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Messages - kmfkewm

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A better answer from me would have been that the NSA probably actually cannot break all encryption, even with their multi billion dollar super computer. But even assuming they can, it doesn't mean encryption is worthless. If it takes them two days to decrypt a single message, why do you think they gonna spend two of those days decrypting your order for an ounce of bud.

Off topic / Re: Im just fucking disgusted with the world today.
« on: September 15, 2013, 06:31 pm »
How am I going to know how many people saw the video of me being raped? If some anonymous person downloads the video, how am I going to know that? Better yet, if it is distributed via PIR like systems, it becomes essentially impossible for anybody to know the number of people who viewed the video. I already said in another thread, it is not somebody viewing the video that causes the distress in the person depicted, it is the possibility that somebody will see the video. After a video such as this is uploaded to the internet, the possibility for people to see it will exist regardless of if anybody ever does see it, and in many cases the person depicted in the video will never be able to tell if no people or a thousand people or a million people saw the video. It is the possibility that someone will see the video that causes them stress, and that possibility is independent of anybody ever looking at the video or not.

is it useless to wear bullet proof vests because the US military has rockets?

But you can key AES-256 with partial output from SHA-512. You would just split the output in half. But might as well just use SHA-256. I believe it is also debatable if it would be safer to use SHA-512 or SHA-256. I have read some things indicating that SHA-256 would be safer, but one cryptographer I talked with said he would make the case that it is equally safe to use half a SHA-512 output as it is to use an entire SHA-256 output.

The thing is, cryptographic hash functions distill and evenly distribute randomness. At least, this is according to one thing I read a long time ago when I was first learning about cryptographic hashes, and I think it is true. So if you feed SHA-256 1 bit of entropy, the output 256 bits will have 1 bit of entropy evenly distributed through out them. This is the distributive property of cryptographic hash functions, the distillation property is that if you feed it 1000 bits of data which contain 1 bit of entropy, the output hash will have 1 bit of entropy in 256 bits of data. So if this is a correct understanding of cryptographic hash functions, it would seem that it would be safer to use SHA-256 to key AES-256, because let's say your password contains 256 bits of entropy. You feed the password to the hash function and the output hash has 256 bits of entropy. If you use SHA-512 and feed it a password with 256 bits of entropy, the output also has 256 bits of entropy, but now it is spread over 512 bits. When you take half of those bits to key AES-256, it would seem like you are only actually getting 128 bits of security, as each bit from the hash function has half a bit entropy due to the distributive property of cryptographic hash functions.

I am not sure if this happens in practice. From what I have read about cryptographic hashing functions, it seems like it should happen this way, and that it would be safer to use SHA-256 for the hash function to generate a key for AES-256. But like I said, one crytpographer said he would argue that both methods are equally secure.

Quantum computers have the **theoretical** ability to break common public-key algorithms (RSA/PGP), and Elliptic Curve cryptography regardless of key length and to effectively halve the key length of any symmetric algorithm (AES, Blowfish)

It's doubtful any of the prototypes around have the ability to do this yet, plus it's more likely they would build SKYNET or something with it than spend all day meddling with encryption. Who knows what the NSA has though.

If you want to trade super secret stolen government secrets encrypt it with SHA-2(512)/AES-256 or SHA-3(1024)/Threefish-512.

I would recommend the actual NIST SHA-3 winner which was Keccak but since nobody can trust NIST anymore would seem logical not to use anything they are promoting

AES-256 can only take a 256 bit key, you would only be able to use half the output of SHA-512. Threefish-512 can only use a 512 bit key, you would only be able to use half of the output of SHA-1024.

The security strength of SHA-2: SHA-224 is 112-bits, SHA-256 is 128-bits, SHA-384 is 192-bits and SHA-512 is 256-bits and if I remember correctly that's the default value in Truecrypt (SHA-512).

Threefish is a built-in block cipher for Skein, which is the same size as the block so you're right that Skein-1024 would be Threefish-1024 by default, Skein-512/Threefish-512 ect.

Truecrypt uses SHA-512 for its PRNG, you cannot possibly key AES-256 with a full SHA-512 output because AES-256 takes only 256 bit keys. The bit strength of SHA-X is X, in certain circumstances the security strength could be less due to various attacks, but if collisons are found with less than 2^X probability then the hashing function lowers the security of the overall cryptosystem. No collisions have been found for any of the SHA algorithms other than SHA-1, which apparently had its security lowered to 2^60, meaning with a given file and hash value, you could find another file with the same hash value after producing 2^60 outputs. So it would be bad to use this hash algorithm produce a key for a symmetric cipher, because even if the password is 128 bits a collison producing the same output hash value could be found after 2^60 attempts.

