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Messages - kmfkewm

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Wow, if people are really using Japan as an example of "successful legalizing of Child Pornography", then you need to do your fucking homework.  First of all, we're all aware of the dirty-panty vending machines... but are you aware that the birth-rate in Japan is at an all time low? While Suicide rate is at all time high?


Also, statistics show that Japan has one of the highest percentages of single-lonely men.


If you're trying to show the benefits of sniffing dirty panties being socially acceptable, and/or the benefits of legalizing CP, don't use Japan as your example.  If anything, Japan should be the example of why sexuality and psychology go hand-in-hand, and why we need to educate more people on the effects of sexuality desensitivity.  Who needs a girlfriend when you can sniff panties of strange girls/women all day while watching legal CP, right? ...  Who needs to reproduce when you can just cum in a pair of undies, and watch a few kids get 'legally' diddled!?

I don't feel as if it is any of my fucking business if people reproduce or not, and I think it is kind of strange that you seem to feel like the actions of the herd are so important to you. Why do you think people must have girlfriends or must reproduce?

...  If you're sniffing panties, there's a word for you:  Desperate.
...  If you're viewing CP to get off, there's a word for you:  Demented. 

Okay Japan is full of desperate demented men, and not just culturally different from you.

You tend to use a lot of analogies, and then when people attack the analogy you spend half your energy defending the analogy!  Well, here's an analogy for ya... 

Fact:  In Indonesia children are not only legally allowed to smoke Cigarettes, it is encouraged by their families(for 'health' benefits).  This is due to the legality of advertizing cigarettes TO children, and propaganda from Big Tobacco claiming(just as they did in the US back in the day) it is GOOD for you. 

Q:  Do these liberal tobacco laws make smoking Cigarettes less harmful to those children?   

That is a pretty shitty analogy since smoking is harmful to children but people viewing CP could actually be beneficial to children in that when pedophiles view CP significant numbers of them are less likely to rape children.

Can we start flying a different flag if we're going to seek to argue against censorship? OR should we keep making ourselves sound like overly-defensive assholes arguing about whether a 14 year old should be allowed to fuck an adult or not.  Sure, we were all 14 once, and I'm sure there were a lot of things we ALL did or wish we could have done, then --but not without regret! 

No you cannot fly a different flag and claim to argue against censorship, because censorship of CP is censorship.

I would hope my assumptions are correct in that we're all adults here.  So why are we arguing about a 14 year old's right to consent?  If I went out and asked 14 year old girls and boys about consent laws, they would likely agree with you!  The only difference is... a 14 year old, arguing for a change in consent laws, wants to be able to get touchy-feely with their teenaged friends; an adult male, arguing for a change in the age of consent, to allow 14 year olds to fuck adults --wants to fuck 14 year olds!

14 year olds are full of curiosities.   Adults are full of intentions.   Don't use the latter to exploit the former.

Primarily I want the USA to stop ruining the lives of men who want to fuck 14 year olds, considering it has been scientifically shown to be normal and natural, and especially since it isn't really exploitation or even harmful. Instead the USA is expending its energy trying to force other countries in the world to bow down to it, because USA is imperialistic as hell. This has resulted in Canada, for example, raising its age of consent from 14 in 2008 I believe. The mantra of the USA is might makes right, they don't need any science they just need a bunch of outraged people and some tabloids.

This threat repulses me, one man is arguing and justifying the raping of children.

No I am not. I already said CP production should be illegal. I suggest the USA lowers its age of consent to that of Germany, and adopts CP laws similar to those in Russia or Japan. Is that so horrible? Is it so bad that I think Germany has a better age of consent system than the US does? Is it so awful that I think Russia and Japan have better laws on CP than the US does? Do the governments of Germany, Russia and Japan justify the rape of children? Come on man, I think you can actually use your head a tiny bit to see that I am not arguing for or justifying the rape of children, I am merely trying to get people to think about this fucking issue instead of jump to an immediate emotional response that blinds them to reality.

Nothing more, nothing less. The children who are abused in child port dont consent, they are raped. this is the big difference between normal porn and cp. As for comparing it to drug taking...really? You are clawing at the walls to justify what you know inside is a wrong desire that you hold.

