Off topic / Re: The final one and only debate about CP thread, to avoid cluttering all others
« on: August 16, 2013, 05:12 pm »Quote
- I view this as fundamentalist thoughts and this is also what seperates me from those "so-called" liberatarians who abuse the fight for freedom and try to push them to nonsense extremes on certain topics that opens the gates to situation where alot of us actually have LESS freedom then we had before.
Your freedom ends where the one of others begins.
Pure libertarians are for the decriminalization of CP possession. Maybe you hold libertarian beliefs on some things, but you are not a pure libertarian if you want to censor peoples access to information, plain and simple. The official position of the libertarian party is for legalizing CP viewing, even the ACLU wants to decriminalize CP viewing AND distribution.
-Kmf,you are not the very first to rationalize your views and thoughts on this.
Many caught pedo's,those that accually commit atrocities,go into the same direction.
It is completely incorrect to characterize my arguments as those typically attributed to pedophiles. Notice the difference:
"I didn't really hurt that child, because children actually really like to suck cock, and it is only because of the religious people that I am in trouble"
"Look at all of this abundance of information showing that people who view CP are not child molesters, and all of these studies showing that legalizing CP possession results in less child molestation, and listen to all of these perfect arguments by analogy as to why it is immoral to send people to prison for possessing information"
Did you ever stop to think that maybe you and the people arguing against me are the ones rationalizing why you want to send people to prison for looking at pictures? Because the facts are not on your side. There is no evidence that every time somebody looks at a picture of molestation the molestation happens all over again, and any sane person would realize that this is bullshit of the highest degree. There is no evidence that people looking at child porn without paying for it causes more children to be molested, and there are studies showing that every country that allows people to do this has lower child abuse rates as a result. You are the people rationalizing your barbaric behavior, I am not the one making baseless claims or putting out laundered statistics or claiming that I am right because of magical processes that can not be measured or observed but must be believed in with faith, contrary to all evidence.
When you compare cp to bankrobbery pics bull or the war on drugs you compare apples and oranges.
You going it is a "tomato,tomato"-thing accually made me laugh out loud.
When you try to abuse arguments like holocaust pictures,it once again boils down to ..INTENT.Pathetic variation on usual Goodwin in my book.
Godwin is a thought terminating cliche that was invented to stop people from comparing the atrocities of their own societies to the atrocities committed by the Nazi's , if every time an analogy to fascism and totalitarianism is made you invoke Godwin's law, you are merely trying to deal with your own cognitive dissonance. I don't need to use thought terminating cliches because I don't simultaneously hold contradictory beliefs ("It is bad to look at images of child abuse!", "It is not bad to look at images of children running naked with their skin burning off from US bombs dropped on their villages!"). The fact that you need to use thought terminating cliches is just an artifact of your own cognitive dissonance and is strongly indicative of YOU as being the person who needs to rationalize your thoughts.
Saying vegetarian Modus operandi is flawed is so short-sided since there is accually real improvement when it comes to that eventhough it's a combined effort of their own action,society evolution and climate change etc etc.
Plus it is also an individual decision so trying to bring in that logic in your CP propaganda is neither here nore there.
So please refrain from stretching your examples when it has little to do with it.
What? LOL my CP propaganda. Did you not read the statistics launder report on CP? Look who is making the propaganda, is it me or is it the media and the government with their hundreds of papers and numbers that have been debunked? Am I the one making propaganda or is it the media by saying all people busted with CP are child pornographers (oh are you a pornographer for looking at adult porn?) and the media for saying that all child porn viewers are child molesters. I am fucking insulted that you claim I am the one making propaganda about CP when there is propaganda about CP everywhere you fucking look other than from me. Is it not propaganda to claim that every time an image of CP is viewed the child in it is molested all over again? Or are you really so fucking retarded that you believe in magic?
-Bottom-line,intent DOES matter when it comes to these things.
I don't care if CP isn't 100% the act of rape or accual sexual depiction.
It is the intent that matters.
You are full on defending the intent to sexualize children for the benefit of those that don't dare (..yet) to accually do this themselves or your other examples etc etc.
Thus you are trying to normalize the traffic and business of abusing children.
With your reasoning there is accually no limits.
