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Messages - kmfkewm

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Security / Re: Rasberry Pi + Tor = Onion Pi....Thoughts?
« on: September 12, 2013, 07:40 am »
Pretty much what Astor said, sounds like physical isolation, should be great for security from haxx0rz and such deanonymizing you.

Drug safety / Re: Ketamine stomach cramps - Somebody Help me PLEASE
« on: September 12, 2013, 07:36 am »
I have considered switching to IM ketamine. I have never heard of IM users getting K pains, and of course you are not going to trash your nose injecting it into muscle.

I thought the reason it is impossible to provide over sight for intelligence agencies is because they are professionals at lying and hiding stuff, and if you bother them too much you will get a mysterious case of radiation poisoning or have a poisonous pellet shot into your leg from the tip of a hollowed out umbrella.

Drug safety / Re: Ketamine stomach cramps - Somebody Help me PLEASE
« on: September 11, 2013, 07:35 pm »
7. I'm not to sure about  Omeprazole but from a quick research it appears to be a RX anti acid medication, This can be helpful I would take OTC Anti Acids to combat this and it helped.

Not only is it anti acid but it has direct action that inhibits the break down of ketamine into metabolites. I am not sure which is more helpful, but something that it does causes k-pains to stop. It looks like it slows the break down of ketamine->norketamine by about 15% or so at a standard dose. That probably means it significantly lowers the concentration of norketamine building up in your body.

Philosophy, Economics and Justice / Re: Why I abandonded Libertarianism
« on: September 11, 2013, 12:04 pm »
Don't you find it disturbing that your answer to all of lifes problems essentially boils down to "let's point gunts at rich people and take their money!" ?

I say "no, I am not in the least disturbed by that" given rich societies became that way by pointing guns at poor brown, black, Asian, and Arab people, shooting the fuck out of them, and then stealing their land / bananas / oil / fillings from their fucking teeth.

PS, asking rich people to pay their share for the collective good is not stealing their money. You read like you're almost 14 years old.

So you want to go through out all of history and try to settle the score? Seems like a complicated thing to do to me. I think it is better if we just say that we should all be free moving forward, from this point in time.

PS: My parents never owned slaves, and certainly never pointed guns at any poor brown, black, asian, or arab people to get rich. You sound like you might be a little bit racist against white people, I note that every single type of person has been exploited other than the devil whites, who all got filthy rich exploiting the others. Do you think that Africans used to have flight technology and live in a super technologically advanced society, before the white people came and robbed it all from them? I am just curious because I often find that people who talk like you believe in revisionist history.

PS: You are not ASKING anybody to do anything. Asking implies that you can be turned down. So why not just be honest and say POINTING GUNS AT AND DEMANDING. And it is not their fair share. How is it that someone owes money to the good of the collective? That sounds absolutely absurd doesn't it? Do you happen to be a communist?

Off topic / Re: dear everybody
« on: September 11, 2013, 11:53 am »
sure did

Off topic / dear everybody
« on: September 11, 2013, 11:48 am »
nobody gives a fuck that you subbed a thread. Seriously. Sometimes I go to a thread that has a new post thinking OMG somebody has something interesting to say. Then I see the last twenty people just said subbed. nobody cares.

Security / Re: Calling for a SR vendor to set up TOR relay fund
« on: September 11, 2013, 11:02 am »
Or you could donate yourself because you believe in freedom of speech

Drug safety / Re: Ketamine stomach cramps - Somebody Help me PLEASE
« on: September 11, 2013, 10:57 am »
in canada it is not available OTC. Depending how I feel tomorrow I may go into a doctors office and get a prescription.

I have my last eightball, after this I am quitting!

Are you sure there is not an OTC version? I think in most places low dose is OTC but high dose is not.