I do not think it is a wrong desire for me to be attracted to young teenagers. I already gave multiple citations showing that it is completely normal for men to be attracted to young teenagers. Phallometric testing has been done that shows that normal men are attracted to young teenagers. I have no shame for being normal and I don't think that it is wrong at all. You seem to be ashamed of your self to the point that you feel the need to lie about your own feelings to yourself and to others. The probability of all of the men in this thread bashing on me for being attracted to teenagers not being themselves attracted to teenagers is so low that it can be discounted. At least some of you are very probably lying, and I think you should ask yourself why do you feel such a strong desire to lie to yourself?!

I already said that it should be illegal to produce most CP, so you can say that CP shows victimized children etc all you want you are just babbling honestly. I already know it does! I already know the pictures of the holocaust show victimized people as well! Why do you want to ban one and not the other?

SR users buy and sell drugs, you can argue about drugs being right or wrong all day but in the end as ADULTS we make the choice to do this to our own bodies and risk our own freedom. By supporting CP you make the choice to take somebody elses freedom away, because if you didnt watch it and there was no demand for it then it would not be made, meaning children would not be raped.

Do you honestly believe that no children were raped before cameras were made? This line is so old and tired it needs to be taken out back and fucking shot to put it out of its misery. The link between people viewing CP (in and of itself) and CP being produced is dubious at best! How about we keep this discussion to the facts, research and statistics instead of jump straight to canned responses from the agencies that make billions of dollars due to CP being illegal to view? This is how it is similar to the war on drugs! These thought terminating canned responses just make me feel sick and sad for the people who cannot think for themselves, and who are so delusional that they believe the party line of 2 + 2 = 5. If you really think some random fuck watching CP that he didn't pay for causes children to be raped you are just absolutely crazy. There is no empirical evidence to support this claim, and I can give a citation for that fact from a Ph.D researcher who doesn't happened to be funded by nambla.

I believe that it is an illness. Coimparing it to Nazis view on the jews is completely different, the jews didnt rape and molest children for their perverse gain. Peadophiles do. The way to treat this illness is simple, chemical castration. Quick and painless, remove the urge.

Sure pedophilia is an illness (hebephilia isn't though, nor is ephebophilia, because THE EXPERTS recognize that MOST MEN want to FUCK YOUNG TEENAGERS). Pedophiles who jack off to CP didn't rape and molest children! Your fundamental problem is that you think looking at a picture causes a person to participate in what the picture shows, despite the fact that this is so obviously untrue that it just absolutely amazes me that anyone could seriously think this way.

I worry about the OP, that he is obviously active in the support of this sickness and defending it till blue in the face. People may hide behind a screen and big themselves up and make empty threats but i would like to make mine clear and genuine.

I take the hurting of innocents very serious, i have cut a mans face open for hurting an innocent girl and i have broken another bones for the same action. I dont know who you are or where you live and i have no way of finding out BUT, if i ever do stumble upon you and your location is near me, I will pay you a visit. Mark my words. I am not a child making empty threats but a man who has taken a personal offense to you and your existence. Maybe never but you wont be forgotten. I will make you pick up your teeth and make it that if children see your hobbled figure you will scare them away before you have the chance to defile them.

Wow we have a bad ass over here. Dude you live in the UK. Fucking 16 year olds is legal in the UK it isn't in half of the USA. That means that your country supports pedophilia, so how about you beat your own ass up you fucking child rape supporter.

The Holocaust is over. Children are being violated as we speak. It is ongoing, as in right now. How the fuck do you know how I feel about the Holocaust? You have no fucking idea. You are making an assumption. You say my belief system is inconsistent based on my feelings on the holocaust vs cp? What evidence did I give you about my views on the holocaust? That statement was completely baseless and asanine. 

Well, I assume you don't want to ban pictures of the holocaust, but that probably is a bad assumption on my part considering you clearly are in favor of censorship of images of abuse in some cases. Most people are logically inconsistent when it comes to this, but you could just be a total full fledged fascist!

And again, I need to point out that yeah the holocaust is over, the molestation of children depicted in currently available CP is not taking place any more either. For one, cameras capture images of the past, for two, many of the people who were depicted in CP are not children any more and thus cannot be depicted in CP anymore as the child victim. I already went over this. Also, war crimes are still taking place today. The holocaust was an instantiation of a war crime, (most) any given CP image is a picture of an instantiation of molestation, the genus continues in both cases the pictures of instantiations are all in the past. This differentiation you attempt to introduce does not exist, this has already been covered.

