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Messages - kmfkewm

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Why should I kill myself? As already stated, I have never had sex with anybody under the age of 18, and indeed child pornography is not something that interests me, nor am I a pedophile for that matter. As previously stated, I am at 'worst' an ephebophile, and as the previously cited research shows this is extremely normal! I mean, can you really say that you don't find this girl (legal picture from out of some movie to ensure it cannot possibly be interpreted as CP of any sort, randomly selected by me so I could find a reference) to be sexually attractive?

That is what a 15 year old girl looks like, just for your information. I imagine that you have some image in your mind of a young child, and I just want to show you what an actual 15 year old actually looks like. I should kill myself because I find her to be attractive, despite the fact that I don't even try to have sex with girls that age (although think it should be legal to and is natural to)?! Or I should kill myself because I say that people should be able to look at CP, ignoring the fact that I never even said that I myself am into CP (although plenty of others have said as much on my behalf, despite having no clue what I do or do not look at!). Pictures of prepuberty and early puberty kids simply are not attractive to me, I have no desire to look at them. If I could legally look at pictures of naked 15 year old girls, I certainly would, and I imagine a huge portion of males would as well. Maybe all males should just kill themselves.

But my primary point is that you want to kill me for my beliefs rather than my actions, which is truly scary.

Hell I even think this 14 year old girl is pretty attractive:

That girl is what I would consider borderline too young. So I suppose she is my 18 year old, lol. Tho I do find some 13 year olds to be attractive as well (for example seems at least somewhat attractive to me at 13, but she is too young for me to feel comfortable with), but many are simply too young looking. Pretty much as you drop from 14 I am exponentially less likely to find somebody of that age attractive, but it probably doesn't get down to universally not sexually appealing until 11. Though this doesn't mean I think it should be legal to have sex with early developing 12 or 13 year olds, I don't. But 14 I think is old enough in many cases, and most 15 year olds are old enough to consent.

guess I am a total sick fuck :( , oh well I will just take reassurance in the research that normal men are aroused by 12+ year olds as much as they are by 20+ year olds.

Maybe things will get worse before they get better but the general trend over time is freedom. Two hundred years ago black people could be enslaved. Two hundred years from now people will wonder why it was ever a crime to look at any picture. Maybe before that happens there will be a holocaust of pedophiles, but today it is not a crime to be Jewish in Germany. The new paradigm will be anarchy instead of statism and libertarianism instead of slavery to the collective. I can already see that we are moving in this direction in many ways, and who knows how long it will take but I am confident that in some hundred of years people will not be persecuted because of their desires but rather because of their actions. And as I said there are already a number of factors in play that will lead to CP being decriminalized. Teenagers are huge producers of CP at 25% of teenagers in the US having taken sexual pictures of themselves and sent them over the internet. People are not going to tolerate teenagers being turned into sex offenders for being normal humans, and already in many states even of the USA they are discussing decriminalization of jailbait porn for teenagers. It is a small step from there to decriminalization of jailbait porn in general, and indeed some countries have already legalized possession of pornography featuring young teenagers even when other forms of child porn are still illegal to possess. Additionally, although the people as a whole are hysterical about CP possession, the people in positions of power such as federal judges are much more enlightened, and they are calling for reduced sentencing for CP possession and trying to make changes to the law. Additionally as more research is done people will see more and more that the people who view CP are largely not a risk to society, and indeed even that allowing pedophiles to view CP reduces their risk of offending with actual children. Once people are educated on the matter they will become more and more hesitant to sacrifice the lives of children in order to hurt those they find to be disgusting. A logical person who is against child molestation would be in favor of decriminalizing the possession of child pornography if they knew the facts, and the facts are going to keep coming even as some in the government (police, prisons, etc) continue trying to spread misinformation and to suppress the truth.

When the Supreme Court said that child pornography must be illegal and not protected as free speech, the world was a very different place. Back then almost everybody who got child porn was directly funding the molestation of children, almost everybody who produced child porn was sexually abusing children. Today almost nobody involved with child porn has contributed to the molestation of children and the biggest producers of child porn are teenagers with camera phones. The original argument that the supreme court made for criminalization of child porn is irrelevant in the modern world.

When I was in prison me and a couple other people killed some of you sick fucks. Hope I see you in there one day.

