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Messages - kmfkewm

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Off topic / Re: FUCK LE....BUT FUCK PEDOS TOO!
« on: August 12, 2013, 09:03 am »
Well first I still don't know why you're telling me this. Secondly, I never said I wouldn't fuck a young woman. I'm just a young man with raging hormones! I'd fuck just about any fully mature woman! I just simply said I would prefer an older woman; idk maybe it's a fetish or something, more experience maybe.
& yeah, dude, I'm going to lie about what type of woman I like to fuck! That makes perfect since

My mistake, I confused you with jrailer.

Off topic / Re: FUCK LE....BUT FUCK PEDOS TOO!
« on: August 12, 2013, 08:51 am »
My ancestors? Wtf are you talking about. Chill, I wasn't even talking about you. You've got the wrong person. But now I've got to say; you went pretty damn far to defend yourself lol - Now I'm beginning to wonder...

What I mean is that primary sexual attraction to those ages 35+ is evolutionarily maladaptive, and if it was common in your ancestors you would likely not be here. If there is any genetic basis for attraction to partners of a certain age, it will be a miricle if anybody is actually more attracted to those who are 35+ than those who are 14-23 , because 35+ year olds have much lower fertility, and 14-23 year olds are at the peak of their fertility, which means that over the ages those who were attracted to 14-23 year olds the most would have passed their genes on, and people attracted to older people the most would have died out from their evolutionarily maladaptive behavior. From an evolutionary perspective it makes no sense that the average male would prefer 35 year olds to teenagers (and all the research shows that they don't).

Off topic / Re: FUCK LE....BUT FUCK PEDOS TOO!
« on: August 12, 2013, 08:36 am »
Too bad your ancestors didn't prefer females 35-55 years old, then you wouldn't likely even be here.

You're making an assumption on my personal preferences and morality, and considering you're scolding members for the same reason, I find your argument hypocritical. As a matter of fact sir, I prefer older women who aren't timid and who lack a  malleable psyche and know their way around a cock.

Okay I guess you are exceptional

Attractiveness research indicates that heterosexual men tend to be attracted to young[84] and beautiful women[85] with bodily symmetry.[86] Rather than decreasing it, modernity has only increased the emphasis men place on women's looks.[87] Evolutionary psychologists attribute such attraction to an evaluation of the fertility potential in a prospective mate.[84]

Well fertility starts to drop at age 24.

The common explanation for this preference is that men have evolved to be attracted to women with high child-bearing potential and therefore prefer young women. A stronger preference of youthfulness (detected by female hormone markers) reflects female fertility and the reproductive value mean.[110] As females age, the estrogen-to-androgen production ratio changes and results in female faces to appear more and more masculine (thus appearing less "attractive").[110] In a small (n=148) study performed in the United States using male college students at one university, the mean age expressed as ideal for a wife was found to be 16.87 years old, while 17.76 was the mean ideal age for a brief sexual encounter; however, the study sets up a framework where "taboos against sex with young girls" are purposely diminished, and biased their sample by removing any participant over the age of 30, with a mean participant age of 19.83.[111] In a study of penile tumescence, men were found most aroused by pictures of young adult females.[112]

   These findings, released to widespread media attention in a 923-page tome, Sex
Offenders: An Analysis of Types, were hardly a surprise to the general public. After all,
sexual attraction to adolescents is widespread and, indeed, evolutionarily adaptive
(Kenrick & Keefe, 1992); scholars across a range of disciplines have established that
both heterosexual and homosexual men across cultures and time periods tend to prefer
youthful partners who are at the peak of both beauty and reproductive fertility (Bailey,
Gaulin, & Agyei, 1994). Consequently, legal proscriptions against adult–adolescent
sexual behavior vary widely from nation to nation and even within nations such as the
United States.

   In a subsequent study, Freund confirmed the normalcy of sexual arousal to
adolescents. His subjects were 48 young Czech soldiers, all presumed to be ‘‘normal’’
and heterosexual in orientation. He showed the men pictures of children (ages 4–10
years old), adolescents (ages 12–16), and adults (ages 17–36). As expected, most of the
heterosexual men were sexually aroused by photos of both adult and adolescent
females. They were not aroused by pictures of males of any age, and were aroused at an
intermediate level by pictures of children (Freund & Costell, 1970).