I do not work for the Govt. You seemed to get angry about the dungeon story. Seemed to be the same "emotional rage" or whatever you said earlier.

No, it really didn't make me angry at all. If you thought I had an emotional reaction to your little text story you are totally mistaken. If I saw pictures of such an event unfolding I could probably of had a negative emotional response to it, but mere text of anything does not cause me any emotional response at all. There is a near total inability for textual descriptions of events to cause me to feel strong emotion, or much emotion at all for that matter.

So I truly believe you are not for violent physical harm to children based on your response.

I am not for harm of any sort to any child! I do not think children should even be lightly touched on their genitals while they are asleep for christs sake, that is about as non-violently sexual as you can get and I am against it. The horrible mistake you are making is in thinking that I equate looking at pictures of events to participating in the events pictured, because I absolutely totally do no. I see absolutely 0 link between looking at a picture and engaging in or even supporting the act that took place in the picture. I have seen pictures of the holocaust and I don't suppor the holocaust and I am pretty sure that my looking at the pictures of the holocaust did not cause the holocaust to happen or bring any benefit to it.

But you are in denial about the emotional harm it causes. You get off on pics or vids of children being harmed. Make no mistake they were being harmed when the image was captured.

First of all you make the assumption that I look at CP. Second of all, I am in no denial about the emotional harm it causes. Children depicted in CP (not teenagers to nearly the same extent) are emotionally harmed by being depicted in CP. This is pretty obvious, I already know this. I already know pedophiles who jack off to CP are getting off on pics or vids of children being harmed, obviously this is true and no I am not in denial about it at all. The thing is I don't think it matters at all! If someone jacks off to pictures of the holocaust it doesn't do a single fucking thing to any of the people victimized in the holocaust. So yeah I know pedophiles jacking off to CP are getting off on pics or vids of children being harmed, I just fail to see any reason to give a shit about this provided they are not contributing to the children being harmed. Short of some magic voodoo process that is clearly not real, or the dubious and contested claim of supply and demand (demand as a general thing, financial demand sure I give you that), nobody has been able to demonstrate how children are actually harmed when pedophiles look at CP featuring them. Nobody has been able to isolate this harm from the harm caused to the child by their CP merely being available on the internet.

I think that I, on the other hand, have done a great job of using isolation as part of my argument. With my virtual child pornography that is photorealistic to real child pornography argument, I isolated the picture depicting molestation from the act of molestation, and the people I debated with agreed that viewing this imagery is not bad. So once I removed molestation from the equation, they agreed that it is fine for pedophiles to look at the computer generated images. This was my way of isolating the details of the thing being discussed in such a way that more emotional people could objectively look at them. But unfortunately, rather than seeing the light, these people then began to engage in behavior indicative of cognitive dissonance, when they asserted that it is okay to look at X but bad to look at X, where X is the same exact image, in one case clearly isolated from child molestation and in the other case less clearly isolated from child molestation. They argued straight faced with me that it is okay to look at child porn that it is not okay to look at. This actually demonstrates how the strong negative emotion child molestation invokes in them is bleeding over into the images of child molestation and causing them to not be able to think rationally about the subject. 

There is no difference between the kid being tortured and a kid having pics taken. Neither can consent. And both will be affected for the rest of their lives. How many people commit suicide every year because of being molested or sexually assaulted as a kid? Do you know? Do you want to know? As long as you get your pictures right?

I mean, I think most kids would rather have nude pictures taken of them than have nude torture pictures taken of them. Yeah I am sure plenty of people kill themselves because they were molested or sexually assaulted as a kid, sure , molestation and sexual assault are bad you are preaching to the choir dude.

I like how you distance yourself from the crime by saying it happened along time ago. And you were not there, its only a picture of a crime. You are literally getting off to a picture of a life being ruined.

So what? Better to get off to a picture of a life being ruined than to ruin a life right? Pictures of crimes are not the crimes pictured. Pictures of child molestation are not child molestation. Pictures of children are not children. Somebody looking at a picture of a life being ruined is not ruining a life. Pictures are not magical.

The fact that this turns you on tells me there is something that went very wrong when your brain was developing. Whatever event or lifestyle caused this I am sorry. You do need to seek help.

First of all the vast majority of underage teenage porn is self produced shit made by kids with their camera phones. 25% of all teenagers (in usa?) have taken and sent naked pictures of themselves with their cellphones ( So no they are not horribly abused kids being raped in sex dungeons as you like to allude to, and they are not turning themselves into the walking dead or emotionally ruining themselves or whatever the fuck.

