The Holocaust is over. Children are being violated as we speak. It is ongoing, as in right now. How the fuck do you know how I feel about the Holocaust? You have no fucking idea. You are making an assumption. You say my belief system is inconsistent based on my feelings on the holocaust vs cp? What evidence did I give you about my views on the holocaust? That statement was completely baseless and asanine.
Well, I assume you don't want to ban pictures of the holocaust, but that probably is a bad assumption on my part considering you clearly are in favor of censorship of images of abuse in some cases. Most people are logically inconsistent when it comes to this, but you could just be a total full fledged fascist!
And again, I need to point out that yeah the holocaust is over, the molestation of children depicted in currently available CP is not taking place any more either. For one, cameras capture images of the past, for two, many of the people who were depicted in CP are not children any more and thus cannot be depicted in CP anymore as the child victim. I already went over this. Also, war crimes are still taking place today. The holocaust was an instantiation of a war crime, (most) any given CP image is a picture of an instantiation of molestation, the genus continues in both cases the pictures of instantiations are all in the past. This differentiation you attempt to introduce does not exist, this has already been covered.
I do not work for the Govt. You seemed to get angry about the dungeon story. Seemed to be the same "emotional rage" or whatever you said earlier.
No, it really didn't make me angry at all. If you thought I had an emotional reaction to your little text story you are totally mistaken. If I saw pictures of such an event unfolding I could probably of had a negative emotional response to it, but mere text of anything does not cause me any emotional response at all. There is a near total inability for textual descriptions of events to cause me to feel strong emotion, or much emotion at all for that matter.
So I truly believe you are not for violent physical harm to children based on your response.
I am not for harm of any sort to any child! I do not think children should even be lightly touched on their genitals while they are asleep for christs sake, that is about as non-violently sexual as you can get and I am against it. The horrible mistake you are making is in thinking that I equate looking at pictures of events to participating in the events pictured, because I absolutely totally do no. I see absolutely 0 link between looking at a picture and engaging in or even supporting the act that took place in the picture. I have seen pictures of the holocaust and I don't suppor the holocaust and I am pretty sure that my looking at the pictures of the holocaust did not cause the holocaust to happen or bring any benefit to it.
But you are in denial about the emotional harm it causes. You get off on pics or vids of children being harmed. Make no mistake they were being harmed when the image was captured.
First of all you make the assumption that I look at CP. Second of all, I am in no denial about the emotional harm it causes. Children depicted in CP (not teenagers to nearly the same extent) are emotionally harmed by being depicted in CP. This is pretty obvious, I already know this. I already know pedophiles who jack off to CP are getting off on pics or vids of children being harmed, obviously this is true and no I am not in denial about it at all. The thing is I don't think it matters at all! If someone jacks off to pictures of the holocaust it doesn't do a single fucking thing to any of the people victimized in the holocaust. So yeah I know pedophiles jacking off to CP are getting off on pics or vids of children being harmed, I just fail to see any reason to give a shit about this provided they are not contributing to the children being harmed. Short of some magic voodoo process that is clearly not real, or the dubious and contested claim of supply and demand (demand as a general thing, financial demand sure I give you that), nobody has been able to demonstrate how children are actually harmed when pedophiles look at CP featuring them. Nobody has been able to isolate this harm from the harm caused to the child by their CP merely being available on the internet.
I think that I, on the other hand, have done a great job of using isolation as part of my argument. With my virtual child pornography that is photorealistic to real child pornography argument, I isolated the picture depicting molestation from the act of molestation, and the people I debated with agreed that viewing this imagery is not bad. So once I removed molestation from the equation, they agreed that it is fine for pedophiles to look at the computer generated images. This was my way of isolating the details of the thing being discussed in such a way that more emotional people could objectively look at them. But unfortunately, rather than seeing the light, these people then began to engage in behavior indicative of cognitive dissonance, when they asserted that it is okay to look at X but bad to look at X, where X is the same exact image, in one case clearly isolated from child molestation and in the other case less clearly isolated from child molestation. They argued straight faced with me that it is okay to look at child porn that it is not okay to look at. This actually demonstrates how the strong negative emotion child molestation invokes in them is bleeding over into the images of child molestation and causing them to not be able to think rationally about the subject.