Off topic / Re: kmfkewm RL Identity compromised ***LINK***
« on: September 15, 2013, 04:39 pm »
kmfkewm, I would like to know the exact thought process you use when engaging in sex with someone >14 to 'justify' your actions.

I don't quite understand your question. You know >14 means greater than 14 right? The alligator head eats the bigger number. If you meant less than 14, well I don't really justify that I think 14 is a fine age of consent. Maybe in some cases younger than that is fine though. So I will assume you mean "I would like to know the exact thought process you use when engaging in sex with someone 14 years old", I suppose. Well for one, I don't engage in sex with minors, so I have no thought process during such a time that I could clarify for you.

I'm conflicted about this because in today's society we have it hammered in our head repeatedly that it is wrong, but, most people I speak with online seem to truly believe they are doing no wrong and it's society's rules which are the problem. Is this a person just playing on the psychology of a 'normal' citizen because he knows it will question this person's reality or does a person like this really believe their actions are justified and if so, why?

Don't you also have it hammered in your head repeatedly that using drugs is wrong? Does that make it wrong then? Also, it highly depends on the country you live in. In some places it isn't really taboo to have sex with teenagers. In other places it is taboo but not criminalized. Then we have places like the USA, where it is not only extremely taboo, but also extremely criminalized. Even the UK and Australia are not as bad as the USA. In the USA in many places the age of consent is over 16. Areas of the USA have some of the highest ages of consent in the entire world.

I really think it is fine if people have sex with young teenagers. It has been seen as fine for almost all of human history, across almost the entire world. The age of consent was only raised to 16 about 150 years ago. Then it was again raised to 18 in several places. In the USA anyway, in most of Western Europe it isn't above 16 and in some parts it is as low as 13.

It isn't like anybody wants to force 12 or 13 or 14 year olds to have sex with people. In reality, even if it was legal to have sex with 14 year olds, not a whole lot would likely change. Some 14 year olds might have sex with older people, but they probably would have anyway. Some adults might try to have sex with 14 year olds, but in most cases they wont be able to. The biggest difference is that the police will need to stop doing undercover sting operations to bust people trying to have sex with 14 year olds. They can instead spend those resources busting people trying to have sex with 11 year olds I suppose.

I don't see why people have such a negative idea of sex and teenagers. Maybe it is because Christians are terrified of people having sex outside of marriage, and they think that by increasing the age of consent they can increase the probability of people remaining virgins until they are married. Maybe it is just a social disease that was started in the 1880's and has spread out of control since then, reducing otherwise somewhat rational people into rabid beasts. Obviously religious groups have had a big say in the age of consent.

But really what is wrong with someone having sex with a 14 or 15 year old? I mean, someone having sex with a baby is clearly wrong, the baby doesn't even know how to talk let alone consent. Someone having sex with anyone who has not reached puberty seems wrong because pretty much inherently someone who has not reached the age of puberty has no desire for sex, and any consent they give would be superficial and clearly the result of being manipulated by an older person, or simple innocent experimentation that should not be exploited. But past puberty the reason why it would be immoral to have sex with someone is much less clear. Because they have not developed enough emotionally is something I commonly hear, or because they are at a huge power imbalance with adults. Sure, for people who reached early puberty only I can see this, but these things become less and less true rapidly after the onset of puberty. I think a 13 year old is much more likely able to consent than a 12 year old, and a 14 year old much more likely to be able to consent than a 13 year old. I think 14 is a good age for this reason, although maybe in some specific cases even younger would be fine as well.

I just don't see what the big deal is. Save your outrage for people raping kids or something, if you get all upset about someone having sex with a 14 or 15 year old you just same delusional to me. Especially the people who freak out about someone having sex with a 16 year old in one state but not another. Fuck a 16 year old in one state and you are the most horrible sexual predator and need to be locked up forever, in another state it is fine and you are just normal. The people who are hell bent on others not having sex with 14 year olds, or 16 year olds, etc, they would be happy to keep raising the age of consent. They think that a 20 year old is hardly mature enough to handle sex, and if they thought they could get away with it they would raise the age of consent to 21 like it is in Madagascar. They would probably try to raise it past 21 if they thought they could get away with it! I think their ultimate goal is to ensure that no sex happens outside of marriage, if they can make it illegal to have sex prior to the age of marriage they will be very happy.