   This unsurprising tendency of normal heterosexual men to be sexually aroused by
adolescents was confirmed by other researchers. Like Freund, a group of researchers in
Canada was attempting to perfect physiological tools for measuring sexual arousal.
These researchers found that their instruments could distinguish between the arousal
patterns of child molesters and a control group exposed to slides of female children
(ages 5–11), but both groups showed similar arousal patterns to slides of pubescent girls
(ages 12–15) (Quinsey, Steinman, Bergerson, & Holmes, 1975).

           sexual attraction to adolescents is not rare, as are all of the listed examples of
paraphilia NOS. Indeed, it is significantly more common than pedophilia. Due to the
commonplace nature of attraction to postpubescent children, it seems logical that the
DSM authors would have specifically listed this condition if they had intended to
pathologize it as a mental disorder.

hey what do you know I finally found a reference that adolescent teenage girls are at peak fertility

The absurdity of describing erotic attraction to adolescents as a mental abnormality is that most normal heterosexual men are sexually attracted to teenage girls (who happen to be at the peak of their reproductive fertility). This fact is well established by multiple research studies over the past several decades. Such findings are certainly no surprise to the moguls of popular culture or to the advertising industry, which uses provocative images of teen girls and boys to sell everything from clothes to cars.

Given the scientifically unsupported nature of this emerging diagnosis, I suspect that clinicians will apply it arbitrarily, and especially to men who are sexually involved with male teenagers. I am already seeing this trend informally, in my reviews of forensic reports on sex offenders. Ironically, any such biased application will further turn the tables on Magnus Hirschfeld and the ancient Greeks' aesthetic appreciation for the adolescent male body.

Off topic / Re: FUCK LE....BUT FUCK PEDOS TOO!
« on: August 12, 2013, 06:20 am »
HUGE difference between being attracted to 16 year olds and being attracted to children. For all of recorded history, until maybe the last 50 years, a 16 year old woman was suitable for marriage and starting a family. It's only in our overly prudish culture that someone attracted to a young woman would get smeared as a pedo. FWIW I prefer 21-25 year olds, but I'm not criticizing anyone else's choices.

I'm stunned by the anger and rage from some here lately. Take a deep breath and relax. There are literally thousands of things that are far worse than looking at pictures. Any pictures!

Ah I remember back in the day when I was stunned. I mean, I always knew there were laws against people looking at CP, and that the age of consent was 16-18, but I never realized how dead serious people took this matter until a few years ago when I started reasearching CP groups to see how they managed their security. I was really pretty shocked to see that people actually go to prison for decades for looking at pictures, and to realize that people actually claim to want to castrate everybody who thinks teenagers are sexually attractive. I must have been kind of young and naive myself, but I just had no clue people are so rabid and illogical about this. Prior to this I kind of assumed only the producers got in much trouble, kind of like how people don't usually get big charges for personal use possession of drugs but do for drug production and dealing. But these days it doesn't stun me anymore, I just feel kind of sad to live in a world dominated by emotional bigoted brainwashed dumb fucks, and wish that I could have been born just a few hundred years in the future.

It must be weird dropping your girlfriend off at highschool though. Hopefully she put out enough for extra lunch money. Bitches love lunch money.

Oh yeah like you wouldn't fuck a hot 16 year old who wanted to fuck you if it was legal for you to do it and nobody would find out to critisize you for it. I call total bullshit on that, it is an open secret that men are attracted to underage teenagers who are you trying to convince me or yourself. People only started pretending to not be attracted to teenagers in this fucking last 100 years in a couple of countries in the world, what makes you think that you are so special in all of human history in all of the world that your tiny ass little culture and era is morally right and everybody else is wrong and sick? Or even what makes you so different from the rest of humanity through out history and the world that they were open about their sexual attraction to teenagers but you deny it?

