Silk Road forums

Discussion => Off topic => Topic started by: Flush on January 23, 2013, 06:33 pm

Title: Suicide is not the answer!!!
Post by: Flush on January 23, 2013, 06:33 pm
I think there was a thread about this not too long ago. I just want to say to all those that have thought about suicide to get help, reach out, hell, reach out to anyone, a friend, boss, psychologist, whatever.. I almost lost someone I dearly love with a suicide attempt. Its not the answer all it will do is cause extreme pain to all those that care about you. you may not think anyone cares, but I assure you, someone does.... So, please, anyone considering that, please wait a few days and talk to someone before you do it... The pain of knowing that someone that I care about even attempted it is so unbelievably intense...

Title: Re: Suicide is not the answer!!!
Post by: raynardine on January 23, 2013, 11:35 pm
Suicide is a very selfish and cheap cop-out.

It does not lessen the burden on your friends and family, it weighs them down worse than anything you could possibly do while still alive.

Endure the pain. It'll get better.
Title: Re: Suicide is not the answer!!!
Post by: spacyschiz on January 23, 2013, 11:43 pm
Suicide is not selfish. It's selfish to expect someone to go on living, even though they feel like a sack of shit, for your own personal comfort and benefit, whatever that may be.

How can you expect someone to live through all the pain life has given them, to feel invisible, hurt, like walls are closing in on them? To feel like everyone that has loved them has abandoned them and that they have no one left? That's not selfishness. It's not their duty to make others feel happy when they don't even feel like life is worth living.

Just because someone commits suicide doesn't mean they don't care about their loved ones. It usually means that they don't want to hurt their loved ones anymore, and they don't feel like they have anywhere to turn to. They may know, really deep down, that people care, but they're too emotionally and mentally screwed up to acknowledge that.

As someone who has had very personal experiences with suicide and depression, it kills me when people deem suicide selfish. You have no utter idea what being numb and hopeless feels like.

I'm not validating suicide. I think life is an extremely beautiful and fragile thing, and that it's the most important thing you can ever hold on to, because without it, you're nothing. If someone's battling depression, I hope they know people do care, and that people can help so long as you hold out.
Title: Re: Suicide is not the answer!!!
Post by: redalloverthelandguyhere on January 24, 2013, 12:49 am
Suicide can be acceptable.

Say some USA troop was last man on the outpost and a mob of armed Afghans were coming!

The Russians would save a bullet  for themselves as the Afghan women woudl spend hours using knives to inflict extreme pain so the other Rusians could hear it.

Apart  from that - talk to people - suicide is a lack o communication, plus isolation. The cure is love, riendship, atlas2012 fair trade hash!

Seriously, ig your contemplating suicide, get in touch, tell me why you need to do it and I'll tell you why not.

You never know what or who is around the corner. Each day lives change or thr better just via some chance encounter.

Life is 99% wioe and 1% happiness.

Forget yesterday opr come to terms with it - enjoy today, save tomorrow or tomorrow.

Go or a pint, take some E, get an education, read books, meet people, go some keep it also which is a greathelp or depression.

Eat well! Good ood is cheap - avoid processed food.

Be wary of anti depressents, but i they work, they work.

Title: Re: Suicide is not the answer!!!
Post by: brianbertz on January 24, 2013, 06:10 am
I've tried several times to kill myself... Not lately tho. Makes me kinda sound dumb for failing several times but I think I just wasn't meant to die or something. Overdosed on purpose, tried hanging myself twice... Once the rope broke and second time my parents came in my room after I tied a belt to the coat hanger on my door and I passed out. Its just intense feeling when you seriously contemplate killing yourself and it is horrible but I think it fucks with your head so much that you aren't thinking straight so its not that you are being selfish cuz I personally don't think that comes to mind right away if at all until its over... If you weren't successful.
Title: Re: Suicide is not the answer!!!
Post by: brianbertz on January 24, 2013, 06:13 am
I think there was a thread about this not too long ago. I just want to say to all those that have thought about suicide to get help, reach out, hell, reach out to anyone, a friend, boss, psychologist, whatever.. I almost lost someone I dearly love with a suicide attempt. Its not the answer all it will do is cause extreme pain to all those that care about you. you may not think anyone cares, but I assure you, someone does.... So, please, anyone considering that, please wait a few days and talk to someone before you do it... The pain of knowing that someone that I care about even attempted it is so unbelievably intense...