However, I do agree with lowering the age of consent because it would eventually allow people to be more free with each other at a younger, making it less taboo. I'm not sure what kind of effect it will have on society in the long run but it would be interesting to see if a 13 year old who is willing to engage with someone her on age, are also willing engage with someone much older. Yeah, I'm not sure where I'm going with this, just trying to understand it...

There is nothing to figure out. If we want to have a free society we need to make it so that truly only people who hurt others are punished. Having sex with a willing 13 or 14 year old, rare as they may be, is not going to cause serious damage to them or in most cases probably any damage to them. There is a massive difference between a 14 year old and an 8 year old but people pretend that they are the same thing. You want to see how society will be when it is legal to have sex with 14 year olds you don't need to look past much of Europe. Germany, Italy, etc.

There is no legitimate reason for it to be taboo to have sex with young teenagers. It is just taboo because it is taboo. If you want to protect children from sexual predators how about take the legions of police posing as 14 year old girls on the internet and have them start posing as 8 year olds. Seems like better spent resources to me.

Quantum computers have the **theoretical** ability to break common public-key algorithms (RSA/PGP), and Elliptic Curve cryptography regardless of key length and to effectively halve the key length of any symmetric algorithm (AES, Blowfish)

It's doubtful any of the prototypes around have the ability to do this yet, plus it's more likely they would build SKYNET or something with it than spend all day meddling with encryption. Who knows what the NSA has though.

If you want to trade super secret stolen government secrets encrypt it with SHA-2(512)/AES-256 or SHA-3(1024)/Threefish-512.

I would recommend the actual NIST SHA-3 winner which was Keccak but since nobody can trust NIST anymore would seem logical not to use anything they are promoting

AES-256 can only take a 256 bit key, you would only be able to use half the output of SHA-512. Threefish-512 can only use a 512 bit key, you would only be able to use half of the output of SHA-1024.

Philosophy, Economics and Justice / Re: Why I abandonded Libertarianism
« on: September 15, 2013, 03:10 pm »
Bonobos also regularly engage in pedophilia , does that mean that it is natural for humans?

Sadly the evidence would strongly suggest that this is so, my expectation however that if the behaviour did not confer survival benefits to the Bonobos, then it's likely as taboo for them as it is for us, and is likely punished. 

However, your question does point out an important consideration in my analysis, namely that just because our ape ancestors did something, does not mean that we humans must also do it (or condone it).

My objective was rather to explore the overall social structure of our closest human relatives, to see what might be most natural for us.  Again we need not embrace that natural reality, but it would likely be our tendency.

Apes also throw a lot of poop.  I don't think we should do that either.  :-)

It is not taboo for them it is common and part of their social structure. Since you think humans should base our society off of apes, I guess that means you think pedophilia should be the norm.

Off topic / Re: kmfkewm RL Identity compromised ***LINK***
« on: September 15, 2013, 02:09 pm »

At the opening of America's iconic (albeit controversial) romance epic, Gone With the Wind, 16-year-old Scarlett O'Hara fends off flirtatious propositions from the 19-year-old Tarleton twins -- a moment rendered indelible in the subsequent film by the gifted actors Fred Crane and George Reeves. I suspect few of the countless high school students who read this novel each year reflect on the morality of the age difference between Scarlett and her suitors. The stark reality is that a consensual sexual relationship between a 16-year-old and a 19-year-old is a prison offense in many states, including New York and California. New York State goes even further: Two 16-year-olds enjoying a voluntary sexual relationship are legally committing crimes against each other, with both partners being "victims" and possibly even sex offenders. These draconian and puritanical laws are largely the product of a conservative political culture that has transformed the fight against child molestation into a full-blown war on teenage sexuality. We now live in a moral milieu so toxic and muddled that we lump together as "sex offenders" teenagers who send nude photos to each other with clergymen who rape toddlers. A first step toward reversing this madness -- and actually protecting the health and safety of teenagers -- would be to revise the age of consent downward to a threshold in accordance with those of other enlightened nations.

