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Messages - kmfkewm

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Security / Re: Theory: Blind markets
« on: August 27, 2013, 07:32 am »
I really find PIR and the systems similar to it to be absolutely amazing. Who would have guessed you can get data from a database without the servers that run the database knowing what data you want or what data they send to you? How about without them knowing the data in the database to begin with!

Security / Re: Qubes Qubes Qubes
« on: August 27, 2013, 06:31 am »
qubes is not a safe OS to use, its permanent not live like tails so if anything does get into your main OS then the whole system is fucked until u wipe the drive. That and its a pain in the ass to configure and your whole system is locked to one computer, u cant take it with u like tails.

Tails is not a safe OS to use, it lacks persistent entry guards because it is live and doesn't use strong isolation technology.

Security / Re: Theory: Blind markets
« on: August 27, 2013, 06:27 am »
If EKS servers can see the content that they store, then presumably

1. The servers and operators will become targets for storing massive amounts of CP or whatever illegal content

2. The servers could filter or remove certain kinds of content (obv 2 solves 1)

Freenet nodes can see the content that they store as well, it is just encrypted with a key that they can claim not to know. However, Freenet has 20,000 or so users all storing content, and I imagine there will only be a dozen EKS servers at the most, so they will be more valuable targets than arbitrary Freenet nodes.

Goldberg (damn is this guy the new Chaum or what? He has invented so many amazing algorithms and published so many kick ass papers at this point, he is pretty much a cypherpunk rockstar) created a distributed PIR design in which no individual server knows any of the content it holds, however this is PIR not encrypted keyword search. I don't know of any papers for obtaining this same feature in EKS and I don't think I will be capable of designing such a system any time soon. I am pretty good at implementing things, even some relatively complicated cryptographic stuff....but I am not a professional cryptographer only a hobbyist, and I cannot actually craft a system only implement things from white papers.

We then extend our protocol so that queries have
information-theoretic protection if a limited number of
servers collude, as before, but still retain computational
protection if they all collude. We also extend the protocol
to provide information-theoretic protection to the contents
of the database against collusions of limited numbers of the
database servers, at no additional communication cost or
increase in the number of servers.

I think such a system probably would inherently be distributed as well.

Security / Re: Theory: Blind markets
« on: August 27, 2013, 05:00 am »
And if the EKS servers store everything, how do they reduce their database size when they get too large?  Throw the oldest stuff overboard first?

Throwing the oldest stuff overboard is the best solution.

Security / Re: Theory: Blind markets
« on: August 27, 2013, 04:59 am »
But the good thing about using EKS is that the underlying system could be used for a lot more than this. We could have "blogs" that are tagged with a single string for keyword search, and let only the owner of the blog edit it (over the mix network) but anybody else gain access to it via EKS. We can also have arbitrary files uploaded via the mix network and downloaded via EKS with actual keyword searches

Where are these blogs and files stored? On the EKS servers? And they don't know which specific files they are storing? In that case, it's like having Freenet on Tor?

It is different from Freenet in that Freenet aims to have plausible deniability (ie: your direct neighbors can tell the files you obtain via them, but not if you requested them), whereas in this case, it will aim to provide cryptographic anonymity (ie: the EKS servers are not capable of determining the files you obtain unless they can break the encryption algorithm the EKS scheme is based on). I think the future for receive anonymity is in cryptography, rather than in plausible deniability or having a large network of nodes. Freenet aims to make it so your neighbors cannot tell if you requested a file, but they can tell you obtained the file. Tor tries to make it so nobody knows you have obtained a file, but it can only do this by having such a large network that it is unlikely an attacker can monitor an arbitrary entry and exit node. This will make it so nobody can tell that you have obtained a file unless they can crack a strong encryption algorithm.

Also the EKS servers do know the files that they store, but they are encrypted with keys they might not know, and they cannot tell who downloads or attempts to download any specific files (or if anybody ever downloads any specific file at all, for that matter). There are distributed PIR solutions where no single server can even determine any of the content it holds (versus being able to determine the ciphertexts it holds but not being able to determine who if anybody downloads them), I imagine a similar system could possibly work for EKS although I don't know of any, but I would rather have single server than multi server anyway.