An open secret is a concept or idea that is "officially" secret or restricted in knowledge, but is actually widely known; or refers to something which is widely known to be true, but which none of the people most intimately concerned are willing to categorically acknowledge in public.

Security / Re: Which laptop to buy ?
« on: August 12, 2013, 05:06 am »
What kind of specs would a laptop need for browsing SR fluently and watching hd movies from a portable HD , i wouldn't need anything to flash would i ?

You would need a HD resolution screen, which brings the cost up significantly, but it can still be fairly cheap. You could get the cheapest laptop with 1080P resolution and be fine.

Security / Re: FH thing lack evidence
« on: August 12, 2013, 05:01 am »
Currently the only thing linking this guy to FH is an anonymous post on reddit, if somebody made a post saying THIS bust was FH:

A child porn ring of almost 1,000 websites was smashed following an international probe launched in Ireland, it has emerged.

A complaint made by an internet user here who stumbled on the material online led to cyber watchdogs uncovering a huge number of sick sites.

The trail led to Taiwan where a police investigation has now started.

Irish agency, which is made up of internet service providers here, launched the international probe. The group received a complaint from a member of the public at the end of June over the suspected sharing of child porn content. cyber experts found 520 websites hosting the sick material and traced the IP address of the forum to Taiwan.

Authorities there discovered a further 408 child porn sites when they launched their probe.

The 928 websites uncovered all hosted videos or images of
children being abused.

They have since been pulled down and the Taiwanese Criminal Investigation Bureau has taken over the case.’s Paul Durrant said this is a stunning success of international co-operation.

He added: “We should be proud of our achievement... when it comes to protecting our most vulnerable citizens in cyberspace.

“We should stay aware, vigilant and alert because regrettably sexual abuse of children is a cruel reality. What binds together internet hotlines worldwide is the desire to combat the distribution of child sexual abuse material from the internet.

“The removal of such material is the only way this horrific abuse of children can stop being perpetuated ad infinitum through the internet.

“Nowadays the use of the internet has become vital, however sometimes due to misuse it brings dangers. I would like to appeal to the public to be vigilant and to report.

“If the public are encountering child pornography or abuse on the internet and do not report it neither the industry nor law enforcement will know about it and therefore will not be in a position to act.”
Dublin-based discovered the repositories of child pornography following a tip-off from an Irish internet user in June.

The material, which contains images and videos of children thought to be of varying nationalities, has been traced to Taiwanese web servers.

In total, 928 links were discovered, some originating in internet chat rooms, according to Paul Durrant, director of

A joint operation by the Irish organisation and its Taiwanese counterpart has seen the offensive material removed.

Police in Taiwan are now investigating the origin of the 'cyberlockers' or file-sharing folders., which relies on members of the public to report suspected incidences of child sex abuse content online, has seen an increase in child pornography traced to Irish sources this year.

Last year, the organisation tracked 96 incidences of child sexual abuse online, with four traced to Ireland. So far this year, the number of confirmed Irish cases has risen to seven, said Mr Durrant.

Accurately tracking the illegal content to individual machines or services is difficult to do because of cloud computer technology. However, last year, tracked more cases of child-abuse content to Ireland than to Britain, Germany or France. Mr Durrant said 90pc of all illegal content reported is removed from the internet within 72 hours.

people would also be reporting in the media that this bust was FH most likely. It also happened at about the same time as the javascript went up, and there is about as much linking it to it.

Security / Re: FH thing lack evidence
« on: August 12, 2013, 04:53 am »
My prediction is they found him through Liberty Reserve server seizures. He was probably paying for hosting using LR, or he was accepting payments through LR to set up shady people Tor hidden services. They could go through the seized LR server records and find where he changed it into fiat easily by forcing an exchanger to comply, or just reading the LR transfer comments. Often exchangers will put in identifying information in LR comments like "Exchange for Bob Smith- Tel". In the court docs he withdrew a bunch of money in Romania using a visa/mc debit card, which was most likely linked to Liberty Reserve and clearly not anonymous enough.