Second of all, if someone gets off to sick shit and they have a fucked up brain, my only question is so what? I give people the benefit of the doubt and assume that they can compartmentalize their sick fantasies from their actions in reality. And I consider looking at a picture to be equal to having a thought. If a person wants to murder somebody and skull fuck their eye socket, sure something is seriously wrong with them. But are they otherwise normal? Do they actually plan to engage in this act? Can they compartmentalize it to the realm of fantasy? Certainly people with very strange and deviant fantasies can compartmentalize them, for example being raped is the third most popular female fantasy, but clearly this is just a fantasy and not something they actually have a desire to do. I do not want to be the thought police, I do not want to equate people who have sick thoughts with people who do sick things, people who have sick desires should not be marginalized and told they are no better than people who do sick things or else what is their motivation to keep their sickness compartmentalized into a fantasy realm rather than act on it? Why should some pedophile who wants to rape kids only look at pictures if he is going to get the same sentence, be forced to live in the same ghetto, the same public humiliation the same banishment from society? Only his own sense of morality will lead him to keep his sickness compartmentalized, no support from society no understanding that a thought does no make a person bad but only an action does, no encouragement for such a person. Such people are essentially encouraged by society to go out and rape kids and only their own sense of morality will prevent them from doing so, no help or support from society or basic level of understanding or acceptance of deviance in the absence of true victimization. And you can say people are victimized when their pictures are looked at all you want but you have seen images of the holocaust yourself I am sure and do you think that you are a war criminal? Do you think that you would be a war criminal if you liked what you saw?

And mass hysteria? Are you referring to the tendency of people to become violent and angry about your skewed beliefs?

No I am referring to pedophile hysteria that is currently quite strong in some countries, particularly the USA, UK and Australia.

There are 4 f's that drive human behavior. Fornicate, fight, feed, and flee. When someone is endangering a child normal people should go straight to fight. As in fight off whatever is or is attempting to harm the child. You see a child being harmed and go straight to fornicate. There is something fundamentally wrong with that. You should not be attracted to that. And you will argue for your cause till your last breath. Because it is ok in your own mind. But your mind is not ok. Make sense? And then you go off on the "god like powers" rant. Which leads me to believe that your attraction to children is not sexual at all. Its about power. Most sex crimes are not about sex. They are about power and control. You might physically get off to a picture of a kid but mentally its what the kid represents. Which is helplessness and weakness.  So you need to ask yourself what happened in your life that made you feel so helpless that you chase this power? Whatever it is that is the event you need to seek help on. Damn did I just get inside your head or what!

No you didn't get inside of anything, you are the one who attributed God Like power to me in that you think all photographed events happened so that I can see pictures of them in my basement. Or is it only child sex abuse ? I do not understand the logic behind your system of magic, probably because there is no system it is simply a bunch of emotions that dictate your behavior.

More evidence that I am normal, from the scientists and researchers the angry mob would just love to burn at the stake:

what do you know most men have the same arousal pattern to young teenagers as they do to adults, who would have guessed, other than any normal person with a penis lol

   In a subsequent study, Freund confirmed the normalcy of sexual arousal to
adolescents. His subjects were 48 young Czech soldiers, all presumed to be ‘‘normal’’
and heterosexual in orientation. He showed the men pictures of children (ages 4–10
years old), adolescents (ages 12–16), and adults (ages 17–36). As expected, most of the
heterosexual men were sexually aroused by photos of both adult and adolescent
females. They were not aroused by pictures of males of any age, and were aroused at an
intermediate level by pictures of children (Freund & Costell, 1970).
   This unsurprising tendency of normal heterosexual men to be sexually aroused by
adolescents was confirmed by other researchers. Like Freund, a group of researchers in
Canada was attempting to perfect physiological tools for measuring sexual arousal.
These researchers found that their instruments could distinguish between the arousal
patterns of child molesters and a control group exposed to slides of female children
(ages 5–11), but both groups showed similar arousal patterns to slides of pubescent girls
(ages 12–15) (Quinsey, Steinman, Bergerson, & Holmes, 1975).


summary: Attraction to children and young teenagers = probably unique mental illness
                 Attraction to young teenagers and adults =      Probably *NORMAL*
                  Attraction to young teenagers only        =     Possibly mental illness