The widespread decriminalization of homosexual intercourse over the past two decades has led many Western nations to reexamine "age of consent" statutes for both same-sex and opposite-sex couples. Great Britain, after considerable national debate, chose 16 at its magic number in 2003, although a minority of liberal Britons, led by gay rights activist Peter Tatchell, continue to push for a cut-off at 14 years. In 2008, Canada has also settled upon 16. French law sets the age of majority, in matters of romance, at 15. Our other closest cultural and moral allies fall into a similar range: Belgium (16), Denmark (15), Germany (14-16), Greece (15), Holland (16), Italy (14), Norway (16) and Sweden (15). The outliers are even lower, not higher, such as Spain's threshold of 13. What these nations have accepted, and many in this country still refuse to acknowledge, is that teenagers do have sex -- lots of it -- and that criminal law is neither an effective or an ethical means of deterring their sexual desires. (The average age of first sexual intercourse remains well below 18 in the United States, including in those states with an 18-year-old age floor, suggesting that a majority of teens violate these laws with impunity.) Furthermore, when it comes to older teens, it is not at all clear why safe sexual relationships should be deterred. If a 16-year-old can enjoy sex responsibly -- using birth control, taking measures to prevent the spread of disease -- and he or she wishes to add sexual pleasure to the rich tapestry of adolescent life, why shouldn't we encourage that individual to do so? It seems a far less dangerous endeavor than hunting, which New York licenses at the age of 12 (versus 17 for intercourse) and California allows at 16 (versus 18 for sex). Driving, too, is far more dangerous than sex. Whether the age of consent should be 16 or 15, or even a year younger, is a complex question that our society needs to address. Keeping the age of consent at 18, as do 12 states, is no more reasonable that setting it at 10.

The purpose of "age of consent" statues is presumably to prevent the exploitation of children who are not yet mature enough to make wise decisions or who do not understand the implications and consequences of sex. (Of course, one could apply that same reasoning to many other potentially-corrupting activities -- attending church or synagogue, for example. Yet nobody argues we should shield children from religion until they reach 18 and are thus old enough to understand the implications and consequences of religious practice.) Another justification for age-of-consent laws is that the sort of adults who prey upon young children sexually are also likely to harm them in other ways, including violently -- to cover up their deeds, if for no other reason. These concerns for the safety and welfare of minors justify legal regulation, but only up to a point. A college freshman who asks a high school junior on a date poses little threat to the commonweal -- even if that date ends in bed. Statutes criminalizing such behavior are far more likely to harm teenagers than to help them -- whether by denying them access to necessary information, deterring them from sharing their experiences with teachers and counselors for fear that they or their partners will be reported to authorities, or driving them to have sex in parked cars and dark alleys rather than safe, warm bedrooms. In fact, in many states the responsible and sexuality-aware parent who creates a safe environment for a teenager to explore his or her sexuality with peers can face prosecution and even loss of custody for contributing to the corruption of a minor.

The Christian right and its political allies have similarly co-opted efforts to crack down on child pornography as part of their drive to suppress teenage sexuality. Child pornography statues, which were initially designed to prevent predators from exploiting children, are now increasingly being used to prosecute or intimidate teenagers who receive sexually explicit photos of their boyfriends or girlfriends. Some of these teens have even been charged under child pornography statues themselves -- including a 17-year-old Ohio girl who was prosecuted for "sexting" her own partially-clad photograph to an ex-boyfriend who was over 18. The problem is not with these teenagers. The problem is with the statutes. While sexual images of 16- and 17 year olds may of course be used inappropriately -- as may those of adults, for that matter -- the individuals who should be punished are those offenders who misuse these images, not the teenagers who take them or the romantic partners who savor them. Exploitation is wrong. Neither sex nor nudity are inherently wrong or inherently exploitative. Alas, we appear to have forgotten how to tell the difference.

The media all too often focuses on cases where sexual relations are non-consensual (such as Roman Polanski's encounter with Samantha Geimer) or where authority figures, such as teachers and coaches, seduced young charges in their care. But many teenagers are prosecuted for consensual encounters with their peers or partners only a few years younger than themselves. Some of these cases prove truly Kafkaesque. In Florida, for example, a 15-year-old girl recently had consensual sex with four 17-year-old football players -- and then, by her own admission, allegedly fabricated rape charges against them. The boys, who are the actual victims in this case, now await trial on charges of "lewd and lascivious battery of a minor," a serious felony. In Georgia, the widely-publicized tragedy of 17-year-old Genarlow Wilson -- sentenced to 10 years in prison for consensual oral sex with a 15-year-old girl -- nearly ruined the life of a promising young man without in any way protecting the welfare of other teens. These are merely the tip of the forensic iceberg. On a regular basis, morally blameless young adults are prosecuted, forced to register as sex offenders, and even deported for consensual sex-acts with 16- and 17-year olds that would be legal in Canada and often in neighboring states. What is a loving relationship in Newark or Las Vegas is the worst of all crimes in New York City and Los Angeles.