You killed people who had never had sex with anybody under the age of 18 or ever even claimed to have ever looked at CP in their entire lives, but who had opinions differing from your own? Wow you do belong in prison!

Well, I mostly helped co-ordinate getting out of securitys view.  But to answer your question, yes.

Have you ever considered that you might have killed somebody who wouldn't have even been in prison if they lived in Japan or perhaps Germany? Don't you feel that killing somebody is much worse than looking at a picture?

You STILL dont get it. Wtf does legality have to do with this subject? You think the community is going to feel different about you if you are in a state or country that allows you to hide behind a fucking loophole so you can look at kids?
WTF do you want? You want to fuck 14 year olds? Why the fuck would they want to fuck you? 99.9% of 14year olds dont want to fuck a man.. they want to fuck 14-17 year old boys or girls.

Well I never claimed that I am resisting the hoards of 14 year olds trying to jump on my dick lol. And it is not a loophole in these countries, you can try to discredit the laws of these countries all you want to or say that it is the shadowy pedophile mafia that has caused their laws to be such or say whatever you want, but the fact is other countries disagree with your sense of morality and I disagree with it as well. I also find it hard to imagine that if some hot 14 or 15 year old girl wanted to have sex with you that you would not want to fuck her as well. Maybe you wouldn't , hell probably you wouldn't even given how strongly you feel on the matter, but certainly I have no doubt that you would want to.

There is no disconnect in the analogy, you say people viewing CP causes children to be molested (dubious) I say that people buying drugs cause people to be murdered (obvious).

There is most certainly a disconnect in the analogy. Your analogy specifically asked the question, "do I think that drug users advocate the murders of those killed by the drug cartels?" But no one HAS to die, it's an unfortunate circumstance.

However, in CP, childer MUST suffer in order for the content to be produced. EPIC Disconnect. BTW- I don't know what PIR means.

Well technically children don't have to suffer for the content to be produced, it is theoretically possible (although so unlikely that is pretty nearly is impossible) for the same exact image to be produced by the flip of a coin and random chance. So there is not MUST technically. Also children already suffered for CP to be produced. More children don't NEED to suffer for people to view CP, it is just an unfortunate circumstance that they do. And you are not going to unmolest previously molested children.

PIR is private information retrieval, it is a cryptographic technique that allows somebody to obtain an item from a database with no third party (including the host of the database) being able to determine which item they got out of the database. If people only downloaded CP from PIR networks there would be no ability for anybody to claim that demand leads to supply, since demand cannot be determined. Therefore I ask you, are you okay with pedophiles downloading CP from PIR networks that operate without making a profit?

Look I saw one of your comments earlier that said something like, why is it socially acceptable for someone to view a picture of an 18 year old naked, but subtract a few years, and they call you a pedophile. I get that, I realise that most of that is ill logic and cultural programming. What I'm not okay with is the CP industry exploiting very, very young children as a fundamental crop, when you can still mold the child's brain, the child's beliefs for the rest of his or her life. We need to live in a society where the dignity of the individual is always the first value to be honored. If the person being exploited can understand the full reprocussions of what is about to happen to them and they still decide to go forward with it, then fine, otherwise, it's not okay. I'm not trying to sound hippy dippy here, but that's my honest opinion.

Dude I am certainly not okay with people producing CP and fucking ruining the lives of young children! I do not think that it is okay to do that to young children, and really I don't care if pedophiles who actually molest children get mandatory life prison sentences. But before we can be super strict on sex crimes we need to first define them properly. I think we should be super strict on sex crimes, maybe we should not give the death penalty due to the fact that some innocent people are convicted, but life sentence without parole unless proven innocent in the future is fine by me. The same can be done to rapists of adults as well. But I am not okay with someone who has sex with a willing 16 year old being subjected to these conditions. I am not okay with someone who has merely looked at a picture being subjected to these conditions. We need to first lower the age of consent to the minimum that can be thought of as acceptable, and we need to legalize the acts that do not directly result in the sexual abuse of minors. If the age of consent is lowered to 14 years old, as it already is in many nations, and CP is legalized to view, we will not even have a different opinion. Before we can be strict on crime we need to properly define what is criminal and before we properly define what is criminal we need to properly define what it is that should make something criminal. I think something should only be criminal if it directly causes harm to another person, with the other person not have initiated force against you of course. I do not see the harm that is caused to a child by somebody looking at a picture of anything, any indirect harm caused to them (ie: a pedophile decides to rape a kid because the counter on his website went up by one) is not the fault of the person who caused the indirect harm. Just as it is not the fault of a drug user if the cartel they help fund kills an innocent person and not the fault of the readers of a newspaper if a serial killer kills to get his story published so that people read it.