In his psycholegal analysis of hebephilia, Fabian1
stakes his position that “adult sexual arousal in re-
sponse to pubescent and postpubescent females is
not likely to be pathologically deviant” (Ref. 1,
p 501). He concludes, however, that “both clinicians
and the courts disagree as to whether hebephilia is a
pathological sexual deviance disorder” (Ref. 1,
p 504). His brief review reflects the polemical, and
indeed contentious, state of opinion among those
weighing in on the legitimacy of hebephilia as a para-
philia. In our commentary, we reflect on the many
arguments opposing such a diagnosis and offer, we
hope, a dispassionate conclusion.


   What underlies the passion coloring this matter is
the very legitimacy of hebephilia as a true paraphilia.
The argument, quite simply stated, is that sexual in-
terest in, and arousal in response to, pubescent teen-
agers is normative, or, at the very least, not deviant.
Stated otherwise, if men are hard wired to respond
sexually to young pubescent females, can sexual in-
terest in adolescents in the age range of 11 to 14 be
reasonably construed as a true mental disorder?


Examined in isolation, there does not appear to be
adequate empirical evidence that sexual arousal in
response to young adolescents constitutes a para-
philia. This larger question, however, is not fully an-
swered, in our opinion, through a narrow or reduc-
tionistic analysis that focuses exclusively on the
arguably normative sexual interest of adult males in
young pubescent females. There are at least three
plausible scenarios. An individual presents with sex-
ual interests that include children (prepubescent)
and young teenagers. Such an individual with a
downward sexual preference profile would most
likely be classifiable as paraphilic. An individual pres-
ents with sexual interests that include adults and
young teenagers. Such an individual with an upward
sexual preference profile is most likely not classifiable
as paraphilic. An individual presents with what ap-
pears to be an exclusive sexual preference for young
teenagers. Although Barbaree and Marshall17 found
no evidence for such a profile, Blanchard et al.4 did.
Clearly, this is an area that warrants further research.
Although O’Donohue16 regards distress and impair-
ment as irrelevant, members of the Paraphilia Work-
ing Group apparently think otherwise. We suggest
that the question of impairment may well be most
pertinent in diagnosing individuals in this third
group: adults with an exclusive sexual preference for
young teenagers. Minimum age difference must be
specified, however. In terms of mental disorder, an
18- or 19-year-old having sex with a 14-year-old is
unlikely to be equivalent to a 30- or 40-year-old hav-
ing sex with a 14-year-old. In the latter case, when
there is a specified minimum age differential or when
the presumptive paraphilic is of a specified minimum
age, exclusive interest may well reflect the kind of
psychosexual and psychosocial deficits that consti-
tute impairment.
In summary, we can do no better than heed the
timely cautionary words of Judd Marmor,27 ex-
pressed 40 years ago:

Clearly, there is nothing about our current sexual attitudes
and practices that can be assumed to be either sacrosanct or
immutable [Ref. 27, p 166]. It seems to this author, there-
fore, that there is no way in which the concepts of normal
and deviant sexual behavior can be divorced from the value
systems of our society; and since such value systems are
always in the process of evolution and change, we must be
prepared to face the possibility that some patterns currently
considered deviant may not always be so regarded

Seriously though I rather appreciate the God Like powers you attribute to me. The Universe was created so I could see pictures of it in my basement! Mountains were created so I could see pictures of it in my basement! Wars were fought and millions died so I could see pictures of it in my basement! Children were molested so I could see pictures of it in my basement! All of existence that has been photographed, every event that has ever been caught on camera, took place entirely because of my demand for it and entirely so I could see it in my basement! I am the way the truth and the light, in the beginning there was kmfkewm and all of reality sprang into being simply because of my demand for pictures to look at in my basement!

Your right. Every other person posting on here calling you a sick fuck is wrong. Congrats on that. And I can promise you I am not attracted to kids.

How about you hook your penis up to a phallometric device and then we can see the truth :). Here is a hint: in studies done on randomly selected males they almost all respond to 13 year olds the same as they do to 20 year olds. You can lie with the organ in your mouth but the one in your pants will betray you :). Also even fucking forensic scientists have trouble to differentiate 14 year olds from 18 year olds based on visual apperance, you must really be something if you can tell the difference. Seriously we need to hook your dick up to a phallometric device and use you as a forensic tool to tell when a photograph is jailbait or legal lol.