I think it is not likely they found him through liberty reserve although I guess it is possible. It is also worth mentioning that he didn't make a single person pay for hosting.

Another method is they simply became a good customer of his and waited for him to dry rat himself out over time so they could build a profile of who he really was. That's how they found most of the Lulzsec hackers, just let them talk themselves into jail.

He had no contact at all with his "customers".

Security / Re: FH thing lack evidence
« on: August 12, 2013, 04:51 am »
Looks like it's official. Eric Marques was the Freedom Hosting admin.

It is not official they quoted that from another article that listed sites on Freedom Hosting after reporting that other people were speculating that Freedom Hosting was busted. If you have been following the media on this on an hourly basis you would see that none of these journalists have a single fucking clue what they are talking about, there has been literally no new legitimate confirmed information. These reporters are talking out of their asses making shit up and just hoping that they are taking a good gamble and get proven right later, it is possible that what they are saying is true but it is obvious they have no more of an idea than we do. This entire thing started with a post on Reddit claiming that this guy is Freedom Hosting admin, that is where 100% of the link between FH and this guy has come from and the media is just laundering the god damn information by quoting each other but it all traces back to an anonymous post on Reddit. It is all speculation based on the javascript exploit being discovered right after this guy was busted, and this guy being identified for sure as someone who hosted hundreds of CP sites. That last sentence is all the real evidence anybody has at this point, everything is else is based on an anonymous reddit post and news agencies laundering the story.

Off topic / Re: FUCK LE....BUT FUCK PEDOS TOO!
« on: August 12, 2013, 04:36 am »
With all this renewed attention to CP and pedos I wonder if/hope that pedobaiting will become a viable moneymaking option again.

Normally scamming should earn you a IRL beating in my opinion but when it comes to pedos I say all is fair game, take their goddamn life savings if you can get by with it. Most are wise enough to know that past a certain point isn't worth it but every once in a while you get some sick middle aged professor who's married and a deacon in the community and they'll gladly fork over $250 in the hopes that you're not willing to risk anything taking their info to the cops or spreading it all over Facebook.

Really other than lotteries I can't think of a better way to pay for trips on the Road than with the hardearned money of sick fucks. A few hours of work and the small amount of dignity associated with playing the pretend game for however long it takes can be a nice startup.

I know a guy who used to post Craigslist ads posing as a 15-16 year old and he'd get sexual replies, bait them into incriminating themselves and instead of a underage girl answering the phone her "Dad" or "brother" in the military would answer and threaten to call the cops or brutally murder them. Usually they send their address so it makes it easier. $250 is actually what he used to charge too. Hahaha. I wonder if he still does it because that was pure awesome. I'm pretty sure 16 is legal in most states too. But I think it's a crime to solicit sex with anyone under 18 online federally.

That is pretty epic haha, I remember back in 06-08 there were entire sites devoted to it where people could swap tactics and a few people even set up IRL stings. The pedos that go for 16 year olds though are usually wise enough to the loopholes and technicalities, I prefer the takedowns of the really sick fucks that prey on 11-13 year olds and the younger age tends to add more leverage.

Nobody thinks that people who have sex with 16 year olds are pedophiles you ignorant bigoted dumb fuck.

Security / Re: FH thing lack evidence
« on: August 11, 2013, 08:50 pm »
Between pedoforum and probably freedom hosting one thing is clear, the feds are starting to hack hidden services they cannot trace and hack the people visiting them from them. I wouldn't feel very safe anymore unless using layers of isolation.

Another possibility is that the feds have finally realized Tor hidden services have shitty anonymity, and they have taken to tracing them with traffic analysis and then after seizing them they inject exploits into the sites hosted on them to catch the harder to locate users connecting to them.

