Silk Road forums

Market => Product requests => Topic started by: jfots8620 on January 19, 2013, 06:13 pm

Title: Quaaludes ?
Post by: jfots8620 on January 19, 2013, 06:13 pm
anyone ever get Methaqualone, Quaaludes?havent ate since 1982, mexican ludes that were going round,close to original but nothing compared to the 712's and of course the 714's
oh the 70's.....
Title: Re: Quaaludes ?
Post by: connoisseur on January 19, 2013, 07:09 pm
In South Africa they are sold under the brand name Mandrax, if that is any help to you.
The locals crush them and mix them into their dagga (weed). It is a pretty fucked turn that left me tih blackouts. But itwas enjoyable once.
Title: Re: Quaaludes ?
Post by: n0n00dz4u on January 19, 2013, 07:27 pm
Hang on let me check my grandmother's medicine cabinet...

Srsly tho the modern day manfestation of the infamous quaalude would be Buspirone. Just try not to snort it.
Title: Re: Quaaludes ?
Post by: connoisseur on January 19, 2013, 08:35 pm
In Germany they were sold unter the brand name Metodril but that was 3 decades ago.
Title: Re: Quaaludes ?
Post by: jfots8620 on January 19, 2013, 09:01 pm
are there any for sale on the road now?
Title: Re: Quaaludes ?
Post by: echo_ on January 20, 2013, 03:38 pm
Haven't ever seen any, and I look around for them.
Title: Re: Quaaludes ?
Post by: treebeard on January 21, 2013, 05:16 pm
I love to see uncommon and esoteric drugs like this pop up in the market, as they do now and then

it's not impossible that somebody will come across them and sell them in a one-off instance,
maybe someone with access to the markets where it's still available
Title: Re: Quaaludes ?
Post by: Jediknight on January 22, 2013, 09:31 pm
Jeese .  Do they still make those?    Good luck.    There is so much better these days. Not sure why you would want those.   They stopped marketing those because there is much better Pharms to replace them these days.
Title: Re: Quaaludes ?
Post by: jfots8620 on January 23, 2013, 03:38 am
they were outlawed cause it was number two most used drug in usa,instead of weed. quaaludes were most euphoric high i ever experienced in a pharmaceutical, deff first person i ever heard to knock ludes. btw how old are you? have you ever tried a genuine rorher 714 ? cause dont think youd be saying opinion though as an old hippie
Title: Re: Quaaludes ?
Post by: quinone on January 23, 2013, 10:44 pm
There's a few threads for these, unfortunately none came back with any sources.

They're huge as Mandrax in South Africa, we all know that, partly why I wonder why a vendor hasn't been able to bring em here.

But at any rate, bump to your thread, I too would like a handful of methaqualone's just for the experience of what this ultra popular 70s barbituate were.  Let us know vendors if anyones leaving south africa anytime soon :)

Thanks for bringing them back up in the forums jfots
Title: Re: Quaaludes ?
Post by: AnonymousAddict on January 23, 2013, 11:04 pm
GOD id love some real deal old days Quaaludes..My dad said they were just fucking awesome!!!

Also a really good drug iv been looking to try and is only inernational iv found so far is 

"Dicanol"  I hear they fuck your world up and are useually giving to people who cant take morphine. Iv found one vendor with them an cheap..

Anybody ever tried them?

Also keep this thread bimped for finders of the Q'S

Title: Re: Quaaludes ?
Post by: jfots8620 on January 23, 2013, 11:43 pm
no problem brother, sure miss em .. ur dad is right bro, if u dont mind me asking guessing he round 50ish,as i am. they were phenomenol unless u over did it. remember in like 76 i come home and my dad was waiting for me ,wondering where hell i was, make long story short,he asked what was wrong and he said all i could sayand that he could make out of my jibberish was ludes.. lol... andjibberish tt

only to get woken up next day by saint of a mother whacking me with her favorite wooden spoon
oh my younger days
Title: Re: Quaaludes ?
Post by: quinone on January 23, 2013, 11:47 pm
they were outlawed cause it was number two most used drug in usa,instead of weed. quaaludes were most euphoric high i ever experienced in a pharmaceutical, deff first person i ever heard to knock ludes. btw how old are you? have you ever tried a genuine rorher 714 ? cause dont think youd be saying opinion though as an old hippie

They were replaced because a new class of drugs that were FAR SAFER were introduced (Benzodiazepines ... benzos), not because there are better pharms.