Teenagers are smart. They understand that sex can be pleasurable and that it can enhance the intimacy of their relationships. Telling them otherwise -- by insisting, for example, that "sex is for adults only" -- defies their lived reality. We should instead be emphasizing safe sex practices, open communication, and gender equality. We should not tolerate, for example, any double standard that winks at teenage boys for having multiple partners but disparages girls who do so. We should take a warning from the old joke: What do you call teenagers who receive abstinence-only sex education? Anwers: Mothers and fathers. I look forward to the day when those adults who preach an anti-sex philosophy to teenagers become as unpopular as the teens who embrace it.

That is not to say that some teenagers won't choose to remain celibate. I cannot imagine why they would, by I respect their right to do so. However, those 16- and 17-year-olds who want to indulge in one of life's great pleasures should not have to worry about the long arm of the law coming after them or their partners. Even more important, our society needs an open debate on this question. For far too long, those progressive voices who would bring common sense to the issues of teenage sexuality have been afraid to speak out for fear of being branded sympathetic to pedophiles and sex predators. The reality is that a reasonably lower age of consent, and a frank national discussion of adolescent sexuality, would serve the interests of the very minors that current laws are supposedly trying to protect. Pro-sex is Pro-safety. Conservative parents are certainly entitled to encourage their teenage daughters to keep their legs crossed, much as they may tell their sons that masturbation causes blindness. What they do not have have a right to do is to lock the rest of our society in a chastity belt by fighting a war on sexuality under the specious guise of protecting teens from themselves.

Off topic / Re: kmfkewm RL Identity compromised ***LINK***
« on: September 15, 2013, 01:55 pm »
Seems the UK is really hell bent on lowering age of consent to 13 or 14 heh.

LONDON, September 1, 2010 ( – One of Britain’s leading homosexualist activists has called again for the lowering of the age of sexual consent from 16 to 14, saying that this will reduce incidents of sexual abuse of young people. Peter Tatchell, founder of the group OutRage!, wrote on the website Big Think, “Whether we like it or not, many teenagers have their first sexual experience around the ages of 14 or 15.”

“If we want to protect young people, and I do, the best way to do this is not by threatening them with arrest, but by giving them frank, high quality sex and relationship education from an early age.

“This includes empowering them with the skills, knowledge and confidence to say no to unwanted sexual advances and to report sex abusers. Compared to the blanket criminalization of sexually-active under-age youth, this empowerment strategy is a more effective way to protect young people from peer pressure and pedophiles.”

A higher age of consent actually puts young teens at greater risk of abuse by “reinforcing the idea that young people under 16 have no sexual rights,” Tatchell said. “They signal that a young person is not capable of making a rational, moral choice about when to have sex.”

“Guilt and shame about sex also increase the likelihood of molestation by encouraging the furtiveness and secrecy on which abuse thrives,” he added.

“Despite what the puritans and sex-haters say, underage sex is mostly consenting, safe, and fun,” Tatchell said. “If there is harm caused, it is usually not as a result of sex, per se, but because of emotional abuse within relationships and because of unsafe sex, which can pass on infections and make young girls pregnant when they are not ready for motherhood.”

OutRage! has long lobbied for the lowering of the age of consent in Britain, which was already lowered for homosexual acts from age 21 in 1994 and again in 2000 to 16, after heavy lobbying by homosexualist activists.

Carolyn Moynihan, an Auckland journalist with a special interest in family issues, responded at Mercatornet, saying it is “a little bit surprising” that Tatchell has made the suggestion at the time when he is part of a protest against Pope Benedict, whom he accuses of failing to protect young people from sexual predators.

Moynihan said, “Of course there will always be underage people who have sex, but that doesn’t mean the law should condone it. Sex is a very complicated part of human behavior that is too nuanced for young people to understand.”

She cited studies that have shown that young people, especially girls, who have sex at early ages often regret it. She quotes Daily Telegraph columnist David Lindsay saying, “Sex is for people who can cope with the consequences, physical and otherwise. In a word, adults.”