Drug safety / Re: Ketamine stomach cramps - Somebody Help me PLEASE
« on: September 11, 2013, 10:15 am »
thanks this is exactly what I am looking for. Where do I get Omeprazole from

Pharmacy, maybe gas station. It is probably over the counter where you live but might not be. I am not sure exactly why it causes k-pains to go away but in my experience it does. There are two mechanisms of action I can see, one is that it greatly reduces acid in the stomach, which is what it is made for. The second is that is actually inhibits the break down of ketamine into norketamine, so taking this will make it take longer for ketamine in your system to be metabolized, but it also will significantly reduce the by products of ketamine, mainly norketamine, so perhaps it is high concentration norketamine that causes the pain. All I know is that it stopped k pains for me, but I had to keep taking it because they kept coming back for several hours. But yeah, puke, take some of this, drink water.

Drug safety / Re: Ketamine stomach cramps - Somebody Help me PLEASE
« on: September 11, 2013, 09:47 am »
take Omeprazole it is the only thing that helps

You will need to take a lot more than is suggested. My experience is that a single dose will stop the pain for about half an hour, then you need to dose again. Try to throw up, the last time I had k-pains it was so horrible, but then it got so bad that I puked from it and immediately the pain totally went away.

So my advice:

Force yourself to throw up, take Omeprazole, and then drink a lot of water because you are probably dehydrated.

All they care about is making money for themselves

Nothing wrong with that! Self interest is good. What IS wrong is that they're exercising it with all out government protection. Read Assange's post carefully. He describes the fascist regime which regulates and taxes the competitors of the mega corps out of existence. Google is described as being part of the public-private revolving door maybe better than I've EVER heard it before. I mean Schmidt's fucking girlfriend being used as a go-between for Hillary?? The fucking scumbag head of Google's own thinktank being in central Asia "doing things the CIA cannot do"??! Holy fucking Christ!!!  :o :o :o

This is EXACTLY what's wrong with the world today and why we're about as far as we can possibly be from a free market. These people are scum who deserve to die. And their companies all need to be burned to the ground. I'm against a violent response to this shit but that's how I feel deep down when reading about it.  >:( >:( >:( >:( >:(

^^^ this - except ima all for a violent response as it has gone too far for anything else.

a little revolution every 25 yrs or so would be a good thing for this republic. " thomas jefferson " - might not be exact quote but whatever.

and as far as the corporate douche bags go - if i had a dick i would fuck bill gates ass till it was torn to shreds. and the rest of the parasites too!

was that too harsh?

Perhaps I can interest you folks in Totalibertarianism, the World Totalibertarian Liberation Army is currently taking recruits!


Philosophy, Economics and Justice / Re: Why I abandonded Libertarianism
« on: September 11, 2013, 09:38 am »
Another thing I have become convinced of is that there should be no notion of intellectual property. Ideas and information are things that cannot be owned, and the WTLA must enforce this as well. Not only will this be good for poor people and business start ups, but it will be good for all of humanity as well. It does not hurt those who create when we abolish the concept of intellectual property, they just need to switch to more modern models of production. For example, some say that if we say that anyone can copy a book, that the people who produce books will go out of business. But there are even models for these people, they can do something like Kickstarter and say they will not write their next book until a certain amount of money is sent to them. The model for these people needs to turn into one of pay to produce rather than pay for production. Because if you have a copy of a book and you own it, and you have a blank book, it is totally unacceptable to say that you are not allowed to make a copy of the book you own in the blank book you own. Totalibertarians are totally for peoples right to use their property as they see fit, and this idea just does not mesh well with intellectual property. And it does not hurt the book writers and others, they just need to switch to more modern models.

By abolishing intellectual monopolies we will cause many good things to happen, and it will hurt the unfair stranglehold that many established corporations have on their fields. This will be good for poorer people and business start ups, and it will not be bad for producers. The only people who will be harmed by this are those who think they can hold a claim to information. In Totalibertarianism, all information is indeed free, and nobody can claim to own an idea.

