Silk Road forums

Discussion => Silk Road discussion => Topic started by: slanker on April 11, 2013, 09:08 am

Title: thinking about vending
Post by: slanker on April 11, 2013, 09:08 am
Ok at a better location going to rewrite this really fast.

A little about myself. I have been to college off and on. I'm going to be finishing this year. I'm currently 23 years old.
After college Ill be getting a job that will yield be about 40k starting.
I want to be a vendor more or less for fun. I don't see a huge income in this while doing a solo gig. I also don't trust anyone. People are POS

Anyway I have removed the following from my list of vending
E- Hard to get the required mats to synthesis. I may look into again if I can find profit with buying the chems off silkroad.
LSD-Seems to hard to synthesis

I don't want to be a reseller. This is more or less a hobby. If I can make a hobby into a full time job that would be great but I don't plan on it. The IRS is a big pain in the ass.

So that really just leaves me with
Salvia- I really don't plan on moving this much anyway tbh.

What I am looking for is advice for a person starting off. I'm not looking for gimmicks on sources and how I should resell.

The game plan is offering free samples at mailing costs to people with greater than 10 feedback.
As silkroad does not offer amazing sorting features for people to find vendors that is all I can really think of.
I will be starting off with domestic orders only.
I all ready have my grow setups in line.
This is just looking for advice on what to look out for as a vendor on the deep web and some of the risks.

Title: Re: thinking about vending
Post by: Fallkniven on April 11, 2013, 09:34 am
...Maybe saliva but that's a very dirty drug...

lol - good luck selling that
Title: Re: thinking about vending
Post by: slanker on April 11, 2013, 09:46 am
I really don't see it moving and its a dumb drug
Title: Re: thinking about vending
Post by: Fallkniven on April 11, 2013, 09:52 am
Title: Re: thinking about vending
Post by: slanker on April 11, 2013, 10:12 am
Pfft dmt. Salvia divinorum. Didn't notice it till the facepalm
Title: Re: thinking about vending
Post by: HEATFan on April 11, 2013, 11:12 am
So... what exactly are you asking us here? Looks more like a thought process to me.
Title: Re: thinking about vending
Post by: slanker on April 11, 2013, 12:12 pm
Just really some input... advic. Maybe something I overlooked
Title: Re: thinking about vending
Post by: coachella420 on April 11, 2013, 12:56 pm
One day guys, im going to be a real big drug dealer and your all going to be sorry you ever poked fun at me!

Honestly, you don't wake up and say "I think today I will start selling drugs." Where you gonna get all this product? You gonna redistribute from shipments you get from Holland? Now your a gloried amazon warehouse worker, and you make the same too. This aint all glory kids, its a lot of sitting in front of a vacuum sealer, and a roll of tape, yelling profanities because you forgot which box had what. I don't even own a fucking gun man. Its a shame. I do own a impluse sealer though, im pretty bad ass with that, maybe burn someones fingers or something.

This is your plan
1. Become drug dealer
Title: Re: thinking about vending
Post by: anton on April 11, 2013, 01:06 pm
Some possible things to consider:
Long term:
People do get caught and some are currently serving time for vending on the silk road. the seller sh4d1 is now doing 3 year.
Short term:
It is a very involved job requiring you to be at your computer once or twice every single day.
Having to trust people in real life who more than likely are drug users themselves.Communication problem, drugs dissapearing, etc
Title: Re: thinking about vending
Post by: slanker on April 11, 2013, 01:33 pm
I know the cost of the products I'm getting how m going about it.

Issues I'm currently facing is security for myself. I'm solving that in another thread. How I go about that will determine how often I can get online. Bmr does seem to have a better rating system as you can rate buyers in there respect of drugs gone missing.
Title: Re: thinking about vending
Post by: Sc0t1and_Y4rdi3 on April 11, 2013, 01:40 pm
A little about myself.
I'm 23. Have some college background. Plan on finishing next year. the job market does not look promising so if a life of a honest man doesn't pay than why not one that does not fall into the law. They seem to make a good earning. I would still have a job on there side that pulls in around 40k a year.

