So in another thread people did not like my comment that CP possession is legal in half of the world and will be decriminalized in the other half within the next few hundred years. So I don't want to clutter a bunch of random threads up with these never ending debates, and have decided to make one thread to address the topic for the rest of eternity. In the future when threads go in this direction, I will point people to this one. I also am sick of making the same points every single time, and an authoritative thread on this is clearly needed since we have had about fifty in the past and many threads have derailed into people debating about this (mostly debating with me, though they usually start it!).
So here we go:
Child porn possession is legal in half of the world and probably will be legalized in the other half of the world within the next few hundred years.
You can't be serious! One of the most ridiculous statements I've ever seen posted. You can do what you do kmfkewn, that's your choice, but to suggest that child pornography possession will be legalized in the remaining 50% of countries where it's currently illegal, over a period of a few hundred years, is outrageous and unconscionable. A more realistic expectation would be to suggest that CP possession is deemed illegal in most, if not all of the countries where it's currently legal. Anyone who actually believes countries such as the US, UK, Australia, etc, would ever soften their stance on CP possession, needs to have their head examined.
I am serious there is no way CP viewing is going to remain illegal in those countries over the next few hundred years. First of all it is already legal to view child porn in New York state, it just isn't legal to save it. The court there has determined that having CP in RAM or a cache on your drive is not a crime, and it is only a crime to intentionally download CP from a website. They are confused on technical things, but essentially they have ruled that you can surf CP but not keep a long term collection of it on your hard drive unless it is from browser cache. Of course federal laws trumps state law, but technically it is already legal to surf CP sites in New York State.
Second of all, despite the cries and foaming at the mouth of the common people, the federal judges are not really fond of child pornography viewing laws in the first place. They continue to sentence people far below the suggested levels and to petition law makers for softer laws against CP viewing.
Third of all researchers keep finding that decriminalizing child pornography viewing causes a very substantial drop in child sex abuse, and that is certain to eventually become common knowledge. The war on CP viewers is counter productive to a strategy for reducing molestation rates, and all the science backs this up.
Fourth of all the internet is becoming more and more prominent and the reasonings behind CP viewing being made illegal in the first place are less and less relevant. The entire argument the supreme court gave for allowing CP to be illegal is outdated and irrelevant today, there is no commercial market for CP it is almost all traded for free on P2P networks, research has shown there is very very little overlap between child porn viewers and molesters, etc. Additionally CP offenses are going to continue to skyrocket as more and more people have access to the internet, the number of CP offenses has been exponentially growing and there are no signs of this ever letting up. Truth is many people who are told not to look at something will seek it out, and there are many different other reasons people look at CP as well and the internet is making many of them (such as general pornography addiction) more common.
There is also the issue of many minors themselves being turned into sex offenders for obtaining images of their naked peers, in many states they are already having discussions about legalizing the exchange and possession of images of naked teenagers between each other, and this will obviously be a stepping stone toward decriminalization of possession of naked underage teenagers for everybody (how can they say it is legal for a 17 year old to have a picture of a naked 14 year old, but not legal for him to when he turns 18? Does he need to burn the picture? delete it off his phone? what about when forensics recovers the deleted images that used to be legal for him to have??). Either they can lock up all of the teenagers who now have camera phones and very frequently produce child pornography of themselves and share with their boy/girl friends, or they can legalize the possession of jailbait pornography for teenagers which will certainly lead to the legalization of jailbait pornography possession for everybody.
As some states declare viewing CP to be legal (like New York already has), federal judges continue to rally for greatly reduced sentences, researchers continue to find that allowing people to view CP causes a sharp decline in molestation rates, as the arguments against child pornography become less and less relevant to modern times, as research continues to show that people who view CP are very rarely child molesters, as the truth about government propaganda leaks out, as the nations are faced with criminalizing their children or decriminalizing child porn possession, I am certain that it is going to be legal to view and possess CP within the next few hundred years, in the large majority of the world, no doubt about it.
shut the fuck up mate. history is moving in the opposite direction. thankfully. you sound like a filthy pedo.
lol. I love to argue with people about this they get so mad and have no arguments and I have such great arguments and citations. Give me some evidence that "history is moving in the opposite direction" , citations etc? You sound like a fucking retard.