As far as age of consent goes we need to lower it to at least not cast normal men as sexual predators when they do not cause harm to others. There are a few things to take into consideration though. Sure the only important thing to take into consideration is if anybody is victimized. If it is normal for men to be attracted to infants well it is still not okay for them to have sex with infants. So the medical community at least seems to think a person should be capable of consent by the time they turn 15 years old, as at 15 they do not default to the position of the adult in the equation. I cannot fathom an age of consent above 15 years old, especially as most 15 year olds have reached adult physical maturity as well. Some 14 year olds are also certainly able to consent although it might be rarer. 13 year olds are not likely able to consent. So there are a few things we can do. The most fair thing is to have it so individuals take some sort of test and become licensed as capable of consent. Age is not what matters it is the cognitive development of the individual. If I thought it would cause harm to some 14 year old if I had sex with them, well I wouldn't allow myself to take advantage of them. But if they have proven that I will not cause harm to them by having sex with them, why should I not have sex with them if they want to have sex with me? I am not going to lie and say that I am not attracted to 14 year olds because I certainly am, just as normal men are! Another option is to do something like what Germany does, they have two ages of consent. The minimum age of consent in germany is 14, it is legal in many instances for an adult to have sex with a 14 year old. I believe teachers and others in positions of authority over the 14 year old are still not allowed to have sex with them. Also, if a 14 year old makes a claim that they were taken advantage of, then it becomes illegal for the adult to have had sex with them. But if the 14 year old never makes such a claim and the adult is not in a position of authority over them, then it is totally legal. The second age of consent in Germany is 16 years old, and a teacher can have sex with a 16 year old and a 16 year old who consents to sex can not later change her mind and decide she was taken advantage of. Another option is that we can lower the age of consent to the minimum age where a substantial portion of the people have achieved the ability to consent. 15 is when most have, 14 is where several have, so I would say 14 is fine in my book. What is NOT acceptable is what the USA is doing, which is saying that the age of consent is the age where it is EXCEPTIONAL for somebody to not be capable of consenting. It is the exact opposite of what should be done, we should not wait until 99% of people a certain age are capable of consent and punish men who have sex with people in an age range where 80% of people are capable of giving consent.

I think we should be very strict on crime and I have little sympathy for criminals. Hell, I am a totalibertarian, anything that violates the liberty of another should be harshly dealt with. Stealing should result in severe sentences, rape in life sentences, child molestation in life sentences. But before we can be strict on criminals we need to accept that what we currently think of as criminal is not! We need to legalize drugs, we need to legalize the viewing of CP and any other information, we need to lower the age of consent , etc. We need to have laws not that the majority support but that no reasonable person would reject. No reasonable person would reject that stealing is wrong or that child molestation is wrong or that murder is wrong, but there are plenty of reasonable people who reject that the age of consent should be 18 or that it should be illegal to merely view child pornography, and this is evidenced by the fact that the age of consent is below 18 in the majority of the world and child porn is legal to view in half of the world.

When I was in prison me and a couple other people killed some of you sick fucks. Hope I see you in there one day.

You killed people who had never had sex with anybody under the age of 18 or ever even claimed to have ever looked at CP in their entire lives, but who had opinions differing from your own? Wow you do belong in prison!

Well, I mostly helped co-ordinate getting out of securitys view.  But to answer your question, yes.

Have you ever considered that you might have killed somebody who wouldn't have even been in prison if they lived in Japan or perhaps Germany? Don't you feel that killing somebody is much worse than looking at a picture?
Lol no?   I don't live in Japan or Germany. That's doesn't even help your case.  Stop being a moralfag and trying to justify being a sick fuck.  You're a sick fuck, atleast admit it to get some respect.

I don't feel like I am a sick fuck for being sexually attracted to young teenagers, indeed all research indicates that I am perfectly normal in this respect.