I've never tried methaqualone so cant speak from experience but i'm inclined to agree with jfots here in that they were/are probably the best pharm maybe next to fentanyl (i'll never know though i have some strange allergy to fent, it just makes me like GHB tired, no euphoria, just ultra tired and ... nothing good).

The FDA pushed HARD and even overlooked some of it's own policies to get some of the 1st gen benzo's to market so they could outlaw barbituates (and methaqualone ... aka Quaalude) as fast a they possibly could.  They were being abused more then any other pharm then maybe oxy's but that was only cuz you could drive from a totally diferent state to to burbank county in florida with an MRI note and go to 15 pain clinics in one to return with over $20,000 street value of oxy's that you only paid maybe $2k for (not sure, dunno what drugs cost, don't pay for these types of services and doc visits like Americans), then go back the very next day and do the exact same thing and not have the doctor give one shit at all cuz the clinics were there for $$$$$$.  There was a time where there were like 5+ clinics on one streeet spanning just one block. 

Took Florida so long to develop a central database to record where massive massive quantities of oxy's were going that by that time oxycontin was a regular street drug because many other states took note of the Federal government's ineptitude to put responsible measures in place to the distribution of highly addictive narcotics that many other states were at that time also doing the same, oxy's flooded the streets cuz of the government, but had they not.

Quaaludes would likely still reign supreme as the most sought after.  It actually WAS monitored closely right from it's NDA approval and yet was in reportedly high demand.  This is why I want a handful to try :).  Though I imagine they're probably not that great if you take them orally, and I will never in my life stick a needle in my arm (which presumably is what would get you the most fucked up best feeling any legal pharm in the last 30 years has provided  l... EXCEPT perhap's oxymorphone, or the APPROPRIATELY tapered Morphine HCl drip, oxy's are also liked more by some then other and some ppl find them to be the  best thing there is.  I'm not one of those people.  Dillies are better).

It's about experimentation, just wanna try eating one methaqualone see how it makes me feel, then try 2 on my next adventure :).  Sadly though even though they make them still in South Africa, and there are capable chemists (not me) around here who could make you methaqualone, i've yet to see them on SR.

For the record, don't biuy methylmethqualone, may be a similar analog, but it's not the same drug, wont\'t get you as high, and i've read actually mostly nothing but bad things and nothing good about it.
Title: Re: Quaaludes ?
Post by: jfots8620 on January 23, 2013, 11:59 pm
i only ever ate them. back then thats how we did most our pills. theyd give me so much energy ,unless u over did it,then u were done. it was so funny cause in the bars half be dancing,fifghting,all that fun stuff and other half on them were sleeping on the bar.. effected many people different ways
Title: Re: Quaaludes ?
Post by: quinone on January 24, 2013, 01:02 am
i only ever ate them. back then thats how we did most our pills. theyd give me so much energy ,unless u over did it,then u were done. it was so funny cause in the bars half be dancing,fifghting,all that fun stuff and other half on them were sleeping on the bar.. effected many people different ways

Damn i'm glad to hear you say that.  I never want to put a drug into my body through a needle whether it be IM or IV, I mean nothing personal to those users that do, it's just a personal ticking point of my own, I don't judge or look down at anyone who chooses to use needles as their ROA, it's your body, please do with and put into it whatever you want, howver you want (except poison, I don't wanna hear of anyone committing suicide :( ).

