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Messages - kmfkewm

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I found 15 year old girls attractive when I was 15.  Now they're just teenage girls to me.

I'm with you on this. There's a lot more to attraction that the physical looks.

Yeah, a 15 year old can look attractive, but talk to her and you'll see she is still not much more than a young child.

"Has a pretty face, breasts and pubic hair" does not equal "is attractive", in my opinion.

This thread is about CP though, so we are talking mainly about physical looks rather than emotional maturity. But to me, I can't separate the two. Why look at a picture of a 15 year old when you can look at a picture of a 27 year old instead?

Honestly I don't care much about the personality of the adult females in the porn I look at, and I have never once talked to any of them. For me attraction is 80% visual, and I think teenagers and young twenty year olds are more visually appealing. Especially when it comes to porn, that is 100% visual attraction there is nothing else to even take into consideration. The emotional maturity of a girl is not encoded into pictures taken of her, just the way light reflects off of her. I am only being a little sarcastic when I say that I think some people must think Harry Potter is real and living creatures exist in photographs.

Sure when it comes to having real relationships with people there is more to take into account, although visual attraction is still a huge role. For short term sexual relationship visual attraction is pretty close to as much the deciding factor as it is in porn. For long term relationship personality and other factors come into play a lot more. But in the context of porn the argument doesn't make much sense to me, because you don't talk to pictures you just enjoy them. In the context of relationship that is meaningful or even short term it comes into play because you seem to think that 14 and 15 year olds are not mentally developed despite being physically developed. I just don't know that I can agree that they are not mentally developed enough, I think even the medical community says that on average a 15 year old is capable of consenting and will not defer to authority. In the case of a 14 year old it might be more risky that they are taken advantage of, but I think 14 is pretty much the borderline from both physical and mental perspective. Younger than that is not likely to be physically mature enough to be more than starting to develop sexually attractive characteristics (and much younger is not gonna have such characteristics at all), and younger than that is not likely to be mature enough to consent. But I think that is a good argument for the age of consent being 14 instead of 18, perhaps with some restrictions for 14-15 like they are off limits to authority figures and can retroactively revoke consent for a period of time. That is the law in Germany and I think it makes more sense, it is a better balance between protecting children and not demonizing normal men who are not even victimizing children in many cases.

18 = can consent to sex with anyone, cannot retrospectively revoke

16 = can consent to sex except with authority figures, cannot revoke previously given consent in the future (I thought they could have sex with people in authority positions as well but I was mistaken. So Germany actually has four age categories: can consent to anyone, can consent to people not in authority positions, can consent to people not in authority positions but can revoke consent retrospectively, cannot consent).

14 = can consent to sex except with authority figures such as teachers or police, can revoke consent in the future and argue that they were taken advantage of and manipulated due to their age

13 = cannot consent at all

German Law on consent:

2) Where sex occurs between an adult (over 18 or 21) and young persons between
14 and 16, prosecution depends on the following circumstances (Sexual abuse of
young persons Art.182):

For a person over 18 years (young adult and adult) sex with young persons between
14 and 16 is forbidden if accompanied by money or gifts of value, or if the adult takes
advantage of the distressed situation of the young person (eg. homelessness) in order
to procure sex. (An exception *may* be granted if the young person is a prostitute.

In addition to this, it is forbidden for a person over 21 years (adult) to perform any
sexual act with a person under 16, if the young person is not capable of sexual
self-determination; (This determination can only be made after the 'victim' has been
given a psychological examination). This last regulation is pursued only on complaint of
the victim's parents or foster-parents, except for cases of public interest.

The legal age of consent for dependent relationships, (e.g., teacher/student etc) is
18 (Sexual abuse of dependants Art. 174).

and it looks like they also break CP into three categories as well

13 and under = child porn , illegal, strictly prosecuted
14-17 = youth porn, legally ambiguous, tolerated
18+ = legal

I think the following quote shows a funny absurdness to their law though:

Giving access and showing pornography to persons under 18 is forbidden. It is, for
instance, legal for a man or woman to have consensual sex with a 16-year-old, and to
video or film this activity, but it is not legal to show this film to the young person
concerned or to any other person under 18.

Although it is no worse than the USA, where it is legal to look directly at the breasts of a 16 year old in some states but illegal to look at a photograph of them.