When I was in prison me and a couple other people killed some of you sick fucks. Hope I see you in there one day.

You killed people who had never had sex with anybody under the age of 18 or ever even claimed to have ever looked at CP in their entire lives, but who had opinions differing from your own? Wow you do belong in prison!

Well, I mostly helped co-ordinate getting out of securitys view.  But to answer your question, yes.

Have you ever considered that you might have killed somebody who wouldn't have even been in prison if they lived in Japan or perhaps Germany? Don't you feel that killing somebody is much worse than looking at a picture?

There is no disconnect in the analogy, you say people viewing CP causes children to be molested (dubious) I say that people buying drugs cause people to be murdered (obvious).

There is most certainly a disconnect in the analogy. Your analogy specifically asked the question, "do I think that drug users advocate the murders of those killed by the drug cartels?" But no one HAS to die, it's an unfortunate circumstance.

However, in CP, childer MUST suffer in order for the content to be produced. EPIC Disconnect. BTW- I don't know what PIR means.

Well technically children don't have to suffer for the content to be produced, it is theoretically possible (although so unlikely that is pretty nearly is impossible) for the same exact image to be produced by the flip of a coin and random chance. So there is not MUST technically. Also children already suffered for CP to be produced. More children don't NEED to suffer for people to view CP, it is just an unfortunate circumstance that they do. And you are not going to unmolest previously molested children.

PIR is private information retrieval, it is a cryptographic technique that allows somebody to obtain an item from a database with no third party (including the host of the database) being able to determine which item they got out of the database. If people only downloaded CP from PIR networks there would be no ability for anybody to claim that demand leads to supply, since demand cannot be determined. Therefore I ask you, are you okay with pedophiles downloading CP from PIR networks that operate without making a profit?

When I was in prison me and a couple other people killed some of you sick fucks. Hope I see you in there one day.

You killed people who had never had sex with anybody under the age of 18 or ever even claimed to have ever looked at CP in their entire lives, but who had opinions differing from your own? Wow you do belong in prison!

I kind of get what you're saying, but there's a disconnect in your drug cartel/user to CP/viewer analogy, becuase drug cartels don't kill their users, that would be stupid.

CP producers don't molest the users of CP either??? There is no disconnect in the analogy, you say people viewing CP causes children to be molested (dubious) I say that people buying drugs cause people to be murdered (obvious).

Most of the murders are cartel on cartel crime, or they just flat out eliminate the competition. Drug users don't advocate killing of other cartel members because cartel on cartel crime doesn't have to be part of the equation in the production of drugs, it's an unfortunate circumstance. Not the case with CP.

Drug users must advocate the killing of innocents (it is not true that the cartels only kill cartel members, they kill fucking everybody), because they buy drugs even though the circumstances are such that they are funding murderers! By your logic we should put the blame for the murders of the drug cartels on the people who buy the drugs, and not the people who kill or order killings. And killing has to be part of the equation with a serial killer getting stories of his killings published in the newspapers so people can read them, do you therefore hold responsible for murder the readers of a newspaper that details for entertainment value the exploits of a serial killer? You really need to do some pretty serious mental gymnastics to say that people who view images of CP are responsible for child molestation while claiming that drug users are not responsible for the murders of cartels or that readers of newspaper articles on serial killings are not responsible for murders. PS: The holocaust was required for images of the holocaust, should we charge all who view those images with war crimes?

Basically, you can run a succesful drug business, provide product to everyone, no one has to get shot. But people are greedy. Whereas with CP, you do give incentive to these guys to produce these films. Look, just because the stuff is free doesn't mean someone isn't making money. I've been in internet marketing for over 15 years, stuff that's free on the internet makes money. A good example is Youtube.

Okay so how do you feel about not for profit CP distribution via PIR, where the demand for CP can not be determined. You just dodge the main point I am trying to make by making your hypothetical situations more and more convoluted. We can address any potential for demand to lead to supply. We can address any potential for anybody to profit off of people viewing CP. Even assuming that you are correct, which I certainly do not, we can address perfectly the issues that you bring up. Repeating these issues over and over at this point is to ignore the fact that if they are real they can be addressed. 

yes I do drugs..  no I don't think they are LEGAL in my town since I want to do them.. Do I wish they were?  yes, but I am not mental like you and think that everyone else is mental that doesn't think like you do

you see?

and you belong to the community whether you like it or not..  even if you dig a hole and be a hermit, you are still part of your community..   sucks huh?