Philosophy, Economics and Justice / Re: Why I abandonded Libertarianism
« on: September 11, 2013, 08:51 am »
But what about those who can't afford good schools

Don't you find it disturbing that your answer to all of lifes problems essentially boils down to "let's point gunts at rich people and take their money!" ?
People cannot afford good schools, therefore we should steal money from rich people to fund the schools. Or should we point guns at educated people and make them teach for free? Here is the thing. In a libertarian society, there is indeed likely to be charity. Also, there are so many groups out there that want to brainwash people, that education is not going to be hard to come by. There will be not for profit Catholic schools and similar, where they mix decent education in many areas with dogmatic brainwashing in others. Also, in modern times, a person is able to teach themselves via the internet, at least to a very large extent. Centralized institutions of learning are dying a slow and painful death, the primary reason we need them is because people who hire for jobs like to see that people have a degree. In the future I hope we move more toward hiring based on merit instead of degree, with certifications and such, so self taught people are not at a disadvantage. But that is not up to me or you to decide, it is up to the people who hire. I can get online and talk to professors, security experts, programming experts, etc, and have them answer my questions. I talk to computer science professors online all the time, and I don't spend a dime for their advice! I can download things to teach me math, to teach me programming, to teach me history or a foreign language. On the internet there is a massive community that trades in knowledge, with more knowledgeable people teaching less knowledgeable people, all the way down to the total noobs. So if someone cannot afford to go to school, they can still become very educated if they can at least manage to get onto the internet. Also, people can work to make money for school! My parents were not rich when they were growing up, indeed they were pretty poor. And they still put themselves all the way through university, all the way to advanced degrees, all the way to making fuck tons of money. I have several friends with parents who have similar stories, either putting themselves through college and getting advanced degrees, or starting their own businesses and becoming millionaires in some cases. The people I know IRL are largely from families that demonstrate the fact that the economic ladder can be climbed, a lot of them went from broke to rich through hard work.

And then you want to punish people like this! People who worked hard to be able to move from little money to rich, you want to then take money from them and give it to other people so that they don't need to work as hard to do the same thing. So essentially you support slavery, because you want the hard work of some to benefit others, when the others have done nothing to benefit those who worked hard!   

who have to drive in the slow, cheaper lane while the rich drive past in the express lane

So instead we should what, point guns at the rich people and take their money so the poor people can afford to drive in the express lane? Maybe the poor people can work their way up to being able to own the damn express lane! It will be much easier when we abolish government regulations and laws! Think of all the business that is prevented by the government. What if some poor person wants to start a Bitcoin exchange? Hah, good luck doing that in USA, you would need so much money to hire lawyers and such to make sure you don't break the law, and even then you would probably go to prison. In a libertarian society, we don't give a fuck if you know your customers! You don't need to keep records, you are not going to run afoul of the law because we simply don't give a shit what you do, so long as you are not directly hurting others against their will. If you want to go out on the corner and sell crack, have at it! Want to be a prostitute? Go right ahead! One of the biggest reasons why many poor people are in perpetual poverty is because of things like the war on drugs, all things that we will abolish in a libertarian society. *EVERYBODY* will win in a libertarian world, the only people who will lose are the people who are currently exploiting everybody else! Maybe the rich have the most to gain in some ways, but trust me the poor have a lot to gain as well. How many drug prisoners do you think are poor people? All of them will be freed and then they can support their families. How many murders do you think are linked to the war on drugs? How much crime do you think is linked to the war on drugs? In a libertarian society, the communities that have been ravished by these things will see immediate improvements. Gang violence will drop over night, the cartels will be bankrupt, etc. Hundreds of thousands of people who are in prison not so much because they are drug users but rather because they are poor drug users, will be free! 

and whos rights the police ignore because they haven't paid  their subscription?