The nrg thing was also very happy to read.  I figured they'd lay you on your ass, and as of now I have no drugs in my repretoir that give me energy, they all tire me out (i'm a benzo, opiate, nitrous, try new things, but not PEAs cuz i know they wont work being on an SNRI and all.  I will also never try meth or crack, just never, ever, for any reason .. You may all do as you wish, I do not wish that in my body :) ).

Damn shame adderall is to expensive and I hardly understand why either.  Parents have it prescriptive to their kids by like a massively huge margin, so you'd think the market would be flooded with em, but nah, they can even be rare to see on here,  and when they are theyr're expensive.

I really would like to try one actually to compare it's dichotomy to all the tiring benzos/opiates i'm a user of, but damn i'm not dropping $30 on a pill as if it were the same cost as an opana 40 !).  If anyone has a few lying around and wouldnt mind selling me one cheap (SELLING, I DON"T WANT YOUR OR ANYONE'S SAMPLES !!!!!  If you're established vendor already then you deserve money for your drugs) please send me a PM, i've been interested for quite some time, just cost is ... too much (and yeah I know im asking for 'a lot cheaper', but not FREE!), besides just want one (or 2 if that's what;s needed for the appropriately good high, i dunno what the dosing's like).  I just really want to give em a try to see if they really do help with focus, and really do give you energy to do things.  I have 3 years of back taxes I gotta do lol. (all returns too).

Really interested in Methaqualone, hope to god someone can get us some.  I know googleyed has tried with it's two currently popular analogs, but one of those analogs I already said never to even touch, so :P,  I've hear the other (cant recall name, ethaqualone is it?) does either very little, or absoluitely nothing at all.
Title: Re: Quaaludes ?
Post by: treebeard on January 24, 2013, 01:10 am
i only ever ate them. back then thats how we did most our pills. theyd give me so much energy ,unless u over did it,then u were done. it was so funny cause in the bars half be dancing,fifghting,all that fun stuff and other half on them were sleeping on the bar.. effected many people different ways

Damn i'm glad to hear you say that.  I never want to put a drug into my body through a needle whether it be IM or IV, I mean nothing personal to those users that do, it's just a personal ticking point of my own, I don't judge or look down at anyone who chooses to use needles as their ROA, it's your body, please do with and put into it whatever you want, howver you want (except poison, I don't wanna hear of anyone committing suicide :( ).

The nrg thing was also very happy to read.  I figured they'd lay you on your ass, and as of now I have no drugs in my repretoir that give me energy, they all tire me out (i'm a benzo, opiate, nitrous, try new things, but not PEAs cuz i know they wont work being on an SNRI and all.  I will also never try meth or crack, just never, ever, for any reason .. You may all do as you wish, I do not wish that in my body :) ).

Damn shame adderall is to expensive and I hardly understand why either.  Parents have it prescriptive to their kids by like a massively huge margin, so you'd think the market would be flooded with em, but nah, they can even be rare to see on here,  and when they are theyr're expensive.

I really would like to try one actually to compare it's dichotomy to all the tiring benzos/opiates i'm a user of, but damn i'm not dropping $30 on a pill as if it were the same cost as an opana 40 !).  If anyone has a few lying around and wouldnt mind selling me one cheap (SELLING, I DON"T WANT YOUR OR ANYONE'S SAMPLES !!!!!  If you're established vendor already then you deserve money for your drugs) please send me a PM, i've been interested for quite some time, just cost is ... too much (and yeah I know im asking for 'a lot cheaper', but not FREE!), besides just want one (or 2 if that's what;s needed for the appropriately good high, i dunno what the dosing's like).  I just really want to give em a try to see if they really do help with focus, and really do give you energy to do things.  I have 3 years of back taxes I gotta do lol. (all returns too).

Really interested in Methaqualone, hope to god someone can get us some.  I know googleyed has tried with it's two currently popular analogs, but one of those analogs I already said never to even touch, so :P,  I've hear the other (cant recall name, ethaqualone is it?) does either very little, or absoluitely nothing at all.

yeah, addies are too rare and too expensive for the most part on here and on the street. 