Why do you do drugs if your community has said that you cannot?! Don't you think you are the slave of your community?! Why don't you just move to a community that lets you do drugs instead of try and make a change in your own community?! I do think everybody is mental and brainwashed or just a slave trader if they want drugs to be illegal. Yes, they have a fucking mental problem, either they want to enslave others or they have been brainwashed by the media and the government, just like with CP viewers. You don't in your community try to convince people that drugs should be legal? You don't use logical arguments to show them why they are wrong in thinking drugs should be illegal? You act like you just bow to the community and are the slave of the community but yet you use drugs? You are totally inconsistent and honestly I think you have a broken mind.

And no I don't belong to my community, I belong to myself. Just as a black slave did not belong to his master. You are a collectivist and a statist and the worst sort of human.

PS: I never said it is legal to look at pictures of flashing 16 year olds in the UK either, I just said it should be. Do you think I think that is legal? Where did I say that ever? I only said it is not wrong and it should not be illegal. You think it is wrong because it is illegal. You think the law determines what is right and what is wrong, yet you are a hypocrite as you use drugs while it is not legal for you to. How about you not throw stones living in a glass house? Before you tell me to move to a place where it is legal to have sex with 16 year olds or look at such pictures how about you move yourself to a state where drugs are legal?


So if I want to see 40 year old cock in 18 year old holes I am perfectly normal and that is just A-okay, but subtract 1-4 years from the 18 year old and omfg I am a huge pedophile and should be burned alive most likely. Even though you cannot reliably tell if someone is 14.5 or 18 years old by looking at them? Even though nearly all men have the same sexual response to 14.5 year olds as they do to 18 year olds? What exactly is so cold about that? It is similar to how it is legal to fuck 16 year olds all day in the UK but as soon as you look at a picture of a 16 year old flashing you are a horrible pedophile and should be burned at the stake! What is the magical property of photography that you guys are seeing, that makes it so it is not immoral to look directly at the breasts of a 16 year old, but a horrible sin to look at the photograph of the same breasts?!

Bravo.  I think we just got a breakthrough as a shrink would say

You just explained the disconnect you have with consent and non-consent.  Being with that 16 year old in UK, without it being rape, is consent.  And thus when you are viewing pictures, it is up to the consent of your community and the source of the pictures.  If the 16 year old is in a town where it is legal to put her self on the web, and you are in town that allows it then you are fine.  Why don't you live in those places?

I am all for state rights.  If one state (like South Carolina) wants to be pretty open with their age of consent, etc, then fine.

You want everyplace to accept anything you see that somewhere else accepts.  Just move to the places that accept what you like and keep it there.

what is so hard in that?

I take it that you are not a drug user? Since you think the state determines morality. So were you okay with the holocaust since it was state sanctioned? I am not a moral relativist, I think right and wrong are independent of culture. Moral relativists think slavery was moral before it was made illegal. 

I don't see how you can possibly think it is okay to label someone as a child predator and lock them up for decades if they do action X in geographic region A but not if they do X in geographic region B. To me, you are mentally defective, to a far worse degree than most pedophiles are. You have been infected with statism, the worst disease known to humanity (other than possibly religion).

I am not for states rights, I am for individuals rights. The state does not determine the rights of an individual. No matter how many Germans support the holocaust it is still wrong!

ps: people pay for Pepsi and Coke at the grocery store and there is a limited supply. The overwhelming almost totality of CP is available for free and there is an unlimited supply. See the huge difference?

A. Pictures of Jews being tortured and killed during the holocaust depict genocide
B. Viewing pictures of the holocaust is not the same as causing genocide to happen

We can reduce these sentences:

A. Pictures of bad thing happening depict bad things
B. Viewing pictures of bad things happening is not doing bad things

which in turn leads to:

A. Pictures of children being molested depict child abuse
B. Viewing pictures of children being molested is not the same as abusing children

Your logic is flawed, because while viewing CP doesn't directly abuse the children, it gives incentive to the people who create these films to produce more CP.