It actually looks like it is legal to produce porn of 14 year olds for commercial distribution in Germany, provided they have their parents permission, pass a psychological evaluation and are not financially compensated for it.

So really even the claim that CP is legal in 50% of the world is an understatement, in many European countries it seems they allow porn of 14-17 year olds to be viewed and even produced.

Security / Re: Dissent: accountable anonymous group communication
« on: September 04, 2013, 12:11 pm »
Afaik with Usenet it is essentially everybody gets everything PIR, in that everybody gets every message for the group or whatever. I am not sure though I never used Usenet but have read about it in the context of remailer networks. I think the original design for a PIR based anonymity system was actually intended to be an improvement on usenet. In the old model it was remailer to Usenet, then download the entire Usenet set of messages and filter for the ones you want. Pynchon gate brought down the bandwidth requirements by orders of magnitude by replacing Usenet + everybody gets everything with a simple distributed PIR that was not everybody gets everything.

I agree the only person that should censor what you see is yourself. And you should be able to do so easily and in a way that is scalable (ie: not downloading all messages and then ignoring them, but never downloading messages you want to ignore in the first place). All of these things can be done with PIR like systems (I am more interested in PSS and OWI but really all of these fancy new things are like extensions of PIR, other than EKS I suppose which is like PSS without the PIR-like aspect). But really it isn't even a requirement for it to be PIR-like, it just needs to be pull instead of push. The same thing helps for anonymity as well, the main reason Pynchon Gate is superior to Single Use Reply Blocks (SURBS) is because with a SURB based remailer an attacker can push messages to you but with Pynchon Gate PIR the clients pull messages of their own choice. This prevents an attacker from spamming you with a billion messages and then watching to see which node gets a billion messages pushed to it, since with Pynchon Gate PIR if the attacker spams you wil a billion messages you just don't pull any of them.

I made a pretty good basic design for a whitelisting messaging system I think, it is inherently whitelisting in that by the very nature of the system users cannot communicate with each other until they both have accepted to whitelist each other. Invitations to whitelist can be carried out through shared contacts as rendezvous, after an initial out of band social bootstrapping to get a few social contacts using the system.

I think Freenet is the most interesting and innovative of the anonymity networks personally.

Security / Tor is under attack
« on: September 04, 2013, 11:28 am »
A huge botnet is attacking Tor, nobody is sure exactly what it is doing but some think it could be trying to trace hidden services by tracing to entry guards and knocking them out until the HS's select attacker guards.

Real CP you know it when you've seen it. They look like little girls. Teen videos and ones that claim to be 14-15 are just high school seniors that are 18 and look younger than they are. That is why Larry flints "barely legal" series are so popular. Some of the most watched videos on porn websites are teen ones, if you type in "teen porn" you will find Millions of teen based websites with girls that look younger than 18 and they even have disclaimers saying so "all models are 18 yeas of age" or some shit, because they look so young, they were picked because of that.

So, for all this RAWR! CP!!"  The CP that is disgusting is the shit you KNOW are little girls and I mean LITTLE, not a young teenager.  You can find so many models that look 14-15 years old on porn sites and they are 19-21 years old. So, just stop it.

CP you know it when you see it, if there is even a hint of doubt it's probably fake CP (pictures are a Photoshopped all to hell) I think CNN did a special on CP at one point and showed how easy it was to turn in a 20 year old into a 10 year old with some simple Photoshop tricks.

Stop what? First of all there is a metric fuck ton of real "CP" featuring teenagers of various under 18 year old ages, it is called jailbait and is a substantial part of CP. Sure, I know that there is also a metric fuck ton of really obvious CP, ranging from 'meh' pictures of nudist kids to 'wtf' pictures of young kids being molested to 'omfgwtf' pictures of little kids being tortured and raped. Big spectrum, I never denied that. I merely said that although I personally am not into CP, I don't deny that I am attracted to teenagers and don't give a flying fuck about jailbait. But, that said, I also don't give a flying fuck what people look at at all! Because a picture of a child being abused is not child abuse, etc. I guess I am just left wondering what it is you want me to just stop? I certainly never said that all CP is jailbait, I only said that jailbait is the only CP I would personally be interested in, since everybody decided I am a pedophile because I support the right of people to free speech etc. I also did mention that most men also are quite similar to me in this way, and indeed you are right the popularity of the fake jailbait sites is just proof of that. But actually if you go to a porn site that allows user uploaded content, a lot of the teen porn you look at is actually underage shit, the same underage teen shit that is traded on illegal forums in some cases. The thing is police don't really give a fuck about it. Some of it is certainly older girls trying to look like young teenagers, but a substantial amount of it is also young teenagers. If you go to porn sites that allow user uploaded content and look at teenage or barely legal pornography there is a very high chance that you have actually looked at underage porn.