Off topic / Re: kmfkewm RL Identity compromised ***LINK***
« on: September 15, 2013, 01:53 pm »

THERE are depressingly few fields in which Britain claims top spot among our European partners. More depressing still is that one of them is teenage pregnancy. British teenagers have the highest pregnancy rates in the EU. Rates of teenage births are twice those in Germany. Britain also has the highest abortion rates in Western Europe.

A survey carried out in 2000 showed that nearly a third of men and a quarter of women aged 16–19 had heterosexual intercourse before they were 16. Another survey in 2005 showed that more than one-fifth of schoolgirls have had three sexual partners by the age of 14.

To read these figures you would think that the British nation is sex crazed, with teachers and parents hammering home to children the delights of carnal gratification. Yet the reverse is in fact the case. For Britain is famously prudish about sex. The prospect of having ‘the talk’ fills parents with an icy chill. Then you have the toe-curlingly awkward sex-education classes in school, which are little more than an hour long snigger-fest for teenagers who already know more than the poor teacher.

It is also worth noting that until recently the sex education class fell under the purview of the science department. It was treated as a cold, clinical look at the mechanics of reproduction, and barley skimmed the emotional aspects of relationships and consent.

Britain’s attitude to sexuality is wildly out of date. It is stuck in the mindset of a bygone age, and ignores the facts on the ground. The most fundamental flaw in our slavish devotion to the age of consent remaining at 16.

Sixteen is a totally arbitrary age of consent. It originates from 1885. There is, however, no medical or psychological evidence that 16 (as opposed to 14 or any other age) is the age of sexual or emotional maturity. As we have seen, teenagers are having sex long before then.

Sixteen is also relatively high by European standards. British teenage pregnancies are double those of Germany’s. Yet our Teutonic cousins have an age of consent of only fourteen. So the idea that lowering the age of consent would lead to more teenage mothers is a baseless one.

One can’t even make the argument that British youngsters are exposed to more sexual imagery. Public attitudes to sex and nudity are far more relaxed on the continent, and with access to the internet, there’s northing British teens are watching that French or Dutch teens can’t. Much like alcohol, the difference is cultural. Indeed, it’s rather telling that British and American attitudes to nudity are fairly similar, and both the US and UK have a teen birth rate far in excess of their European counterparts.

The principle argument against lowering the age of consent is that it would make more young people vulnerable to the nefarious appetites of sexual predators. However I would argue that the opposite is the case. At the moment, those under 16 have no sexual rights. The State and society have told them that have no right to make a decision about whether or not they are ready for sex. This is exactly what child abusers believe and exactly what they want their victims to believe.

Would it not be better to educate 14 year olds in their rights? Would it not be better to arm 14 year olds with the facts? Would it not be better to empower 14 year olds to become the masters of their own sexual identity? A sexually aware 14 year old that is treated like an adult is far less likely to become a victim than a sexually ignorant 14 year old who is treated like a child.

Lowering the age of consent to 14 would not only recognise the reality of today’s Britain, it would also encourage a more open attitude to sex and relationships. Under the current system, two 15 year olds in a sexual relationship are criminals. They are forced to keep their relationship secret. This helps nobody. Secrecy means the parents are unable to provide emotional support, and by having to remain hidden, the teenagers are cutting themselves off from the resources and education available to those just a few months older than they.

The desire to prolong the innocence of childhood is an understandable one from parents. Nobody wants to think of their little angels as sexually active. But the reality is painfully different. By blinkering ourselves to the facts, we are doing our youngsters a great disservice. In order to satisfy our own selfish need of a rose tinted view of our teens, we are depriving them of the support they need. This attitude bleeds into the schools. Too many teachers are reluctant to educate those under 16 about sex for fear of being pounced on by puritanical Daily Mail readers, or parents fearful that their precious offspring are being corrupted.

For decades Britain and the US have buried their heads in the sand over teenage sex. Some would like to think that it simply doesn’t happen. Others want to blame the media and the internet. Others even hoped that teaching abstinence would work. It wasn’t even that long ago that teaching teenagers about touching themselves was considered a step too far. The result has been teenage pregnancies, STDs and education system laughably out of sync with the very people it is supposed to help.

Lowering the age of consent to 14 would reap many benefits. Critically, it would decriminalise a swath of young people who are guilty of nothing more than obeying their anthropological impulses. A better educated bracket of young people would more astute, and able to make well informed choices about sex, greatly improving STD and pregnancy rates. And by allowing more youngsters to become the primary stakeholder in their own sexual identity, we are more effectively protecting them from horrors of sexual predators.