The main difference between PIR and EKS is that with PIR content is indexed by number or similar, and in EKS content is actually searchable for with keywords (so you can get the files that match the keyword 'dog' instead of the file at position 42).

Security / Re: Theory: Blind markets
« on: August 26, 2013, 11:16 pm »
But the good thing about using EKS is that the underlying system could be used for a lot more than this. We could have "blogs" that are tagged with a single string for keyword search, and let only the owner of the blog edit it (over the mix network) but anybody else gain access to it via EKS. We can also have arbitrary files uploaded via the mix network and downloaded via EKS with actual keyword searches, where the user types in the keyword to search for, more similar to P2P filesharing networks of the past (although it wouldn't be appropriate to use it for large files). The EKS also totally removes the need for a trusted nymserver like Pynchon Gate requires, which allows it to be used for group communications without having the risk of social network analysis, and also without being infeasible from a bandwidth perspective. So EKS is a huge advantage over PIR, but it is also hugely more difficult to implement (I could implement the PIR from pynchon gate in a day).

Security / Re: Theory: Blind markets
« on: August 26, 2013, 11:12 pm »
Also users wont even really be aware that they are doing ECDH key exchange in the first place. Essentially you have an address generated that looks like


you can load the persons contact address via the GUI and this loads everything you need to communicate with the person, including their ECDH/ECDSA key (it is secure to use the same ECC key for ECDH and EDSA so there is no need to use two). This allows your client to also generate your first set of contact strings for tagging messages to the contact, although they will not know how to search for it until they load your address as well. So after loading this you can send encrypted messages addressed to the contact entirely from the GUI, entirely transparent to the user that any encryption or anything advanced is taking place.

You can organize your contacts into groups and send messages to groups of people, or arbitrary selections of one or more person. In such cases the message is encrypted with a single random key and tagged with the contact strings for each of the people you are sending the message to, and an ephemeral ECDH key + 256 bit encryption of the payload key are sent with the message as well, in addition to a little bit of metadata to help keep things synched between all of the users.

Security / Re: Theory: Blind markets
« on: August 26, 2013, 10:44 pm »
I also think it would be more of a system for people with slightly more knowledge of how things work, for instance, having to search for hashes etc, Can you imagine the posts in the forum with all the newbies asking about it? It would be chaos.

The users wouldn't search for hashes. Pretty much you and I do an ECDH key exchange and derive a shared secret, which is then hashed out three times:


The first hash is our shared private contact string, the second hash is my first public contact string and the third hash is your first public contact string. When I send the first message to you, I tag it with: fe3f89e29d144fe1ab5865a1d1d3eb16834949970e8cacd72286523b7a322720 as the keyword. When I send future messages to you they are tagged with the hash of our private contact string and the previously used public contact string, so the second message I send to you is tagged with

sha256sum(54157144abd1905dc3112d50822bd6329f004f7c0dbe773b98b0dbe1febe5fcbfe3f89e29d144fe1ab5865a1d1d3eb16834949970e8cacd72286523b7a322720) = cb5a1f9e6af49dab36718c85259730bfaf54cb0bf524401682db840a3c0820de

since we both have our private and public contact strings, we can always search for messages from each other. But it isn't like you need to actually type the hash in yourself, or even know about it. All of that happens transparently to the user, every now and then their client connects to an EKS server over Tor

Client <-> Tor <-> EKS

and sends a list of keywords to search for, the list being all of the future public contact strings they can expect from any of their contacts. The EKS server then returns any messages tagged to the user to the user, and because of the properties of EKS it is incapable of determing the keywords the users client searched for and incapable of determining which messages the user obtained.

To send messages to the EKS server clients send them through a variable latency network of hidden service mixes (this part is done already)

Client <-> Tor <-> Mix 1 <-> Tor <-> Mix 2 <-> Tor <-> EKS

so forward anonymity comes from the mix network + Tor, and receive anonymity comes from EKS. Additionally, all the message encryption and authentication etc (this part is done already) takes place transparently to the client, as far as they can see it is just like using regular PM system or posting on regular forum or loading a blog page with a long random looking address. All of the technically advanced stuff happens behind the scenes.