Of course if you go to a site that sells content that they produce or contract for themselves, it is overwhelmingly going to be legal. But go to any public porn site that allows users to upload files or galleries, or any amateur site that is real, searching for teen porn is gonna turn up real underage porn, you just wont be able to tell it apart from the legal porn that tries to look like it is underage teenagers. Which is also why this is kind of funny, because some of the people calling me a sick fuck probably look at "legal" porn on such sites and actually it is not as legal as they think it is :P. Barely legal and teen porn is massively popular and unless you are getting it straight from the commercial producers and not from free sites that allow user uploaded content, well, you probably jacked off to a 15 year old at least once by now :P.

Security / Re: Interesting research
« on: September 04, 2013, 07:44 am »
This attack still applies to hidden services. Connections to hidden services are not magically protected from timing correlation attacks.

The writing is on the wall for VPN's, Tor , I2P and Proxies of all sorts. They are all dying technologies at best and dead at worst.

Security / Re: Dissent: accountable anonymous group communication
« on: September 04, 2013, 07:16 am »
this board doesn't get spammed up that much because it isn't cost effective to spam it up.
This board exists as an anonymous community only because right now, there's an gap between available technologies (Tor, hidden services, and Bitcoin, to support SR to support this board) that has outpaced the capabilities of the people who don't want it to exist.

At the point where that balance changes, this board will cease to exist.   Flood attacks, LE kicking down doors and shutting down servers for SR's activities, you name it.   

What research into PIR, EKS, accountable anonymity, and all the other (annoyingly technical bullshit to most people here) buys us all is a chance at still having that ability to still have an anonymous conversation after that shift in balance occurs.

Indeed, it is time for the new generation of security software. No doubt about it. The paradigm of Tor and I2P style networks is over, we need to move fast too I am afraid. The software we are using now can be replaced by so much better designs that it is kind of scary really. Even GPG is using what RSA and CAST5 by default? Time for some ECDH and AES-256 up in this bitch. The future of anonymity is going to be based on mixes and systems that are "PIR-like", I very strongly believe this. We need to march forward and we need to do it fast, because I don't think the old model is going to last much longer. And indeed I think it is already near its end. CP has been the canary in the coal mine for Tor for a long time. Right now there is not CP on Tor, I think that speaks volumes.

However I dislike the idea of revocable anonymity etc. I like the idea of whitelist by design a lot better. As I said before, it shouldn't be about some group picking who can talk but rather about individuals picking who they want to listen to.

any platform that doesnt allow for child pornography, terrorist organizations, drug dealing and general bullshittery is not any platform i want to be a part of.

Any platform that tries to restrict information is something I want nothing to do with.

wow so u dont like free speech, what a tool.

No, I don't like free speech, and I've made my opinion on this subject abundantly clear before. Ironically, the long thread where I debated this with Roky Erickson about 8 months ago was deleted. Free speech is a bullshit idea that mostly Americans are brainwashed to believe in. It sounds nice in theory, but in practice it leads to 99% noise. Furthermore, nobody actually believes in free speech. Even on this forum, which is touted as a free speech playground, spam, scams, doxing, and cp stories are banned. Find a truly unfettered speech platform and I will show you 99% bullshit and noise.

You learn and grow through the judicious consumption of information, not by consuming every piece of input you encounter. Your own brain works that way. You filter out the vast majority of information hitting your senses. You would be overwhelmed if you tried to take it all in. Schizophrenia is a condition where they lose that filter, and it is sometimes described as "watching 500 TV channels at once". There's nothing enlightening about that. As ECC alluded to above, censorship isn't about blocking dissenting views. It's about filtering out someone shouting nonsense a million times into the void. It's about filtering out the 99% noise that invariably pervades, consumes, and destroys any truly "free speech" platform.