Put another way, If it were not for the people who actually view the CP, the people who produce the content would have no incentive to produce more. So in reality, people who watch CP are advocating the abuse and misuse of these kids.

How about an example with coke and pepsi? If coke and pepsi each sold one bottle a month, the grocery store shelves would not be continually stocked with product.

Your logic is flawed because:

A. It is not the responsibility of newspaper readers if a serial killer kills people so others will read about the killings in the newspaper. You cannot legitimately put the blame for child molestation on the people who view the images. Really you are using cop logic here. Is it the fault of drug users that drug cartels kill thousands of innocent people a year? You cannot say it is the fault of someone who views CP that children are molested without saying it is the fault of drug users that innocents are killed by drug cartels. Do you think people who use drugs are advocating the murders of those killed by the drug cartels?

B. The supply<->demand theory of CP viewing is not proven and is highly debated. I find it unlikely that normal people who do not plan to molest kids suddenly realize that omg somebody downloaded a CP file, the demand is there, and then they go out and start to molest kids. Seems like a crock of shit to me. I already said that paying for production should be illegal. I already pointed out that there are technical systems for hiding the demand of CP.

Here, let me give an example of PIR with coke and pepsi. 100 bottles of pepsi and 100 bottles of coke are put inside of a room. People entering the room can take a bottle of either Pepsi or of Coke. When they take a bottle of one, a bottle of the other is destroyed automatically. People leave the room with their selection hidden inside of a paper bag so nobody can see it. Now no matter who goes into the room, they cannot tell the demand for Pepsi versus the demand for coke, because if there is no demand for Pepsi there will still be an equal number of Pepsi bottles to Coke bottles. So nobody can determine the demand for either of them, and therefor the problem of demand leading to supply is taken care of. We can solve any potential demand leading to supply problem, as I have said about a million times now. So even assuming that non-financial demand for CP does lead to supply, which is highly doubtful in itself, and even assuming that we place the blame for supply of CP on people who want to look at it despite the fact that we don't put the blame for cartel murders on drug users, WE CAN PERFECTLY MASK DEMAND. So please until you find a way to break information theoretic private information retrieval, stop with this stupid argument of demand leads to supply. Already solved that issue!

Security / Re: Qubes Qubes Qubes
« on: September 01, 2013, 01:41 am »
I would also love to see a Qubes Server Edition, basically Qubes without the GUI, and instead of choosing between KDE or Xfce, you could choose web and database servers which would be VM isolated. Add a TorVM and you have a highly secure, out of the box solution for hidden services.

FreeBSD and OpenSolaris sound like they might interest you. You can configure TorVM with FreeBSD jails or OpenSolaris Zones. And also you can isolate everything you run, although you need to do it manually. You can upgrade all jails at the same time with FreeBSD as well.

The Blue Lagoon was good since it had enough context to be the ultimate 'coming of age' movie if their ever was one.  If it was just a romp on an island with lots of kids it would of been CP.   But were the main actors scarred by making that film? That could be.. but it seems that Atkins and Shields came through it well.  I think because how well it was handled.  They can view it and see the innocence of it all in its context.

Ah Brooke Shields, there are some images of her that are more or less identical to softcore CP images from Eastern Europe, but her images have been declared as legal and art! Just like the vietnamese girl burning from napalm is legal but a picture of some random girl burned by a pedophile is illegal.

Problem with OP is that he really doesn't understand the emotional side of anything...

Emotion should not have a role in dictating the law, only logic.

he just wants to see 40 year old cock in 14 year old's holes

that is as cold as he is

So if I want to see 40 year old cock in 18 year old holes I am perfectly normal and that is just A-okay, but subtract 1-4 years from the 18 year old and omfg I am a huge pedophile and should be burned alive most likely. Even though you cannot reliably tell if someone is 14.5 or 18 years old by looking at them? Even though nearly all men have the same sexual response to 14.5 year olds as they do to 18 year olds? What exactly is so cold about that? It is similar to how it is legal to fuck 16 year olds all day in the UK but as soon as you look at a picture of a 16 year old flashing you are a horrible pedophile and should be burned at the stake! What is the magical property of photography that you guys are seeing, that makes it so it is not immoral to look directly at the breasts of a 16 year old, but a horrible sin to look at the photograph of the same breasts?!

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