~Flush hi

Sorry to hear that I hope your friend or whoever it was is OK and gets the help they need. Hopefully that opened their eyes and makes them cherish life more. It took me a while.
Title: Re: Suicide is not the answer!!!
Post by: flaxceed on January 24, 2013, 06:28 am
Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem.
Title: Re: Suicide is not the answer!!!
Post by: kitkat82 on January 24, 2013, 07:16 am
I've tried several times to kill myself... Not lately tho. Makes me kinda sound dumb for failing several times but I think I just wasn't meant to die or something. Overdosed on purpose, tried hanging myself twice... Once the rope broke and second time my parents came in my room after I tied a belt to the coat hanger on my door and I passed out. Its just intense feeling when you seriously contemplate killing yourself and it is horrible but I think it fucks with your head so much that you aren't thinking straight so its not that you are being selfish cuz I personally don't think that comes to mind right away if at all until its over... If you weren't successful.

Glad that you were unsuccessful.  It is true that when someone is considering suicide that they really do feel as though others would be better off without them.  Not everyone has family members who care for them, sad to say, but it is the truth. 

But yes, it is ultimately a selfish act, but I don''t think that the people who actually make true attempts do them unless they are convinced that it would actually be better for everyone involved if they did so.  Some societies actually consider committing suicide as an honorable act following anything that brings shame onto their families, for example the japanese (Seppuku)
Title: Re: Suicide is not the answer!!!
Post by: brianbertz on January 24, 2013, 05:50 pm
I've tried several times to kill myself... Not lately tho. Makes me kinda sound dumb for failing several times but I think I just wasn't meant to die or something. Overdosed on purpose, tried hanging myself twice... Once the rope broke and second time my parents came in my room after I tied a belt to the coat hanger on my door and I passed out. Its just intense feeling when you seriously contemplate killing yourself and it is horrible but I think it fucks with your head so much that you aren't thinking straight so its not that you are being selfish cuz I personally don't think that comes to mind right away if at all until its over... If you weren't successful.

Glad that you were unsuccessful.  It is true that when someone is considering suicide that they really do feel as though others would be better off without them.  Not everyone has family members who care for them, sad to say, but it is the truth. 

But yes, it is ultimately a selfish act, but I don''t think that the people who actually make true attempts do them unless they are convinced that it would actually be better for everyone involved if they did so.  Some societies actually consider committing suicide as an honorable act following anything that brings shame onto their families, for example the japanese (Seppuku)

Thanks. So Ami. I think you said it perfectly.
Title: Re: Suicide is not the answer!!!
Post by: sbmafia on January 24, 2013, 09:40 pm
So sad...

I used to live in Alaska and i personally know many many young people who commited suicide from isolation and depression.. Its a huge problem up there like no one in the lower 48 knows..

Title: Re: Suicide is not the answer!!!
Post by: Dankbank1 on January 24, 2013, 09:57 pm
I've been in tough times, I know shit can be rough sometimes, if anyone want to talk shoot me a PM we'll work something out. I can be a great listener I'll do anything I can to help.
Title: Re: Suicide is not the answer!!!
Post by: brianbertz on January 25, 2013, 03:47 am
So sad...

I used to live in Alaska and i personally know many many young people who commited suicide from isolation and depression.. Its a huge problem up there like no one in the lower 48 knows..


Alaska has a lot of crazy stuff go on from what I've seen on Alaska state troopers.
Title: Re: Suicide is not the answer!!!
Post by: Save0nDrugs on January 25, 2013, 05:08 am
Same here. I am here for anyone that would like to talk.
Title: Re: Suicide is not the answer!!!
Post by: kitkat82 on January 25, 2013, 05:12 am really sometimes seems like the only option for some people, I get it.
Title: Re: Suicide is not the answer!!!
Post by: hoobydoobydoo on January 25, 2013, 06:44 am
Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem.

What about an assisted suicide for an elderly person with a permanent problem making them miserable?

Personally I think it is beyond fucked up that we don't allow seniors to decide when it is their time in these situations.

I want that option when I am old.
Title: Re: Suicide is not the answer!!!
Post by: livestr0ng on January 25, 2013, 07:23 am
thank you OP.
Title: Re: Suicide is not the answer!!!
Post by: Razorspyne on February 20, 2013, 04:11 am
I think there was a thread about this not too long ago....

Correct. Perhaps this one? /index.php?topic=91289.0 (Best suicide options?)