Every healthy community and discourse REQUIRES moderation.

Can't help but disagree with this. Free Speech is good. Free Speech means anybody can say whatever they want, it doesn't mean that you are forced to listen. CP stories being banned is hilarious, but at least DPR lets us have free speech regarding CP which I highly appreciate. This forum is quite libertarian and free speech seems to be pretty accepted here. But the problem is you are thinking in an old paradigm. See, we don't need a group of moderators to tell people what they can say, we need to give people the power to only listen to those they want to while effortlessly ignoring the others. See, I don't care if a forum is full of spam, so long as I can press a button and not have to see any of it. I want people to be allowed to spam, I don't want to censor them. But I don't want them to censor me either, by making it so I can not navigate what I want to through their spam. The answer is not to tell them what they can or cannot do but rather to empower the user so that the user can get to what they want without running into things they don't want. You confuse free speech with some other concept I think.

Censorship = telling others what they can say
Empowerment = helping others only listen to who they want to

Censorship is *always* bad.


BTW, this forum would be a useless shithole if it didn't ban the spams, scams, and doxing.

Find an abandoned forum, filled with thousands of spam messages. That's free speech. That's what no censorship or moderation gives you.

If you hate censorship so much, you can hang out there. Have fun on your "free speech" platform.

Censorship is one way to try to solve the problem of spam and noise. Another solution is to let people select to only listen to things they want to, while ignoring the noise. I personally am in favor of empowering users rather than censoring them.

Security / Re: Dissent: accountable anonymous group communication
« on: September 04, 2013, 06:54 am »
coming out of a university they're gonna have to convince me hard that the govt don't have some secret backdoor into this thing. until then i'm remaining skeptical.

Lol dude if you don't trust security software coming out of university you better pack up your bags and go home, or over to I2P at least ;). Even Freenet has ties to the academic community.

Security / Re: Dissent: accountable anonymous group communication
« on: September 04, 2013, 04:51 am »
If it is based on DC-net's it is probably indeed provably anonymous to the set size, but the set size will be small. Also they will really need to be able to boot misbehaving spammers because only one person at a time can send a message on a DC-net.

edit: though you can have redundant DC-nets using the same infrastructure the get around that. It still isn't considered a very scalable solution.

I should also point out that a DC-net actually isn't totally immune to traffic anaylsis over time. If three people get together and want to anonymously answer the question "did one of us pay for the meal we are sharing", then yeah , if it is implemented correctly it is indeed perfect anonymity in that the question can be answered without the possibility of anybody knowing who paid for the meal. But once you get to the point of anonymous communicating pseudonyms in a large network that changes over time, although you cannot tell who sent a bit as a certain pseudonym from a single snapshot of the network, over time intersection attacks are still possible with node churn. So a DC-net is only perfect anonymity to the set size if the set size starts at X members and never loses a single member or gains a single member. Theoretically they can indefinitely be perfectly anonymous to the maximum degree possible (to the entire set size) but in the real world the anonymity they provide doesn't stay perfect for long.

I suppose it is almost but not quite like how a one time pad is perfectly secure encryption.....until you send the key encrypted with RSA. Or forget that you only send two messages of different sizes and forget to pad them ;). DC-net is perfectly anonymous communication, until people leave the network, or new people join the network, or the NSA cuts the internet to your country and waits to see if your pseudonym keeps communicating on the network.

Security / Re: Dissent: accountable anonymous group communication
« on: September 04, 2013, 04:46 am »
I don't like the way dissent goes about kicking users or whatever. I prefer whitelisting by default, meaning only people who you whitelist can send you messages that you obtain. There is no reason for a group of people to decide who gets to talk, it is up to you to decide who you should listen to.

Honestly I couldn't even claim that I am certain I could tell the age difference between this 18 year old

versus this 15 year old

(and actually I think the 18 year old looks younger in this picture of her when she is 19: , largely because her skin has more of a glow to it).

But my general point is I don't see how you could possibly find the 18 and 19 year old as attractive but not the 15 year old, the difference between their appearance is negligible, with the only real tell being skin smoothness and glow (which I actually find more attractive anyway, and I imagine most men do as well, or why else would older females spend a fortune trying to make their skin appear like that?).