There is no difference between the kid being tortured and a kid having pics taken. Neither can consent. And both will be affected for the rest of their lives. How many people commit suicide every year because of being molested or sexually assaulted as a kid? Do you know? Do you want to know? As long as you get your pictures right?
I mean, I think most kids would rather have nude pictures taken of them than have nude torture pictures taken of them. Yeah I am sure plenty of people kill themselves because they were molested or sexually assaulted as a kid, sure , molestation and sexual assault are bad you are preaching to the choir dude.
I like how you distance yourself from the crime by saying it happened along time ago. And you were not there, its only a picture of a crime. You are literally getting off to a picture of a life being ruined.
So what? Better to get off to a picture of a life being ruined than to ruin a life right? Pictures of crimes are not the crimes pictured. Pictures of child molestation are not child molestation. Pictures of children are not children. Somebody looking at a picture of a life being ruined is not ruining a life. Pictures are not magical.
The fact that this turns you on tells me there is something that went very wrong when your brain was developing. Whatever event or lifestyle caused this I am sorry. You do need to seek help.
First of all the vast majority of underage teenage porn is self produced shit made by kids with their camera phones. 25% of all teenagers (in usa?) have taken and sent naked pictures of themselves with their cellphones ( So no they are not horribly abused kids being raped in sex dungeons as you like to allude to, and they are not turning themselves into the walking dead or emotionally ruining themselves or whatever the fuck.
Second of all, if someone gets off to sick shit and they have a fucked up brain, my only question is so what? I give people the benefit of the doubt and assume that they can compartmentalize their sick fantasies from their actions in reality. And I consider looking at a picture to be equal to having a thought. If a person wants to murder somebody and skull fuck their eye socket, sure something is seriously wrong with them. But are they otherwise normal? Do they actually plan to engage in this act? Can they compartmentalize it to the realm of fantasy? Certainly people with very strange and deviant fantasies can compartmentalize them, for example being raped is the third most popular female fantasy, but clearly this is just a fantasy and not something they actually have a desire to do. I do not want to be the thought police, I do not want to equate people who have sick thoughts with people who do sick things, people who have sick desires should not be marginalized and told they are no better than people who do sick things or else what is their motivation to keep their sickness compartmentalized into a fantasy realm rather than act on it? Why should some pedophile who wants to rape kids only look at pictures if he is going to get the same sentence, be forced to live in the same ghetto, the same public humiliation the same banishment from society? Only his own sense of morality will lead him to keep his sickness compartmentalized, no support from society no understanding that a thought does no make a person bad but only an action does, no encouragement for such a person. Such people are essentially encouraged by society to go out and rape kids and only their own sense of morality will prevent them from doing so, no help or support from society or basic level of understanding or acceptance of deviance in the absence of true victimization. And you can say people are victimized when their pictures are looked at all you want but you have seen images of the holocaust yourself I am sure and do you think that you are a war criminal? Do you think that you would be a war criminal if you liked what you saw?
And mass hysteria? Are you referring to the tendency of people to become violent and angry about your skewed beliefs?
No I am referring to pedophile hysteria that is currently quite strong in some countries, particularly the USA, UK and Australia.
There are 4 f's that drive human behavior. Fornicate, fight, feed, and flee. When someone is endangering a child normal people should go straight to fight. As in fight off whatever is or is attempting to harm the child. You see a child being harmed and go straight to fornicate. There is something fundamentally wrong with that. You should not be attracted to that. And you will argue for your cause till your last breath. Because it is ok in your own mind. But your mind is not ok. Make sense? And then you go off on the "god like powers" rant. Which leads me to believe that your attraction to children is not sexual at all. Its about power. Most sex crimes are not about sex. They are about power and control. You might physically get off to a picture of a kid but mentally its what the kid represents. Which is helplessness and weakness. So you need to ask yourself what happened in your life that made you feel so helpless that you chase this power? Whatever it is that is the event you need to seek help on. Damn did I just get inside your head or what!
No you didn't get inside of anything, you are the one who attributed God Like power to me in that you think all photographed events happened so that I can see pictures of them in my basement. Or is it only child sex abuse ? I do not understand the logic behind your system of magic, probably because there is no system it is simply a bunch of emotions that dictate your behavior.