I would actually reccomend dextroamphetamine (dexedrine) though, it's maybe a little harder to find than adderall, but the same price basically, and a lot better.

and even though barbs have been replaced with benzos, and I love benzos,
it would still be fun to just try them as a blast from the past / novelty / story
Title: Re: Quaaludes ?
Post by: jfots8620 on January 24, 2013, 02:00 am
damn idk where u all live but in my area and many i have frequented addies are dime a dozen. ive never sdpent more than 4 bucks on ir 30's.. really surprised you guys have trouble finding them. i was shocked when seen price addies on here. if you ever did a black beauty youd know addies are junk,but we all said that bout black beauties too when the bams startied becoming bpopluar.preluden would literaaly make u cum in ur pants after a shot... all the good ones are gone. they were just too damn potent.
as for barbs,other than reds never really liked em,only one i think of around now is phenobarb but there very weak
Title: Re: Quaaludes ?
Post by: quinone on January 24, 2013, 02:04 am
i only ever ate them. back then thats how we did most our pills. theyd give me so much energy ,unless u over did it,then u were done. it was so funny cause in the bars half be dancing,fifghting,all that fun stuff and other half on them were sleeping on the bar.. effected many people different ways

Damn i'm glad to hear you say that.  I never want to put a drug into my body through a needle whether it be IM or IV, I mean nothing personal to those users that do, it's just a personal ticking point of my own, I don't judge or look down at anyone who chooses to use needles as their ROA, it's your body, please do with and put into it whatever you want, howver you want (except poison, I don't wanna hear of anyone committing suicide :( ).

The nrg thing was also very happy to read.  I figured they'd lay you on your ass, and as of now I have no drugs in my repretoir that give me energy, they all tire me out (i'm a benzo, opiate, nitrous, try new things, but not PEAs cuz i know they wont work being on an SNRI and all.  I will also never try meth or crack, just never, ever, for any reason .. You may all do as you wish, I do not wish that in my body :) ).

Damn shame adderall is to expensive and I hardly understand why either.  Parents have it prescriptive to their kids by like a massively huge margin, so you'd think the market would be flooded with em, but nah, they can even be rare to see on here,  and when they are theyr're expensive.

I really would like to try one actually to compare it's dichotomy to all the tiring benzos/opiates i'm a user of, but damn i'm not dropping $30 on a pill as if it were the same cost as an opana 40 !).  If anyone has a few lying around and wouldnt mind selling me one cheap (SELLING, I DON"T WANT YOUR OR ANYONE'S SAMPLES !!!!!  If you're established vendor already then you deserve money for your drugs) please send me a PM, i've been interested for quite some time, just cost is ... too much (and yeah I know im asking for 'a lot cheaper', but not FREE!), besides just want one (or 2 if that's what;s needed for the appropriately good high, i dunno what the dosing's like).  I just really want to give em a try to see if they really do help with focus, and really do give you energy to do things.  I have 3 years of back taxes I gotta do lol. (all returns too).

Really interested in Methaqualone, hope to god someone can get us some.  I know googleyed has tried with it's two currently popular analogs, but one of those analogs I already said never to even touch, so :P,  I've hear the other (cant recall name, ethaqualone is it?) does either very little, or absoluitely nothing at all.

yeah, addies are too rare and too expensive for the most part on here and on the street. 

I would actually reccomend dextroamphetamine (dexedrine) though, it's maybe a little harder to find than adderall, but the same price basically, and a lot better.

and even though barbs have been replaced with benzos, and I love benzos,
it would still be fun to just try them as a blast from the past / novelty / story

