection is received from into many difference locations.  Like split it up into one big antennae on one side of your house and another big antennae on the other - now they even get to take advatange of potentialy triangulating witheach other.  We never actually tested this as I said so I don't know much about it, where to find it, or how to exactly set it up (besides trying to make the antenaaes as far away from either other as possible.

I am no expert on wireless stuff, but isn't that sort of what a dipole antenna does? I thought that dipole antennas are essentially two directional antennas in one, with each one pointed in the opposite direction.

I would imagine dishes would perform similarly if you were to set up several different angles pointing at the same spot - but still miss alot of waves. so perhaps a good setup would be to use an omnidirectional with it.

I think dish antennas are omnidirectional antennas but with a big angle. They are probably your best bet for getting the most signal as well, since they are usually mounted outdoors and have at least one less wall to penetrate through. On the other hand, you cannot really drive around with a huge dish antenna mounted on the roof of your car, I think that would look suspicious ;)

I've got one or two 24gb gain directional antennas I believe.  Got at least one.  This is the highes tgain I could find.

I assume you mean db. My impression on antennas from personal experience, but again I am no expert on this, is that the antenna is sort of a bottleneck that determines the best possible range you can get. But even the best antenna without an amp is not going to be very good, it needs to be powered in order to live up to its maximum potential. This is just the impression I have after once buying a really high end antenna and noticing it had very little effect on my range as compared to a much cheaper antenna. I think the limiting factor was that I was not powering either of the antennas, because later when I bought an amplifier it made a lot of difference and that is when the differences between the antennas really became obvious.

Got a nice very powerful amplifier (I believe I bought the best and most powerful one available, which btw did not help out at all...although it may if you use multiple antennaes.   Think of it as  turning up the volumes when your antennnae is already picking up too many radio stations.   Can you hear any of them any better then?  No.  That's essentialy what these amplifiers do.

Yeah that is a problem for amplified signals, but there are noise filtering amplifiers as well maybe that will make the difference. Have you ever tried a noise filtering amplifier?

Oh btw another alternative is to just ren the devices that make 4g hotspots with fake information and have them mailed to some random address  (that's your part to figure out lol).  The works well and is nice and consistent, although I believe most of htese come with a GPS coomponent though.

In a lot of European countries you can buy those things over the counter with no ID required. I think that they can all be triangulated as easily as a phone though, so it might not actually help very much at all especially if you use it from your house. If they all come with GPS then it will be even less helpful. Another alternative is to use hacked cable modems with spoofed MAC addresses, although I don't think this is much more helpful for anonymity than using open WiFi. The cable company can at least determine your neighborhood, and then they can locate you by running a tap on each of the lines in the neighborhood looking for where the rouge signal is coming from. Usually I think this is too much of a hassle for the cable company to do, but if the police are after you they can do it, might be a bit more work for them than tracing a rouge WiFi signal but it is by no means impossible. Plus using hacked Cable Modem is much more likely to have the cable company come after you than using Open or Cracked WiFi is to have the person who owns the access point come after you or contact the police, but to the best of my understanding it is difficult for the cable company to detect that you are doing this if you go about it right, and even when they detect somebody doing this it is often too much a pain for them to bother tracking them down.   

Heh that thing about using multiple antennaes for one guy are SO FUCKING LUCKY I told you about it because we spent so much itme and stress in our project group until we were actually told thats the way thephysics of wifi communication work.

I think those are called dipole antennas.

Security / Re: Using Other Peoples Wifi From Long Distances
« on: August 02, 2013, 08:10 pm »
I don't see the reason for reaver pro

If the cops want you, they are just going to set up analyzers and trace you back. It is just going to make them go through another step. Seems like a waste to me.

I completely disagree - there r tons of those routers still around and reaver pro is fast and dirty!
i dont need macchanger as my antenna comes with it. evenings downtown r best - we have buses here. hoody -
backpack - laptop with ssd hard drive or no hard drive at all.

it's a wonderful thing.

on the other hand backtrack works great if u have enough batteries.

Using WiFi from random locations is a lot more helpful than using it from your office. But in either case it is helpful imo.

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