The EKS servers themselves mirror each others content:  EKS 1 <-> EKS 2 <-> EKS 3 <-> EKS 4

and users can connect to any of them. Might need to think of a way to make it use space more optimally than total mirroring, but that will open up anonymity problems probably. At first at least it will be total mirroring.

So there are three things left to do:

1. Implement EKS

2. Implement trustless bitcoin mixing

3. Make a GUI and take care of organization related things. Pretty much this part is "make a forum" , the crypto / anonymity / networking / database parts are what were worked on first, and making a forum is going to be extremely easy compared to them (especially since it is largely based on the database code already done, and especially since a cross platform GUI tool kit has already been wrapped up pretty nicely for easy GUI construction for the project).

Rocknessie +1000

Ayn Rand was a semi-psychotic whackjob on speed. Just watch her in interviews on youtube, certifiable amph'ed out psycho.

Quality criteria that made you a "hero" in Rand's eyes:

a) Have a lot of money
b) Shit on those that have less money than you
c) Don't in any way associate with or recognize the benefits of government

Meaning, the sheister banksters that crashed the world economy in 06/07/09 she would have been perfectly fine with, after all, they didn't use a bat or a gun to get their way, which were her sole simpleton criteria of defining "force"...

As for Atlas shrugged, one of the worst contrived, long-winded, pseudo-allegorical, (unintentionally) simplistic, badly written pieces in the history of writing itself.

Actually if not for the government the banks would have serious competition and also would be prohibited from engaging in fractional reserve banking, so it is actually the governments fault that the banksters crashed the world economy.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat.

You have failed to find a solid ground upon which to stake your opinions. Please take a moment to see yourself in the 3rd person. You are not promoting understanding with your discussion tactics, you only appear interested in more detailed discussion. Sometimes that's useful. Regarding this subject, now is not yet one of those times. You have been wrong since you began this discussion, and it's depressing to see how many are willing to unquestioningly follow your wastefully deep dive into so clear-cut of a discussion territory.

Quote from: What kmfkewm is doing
complacent self-absorption; concentration on a single issue at the expense of a wider view.

Dude, the argument "You are wrong because you are wrong and we shouldn't talk about this because it is not time to talk about this and just say no" is fucking retarded. I am wrong because I am wrong! Oh damn dude you just ran circles around me. Now we better stop talking about this and plug our ears and just say no and maybe LALALALALA. Seriously, when the other side says "Just say no" I think it is obvious who has a foundation to stand on.

Are you trying to say that my attitude towards the abuse of kids for the sexual pleasure of adults is the result of "cultural conditioning"? No it isnt.

I am trying to say that your attitude towards the viewing of CP is the result of cultural conditioning, and there is a very high chance that it is. Do you think if you were born and grew up in Japan that you would be in the 10% of people who are for the criminalization of child pornography viewing? I find that to be unlikely, although it is possible. You are naive if you think you are not influenced by your society.

Your logic is weird. You are saying that because something is not illegal in some other place it should not be illegal here. Well does the same then apply to the routine use of torture in some other places? In the end you cannot justify something simply because some other people do it, as a human you have choices about what you do and you must make your own mind up about whether something is right or wrong.

No I have never once said that because something is legal in other places it should be legal everywhere. I have specifically said that this is not what I think. Please actually read the thread before putting words into my mouth. I only mention that CP is legal to view in half of the world, and supported culturally in some countries such as Japan, to show that there is a significant probability that cultural conditioning has influenced your opinion on it, and that although you perceive your beliefs to be universal they are actually not so. Everybody who is against CP viewing and wants an age of consent at 18 thinks that the entire world agrees with them and has for all of history, I am merely correcting these people by explaining to them that their beliefs are both modern era and geographically restricted.

Abusing the innocence of children, which may affect the whole rest of their lives, for sexual pleasure is simply very wrong. They cant defend themselves. We should protect our kids, not sell them to others for sex. I take it you dont have kids. well I hope you dont anyway.

