Silk Road forums
Market => Rumor mill => Topic started by: Jediknight on April 11, 2013, 03:37 am
Nobody ever seems to review this guy's speed pills, but I think they are damn good. There are only two choices here on the road for street speed pills in North America . 'Ice' logo speed pills and these ones from Arigolo.
They are a mix of different amphetamines.
Of course, you build a tolerance to amphetamines, so after two weeks they stop working and you take a break for a month.
Anyway, the extra get up and go and concentration is great. I don't find them harsh or hard on me. I don't go too hard either. I use them steady for a week or so to get me up and ready for the world.
They are about the same as any dex or Ritalin pills, only a lot cheaper. Same ingredients anyhow. I find after two weeks, the effects are about half. Then after one month daily abuse, the tolerance is too high to feel a buzz. But, they still stimulate and work great for concentration. I just take a month break every two months to let my tolerance to back down.
I thought I'd share this with anyone looking for something new. It's pretty cheap, $175. For 50 pills. That is about one month of being high all day and night. I find one pill lasts the day for the first week. Then two pills a day on he 2nd week and so on.
A better investment than coke or xtc if staying awake and getting housework done is a priority. :-)
Amphetamines are great for getting shot done.
My house has never been so clean . I also have the sexual stamina of a young man.
I've tried the ICE pills before.
Unfortunately while they do give you a very clean tweak that lasts for a while they don't do much else. Ritalins give you more euphoria. It would be great for work though if not abused because my only experience was I took 5 of those ICE pills in one sitting :P
Overkill I know, I was just expecting more so I thought they were under dosed or something so every hour I took more only to end up just really tweaked. It was very clean though.
They are definitely great for the energy and focus like you mentioned. The comedown from those are 100% better than adderall or ritalin and you don't get anxious on it.
Thanks for the review. I'll pick some up myself now because I was waiting for a proper review.