We are not like you. Are you trying to convince the rest of us or yourself?

Certainly not trying to convince myself, I have already read the research. I am trying to convince you to stop lying to yourself and others.

No pictures are not kids. But behind every one of these pictures is an actual kid that was wronged. I like how you like to dehumanize the kids in the pics or vids or whatever. I think deep down you realize it is wrong. So you tell yourself its just a picture not a real kid. You are basically attempting to desensitize yourself to the horrible shit you are supporting.

No really I see no difference between a pedophile looking at CP and a pedophile looking at pictures of the holocaust. Behind every picture of the holocaust there is an actual Jew who was exterminated. Why don't you feel so passionately about pictures of the holocaust? I feel just as strongly that pictures of the holocaust should be legal to view! I am consistent and logical, you are emotional and inconsistent with your own belief system.

Do you have any kids? I bet you dont. And if you do you are even more fucked than previously thought. I teach a course on human behavior. Its my living.My title is subject matter expert.  And I promise you have some deep underlaying issues. It is not normal. I dont care what nambla funded research you quote.

None of the research I quoted was funded by Nambla, do you happen to work for the government?

Maybe you would change your mind if you were able to meet some kids that were current victims of human trafficking for sex. Maybe you would like that? Maybe you would like to see an 8 yr old boy in a real life dungeon with shit shoved up his ass? All beat up bleeding and hopeless. Crying in a pile of his own shit on the floor. Yea? Sound good? Or maybe no?

No that sounds horrible whoever did that to the child should be punished for sure. See you keep using strawman arguments and other logical fallacies just like everyone else who cannot actually debate me head on without simply reverting to the same tired old mantras that they don't even understand at all. I never said human trafficking for sex should be legal, I never said 8 year olds should be raped in dungeons etc. Stop putting fucking words into my mouth.

Not really into the physical abuse thing? Dont like violence and bleeding assholes and shit? So you maybe just like the soft shit? Maybe a little gentle sex? It dosent hurt them right? They will probably get over it. I mean emotional scars arent real scars right? Its JUST a picture right? No real kids were harmed in the making of this porn film. You are supporting something terrible. I could give two fucks about you. But I care that any child has to deal with a lifelong psychological issue for a picture for you to jack off to in your basement. Fuck you

Did I ever say that it should be legal to have sex with kids when it isn't legal to have sex with them in Japan or Croatia? Nope I don't think I did. So your entire argument is a strawman! You are an expert on human behavior, pretty impressive title, ever done research on mass hysteria? Ever done research on logical fallacies? Yes it is JUST a fucking picture. Also please note that there is an arrow of time. By the time someone jacks off to a picture of a child having been abused, the child has already been abused! Someone jacking off or not jacking off to the produced picture does not change the fucking past! God why is this simple obvious truth so hard for some of you people to grasp!

"Don't you mean past the event horizon?"

NO, I DON'T. If you were nearly as intelligent as you think you are, you would understand that you would forever be spread out on the event horizon, by your awareness, stretched into oblivion, no respite, no happy ending, just forever unending FUCK YOU. Yes, I am a homicidal maniac when it comes to those who abuse children mentally, emotionally, spiritually, or physically.

FUCKING IDIOT, why didn't your mother's body absorb you in utero?

The event horizon is a boundary that if something passes it cannot possibly return from it (other than as hawking radiation). You told me you want me to go to the event horizon, I assumed you actually wanted me to slowly turn into hawking radiation as quantum space foam materialized next to the black hole and got sucked into it giving off hawking radiation due to conservation of mass.

You keep pulling up all this bullshit about age of consent in different countries and yes they are low and yes you would get "off" if push comes to shove.
Most of these laws are so fucking old, some centuries old and were put into law by predators at the time and are being protected by predators in this age.
But even in Japan that you love to quote so much the laws are actually different within each prefecture. Age of consent is higher. The japanese community as a whole hate fucking pedos. I know because I lived there for 3 years. Its not as open for a predator as yourself, would like it to be. You will find a rock to crawl under there is no doubt about it. I would be surprised if their existing strict laws on CP doesnt get extended to the viewing of CP very soon.

The world despises it. This community quite obviously despises it.