OK so here is where I'm at. Lsd seems too hard to make and mdma is very controlled on getting the chems. So it leaves me with shrooms and pot. Maybe saliva but that's a very dirty drug.
Shipping in the  US is no real issue. I would want to offer international shipping but I don't want to risk customer safety. Things get a little tricky with xrays. I have some ideas how to do it but I'd want to test before making it available to customers. Some input on that would be nice.

Now also something I have thinking about is should I vend on sr or bmr
Sr pros
A lot of people use it
High start up costs
This is a pro/con it has a lot of media attention

Low start up cost
Allows untec savy people to send you an encrypted message.
Better vendor sorting options
Smaller community
Has withdraw fees on top of selling fees.

I plan on low prices. Its not going to be a primary source if income. It would be nice if it would but the high profit margin drugs are harder to obtain. With weed being legal in some states has also messed the market a little.

dang boy you sound pretty stupid for a 23 year old
Title: Re: thinking about vending
Post by: Jediknight on April 11, 2013, 02:29 pm
When you are ready to make money ,  pm me. 

I'll set you up with your Own onion website , linked to Silk Road.  You can play around all you want and you will be re-selling products from vendors to your customers.   It's called. Re shipping.   Be the middleman and let vendors do what they do best. They got the experience and know how.  You don't.

This your best bet to get started for free.  Yu earn money on each sale through your onion site.   So, you round up possible buyers on the clear net and provide a service to them. They can take the risk of using Silk Road themselves and having to learn all about it. -or you can take care of this for them so to speak. 

Make it easy for them.  Rely on Silk roads security and escrow for the final part of the sale.   You use your own onion site as a marketing tool .

You can sell (re sell) any product on Silk Road.  The vendors here become your suppliers. They don't even know. You are the customer making the buys for your clients.

Anyway,  there area t scenarios.   This is just a free option wih no investment.
Title: Re: thinking about vending
Post by: sharonneedles on April 11, 2013, 05:27 pm
When you are ready to make money ,  pm me. 

I'll set you up with your Own onion website , linked to Silk Road.  You can play around all you want and you will be re-selling products from vendors to your customers.   It's called. Re shipping.   Be the middleman and let vendors do what they do best. They got the experience and know how.  You don't.

This your best bet to get started for free.  Yu earn money on each sale through your onion site.   So, you round up possible buyers on the clear net and provide a service to them. They can take the risk of using Silk Road themselves and having to learn all about it. -or you can take care of this for them so to speak. 

Make it easy for them.  Rely on Silk roads security and escrow for the final part of the sale.   You use your own onion site as a marketing tool .

You can sell (re sell) any product on Silk Road.  The vendors here become your suppliers. They don't even know. You are the customer making the buys for your clients.

Anyway,  there area t scenarios.   This is just a free option wih no investment.

Why not setup a clearnet site that advertises for this instead of an onion site?
Title: Re: thinking about vending
Post by: slanker on April 11, 2013, 05:41 pm
Updated my post and really don't want to be running an onion site selling drugs. I wouldn't mind contributing to one
Also note I updated my main post as it was posted in a rush.
Title: Re: thinking about vending
Post by: Bronangen on April 11, 2013, 06:09 pm
My advice, build off that job your going to be getting and drop any vending idea right now. Its just not for you.
Title: Re: thinking about vending
Post by: sharonneedles on April 11, 2013, 07:11 pm
Is there a way to receive cash without opening a PO box using a fake id? As little crime as possible would be good. I'm talking about non-sr vending.
Title: Re: thinking about vending
Post by: coachella420 on April 12, 2013, 12:25 am
Is there a way to receive cash without opening a PO box using a fake id? As little crime as possible would be good. I'm talking about non-sr vending.

Look kid, your asking this shit on a PUBLIC forum that can be accessed by anyone. You probably shouldn't be vending. Don't be a vendor, you will end up being arrested for accepting a paypal payment. Only once you have accpected the fact that you might one day have a man lick your butt with grape jelly, then you are prepared to vend.