Uhm, never said we should be able to sell kids for sex. Please if you want to debate me actually debate me instead of debating yourself by putting words into my mouth. I am so sick of people telling me in this thread that paying for CP causes abuse, kids shouldn't be molested, kids shouldn't be sold for sex, etc, because I never have claimed otherwise! You guys cannot actually debate what I am saying because it has a foundation firmly based on logic and truth, and this forces you to pretend that I am making different points than I am so you can actually pretend like you are winning. But you are just debating yourself by proxy, I am not the one making the claims that you implicitly attribute to me.

Applying some logic of my own; I would say that you would only have spent all this time and effort arguing for the legalisation of paedophilia if you yourself are a paedophile. So tell us, is that the case?

I don't really consider myself to be a pedophile. I am not attracted sexually to people who have not reached puberty, or even people who have just recently reached puberty. I prefer tanner stage 4-5, with stage 4 being reached usually no earlier than age 13. By historic definitions of pedophilia (attraction to those who have not reached puberty) this would disqualify me.

The DSM includes attraction up to age 13 as pedophilia today, although this age has slowly progressed over time due to political rather than scientific reasons. I feel pretty confident in saying that for the most part I am attracted primarily to those 14+ though, and as I have no attraction at all to those who have not reached puberty it seems like I would fall somewhere in between hebephilia and ephebophilia rather than pedophilia. Hebephilia includes attraction to those 11-14, ephebophilia attraction to those 15-19, however some definitions allow ephebophiles to also be attracted to 14 year olds.

So I  kind of overlap to some extent with all of the chronophilias, if you consider pedophilia to be attraction to those 2-13 years old you could make an argument that I am a pedophile as I find 13 year olds at tanner stage 4 to be sexually attractive, though hebephilia seems to make more sense to me as it includes 11-14, but I am not significantly attracted to 11 or 12 year olds or to 13 year olds who are not tanner stage 4, so probably ephebophilia makes the most sense if you grant a lowered starting age of 14 rather than 15 (which some allow for). Certainly ephebophilia is the only one which does not include attraction to an age group that I am not attracted to.

I am also attracted to people who are in their 30's+ though. So the range of attraction to roughly 14ish-40ish could be considered a variety of different things, but none of them exclusive. Perhaps I am a non-exclusive ephebophile, that is probably what I would claim to be if asked. Personally I think it is probably the normal age range of attraction for somebody my age but most people like to pretend it is not. I also find that I am particularly attracted to those 14-20ish, so primary attraction could actually mean I am indeed an ephebophile, although lack of exclusive attraction or exceptionally particular attraction could mean I am non-exclusive. So I suppose I am a non-exclusive-preferential-ephebophile. Also, I do consider the majority of men to be similar to this, and can give a very good argument for this with several citations if you would like to hear it!

I could probably even have some sexual response to some of those in late tanner stage 3, but it would be very little compared to stage 4 (which I am particularly attracted to) or 5 (which I am also quite attracted to). Anything below tanner stage 3 is universally asexual for me though. It is also worth noting that many people never progress past tanner stage 4 (which is characterized in females by adult quality pubic hair that doesn't cover quite as much area as in stage 5, and typically relatively smaller and particularly perky breasts with slightly upward pointing and more pronounced ends/nipples (as opposed to less perky generally more rounded breasts in stage 5, with level ends/nipples). I do also prefer petiteness and glowing youthful appearing skin, although this is not directly related to sexual maturation).


Forensic testimony in alleged child pornography cases commonly asserts that Tanner stage (TS) 4 breast development, characterized by secondary mounding of the areola that is obliterated in TS 5, is evidence of age <18 years. Clinical experience does not support this notion, but there are no relevant studies. We sought to estimate how frequently TS 4 might be interpreted from nonclinical images by individual forensic experts.

Published images of 547 adult women were independently examined by the authors and classified as having TS 4 or TS 5 breast development.

There was concordance among all 4 of the examiners for 17 of the images, agreement of 3 of the examiners on another 36 images, of 2 examiners on 39 images, and 53 images were designated TS 4 by only 1 examiner, for a total of 153 (26.5%) images that could have been considered by a single forensic expert to represent TS 4.