A good starting point would be to introduce a sliding scale of consent. For example sex with a consenting 14 year old would be legal provided the other party is no older than 21. Similar systems work well in places like Germany, Israel and Switzerland. These countries have recognised that different people reach emotional maturity at different ages, and that many youngsters engage in harmless sexual experimentation with each other, such as mutual masturbation or oral sex. The solution is education and loose system of safeguards, rather than blanket criminalisation.

If having the age of consent at 16 is meant to be beneficial to society, it has abjectly failed. The figures speak for themselves. Teenagers are having sex earlier than the law states. We can carry on pretending everything is fine and in doing so condemn another generation to become depressing statistics. Or we can recognise the reality and create a system whereby teenagers, parents and teachers drop the mutual deception and engage in constructive education and discourse.

PS: I am a big fan of the German age of consent system as well, but I would like to point out it is still legal for people over 21 years old the have sex with 14 year olds, they just need to meet more requirements than those under 21. For example, they cannot give gifts to the person under 16, and they can technically be charged with a crime but only if the person who is under 16 (or their parents) file a complaint AND after psychological evaluation it is determined the person under 16 is not capable of consent. For people under 21, they can have sex with 14 year olds with less restriction, in that they can give them gifts and they cannot revoke consent and do the psychological evaluation thing.

Off topic / Re: kmfkewm RL Identity compromised ***LINK***
« on: September 15, 2013, 01:21 pm »
lol. Lots of people want the age of consent lowered actually. Two of the most important things for society to do right now: liberalize sex laws, legalize drugs. After those measures are taken we will be much closer to a libertarian society.

Barbra Hewson, a Barrister in the UK:

It’s time to end this prurient charade, which has nothing to do with justice or the public interest. Adults and law-enforcement agencies must stop fetishising victimhood. Instead, we should focus on arming today’s youngsters with the savoir-faire and social skills to avoid drifting into compromising situations, and prosecute modern crime. As for law reform, now regrettably necessary, my recommendations are: remove complainant anonymity; introduce a strict statute of limitations for criminal prosecutions and civil actions; and reduce the age of consent to 13.

Many officials in the UK have recently suggested lowering the age of consent to 14

Lowering the age of sexual consent to 14 and allowing public nudity were among ideas suggested by Downing Street officials drawing up new laws on personal freedoms. The changes floated by the Number 10 policy unit after being asked to come up with new ways to extend personal freedoms, it was reported.

Not just in UK either but the entire world. There is a growing global movement to both lower the age of consent to something reasonable, and to legalize the possession of child pornography. I know this upsets many people, but I have confidence that the lovers of freedom will win and not the brainwashed idiots :). We have truth on our side, they have emotions.

dual_ec_drbg has been known as backdoored by the NSA for YEARS now. This is not news at all.

Off topic / Re: Im just fucking disgusted with the world today.
« on: September 14, 2013, 10:31 pm »
And this weeks peado quotes of the week go to :

But I still do not think it is the pictures he had that should put him away, ..... People looking at jailbait it doesn't bother me at all (nor would it bother me in many cases if they actually had sex with young teenagers), even people looking at a lot of younger CP doesn't really bother me (though they should not have sex with young children).
A picture of a severely abused child is not a severely abused child, many people who are into such images can keep their fantasies compartmentalized, there is no proof that people looking at such pictures causes children to be harmed, and it is magical thinking to think that viewing the picture causes the depicted child to be harmed again. I still do not think such image should be censored, because we need to have freedom of information we cannot have censorship no matter how disturbing the things some people enjoy looking at are. The same reason why I think it should be legal to look at jailbait or look at holocaust picture it holds for all information.

Filthy bastard

What's so filthy about that? He only said that people looking at CP didn't bother him.

Didn't you hear? If people looking at CP doesn't bother you it means you pedophile and want to eat children.

Off topic / Re: Im just fucking disgusted with the world today.
« on: September 14, 2013, 09:56 pm »
I like how you slipped in the old fact that it wouldn't bother you if they had sex with teenagers. Get yourself over to and let off some steam.

primeassteens is illegal, and if you view images of enthusiastic teenagers flashing their mirrors for their camera phones, I have it on good source that you cause them to flash their mirrors for their camera phones all over again.

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