....I just want to say to all those that have thought about suicide to get help, reach out, hell, reach out to anyone, a friend, boss, psychologist, whatever.. I almost lost someone I dearly love with a suicide attempt. Its not the answer all it will do is cause extreme pain to all those that care about you. you may not think anyone cares, but I assure you, someone does.... So, please, anyone considering that, please wait a few days and talk to someone before you do it... The pain of knowing that someone that I care about even attempted it is so unbelievably intense...


Flush.................., it was poor form on my part not to not respond on your thread, though I am sure you understand. This is twice your head has popped up in this regard, you made a rare appearance last year to give your advice to Suicide’s thread; the only admin member to do so.

Wrong to be a dick about it and not give advice before just b/c u and I mix with very different people. Perhaps I have some  growing up to do. If suicide is really an issue close to you then by all means PM them. Fact you even created a thread on it is evident of your realisation of the seriousness of this issue. I want to reactivate this thread temporarily for the above reason and also as there has been 3 threads created on this topic. I’m not going to share you my personal xp into the matter over Main, you have the option of PM’ing me, I guess I can’t offer clinical solutions, but sometimes talking can help. No, scratch that, talking ALWAYS helps. If somebody gets to the stage they are thinking about suicide then obviously there are chemicals swimming around in their body that have no right to be there, brought on a lot of times by exostress and a series of issues the person had no right to be put through. I can understand if you don’t PM me though. In fact I expect it. Silk Road forums scan be a very cliquey place sometimes, and there’s reason for that. Lot of [edit.] has [edit.] Flush, but still should have answered your thread and bumped it until people got the message that suicide is not okay. I can understand it. I totally get it. I shake my head, yawn, at all those passers-by who say suicide is cowardly and/or selfish, they have no clue what they are talking about as they have not been in that position. If this causes me to get into a bit of a tiff with a fellow SR member, so be it. You have no right to say that unless you have been there, so I ask, have you been there? It feels like as many as 1 in every 5 has to chime in with this opinion, it is rife, so very common,but I just said that people who say this have not been in that situation, so do the maths; if so many people hold this wrong notion, then it clearly not being corrected by people who have been suicidal, and if it has not been corrected it has not been talked about, and if that is the case I think it is time we corrected that.

God, the whole reason suicidal people don’t talk about it is the reason it occurred in the first place, most truly suicidal people don’t talk about due to their personality, the same personality that allowed it to happen in the first place. They just do it usually, without talking to anyone. If somebody makes a post about planning suicide it means A) they are seeking attention, or B) They really are serious, and are making one last attempt to reach out and then that’s it they are done wth it, cannot be bothered trying anymore.

Irrelevant what my reasons were for not answering those 3 threads. If any of those 3 OPs are reading this though, then the above is what I have to say about it and I have no clue whether it helped or was just a waste of space saying it. Anyway, I wanted to respond to Flush as I really fucked up. Whatever the [edit.], should’ve have been posted, and then this thread bumped into fucking oblivion, b/c it is an important issue.

Anyway, perhaps you won’t read this Flush, or perhaps will and not care b/c it came from me. Doesn’t matter. Suicide can be complex; people are different so I guess reasons for suicide can vary by the bundle. Still, what isn’t complicated, is that fact it has to be talked about. There’s a few people on the recent suicide threads that have doubted the legitimacy, sure, truth be told I nearly made an inquiring post myself then thought better, b/c at end of day only real person who knows for 100% sure is them.

But it needs to be discussed. And it needs to be discussed right now, and on this forum.

People can do what they like after this post. I’m out again for the day. Contribute or don’t, I don’t care. But if you’re one of those who has to say something nasty on every post, realise that you’re boring, oh so boring, and find another thread to troll.

Piece out. Drive safely. Eat plenty. And talk to somebody. Phuc sake people.
Title: Re: Suicide is not the answer!!!
Post by: flaxceed on February 25, 2013, 08:54 am
Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem.

What about an assisted suicide for an elderly person with a permanent problem making them miserable?

Personally I think it is beyond fucked up that we don't allow seniors to decide when it is their time in these situations.

I want that option when I am old.

