Silk Road forums

Discussion => Off topic => Topic started by: Razorspyne on April 06, 2013, 09:22 am

Title: Oops, Pinned Topics Now Unpinned?
Post by: Razorspyne on April 06, 2013, 09:22 am
It's in the title. ;)

I feel bad asking this but does anyone know why the pinned topics are now all unpinned from Off topic?

Piece, Love, and Fuck Haters.
Title: Re: Oops, Pinned Topics Now Unpinned?
Post by: Ron Swanson on April 06, 2013, 10:56 am
someone's been doing some spring cleaning.
Title: Re: Oops, Pinned Topics Now Unpinned?
Post by: Razorspyne on April 06, 2013, 12:47 pm
..... or they are just a little Irish around here with priorities.... ::)

Piece, Love, and Fuck Haters.
Title: Re: Oops, Pinned Topics Now Unpinned?
Post by: Jediknight on April 06, 2013, 01:48 pm
I'm on the forums 24/7 basically and enjoy reading a lot. 

As a heavy forum user, I'd have to admit that the stickies were taking up too much room and quite annoying for repeat visitors.  First time visitors need those stickies though. 

Use stickies only for emergency notifications.  They will get better attention this way too.  I wouldn't even notice if anyone changed the stickies. I ignore them each time because I'm desensitized to them. They aren't alarming anymore. 

Display More posts per page to accommodate stickies:
They should go into configuration and set the number of posts per page to a higher number, so more posts fit on a page.  This will reduce a lot of clicking around. It's not like there are ads to display, so there is little benefit to showing few posts per page.  Bandwidth is saved on one hand, with quicker page loads, but lost on another hand with more clicking around to find what you need.  You can also adjust these settings in configuration to show more posts on certain threads only.   

Understandably, they don't want to tinker with configuration settings because it could open up holes.  Most developers setup a mock site or a 'sandbox' to run tests and try things out before posting to the public version.  I'm sure they do for this site.

Just some suggestions in case anyone reads.

 I'm the webmaster for many sites IRL.
like to write too, although I use a tablet on this site and my grammar sux on a tablet.  Damn auto correct .  :-(
Title: Re: Oops, Pinned Topics Now Unpinned?
Post by: Razorspyne on April 09, 2013, 03:52 pm
Quote from: Jediknight - locked thread
Strangely, Nomad's common sense is actually a good buy.  The guy has a lot of it. Read his posts.  He should be a consultant.

Quote from:  Razorspyne - locked thread
He is a consultant. He provides a basic service and more in depth service at differing purchase costs. There's no one on Silk Road I'd trust more with purchasing a consulting listing. He's not here to waste your time.

Still trying to decide if above post harsh and still can't decide lol. Rubbed me the wrong way.

Piece, Love and Fuck Haters.

Quote from:  Jediknight - locked thread
I hope you don't mean my post?

It's a compliment without kissing up.   

To elaborate, Nomad is the most knowledgable member I read posts here yet.

The guys writing is stellar and I can't wait for his book to come out.  Best seller indeed.

As a newbie, I ran Into Nomad for the first time and thought, this guy is either a genius or a computer bot.!!  His advice is worth every penny.   Does he sleep or just shift shapes ? Hehe

I wish he would stay on the road, but he's capable of much bigger things.  Like his book!!!!!!!

Sorry,  I use a tablet and type fast with lots of errors. Lol.  Maybe that's why I rub people wrong?  I'm not an ass, just coldly honest.  Everyone seems to say I rub them wrong in my posts?  Strange.

I'd gladly pay for his advice.   

No, I was referring to my own post above your post. I didn't make that clear though.

Piece, Love, and Fuck Haters.
Title: Re: Oops, Pinned Topics Now Unpinned?
Post by: Razorspyne on April 09, 2013, 04:04 pm
I'm on the forums 24/7 basically and enjoy reading a lot. 

As a heavy forum user, I'd have to admit that the stickies were taking up too much room and quite annoying for repeat visitors.  First time visitors need those stickies though. 

Use stickies only for emergency notifications.  They will get better attention this way too.  I wouldn't even notice if anyone changed the stickies. I ignore them each time because I'm desensitized to them. They aren't alarming anymore. 

Display More posts per page to accommodate stickies:
They should go into configuration and set the number of posts per page to a higher number, so more posts fit on a page.  This will reduce a lot of clicking around. It's not like there are ads to display, so there is little benefit to showing few posts per page.  Bandwidth is saved on one hand, with quicker page loads, but lost on another hand with more clicking around to find what you need.  You can also adjust these settings in configuration to show more posts on certain threads only.   

Understandably, they don't want to tinker with configuration settings because it could open up holes.  Most developers setup a mock site or a 'sandbox' to run tests and try things out before posting to the public version.  I'm sure they do for this site.

Just some suggestions in case anyone reads.

 I'm the webmaster for many sites IRL.
like to write too, although I use a tablet on this site and my grammar sux on a tablet.  Damn auto correct .  :-(

Faster loading is the reason why I leave it at the factory default of 15. You can usually see enough I find. And the fact that I don't like clicking all the time. It was just a little weird to seem them disappear without notice, not a big deal, just a little weird. I've been here long enough to realise all the site updates/FAQ info come from the members lol.... ::)

Piece, Love, and Fuck Haters.
Title: Re: Oops, Pinned Topics Now Unpinned?
Post by: TrashBox on April 10, 2013, 01:27 am
idk  razzzyyyy... and you are the person I would typically ask... hmmmm

 :-* :-*
Title: Re: Oops, Pinned Topics Now Unpinned?
Post by: Limetless on April 10, 2013, 01:30 am
Yeah I have gotta say this is quite annoyin, it's hard to find all the product specific threads in the rumor mill now.