This is why we need to WTLA. Because we need to make sure that everybody has their rights protected. Anybody who violates the rights of another is acting against libertarianism, and therefore they are dissidents and enemies. Remember that we are totalitarian in our approach, we are not going to tolerate any dissidents what-so-ever. People who do not stick to the 'party' line must be swiftly and harshly dealt with. Sure, we can have other police agencies that people pay for protection. But at the end of the day we need to make sure that all dissidents are crushed like bugs. Maybe the answer is not Anarchy after all, with its decentralized private police agencies. Maybe the answer is a single body movement, a benevolent dictatorship. But there is no reason why only one person should be in control. Anybody who respects rights will be acting in the name of Totalibertarianism when they stop those who violate rights. So when it comes to action we can be and probably indeed must be decentralized, but when it comes to ideology we must be totally centralized. We can have the World Totalitarian Liberation Army and the World Totalibertarian Front, and they can have different leaders and members, but if any of them stray from the ideology of Totalibertarianism then they must be seen as the terrorist organization that they will have become, and crushed. By decentralizing the power we can prevent a single dictator from going against totalibertarianism, as the others will crush him like a bug, but we must ensure that only Totalibertarians are in power. 

I particularly like the idea of paying for police I agree with...! Will these only arrest me for crimes I agree I deserve to be arrested for?

Your police agency would likely never arrest you, but the police agency of someone whose rights you violate would. At this point your punishment can be decided upon by both agencies, after you are convicted by an impartial third party organization that they both agree upon. If any of the defense agencies goes against totalibertarianism in their actions, then they are terrorists and need to be crushed like bugs. 

(Feel free to bring up drug prohibition here as a straw man. I think everyone agrees that this is wrong but it does not follow that private police forces should therefore replace state funded, at least ostensiably indepoendent ones. And what about the judiciary! Will you only be tried by a court that you pay for and enforces only laws that you agree with?)

If a claim is brought against you by the defense agency of another person, then if you defense agency agrees that it is a crime you will be tried by a third party agency. If convicted by the third party agency, your punishment is up to all involved parties to decide upon. If somebody who does not have a defense agency is victimized, perhaps they can take it up with the World Totalibertarian Liberation Army, and we will handle their case for free.

You are saying that I am proposing that we go back through history and redistribute the wealth and work out who the rightful owners are. This 'you just want to divide everything up equally' has been a rabble rousing anti socialist argument since the 19th C. Its not true. I'm simply pointing out that the huge inequalities of ownership and opportunity in our present society would make any attempt to institute libertarianism a mockery of true freedom. It would be freedom for the rich to exploit the poor.  You are right that it would be ridiculous to try and establish what rightfully belongs to who, but since its you who wants to tear down the current system its for you to come up with a solution to this not me.

The rich most certainly cannot exploit the poor in a Totalibertarian society! Doing so would make them dissidents, and they would swiftly be crushed like bugs by the WTLA. Also, the poor mob cannot exploit the rich (what you want to happen), because to do so would make them dissidents, and they would be swiftly crushed like bugs by the WTLA. My solution is this, people own what is theirs. Is it so hard of a concept? Public property will need to be sold off and privatized, as there is no concept of public property in Totalibertarianism. perhaps the WTLA can seize it from the armed bandits who currently run the world and auction it off to the highest bidder. Then we can use the funds from this to help fund the WTLA.

As far as dividing everything up equally, I actually am willing to makr a suggestion to help you out oif this moral conundrum. How about, just to make things a bit fairer, we take a small portion of everyone's wealth, a little from the poor, and progressively more as you rise up the scale of wealth.  Then we use this money to fund schools for the poor, independent judiciary and police, and some kind if healthcare insurance for everyone. Unemployment insurance to prevent employers using the threat of poverty to drive down wages. That kind of thing? A bit simpler than the historical census you seem to imagine I propose. We could call it 'redistributive taxation'.

No this is theft and is illegal under Totalibertarianism. Those who engage in theft must be crushed like bugs.

Now, the ongoing game of monopoly. At the moment, while property and money is somewhat unevenly distributed, and players pass on their hand, good or bad to their children,  at least we have a person who enforces the rules. They might be amenable to bribery, and not entirely even handed, sometimes they make bad decisions. In theory at least we can replace them. Its not ideal but I think its preferable too allowing the rules to be interpreted by whoever has the money and power to enforce them. Actually monopoly is a fairly poor analogy for modern society and I'm beginning to wish I hadn't introduced it.

No the rules are interpreted and enforced by the World Totalibertarian Liberation Army, and perhaps our friends in the World Totalibertarian Front. Anybody can interpret and enforce the rules, so long as they are totalibertarians and interpret them in such a way.