A substantial number of adults have persistent TS 4 breast development. This observation, and the frequent difficulty distinguishing TS 4 from TS 5, even by adolescent development specialists, especially in nonclinical images, renders testimony based on this distinction invalid. Without clinical relevance for distinguishing these advanced stages of breast development, they should both be considered indicative of full maturation. Testimony based on this inappropriate test of maturity should no longer be allowed.

So roughly 1 out of 4 adult females have tanner stage 4 breasts, but the large majority of those 13-15 do, with about 3/4ths of females obtaining tanner stage 5 breasts between the ages of 15 and 17, and 1/4th maintaining tanner stage 4 forever.

Actually, I want to say one more thing. This entire argument can be summed up with the following logical construct

Image represented by number X generated by PRNG == Image represented by number X generated by child molesters camera

Therefor if it is morally acceptable to view X it is morally acceptable to view X, because:

X == X

You have already agreed that it is not immoral to view the X on the left, and since X == X I can only conclude that you agree with me that it is not immoral to view child pornography produced by child molesters as well ( even though you don't realize you agree with me, I think deep down at some sub conscious that you must. Just try to ignore your cultural conditioning and use your logical processing abilities and you will see that I am right :) ) .

Was nice to debate with you, thanks for not calling for my immediate castration , have a good night :D

I honestly don't get how you don't see the difference.

One is made using a live human who has endured sexual abuse
One is made by a computer.

I can't go out and make a snuff film and record it, then say, "it's just an image now" as the picture evidences an actual crime. I can, however, me a render of whatever celebrity I want getting murdered because the act never took place.

I'm going to have to politely discontinue this discussion as it seems to be circular. Somewhere, somehow we are losing each other.

Numbers are not made by anything only instantiated. Also I never said you should be able to go out and *make* CP (via taking a picture of yourself molesting a child) or *make* a snuff film. People always seem to want to move the argument back to production, something I have never claimed should be legal. It is because they lack ability to analyze the details of a subject I think, they can see a forest but they cannot see the trees that make it up. What if the celebrity gets murdered in the future in exactly the way as depicted in your photorealistic render? Now your render and the real photograph are identical, in either case they are just images and in any case you are a murderer and should go to prison for that!

But yeah I don't think I am going to have much luck to convince you about this at this point, and you are certainly never going to convince me that it is immoral to view an instantiation of a morally neutral number in some cases but morally neutral to view an instantiation of the same morally neutral number in other cases.

Do you have a superiority complex? This is a discussion, yet you are telling me that I'm supposed to learn a lesson from you.

Are you not trying to teach me a lesson about the morality of CP as well? Debate is about teaching people why you are correct, you are trying to educate me as to why you are correct and I am trying to educate you as to why I am correct. So I did indeed try to teach you a lesson that would allow you to understand why what I am saying is correct.

This isn't the first allegation of condescension, as it exists quite vividly with the poster above me as well.

I was a bit too mean to that poster, although in fairness he was a bit of a jackass and seemed to not recall his original post despite quoting it.

Please don't think that people are dim-witted or incapable of thought solely because they don't see things your way. People here come from all walks of life, and some of us are quite educated as scientists, mathematicians, writers, and other professions in which logical thought is paramount. Pretentiousness does not a good argument make.

Scientists, mathematicians, writers and other professions also have members who believe in gods , they may be quite capable of logical thought in many instances but they are still illogical in others. I don't doubt that some of the people who are trying to argue against me are quite intelligent, but it doesn't mean they are thinking rationally about this particular issue, and indeed I would claim that they are allowing emotion to cloud their cognitive abilities.

Furthermore, your argument using the number 4 is largely a mischarecterization. The number 4 exists solely as a mental entity with no actual embodiment in a corporeal form. I am not discussing numbers, as they are not sentient nor sapient. This would be akin to saying, "You kill roaches? so why not kill humans!" While valid in and of itself, this argumentation style is a gross oversimplification in an attempt to invalidate a similar--but startlingly more complex--argument.