That's different.  imho.
Title: Re: Suicide is not the answer!!!
Post by: tedrux on February 25, 2013, 10:30 am
fuck any one who cares about me, no one in my life is worth my sympathy. There was one person I cared for...but she cast me out and shunned me. I don't even know if I'd care now if she decided to come back. I should have changed for her...decided to give a shit about who I was and where my life was headed...but even when some one who brought me as close to love as I've ever been was trying their hardest to save me I acted as a lousy peice of shit. and I don't feel too much guilt over it. I'm not completely devoid, but it only comes to me in a few quiet moments. I'm not a functional human being and my problem plain and strait is me; me not having it in me to change me even when there was something of worth on the line. how do you plan on solving that? I don't need your consolation, I just figure theres enough aimless scum bags hanging around....lets thin out the population a bit...let lost causes like me rest in peace or burn in hell but in either case to get out of your way. looking for a good way out and asking for help, pm me please.
Title: Re: Suicide is not the answer!!!
Post by: XXXotica on February 25, 2013, 04:18 pm
From the outside looking in, yes, suicide is not the answer and completely selfish. On the other hand, there are reasons that makes suicidal individuals believe that suicide is the ONLY answer. Both are opinions and heart felt beliefs so its hard to say suicidal individuals are selfish etc. even though to me it appears that way. Everyone may not be able to handle various situations, mentally or physically. We're all not created the same so id definitely say the problem with most suicidal individuals is not getting help. Any help goes a long way. So if you are in this situation talk to someone, even though it may seem like a non- option, give it a shot (easier said then done of course).
Title: Re: Suicide is not the answer!!!
Post by: Jediknight on February 25, 2013, 04:38 pm

I'm sure everyone knows this already: 
February is a tough month for seasonal affectedness disorder sufferers, depression and bipolar sufferers.  Its the month that people reach out for help and hit rock bottom emotionally.  Keep your eyes out for people reaching out on this forum. It may come in a variety of ways, sometimes awkward and strange, but suicide threats should be taken extra seriously this month.  You could save lives by saying the right things.  (Like you already have, nice work)

I think this forum naturally attracts people who feel isolated and want to reach out to other like-minded people like them.  Its not all business here.  There is a community here with people from all backgrounds and emotional states and it really shows.

 People posting in this thread are very insightful and give good advice. I love reading these forums and seeing people offering a helping hand to others.  Compassion and understanding are great qualities -

Kudos to everyone for helping others out.
Title: Re: Suicide is not the answer!!!
Post by: grdr on February 25, 2013, 05:00 pm
I was thinkin and keep thinking about it alot but well lets see ...

you end your shit life or living hell or wherever you are and you just don't exist anymore but isn't not existing worse than existing as a trash ? i don't know I just keep it this way if the day is bad i just laught and say can it get any worse for me and it sometimes gets better .. I mean if you;re suicidal buy some cocaine or some heroin or methamphetamine, injecting cocaine will give you rush you've never imagined existed and well you'll have something to live for.. Atleast..
Title: Re: Suicide is not the answer!!!
Post by: SelfSovereignty on February 25, 2013, 05:13 pm
I'm sorry, but I just don't see how someone can believe that drugs should be legal and we should all be able to choose to take them if we understand the risks -- but then turn around and say that suicide isn't acceptable or shouldn't be allowed.  It's my body.  It's my mind.  It pains me that there are those who would suffer because of my death, but the circumstances do not leave me at all obligated to place their well being over my own.  It is my body and I believe I have every right to do as I wish with it, so long as I don't impact anyone elses freedom to do as they will with theirs.

If you believe drugs should be legal because you believe we should be able to choose for ourselves, but don't believe people should be allowed to kill themselves if they truly come to the decision that they no longer wish to live... you're just hypocritical and your opinion on the matter is irrational.

There are worse things to be, but it's still the textbook definition of a hypocrite.  Please understand that not everyone was born with a biology that allows them to live a happy fulfilling life.  What you feel is not what everyone else feels.  If someone says they prefer to end it early rather than wither in pain for years... be their friend and let them go.  The kindest thing you can do for them is to make sure they know you'll miss them when they're gone.

As for a cop-out... you people leave me in awe sometimes.  What's a cop-out, to look objectively at a situation, logically decide the chances for enjoying it are all but nil, and choosing to avoid further suffering by no longer taking part?  If you believe those are the circumstances you're in and you're saying that YOU wouldn't be so weak, and that YOU would choose to tough it out... for what you fucking moron, more pain?  There's no reward at the end.  You die at the end.  The time inbetween is the only difference, and if you don't enjoy that, you were a damn fool for sticking around.  That's not the same as strength.