Silk Road forums
Market => Product offers => Topic started by: fc422 on October 28, 2012, 12:39 pm
IS there much demand for these?
I looked on SR, KingofClubs looks absolute garbage, the hologram is all wrong.
Fullfrontals looks correct but he's charging £300 for a bit of teslin and inkjet ink.
I can do 100% accurate pre 2007 licenses for cheap. is there much demand? I'd wanna sell 3 or more a week at £100 for it to be worth my while in all honesty.
bumping cuz of spam
Id be interested as long as they look 100% genuine. Problem is lots of others look shite and is hard to tell if vendor has a legit product
Same here, I'm very interested but it's just too hard to tell if the product is any good. True, your price would be cheap but getting caught with a bad looking fake license would make it so much more expensive. Quality's the only reason I don't have a fake license yet. Maybe if someone'd start making post-2007 at a decent quality I'd be convinced. Definitely in the market though, need a fake licence to match the fake passport.
I would also be buying a license at that price, granted that quality was acceptable. By the looks of this thread you are likely to be profitable here, also considering that there are potential customers not aware of this thread....
the post 2007 is more or less the gold standard of ID worldwide.
I can fake it if you want to lend me £100,000 to buy a LCP9000 in line card printer, laminator and laser engraver? And explain to the company why I need it convincingly?
The pre 2007 isn't too difficult, hence why they changed it.
Mine are perfect. Not passable, perfect.
I still have a 2007 license and apart from the fact my old one is 7 years old and battered I can print one out and I'd feel confident handing it to a police officer (considering I know my details, photo etc are in the system)
People charging 300 for them are just gouging, it's laminated teslin paper with a few tricky bits. They take me 60 mins and £5 in materials, the equipment cost me more but I've recouped that investment already.
£100 is a nice little earner for me, so expect to see a new SR seller shortly.