And this is where you are wrong :). The number 4 translates to a series of colored pixels via some algorithm. All images are binary sequences. All binary sequences can be represented as decimal numbers. The only difference between a CP image and the number 4 is its distance from 0. So any discussion of CP is fundamentally a discussion of numbers. You seem to think that numbers representing CP files are moral to look at if they are derived from a PRNG or 3D rendering software, even if the result is the same number produced by a child molester with a camera. I fail to see how these numbers are moral if they come from a PRNG or 3D rendering software, but not if they come from a camera, considering they are otherwise identical numbers just as 4 is 4. If a child molester obtains such a number by taking a photograph of a molestation, you say that the people who view the image produced by this number are immoral for doing so and should be arrested, but if someone views the image produced from the same number it is moral if the original "source" of the number is a PRNG (Source in quotation marks as numbers actually exist independently of anything and are intrinsic to reality). I just don't see how this can be, what is special about one instance of a number or another?

I think this argument shows the fundamental flaw of purely logical systems that void humanity as a key aspect. The image in question

You seem to think that numbers representing CP files are moral to look at if they are derived from a PRNG or 3D rendering software, even if the result is the same number produced by a child molester with a camera.

I fail to see how these numbers are moral if they come from a PRNG or 3D rendering software, but not if they come from a camera, considering they are otherwise identical numbers just as 4 is 4.

This argument is fine within itself, but it ignores the fact that the camera is obviously not the only entity. The child had to be coerced into the act in order for the camera to take the picture. This is fundamentally different than a render, in which no child need be present. One does not need a real, sentient primer; however, the other does. If the camera rendered the picture on its own, then this would be completely aligned with the argument at hand--but that's not the case.

But that only sounds like it is an argument against production. You already have said if a PRNG or 3D rendering software outputs a number that is identical to a CP file produced in the future, that it is still morally acceptable to look at the resulting image. But it is immoral to look at the same number that came from the camera of a child molester? Sure it is moral to run a PRNG and not moral to molest a child on camera, but the resulting number is the same. How can it be moral for Alice to look at an instance of the number 4 that her PRNG randomly generated, but immoral for Bob to look at an instance of the number 4 that came from the camera of a child molesters camera? 4 is 4, after all. I cannot understand how an instance of the number 4 can be tainted while another instance of the number 4 is not tainted. I find it especially weird that you think this instance of the number 4 remains tainted after it is sent around the internet. Alice sends her number 4 around to different machines on the internet, and it is morally fine for anyone to look at the image it produces, but when Bob sends his number 4 around the internet anyone who looks at it is a sick fuck child molester who should be put to death for causing child abuse to take place all over again in the past. When Alice transmits the number 4 it causes the same thing to happen as when Bob transmits the number 4. I just don't get it honestly, I find the entire notion to be completely alien and something that is straight out of the twilight zone.

The number 4 is moral in some cases, but in other cases the number 4 causes children to be molested in the past. A number 4 that is not tainted can be freely traded and used and cannot become tainted, but a number 4 that is tainted cannot be viewed or become clean via transfer. If I copy one instance of the number 4 I am not a criminal, if I copy another instance of the number 4 I should be castrated. I just don't understand.

Do you have a superiority complex? This is a discussion, yet you are telling me that I'm supposed to learn a lesson from you.

Are you not trying to teach me a lesson about the morality of CP as well? Debate is about teaching people why you are correct, you are trying to educate me as to why you are correct and I am trying to educate you as to why I am correct. So I did indeed try to teach you a lesson that would allow you to understand why what I am saying is correct.

This isn't the first allegation of condescension, as it exists quite vividly with the poster above me as well.

I was a bit too mean to that poster, although in fairness he was a bit of a jackass and seemed to not recall his original post despite quoting it.

Please don't think that people are dim-witted or incapable of thought solely because they don't see things your way. People here come from all walks of life, and some of us are quite educated as scientists, mathematicians, writers, and other professions in which logical thought is paramount. Pretentiousness does not a good argument make.

Scientists, mathematicians, writers and other professions also have members who believe in gods , they may be quite capable of logical thought in many instances but they are still illogical in others. I don't doubt that some of the people who are trying to argue against me are quite intelligent, but it doesn't mean they are thinking rationally about this particular issue, and indeed I would claim that they are allowing emotion to cloud their cognitive abilities.