Oh god, you're completely mad.  I found 15 year old girls attractive when I was 15.  Now they're just teenage girls to me.  Get the hell out of here.

I highly doubt that you don't find that 15 year old girl to be attractive, but feel free to keep lying to yourself (or just others) for whatever reason. Like I said, all research is on my side, blah blah blah, maybe you are one of the exceptionally rare males who is not attracted to 15 year olds but it is highly doubtful given how rare they are.

Over the past few days I came up with a nice analogy to show why thinking with emotions is a bad thing. This idea was brought on by novocaines observation that the victims will never side with me.

Imagine that there is a world owned by the couple Alice and Bob, and they create the laws of the world and enforce them but they only enforce laws that have already been created. Alice and Bob have two young kids, Carol and Dan. One day, Carol decides she wants to try MDMA. Unforunately, due to the war on drugs of Alice and Bob, Carol cannot get MDMA from a legitimate source, and rather gets it from the shady dealer Earl. Except to make a quick buck and duck the law, Earl has passed off some dangerous research chemical as MDMA, and because of this Carol overdoses and dies. Now Alice and Bob are quite emotional people, and as they feel they have been victimized by drug users and drug dealers, they create even more strict laws against drugs. In a big round up of drug dealers, they arrest both Earl and another drug dealer named Fran. Now, Fran only sold high quality drugs and never misrepresented them to try to make a buck at the risk of her customers health. But Alice and Bob don't care because Fran is a drug dealer, and drug dealers killed their little girl. So now Alice and Bob feel emotionally satisfied that they have done something in the name of their daughter, cracked down on drugs, etc. But nothing changes! The drug laws are even more restrictive, people have higher motivation to pass off dangerous legal drugs as saught after substances, and although Earl is rightfully in jail Fran is in jail despite never having caused harm to anybody or wronged anybody at all. But any appeal to logic is seen as crazy by Alice and Bob, after all, drug dealers killed their daughter and they are victims of the drug dealers and will never side with the people who hurt their daughter.

In a more logical world, Alice and Bob would realize that although superficially the reason their daughter died is because of the bad drugs Earl sold her, in reality the reason she died is because there was a war on drugs in the first place. If drugs were not forced to be underground, self regulation of the industry would occur on a much larger scale, people like Earl would not be reputable, people would get brand name drugs from legitimate stores and the quality would be assured as the brand of the company selling the drugs would depend on it. Stores like this would likely be operated by dealers like Fran, and dealers like Earl would never even be part of the equation. So instead of seeing drugs and drug dealers as one big system, Alice and Bob would be better to analyze the *details* of the system, and had they done so they would realize the root cause of the problem was not Earl but rather their policy on drugs in the first place. And assuming they have an emotional rather than logic response, the fact that nothing has really changed is going to lead their other child Dan to be at risk of meeting the same fate as Carol. It becomes a perpetual cycle of tragedies, the tragedies being that kids like Carol and Dan are dying, that innocent people like Fran are going to prison despite not really being bad people, etc. The only thing that changes is the emotional response of Alice and Bob, they *FEEL* that their actions are making a difference despite the fact that their actions are causing this horrible cycle.