Novocaine you are a fucking retard. You think that all of these countries with age of consent below the age of 18 or 16 are only that way because of the shadowy pedophile mafia keeping it such? Jesus dude you are seriously suffering from a diagnosable disease I believe, that sounds almost like paranoid schizophrenia.

1. Age of consent in Japan is 13 in Tokyo and Nagano and varies between 13-18 everywhere else ->

2. Child porn is legal in japan -> "Japan and Russia are the two G8 member states where possession of child pornography is legal. Compared to the United Nations, possession of child pornography is legal in 90 out of 193 UN member states.[4]"

3. Softcore Child porn is legal to produce AND distribute in japan - > "child pornography being defined to be explicit images of children having sex, and not the nude and semi-nude images of children that are common in the Japanese child idol industry."

4. Japan REJECTED a proposal to make child porn illegal to possess in 2008 -> "In June, a bill to ban possession of child porn was submitted to parliament's lower house. It is set to be debated in a parliament session expected to start in September."

actually CP is legal to possess in half of the fucking world so clearly you do not speak for the entire world. Also yeah sure many in this community despise it obviously to such an extent they think it should be illegal to view, but funny enough none of the people who have PMed me saying that they agree with me seem to want to mention it on the forum but of course the ones who disagree with me feel socially safe to disagree with me on the forum. Way to go you and your mob have silenced the dissent, but I don't personally give a fuck about what some emotional fools on the internet blabber about when they go into their emotion induced rage so here I am speaking logic to empaths.

Guess what fucknuts, I wouldn't give a shit sandwich to you if you were starving. If you were on fire, and I had to piss, I would let it run down my leg as I listened to you scream.

Yes, I know, you a genocidal homicidal maniac, this has been well established. You also seem to be fixated on feces.

I am a volunteer counselor, among other things, for survivors of childhood sexual abuse. Guess how many of my clients have been abused by perpetrators who look at CP?

Wow I bet if I talk to a rape counselor that they will say almost all of their clients have been abused by men. Should we wipe out all men?! Death to the males!

If there is no supply, and perpetrators are exterminated from humanity, then our children have a much better chance of becoming who they were meant to be.

Well I cannot really argue with the fact that if all child abusers and potential child abusers are exterminated that no children will be abused. Do you think we should also exterminate all males to vastly lower the rate of sexual abuse against females? What problems can we not solve with mass murder and genocide?

Instead of the walking dead, with holes in their souls they try to fill with self abuse because they can't stand the shit in their heads they live with every day. Childhood sexual abuse murders the soul of who they started out to be, leaving agonizing, gaping, weeping, sores where their souls should be.

A. Looking at pictures of child abuse is not engaging in child abuse.
B. Pictures of child abuse are not child abuse
C. Having consensual sex with a 14 year old is not going to turn them into the walking dead, lmfao


Don't you mean past the event horizon?

Its simple supply and demand dumbass.

It is not so simple, dumbass. But anyway I can already easily prove that supply and demand is not what has you so bothered. Are you okay with CP being downloaded via Private Information Retrieval? What if there is a system where nobody can tell the demand for certain content, yet anybody can download and view the content? There is no more demand that can be recognized, so that means that it is fine, since your problem is with supply and demand, right? This argument is already solved. If we are so concerned about the unproven supply and demand of CP theory, we should build a PIR based system for pedophiles to be able to download CP from. Nobody can tell the demand anymore, it is not an issue. Right?

Im not going to read 24 pages of you explaining why its ok to want to look at pics of little boy buttholes. If there is a fucking demand for kiddie porn there will be an increase in kids being violated.

This is probably not true, in that people do not decide to violate kids simply because some fucking random person on the internet downloaded some CP, but even assuming that it is true (it probably isn't), there are technical solutions to take care of this problem. So please if you would like to continue to argue, at least have something fresh that doesn't already have a solution for it. Because we can take care of any possibility of demand leading to more supply, via cryptographically masking demand.

There is research to support any bullshit theory any fuckhead dreams up.

So if we don't go off research what should we go off of? Primitive emotional responses?

You have some sort of disconnect in your brain that directs you towards kids.

No I am actually quite normal. Research (I know I know, you hate research and science) demonstrates that normal men have the same sexual response to those 13+ as they do to those 18+. There are tools for measuring sexual arousal. Experiments have been done. Normal men are sexually aroused by 13 year olds for fucks sake. Nothing is wrong with my brain, something is wrong with your brain that makes you feel a compulsion to lie to yourself and to others. You can say whatever you want and maybe you even have convinced yourself, but I have facts on my side and you have nothing at all !