Security / Re: Questions on the LE Spyware and what it means to us
« on: September 11, 2013, 04:59 am »
1. How do we know if our machines are infected. I know its best to be safe than sorry and format anyway at the slightest doubt. But I want to find a way to actually test to see if any machines are infected. Are there any processes or files we can search for, any rootkit finder apps (think sysinternals rootkit revealer type apps), sypyware finders etc. that we know alert positive to its presence.

It didn't install a rootkit. I believe the term for what they did is 'beaconing' (though you could also call it a proxy bypass attack, or a side channel attack, but I suggest not calling it a side channel attack in front of any cryptographers). Essentially, they hacked you, phoned home immediately with your MAC address, also getting them your IP address, and that was that. Nothing persistent was installed. There was a cookie set but it expired after half an hour.

The attack only worked against Windows. If your OS is not Windows, you are fine. The attack only worked against version 17.0.6 of Firefox and prior, if you had an up to date Firefox, you are fine. It had been patched a month prior to them using it. The attack requires javascript to be enabled, if you had javascript disabled, you are fine. The attack can only phone home an IP address if you didn't isolate Firefox from external IP address. If you used Whonix or Qubes with a TorVM you are fine, and also you are fine if you isolated firefox yourself. If you used Whonix or isolated yourself they cannot even phone home a real MAC address. They can only phone home a real IP address if firefox isn't isolated from the network, if firefox can only talk to Tor because of firewall rules you are fine, which means even if the attack was targeted against Linux users and they infected you on Tails, they could only phone home a MAC address and not an IP address because the Tails Browser is network (but not process) isolated.

So you were not compromised at all if you meet any of the following criteria:

A. You don't use Windows
B. You had updated your browser roughly within the past month
C. You did not have javascript enabled
D. You used Whonix or isolated yourself with HVM or isolated with TorVM

If you meet none of the previous criteria, but still meet the following criteria, they did not get your IP address but did get your username and MAC:

E. You had firefox network isolated with a firewall

2. Infection vectors, What are the chances the feds are currently using other sites to get it on our machines. Perhaps propagating links to news articles on the forums or main site, Are there any other sites known to be carrying the same payload.

The feds could try that but I don't know that they will be allowed to hack random people reading news articles. I guess they could make a fake news site and direct SR people to it in order to pwn them. It is totally possible. No other sites are known to be carrying the same payload or exploiting the same vulnerability.

3. I imagine with the amount of machines infected, the job of data-mining must be huge for the feds. SO I doubt its done by hand. Are all the details just stored on one big database for access later in individual cases. Or are there key markers like url bookmarks, apps or other things that if the spyware finds on the system will prompt the feds to do a manual investigation. or perhaps all infected systems are due for a manual analysis at a later stage

I doubt they infected many machines. They only infected people who not only took absolutely no additional security measures versus using vanilla TBB, but who were on Windows and who had a TBB that was more than a month out of date. They got only the very lowest hanging fruit, and it is actually debatable if they even got a single person.

4. I have seen a comprehensive list of the information that this tool is programmed to collect. but I cant believe thats all they would want. Can that tool keylog? can it be used to retrieve passport information or internet history in amnesic browsers?

This entire attack has been analyzed to hell and back by probably a hundred different professional level security researchers and hackers. It cannot do any of that.

5. I have read that the kit is memory persistent. I wanted to know If they mean this in the the sense that its written in the MBR and thus persistent after a fresh install or simply memory persistent and will only survive reboots and shutdowns.

It is none of those things, it crashes itself immediately after phoning home and the only thing left is a cookie that expires half an hour later.

6. Am I correct in the assumption that there is only one version of the tool and that is a windows binary only. So if we run Linux or Mac were good?

The exploit technically is cross platform, but the delivered payload is for Windows only.

I realise its probably tedious for someone techy to answer all this as they´ve probably been bombarded with questions since it first happened. So perhaps we could start a discussion or something, or if the info already exists point me in the right direction.

NP glad to help.

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