The same thing holds for CP as well. Imagine the same characters, except this time Carol is abducted, raped and murdered by Earl (and Fran is now Fred). Now Earl also takes pictures of the molestation of Carol and publishes them on the internet. Fred is a pedophile but he doesn't rape kids because he has the ability to control himself. But he doesn't feel that he causes harm to anybody by looking at their photographs, and he views CP to help him manage his deviant urges, plus it is legal to do so in the Land Of Alice and Bob. Now since Alice and Bob are emotional and have an emotional response, immediately after their daughter is killed they crack down on pedophiles. Now just viewing CP gets a death sentence, and they round up many pedophiles and kill them along with Earl (Although Fred remains undetected). Alice and Bob are still hurt at the loss of their daughter, but they feel better and more in control knowing that they have done something. But the situation has not really been made better, in fact it has been made worse. Fred has always had urges to rape kids, but has kept it in check partially by using pornography as an outlet. He knew in the past that viewing CP was legal and he could not get in trouble for it, but now if he looks at it he risks the same death sentence as someone who actually molests kids. Now maybe he is a good person and decides he still will look at pictures instead of rape kids, because he doesn't want to damage kids. But his motivation for not raping kids just got a lot less. He cannot control his desires and he needs an outlet, he could try to abstain from all such activities but realistically that is just not likely to happen. So maybe he ends up abducting and killing Dan, the other child of Alice and Bob. And the cycle of tragedies continues, kids are abducted and raped and photographed and killed, people have emotional responses and it leads them to hurt a lot of people who are not really doing anything that causes harm to society (all the people who were merely looking at photographs), and indeed they make it MORE likely for such people to START causing actual harm to society (because now they will get the same sentence for viewing images as they will for actually raping kids). The only thing good that comes of it is that Alice and Bob feel more in control, they *FEEL* like they are making a difference, but it is just a delusion, just a feeling, a deceptive emotion that is the opiate they use to mask their pain. In reality they are contributing to the problem, and the cycle will continue over and over and nothing will change but more kids will be hurt and more innocent people will be sent to prison and killed. In a more logical world Alice and Bob would be able to *SEE* that it is not Freds fault that their daughter was killled, sure kill Earl he certainly deserves nothing but death, but he is a different thing than Fred. Alice and Bob will say oh we are the victims of pedophiles how could we ever side with them, but in thinking this way (based off of their emotions) they are contributing to tragedies instead of preventing them.

We need to look at the parts of these things and see what the real problem is. The problem is not drug dealers and drugs, the problem is bastards selling dangerous drugs as less dangerous drugs, the problem is caused by the same war on drugs that people rally for when the problem manifests itself with the death of a child. And then they send more and more innocent people to prison, people who if given a chance would stop the deaths associated with drugs or at least reduce them significantly. The problem is not pedophiles looking at pictures, the problem is people who cannot control themselves and/or have no respect for the life of a human. This problem is intensified by the same war on pedophiles looking at pictures, because it equates them with people who abuse children and if they are seen as equal or punished such that they may as well be equal, there is less motivation for them to not rape kids. If they are seen as just as bad to society as the people actually raping kids, they will internalize that in many cases, they will say I am not going to stop doing things like this because I nearly cannot, and if they think I am as bad as possible for looking at pictures why shouldn't I rape kids? And it takes a truly good person and logical person at that to realize that right and wrong are independent of what this brainwashed society says, because even if society says looking at CP is as bad as raping a child I have to respect the pedophiles who know better than this. And it is the same thing, a bunch of preventable tragedies done in the name of the good feelings of the victims, so the current victims can feel good and feel in control and like they are doing something to help, we let them do things that are not only unhelpful but are counter productive, things that lead to the deaths of children and to the demonization of people who should be seen as neutral or even applauded for knowing that looking at a picture is not the same thing as raping a fucking child.

So just to be clear as to my age range for sexual attraction, with references (note that all pictures are merely of actresses from movies and such, and that they have obviously consented to their pictures being viewed, and I am not finding random pictures on myspace, so don't feel like it is inappropriate to use their pictures as references for the development of girls at a certain age)

15 = hot ->

14 = borderline too young but still quite attractive ->

13 = somewhat attractive but too young ->

12 = clearly too young and not really sexually attractive as looks like a child ->

I just wonder if anybody can really disagree with me? Please before you tell me I should kill myself at least look at what girls look like at the age ranges I am attracted to (in addition to much older as well), and tell me that I am a sick deviant after having done so. Prior to your doing this I don't think I am even going to consider suicide! I mean using these pictures as references of what girls a certain age look like, I see the sharpest difference between 12 (which looks like a child and certainly too young and not sexually appealing to me at all in this instance) and 13 (which looks a lot more sexually appealing but still a bit too young). I don't think that the 13 year old actress looks like a child though. But the 12 year old looks like a child and is not at all appealing to me.

I would describe the links as a very hot 15 year old actress, a sexually appealing but border line too young 14 year old actress, and a somewhat sexually appealing but needs another year 13 year old actress.

my idea of a good looking 15 year old:

novocains idea of a good looking 15 year old:

In my community you cant even take a picture at sporting event of a child unless you are licensed, checked by police and have been hired by the properties owner/leaser . Parents cant even take pictures.

And that doesn't seem like hysteria to you?

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