Furthermore, your argument using the number 4 is largely a mischarecterization. The number 4 exists solely as a mental entity with no actual embodiment in a corporeal form. I am not discussing numbers, as they are not sentient nor sapient. This would be akin to saying, "You kill roaches? so why not kill humans!" While valid in and of itself, this argumentation style is a gross oversimplification in an attempt to invalidate a similar--but startlingly more complex--argument.

And this is where you are wrong :). The number 4 translates to a series of colored pixels via some algorithm. All images are binary sequences. All binary sequences can be represented as decimal numbers. The only difference between a CP image and the number 4 is its distance from 0. So any discussion of CP is fundamentally a discussion of numbers. You seem to think that numbers representing CP files are moral to look at if they are derived from a PRNG or 3D rendering software, even if the result is the same number produced by a child molester with a camera. I fail to see how these numbers are moral if they come from a PRNG or 3D rendering software, but not if they come from a camera, considering they are otherwise identical numbers just as 4 is 4. If a child molester obtains such a number by taking a photograph of a molestation, you say that the people who view the image produced by this number are immoral for doing so and should be arrested, but if someone views the image produced from the same number it is moral if the original "source" of the number is a PRNG (Source in quotation marks as numbers actually exist independently of anything and are intrinsic to reality). I just don't see how this can be, what is special about one instance of a number or another?

Security / Re: Theory: Blind markets
« on: August 26, 2013, 09:09 am »
i'm interested in the concept of a blind market, where the market admins don't know what products are being sold. (This reduces their liability as well.) They only know that buyer1 sent 3 BTC to vendor2 for product <hash3>, or something along those lines. If the market were compromised, LE would only see a series of anonymous transactions for unknown products. The only ones they could deduce would be transactions that they were personally involved in as buyers or sellers.

Now we have the exact opposite. Instead of hiding buyer stats from the admins, they are publicly exposed.

KMF, what is the ETA on that decentralized market?

Well only two more really difficult parts are left to implement and a bunch of trivial stuff after that. If it had someone working on it 8+ hours a day it could probably be done in 3-5 months. If it was only for private messaging and not group communications or anonymous transactions and other fancy things it could be done in 1 month because it could use a simple PIR instead of a sophisticated EKS. If it used trusted blind mixing instead of trustless blind mixing it could probably be done in a little over a month. Using EKS allows it to scale to group communications while resisting social network analysis, and also allows it to be used for a lot more general purpose things than one to one messaging, including group messaging and blogs and possibly even basic hidden websites (like Freenet Freesites more than I2P or Tor hidden services) and small scale file sharing (documents and images, not movies and games). The main problem right now is getting 8 man hours a day on it for 3-5 months, the people making it are not being paid or planning to make money off it and they have already put thousands of hours into coding what is done already, I think they are burned out a bit and not having as much time to donate to coding as they did at first. Figuring out how to implement EKS is going to be the biggest time sink, implementing fairly advanced cryptographic systems is time consuming and delicate work and it could take 3 months of research to even understand a whitepaper well enough to attempt implementing it. Hopefully trustless blind mixing can borrow heavily from Zerocoin, even implementing one of the centralized blind mixing schemes could take nearly a month.

So for 1:1 messaging it could be done in a month with 8+ hours a day spent on it, for 1:1 messaging + Centralized Blind Bitcoin Mixing maybe two months, for 1:1 messaging + Trustless Blind Bitcoin Mixing 2-3 months depending on how easy it is to use the existing Zerocoin code for it or to base a similar system off the existing Zerocoin code and research, for a true "blind market" I wouldn't guess it would be done any sooner than 3 months but think it could be done by 5. It already has about 12 months of coding into it at about 8 hours a day.

These are just rough figures as well it is really hard to estimate how long it will take to implement a given component. Implementing the anonymous routing algorithm for the mix network took several months by itself though and I don't think EKS looks any easier and actually it is probably harder but some of the components for it are already in available libraries, and there is already a really rough implementation available that can work as a frame work.

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