Off topic / Re: The final one and only debate about CP thread, to avoid cluttering all others
« on: September 01, 2013, 06:13 am »
Why should I kill myself? As already stated, I have never had sex with anybody under the age of 18, and indeed child pornography is not something that interests me, nor am I a pedophile for that matter. As previously stated, I am at 'worst' an ephebophile, and as the previously cited research shows this is extremely normal! I mean, can you really say that you don't find this girl (legal picture from out of some movie to ensure it cannot possibly be interpreted as CP of any sort, randomly selected by me so I could find a reference) to be sexually attractive?
That is what a 15 year old girl looks like, just for your information. I imagine that you have some image in your mind of a young child, and I just want to show you what an actual 15 year old actually looks like. I should kill myself because I find her to be attractive, despite the fact that I don't even try to have sex with girls that age (although think it should be legal to and is natural to)?! Or I should kill myself because I say that people should be able to look at CP, ignoring the fact that I never even said that I myself am into CP (although plenty of others have said as much on my behalf, despite having no clue what I do or do not look at!). Pictures of prepuberty and early puberty kids simply are not attractive to me, I have no desire to look at them. If I could legally look at pictures of naked 15 year old girls, I certainly would, and I imagine a huge portion of males would as well. Maybe all males should just kill themselves.
But my primary point is that you want to kill me for my beliefs rather than my actions, which is truly scary.
Hell I even think this 14 year old girl is pretty attractive:
That girl is what I would consider borderline too young. So I suppose she is my 18 year old, lol. Tho I do find some 13 year olds to be attractive as well (for example http://ia.media-imdb.com/images/M/MV5BMjA5ODc3MzMyOV5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwMTMyMTQyNw@@._V1._SX640_SY960_.jpg seems at least somewhat attractive to me at 13, but she is too young for me to feel comfortable with), but many are simply too young looking. Pretty much as you drop from 14 I am exponentially less likely to find somebody of that age attractive, but it probably doesn't get down to universally not sexually appealing until 11. Though this doesn't mean I think it should be legal to have sex with early developing 12 or 13 year olds, I don't. But 14 I think is old enough in many cases, and most 15 year olds are old enough to consent.
guess I am a total sick fuck , oh well I will just take reassurance in the research that normal men are aroused by 12+ year olds as much as they are by 20+ year olds.
That is what a 15 year old girl looks like, just for your information. I imagine that you have some image in your mind of a young child, and I just want to show you what an actual 15 year old actually looks like. I should kill myself because I find her to be attractive, despite the fact that I don't even try to have sex with girls that age (although think it should be legal to and is natural to)?! Or I should kill myself because I say that people should be able to look at CP, ignoring the fact that I never even said that I myself am into CP (although plenty of others have said as much on my behalf, despite having no clue what I do or do not look at!). Pictures of prepuberty and early puberty kids simply are not attractive to me, I have no desire to look at them. If I could legally look at pictures of naked 15 year old girls, I certainly would, and I imagine a huge portion of males would as well. Maybe all males should just kill themselves.
But my primary point is that you want to kill me for my beliefs rather than my actions, which is truly scary.
Hell I even think this 14 year old girl is pretty attractive:
That girl is what I would consider borderline too young. So I suppose she is my 18 year old, lol. Tho I do find some 13 year olds to be attractive as well (for example http://ia.media-imdb.com/images/M/MV5BMjA5ODc3MzMyOV5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwMTMyMTQyNw@@._V1._SX640_SY960_.jpg seems at least somewhat attractive to me at 13, but she is too young for me to feel comfortable with), but many are simply too young looking. Pretty much as you drop from 14 I am exponentially less likely to find somebody of that age attractive, but it probably doesn't get down to universally not sexually appealing until 11. Though this doesn't mean I think it should be legal to have sex with early developing 12 or 13 year olds, I don't. But 14 I think is old enough in many cases, and most 15 year olds are old enough to consent.
guess I am a total sick fuck , oh well I will just take reassurance in the research that normal men are aroused by 12+ year olds as much as they are by 20+ year olds.