I've made absolutely no comments about paedophiles attempting to circumvent laws and create 'virtual child porn' to any degree of photorealism, so I really don't know what the fuck you're talking about.
Fuck, if you're going to rant, at least fucking read what people type.
Did you not even read your own fucking post?
I have a son under 10. If you knowingly and actively view child porn, OR VIRTUAL OR IMITATION child porn, or fucking squirrels dressed as schoolkids, I will hunt you the fuck down.
Your analogy of you watching TV where someone gets shot is completely invalid. For starters, there is the issue of consent. In a civilised society, society dictates to what degree we should protect our young. Now, if your real issue is who should decided this, now that's an interesting topic and worthy of discussion....along with a discussion of paedophilia as a mental illness, and how that could be tackled.
So you think someone with who has a bomb dropped on them and has their corpse shown by the media has consented to this? Because I am pretty sure I have seen children killed by bombings on the news and in the media, including children killed by US bombs in Vietnam all the way to children killed by terrorist bombings. So I think perhaps that I should be concerned that SWAT is going to raid me and arrest my television. I have also seen movies where children are pretend killed by bombs, and according to you this is just as bad since you did say that you are against virtual and imitation CP as well as real CP. I see virtual crimes and imitation crimes almost any time I turn the television on, and if we apply your logic to all things instead of just CP I am one sick fuck to have seen so many people imitation killed in movies, let alone real people killed on the news. Society is neither intelligent nor rational enough to manage itself, it needs a benevolent dictator to take control of it, this is why I am a huge fan of totalitarian libertarianism.
But CP is the worst form of abuse, a completely degrading power play between the defenseless and the mentally insane, and frankly as a father I find your protectionist attitudes pretty fucking disgusting.
I find your insanity to be pretty fucking sad personally, and your actions against others to be totally disgusting. If you really think looking at a picture, hell especially but not limited to a virtual picture, is the worst form of abuse, then you are fucking insane! Plain and simple!
It's irrelevant how or when our levels of statutory child protection developed, or how many countries allow child slavery or child porn to exist in the current age, too. Seriously, are you interested in advancing society, or just constructing it in your own image?
I am entirely interested in advancing society by constructing it in my own image. Also I do not argue that because CP is legal in some countries that it is moral, my argument for the moral neutralness of viewing CP is based on rational analysis not appeal to numbers. However, I was merely correcting people who made claims such as "CP will never be legal" (CP is legal in half of the world, some countries such as Japan have majority support for keeping it that way) as well as "Pedophiles have been hated for all of history" (by todays criteria of pedophilia, pedophilia was the norm through out much of human history). I also like to point out to people that when a behavior is not made illegal in huge sections of the world, that PERHAPS (but not for sure) their own strong opinions on it are influenced by CULTURAL CONDITIONING. It is always good for people to be aware of the fact that cultural conditioning exists, and to try to avoid being influenced by it when discussing things such as morality, which exists independently of cultural confines and universally (unless you are a moral relativist, in which case you are fucked in the head). Just because CP viewing is legal in half the world doesn't mean it is not immoral to view CP, it is not immoral to view CP for a large variety of other reasons, however because it is still legal to view CP in half of the world, and because some first world countries have large support against making it illegal to view, it is a sign that you need to analyze the possibility that your strong feelings toward CP viewers are the result of CULTURAL CONDITIONING, something that anyone who wishes to be rational should attempt to avoid being influenced by.
Seriously, when I think of libertarianism, I'm mainly concerned with how society can be advanced when it's not strangled by bureaucracy....and all you feel compelled to talk about is how cool you are for being one of the first nerds to link RC's with the internet, and how everyone should be allowed to look at children being raped.
That is all I talk about? Also you are not a real libertarian if you are against the right for people to view CP. Censorship and pure libertarianism are mutually exclusive, you cannot claim to support them both at the same time. Also I only made a post about my history in the drug scene because a journalist asked me to talk about it and because I figured people might be interested in it.
I seriously don't understand your priorities or motivations.
I think understanding is something you generally have trouble with so I don't take it very personally.