Kids are helpless, you can more easily have your way with them than an adult. I get it. You were picked on or abused as a kid and this is your way of feeling powerful. I get that. Dude get counseling, its not ok. Its not normal or natural.

Dude. Pictures. Of. Kids. Are. Not. Motherfucking. Kids. Jesus christ is that so hard of a concept for you to understand? Or if you are talking about how I think the age of consent should be lowered, well, yeah I think USA should lower its age of consent to be the same as Croatia the same as Germany the same as Japan maybe even. Is that such a horrible thing? Am I such a broken horrible person because I think the age of consent laws in Germany make more sense? Are these countries just full of pedophiles have they just been taken over by sick vile pedophiles who must be castrated and executed? Should USA start dropping bombs on Germany and Japan until they raise their age of consent laws to the all mighty all powerful unquestionable age of 18?

You say the person looking at cp dosent hurt the child directly? Maybe not but it does create more demand for this shit to happen to more helpless kids.

Ahhhhh read the motherfucking thread! I already gave links to research showing that there is *no support* for the notion that merely viewing CP causes more children to be molested! I already gave links to research showing that when pedophiles have access to CP they are less likely to molest children! I already explained that there are technical systems that can perfectly mask demand for content of any sort!

And thats exactly what they are dude, fucking kids. Trying to justify your sickness with statistics and bullshit research. Fucking shameful. Get some fucking help you nasty little fucker.

Yeah fuck those statistics and research we should instead just have a mindless emotional response. Sheesh what the fuck is wrong with me, using research and statistics to come to opinions regarding things, I should be down right ashamed of myself!

Dont know about you but when I look at porn the mrs cops it when she gets home. Looking at porn makes me want the real thing.

No, you want the real thing and looking at porn can satisfy you to an extent as well. Looking at porn does not make you want to have sex with females, you want to have sex with females. If you couldn't have sex with females, looking at porn would help you placate your urges, not make them stronger. I have already linked to research showing this, I am not going to keep repeating myself over and over.

Once again you are hiding behind the skirts of libertarians fighting for the freedom of a 13 year old taking a pic of his dick or somebody who stumbles across CP to justify your urge to look at pictures of an abused child that happens to be effected by the abuse for the rest of their lives.

Libertarians fight for the freedom of ANYBODY to view a picture of ANYTHING. You are mischaracterizing the the beliefs of libertarians by making it seem like they are only fighting for a 13 year old to be able to take a picture of his dick.

I get it. Its a pic. Wow you are a fucking genius. Nobody is fighting for your freedom to view the outcome of abuse if they themselves or their families have been effected by it.
Thats a fact.

Really, have you taken a poll? Pretty sure that there are plenty of Jewish people who went to death camps who would fight for our right to see holocaust pictures. So I think it is obvious that people who have been effected by abuse would fight for the right of people to view the outcome of the abuse.

My scenario is fail. ACLU dad would have picked up the nearest pointy thing, ACLU pen perhaps, and stuck it into the necks of SF and SF2.
SF and SF2 would never mention to ACLU dad that they watch his daughter getting raped, read "film" because rock spiders dont expose themselves even to those "fighting for their freedom" OR in a country/ state that has a loophole to hide behind because deep down they know they are sick individuals.

Yes Japan is just one sick fuck nation, you sure figured them out. Everybody who doesn't agree with you is a sick fuck and should probably be subjected to genocide.

My mum knows about my porn/fetishes, she found my stash. She was cool about it. You still have not told me whether your mum/mom/mother knows about your stash?

I don't really give a fuck what my mum/mom/mother thinks about CP laws, plenty of people have mums/moms/mothers who are against drugs does that mean drugs should be illegal?!


A. That isn't true

B. Humans are one of the (if not the) only species that, to a large extent, does not engage in sexual activity with those capable of bearing children (ie: adolescents)

"Ah yeah I think we might be headed toward a genocide of pedophiles perhaps (in the USA, UK and Australia)." I see nothing wrong with exterminating pedophiles. With prejudice. Jews, are they adults, Germans, are they adults? Are they fucking children, or looking at CP? Yes, death sentence to be carried out immediately by the nearest functional adult. No, then go about your adult business. CHILDREN CAN'T CONSENT!!!

Pictures of children are not children.

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