I am defending the right of people to look at whatever pictures they want without worrying about being ruined for life for an act that caused absolutely no harm to a single fucking person.
The war on drugs kills the right an individual has to make an INFORMED decision to consume a substance at their own risk.
The war on cp fights against those that kill the right a child has to make an INFORMED decision to engage in activity with pornographic intent at his own risk.
Sorry dude but when you buy some drugs you are almost certainly funding cartels that kill innocent people who have no say in the matter. People using drugs funds the cartels and the cartels kill innocent people. People viewing CP doesn't even fund child pornographers unless they pay for it. You can say that it is not your fault that the people who you ultimately buy your drugs from are killing innocents, and I agree entirely. But you are a hypocrite to hold yourself to a different standard than somebody who is looking at images produced by people who rape children. It is not the fault of somebody who views an image what the person who created the image did, any more than it is your fault what the people who you pay for drugs do with the money from the drugs.
Now here's the catch,a child can not give consent the way those of age can give.
Especially not to an elder that has the upperhand of knowledge,full understanding of the situation and experience.
It does not fully grasp the sexual concept,it's implications and consequences.It will when he/she grows up.
Yes a great reason why the age of consent should not be 8 years old and also a great argument against production of CP. What does this have to do with people who view CP? I understand nobody has a real argument against them other than that they make them feel sick or emotionally disturbed, but please enough with the strawman arguments already.
-You say YOU would not care if you were molested and pictures of it would surface and be passed around in the pedo-"community".You have no idea or clue this statement is true.
Even if I did care it makes no difference. My caring about pictures of myself has nothing to do with another persons right to view any image without being sent to prison. You do not have a right to control who views every picture of you on the internet, people have a right to view any image on the internet that they want to. Anyway how the hell do I even know that anonymous people are looking at my picture? At best you have an argument against distribution here, nobody can know if somebody anonymously downloads and views a file. Oh I know how about to save all these children we stop having the police hunt down child porn viewers, then the children depicted can be kept in the dark and never know that people were viewing their images.
For fantasy purposes ,use your brain only.
It is said that most of the time reality never is as good as fantasy right:).
Stick to your brain,you can't be incarcerated for that and no child suffers from it.
No child suffers from some anonymous fucking person looking at already created and available pictures.
- Now do i feel ALL pedo's should be put to death??
I have always said no but the older i get ,i sometimes catch myself thinking it.But that is probably an emotional reaction you get when you see all the evil and bad things in life. I sometimes think the same about those that do things less serious things like just being utterly stupid or with shameless flawed logic. It is just a thought.
Big surprise that you want to put all pedophiles to death you fucking Nazi.
So no, not simply put away,i believe incarceration as we know it has no point if there is no scientific studying involved with the intention of one day being able to handle individuals like yourself in a way that children are no longer endangered.
Also emphasive should be on case by case studies.
People like myself? In many first world countries I am not even attracted to anyone who would be illegal for me to have sex with, and in many of those countries it is not even illegal for me to look at CP if I wanted to. Sorry to break it to you but your little cultural sense of morality that you have been indoctrinated into is not universal and in fact is pretty specific to a few countries in particular.
-Now you go ahead with your rationalizing.
You guys are well known for putting yourselves in victim position 24/7 no matter what awfull deeds have been done or to what extremes.
Yes the awful extremely horrible deed of looking at pictures must never go unpunished 0_0.
I feel only sorry for the pedo's that live with these urges against their will (they DO exist folks) and that aren't helped by society or science.
And also feel sorry for those with other sexual orientations that fall victim of guys like kmf rationilizing their bull and have the agenda to equate their urges to all other sexual orientations.
It's not the same for the reasons mentioned above.
Every study done on penile response shows that average males have the same sexual reaction to those 12-16 as they do to those 17+ buddy.
BTW You accuse other of going full emotional on this topic,i'm glad that with your apoligies you expressed you did/do the same and hopefully you won't act as if you are superior to others when it comes to logic and reason ever again.
They got emotional for a different reason than I did, I got emotional because it was frustrating trying to talk logic to people who think they can make shit up and then use it as a basis for attacking me from.
Them: Random Unrelated Bullshit
Me: On Topic Related Facts
Them: Random Unrelated Bullshit
is an incredibly frustrating experience.