Security / Re: FH thing lack evidence
« on: August 11, 2013, 08:48 pm »
The exploit causes browser to crash in many (but not all) cases so if it was around for a while it would have probably been noticed when people reported browser crashes. No proof it was the only exploit, but we then must wonder why would the FBI use other exploits ? If they have a zero day exploit they used as well to get the patched users, why even bother to put an old exploit up as well, as the zero day would be all that is needed to target all users. The exploit was identified shortly after the down for maintenance messages started, nobody knows for certain when they were originally put there but unless they put them there before they arrested the person who seems to be FH admin, we have a definite maximum period of time they could have been there. The only thing that comes to mind is that perhaps the FBI put an obvious exploit on the site to make it be identified and make people with newer patched versions etc less paranoid so that they don't delete their caches of CP and have evidence available when FBI raids them. But if the FBI did this it would mean they think most users were on the patched version, as they would then induce people with unpatched versions to delete any evidence in order to get users with patched version to feel safe in not doing so.

If I had to guess my guess would be that the exploit was not there for very long, and that there was only one used, but it is all speculation. When the FBI busted pedoforum hidden service they left some exploit up for two weeks I think, and then after this was revealed they were harshly criticized for allowed child porn to keep trading. From this I can assume two things, either the FBI did the same thing to freedom hosting and the exploit was around for about two weeks, or the FBI didn't want more backlash for letting the biggest CP networks in the world continue trading CP for two weeks, so they went with the maintenance message instead but then had their exploit discovered and fucked off.

Using a clearnet provider is fine as long as you keep scripts disabled, use GPG and use Tor, and take all of the other security precautions possible. Something better would be nice, but I just am not aware of anything really better right now. I think BitMessage has a lot of maturation to do before it should be used for anything sensitive, Freenet has an email like thing but it requires you to communicate with other people running Freenet. It really isn't that hard to make a simple hidden service for private messaging, you could do it with a cheap VPS if you are okay with that level of security, or certainly with a bottom of the line dedicated server. Maybe people should pool some Bitcoins and have somebody trusted like Astor set it up, doesn't really matter if they turn evil in the future because you always use GPG anyway right? I don't have time to setup an private messaging server right now or else I would do it on a VPS and pay for it for a year if somebody sent me $600 worth of Bitcoin

A little harder to do something like Tor Mail (allowing actual E-mails to exit and come in, rather than internal private messaging) though, it would require two servers and some more intensive configuration.

Why not just use the forum PM system? If you just need a secondary way to communicate with vendors in case of emergency, a secondary unrelated internal PM system would work and there isn't need for E-mail, or is there some need for E-mail like talking to Chinese vendors? Hm, I guess maybe need two servers if you want something like Tor Mail, and a bit harder to configure.

The only secure way to delete files on Windows is to wipe the entire drive, I suggest using Secure Erase followed by a single pass with random data from DBAN.

Sure but a clearnet provider like gmail keeps all the emails. In time the pgp could eventually be cracked.

BitMessage broadcasts all of the emails to hundreds or thousands of people.

Security / Re: FH thing lack evidence
« on: August 11, 2013, 08:06 pm »
A lot of speculation. There is no concrete proof it is even FH admin who was arrested yet, it just appears that it is the case. There is evidence that at the very least FH was hacked and had javascript exploits embedded in it that can deanonymize certain users who visit sites on it (users on Windows with old unpatched Tor browser with javascript enabled). The fact that FH having this attack code on it correlated with the bust of someone who is alleged to have hosted 100 CP sites with millions of images on them, and who it took the FBI a good deal of time to track down, strongly indicates but doesn't prove that the FBI somehow pwnt freedom hosting and somehow injected javascript exploits into it to target users accessing it, and that the busted dude in Ireland is FH admin. None of this has a shred of concrete evidence backing it up, and all of the news agencies reporting on it are literally reporting on rumors and speculation as if they are fact, it is actually rather disgusting watching the media report speculation as fact, they are doing a piss poor job as journalists and taking a gamble that they will be proven right in the future.

Websites essentially consist of data files and programs running on computers, usually somewhat specialized computers called servers (although even a home PC is a server if it acts as one). In the case of Tor hidden services this is even more the case, as they don't rely on external parties to assign a domain name to them, and the key that essentially gives them their domain name is a file on the server as well. Take the server and you took the website, though other copies of it may exist on other servers and be able to go online in the future.

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