Thanks for the advice, but dexedrine is just the S (right) enantiomer of amphetamine salt (dextroamphetamine),  Adderall while being made of about 75% dextroamphetamine is at least racemic containing as well even though less active the r (left) amphetamine enantiomer (levoamphetamine) which might have some intriguing differences in effect.  It also contains several other funky dextroamphetamine conjugates (eg. dextroamphetamine saccharide, etc.) ,so it'd release more bioavailable dextroamphetamine then dexedrine would.  But if I see it at a much cheaper price I might pick some up, thanks for the tip, didn't know the brand name(s) of optically seperated enantiomer specific s (right) enantiomer amphetamine (dextroamphetamine,), which is more active then the left (levoamphetamine), now I do, thanks :).  I'd also pick adderall cuz it contains the r (left) enantiomer amphetamine    as well as the

Keeping an eye out for vyvanse as well (at reasonable prices), cuz it to, while being L-lysine-d-amphetamine (or to many referred to as Lisdexamfetamine, even though L-lysine-d-amphetamine is far less deceptive and far more descriptive as to what the molecule is and what it's manufacturer's are trying to do ;) ), that's is that it's just the pro-drug of racemic (s, right ... more active enantiomer) dextroamphetamine lol (aka your body converts this chemical into dextroamphetamine, but since the patent on dextroamphetamine itself is up they just took an almost idental molecule that requires one cleavage to yield dextroamphetamine and called it a new drug vyvnse, and even tout it as having different effects and being suprior to adderal in their adds when it's the same damn thing just pure s enantiomer dextroamphetamine (vs. the mix adderal at least made an effor to see if they could find a more effect use of amphetamines on children) just like all the others.  Its just the drug companies get shady when their patent's are about to run out and start selling the prodrug that your body will just convert into the exact same drug they were selling under the other brand in the firs place lol).  Fucking douchebags :D

I've been considering and might go through with it, buying straight up biker .... amphetamine (crank) salt and smoking it :).  Would def. get me way way more ... amphetamized, and fuck it must be safe, like 10 drug companies took it and optically seperated it's enantiomers and gave it to children with the one difference being to tell the children not to smoke the amphetamine :D/

Thanks for the advice though, i'll still keep an eye on SR for it, cuz it's still a BASE amphetamine (in other words not an analog amphetamine aka PEA) and if the price isn't THAT crazy I might consider picking one up, it would definitely be far more potent.

Anyone knows of even just one 30mg adderal, some mg (i dunno how much the standard is) vyvanse, or quality crank (racemic amphetamine salts ... same thing as both prior mentioned drugs, just enantiomers not seperated ... ohhh and the big old boogie man DEA says its incredibly deadly but feeds one or the other of its enantiomers to their kids, word retarted DEA agents).  Gimme a shout, wanna give an amphetamine sale a try (and NOT the methylated kind ... aka methamphetamine, which if your interested to know is also actually sold as a pharmaceutical drug called Desoxyn.  Yes, METH is sold as a pharma called desoxyn lol).  Fucked up world we live.

Not asking if anyone comes across one as in for free sample, just if they come across one listed at a reasonable price compared to all these other dick prices ppl are selling it for, I buy ma drugs :).

Still really dont get though, there is SOOOO much Adderall and now Vyvanse out there cuz every parent in North America convinces themselves their child has ADHD when they actually just want their parents attention, or structure in their lives like we used to have before parents stopped caring about parenting their children and then begging doctors for ADHD meds that are actually amphetamine salts.  The very backbone of like 90% of the drug's we treat so heinous in society (MDMA, methamphetamine, 2C-A, E, I, O, U :D, all the NBOMe's).  Fucking ... just fucking lol

And here I am wanting to snort the shit :D, but im a  grown man knowing what im getting into and wanting to get into.  These poor kids don't know shit they're just told to take their pill and their parent's seem to know even less, like hey, let's take the dexedrine you mentioned and methylate the amine and ..... OH SHIT WE HAVE  METH ON OUR HANDS, BUST OUT THE DEA.

Such a puzzling world we live in.
Title: Re: Quaaludes ?
Post by: EnterTheMatrix on January 24, 2013, 02:19 am
The wolf of wall street all fucked up on 'ludes...

If anyone has access to Quaaludes please step up!

Matrix  8)